Volume 2, Issue 10 - Central Baptist Oakville
Volume 2, Issue 10 - Central Baptist Oakville
insıde central a way to connect Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo E d i t o r – E r r o l A n d e r s o n / G r a p h i c D e s i g n – B i l l G o o d b ra n d • Spring / Mola 2015 — Volume 4 Issue 2 340 Rebecca Street, Oak ville, Ontario L6K 1K3 • 905.845.2942 • ww w.cbcoak ville.ca From the Editor r. She tantalizes with a few Spring continues to tease us this yea warmth only to retreat into pleasant days of sunshine and relative ter brought us that eternal wintry cold and precipitation. But Eas and death of Jesus Christ and warmth as we observed the sacrifice tion with faith in eternal life. celebrated the warmth of His resurrec ew our Easter celebrations In this issue, Keith and Joan Doyle revi la Simoes reflect on the at Central Baptist Church and Ana Pau Portuguese Easter Conference. and well supported “Camp On April 11, we had a very successful what Camp Kwasind is all in April” at the church to show kids update in the next issue of about, and Christy will give us a full “Inside Central”. CBOQ will come to an end Pastor Michel’s term as President of led for June 11-13. This at this year’s assembly which is schedu OQ website concerning Issue contains an excerpt from the CB a reminder also, there is an the theme of this year’s Assembly. As tist Mission. excerpt as to the role of Canadian Bap the Month” in each Issue. We intend to feature a “Personality of na and this month we feature Last month we featured Victor Cartage ry Sunday. Let us get to know Kaiying Lui who we see in church eve him better! nce: Pastor Michel’s Our Pastors present topics of importa e “Stewardship: Attaining message introduces our Big Ideas them our Financial Goals” with eight Scripture passages dealing with money matters for our reflection, and Pastor Diné reflects on his inspiration drawn from two stalwarts in our congregation. Yours in Christ! Errol Anderson May/June ’15 Sunday, May 10th (Easter VI) 10:00 am – Intentional1Discipleship: 2 3 Part 1 (2Tim 3:16-4:5) Sunday, May 17th (Easter VII) 10:00 am – Intentional Discipleship: 5 6 7 8 9 10 Part 2 (Eph 4:11-16) Sunday, May 24th (Pentecost) 10:00 am – Inclusive Fellowship 12 2:36-47) 13 14 15 16 17 (Acts Sunday, May 31st (Trinity) 10:00 am – Integral Mission: Part 19 1 (Matt 20 22:34-40;28:16-20) 21 22 23 24 Sunday, June 7th 10:00 am – Integral Mission: Part 2 (Luke 10:1-12) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday4 26 27 28 29 30 31 For complete listing please visit www.cbcoakville.ca/calendar.html To our visitors. Welcome to the joy of worship and the warmth of our congregation! If you are searching for a local church home, we invite you to make your home with us. If you are a newcomer, please include your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number on the Contact Cards. We’re glad you’re here! We encourage you to feel free to participate in any church activities you read about in this bulletin. If you have any questions, please speak with an usher. 11 18 25 Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Money Matters: “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.” ( E c c l e s i a s t e s 5:10) Following worship on May 17, 2015 the Board of Finance will be facilitating a BIG IDEAS congregational discussion entitled “Stewardship: Attaining our Financial Goals”. As we prepare for this congregational conversion, I thought I would offer you eight Scripture passages dealing with money matters. Take the time to look at them and reflect upon the financial principles they convey to us. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Matthew 6:19-34(Jesus preaches about money matters in his Sermon on the Mount) Matthew 25:14-30(A parable of Jesus on Investing in the Kingdom of God) Luke 12:13-21(A parable of Jesus on the dangers of squirrelling away our savings) Luke 14:25-33(A parable of Jesus on the benefits of budgeting) 1 Corinthians 16:1-4(About developing a discipline of charitable giving) 2 Corinthians 8:1-15(About honouring financial commitments) 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 (About the benefits of charitable giving) 1 Timothy 6:3-10 (The dangers of pursuing wealth) Peace Pastor Michel Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Central Youth Group has met weekly since January 7, 2015. Approximately 12-18 youth come to our weekly gatherings, including a couple of grade 5 who are invited by regular church-going youth. To date, 7 non-church going youth have participated in the youth group activities. We pray for these as they journey towards Jesus. May they come to know Him personally and make Central their home church. Their names are: Feynman, Courtney, Sara, Christian, Peter, Grayson and Aubryn, four of these come regularly every week Jacklyn Rondini Caveden Youth Pastor Spring 2015 — Page 2 Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo Message from Pastor Diné Lóta Edificados pela Fidelidade de outros Inspired by others’ loyalty God has given me the privilege of serving Him and Deus me tem concedido o privilégio de servi-Lo na Central há já quase sete anos e meio. Posso afirmar, sem nenhuma sombra God has given me the privilege of serving Him at Central for nearly seven and a half years, now. I can de dúvida, que esta tem sido uma experiência maravilhosa pra say without a shadow of a doubt that this has been a mim. wonderful experience for me. Uma das coisas que maior inspiração tem produzido em minha vida é obervar a fidelidade dos nossos irmãos mais idosos. Eles são exemplo de fidelidade a Deus e à Igreja. E o exemplo desta gente fiel me tem inspirado a seguir seus passos. Menciono aqui apenas dois entre muitos exemplos que temos. Enquanto apresento estes exemplos, não desejo ser injusto com os outros. O espaço e o tempo que tenho aqui me impedem de apresentar tantos outros exemplos de fidelidade. Dou graças a Deus pela inspiração que a vida e o exemplo de Dorothy Barnard representa para mim. Dorothy é membro fundadora da Central. Dedicou toda a sua vida ao trabalho missionário no Brasil, especialmente na região mais pobre daquela terra. Mesmo depois de aposentada e com sua saúde fragilizada ela ainda viaja quase todos os anos ao Brazil para rever os amigos que lá deixou. Somos edificados pela fidelidade de Dorothy. Dou graças a Deus pela inspiração que a vida e o exemplo de Helen Hahn representa para mim. Helen serviu ao Senhor como missionária na ìndia por vários anos, como professora. Ainda hoje, muitos anos depois da sua aposentadoria, ela continua servindo ao Senhor como professora no Programa “ESL” (Inglês como Segunda Língua) da nossa Igreja. A fidelidade de Helen ao chamado de Deus é inspiradora. Nem mesmo as limitações da sua saúde tem impedido Helen de ser fiel ao Senhor e à sua igreja. Desejo agradecer a Deus a inspiração que a fidelidade dessas irmãs tem trazido à minha vida em particular. Sou também muito grato a elas pelo bem que têm feito ao meu coração de pastor. Se você é uma pessoa idosa, com algumas limitações por causa da sua frágil saúde, saiba que sua fidelidade ao Senhor e à nossa Igreja tem trazido grande inspiração e encorajamento aos mais novos. Louvamos a Deus por sua vida e fidelidade. Que o Senhor abençoe a sua fidelidade. Diné Lóta One of the things that has provided the greatest inspiration in my life is observing the loyalty of our elder brothers and sisters. They are an example of faithfulness to God and the Church. And their example of faithfulness has inspired me to follow in their footsteps. I mention here only two of many examples we have. While presenting these examples, I do not want to be unfair to the others. The space and the time I have here prevent me from presenting so many other examples of faithfulness. I thank God for the inspiration that life and the example of Dorothy Barnard is for me. Dorothy is a founding member of Central. She devoted all her life to missionary work in Brazil, especially in the poorest region of that country. Even after retirement and her poor health, she still travels almost every year to Brazil to see her friends and fulfill her commitment. We have been built up by Dorothy´s loyalty. I thank God for the inspiration that life and the example of Helen Hahn is for me. Helen served the Lord as a missionary in India for several years as a teacher. Even today, many years after her retirement, she continues to serve the Lord as a teacher in the “ESL” program of our Church. Helen’s faithfulness to God’s call is an inspiration. Not even the limitations of her health have prevented Helen to be faithful to the Lord and the church. I want to thank God for the inspiration that the loyalty of these sisters have brought to my life in particular. I am also very grateful to them for the good they have done to my pastoral heart. If you are an elderly person, with some limitations because of your poor health, you have to know that your fidelity to the Lord and our Church has brought great inspiration and encouragement to the newcomers. We praise God for your life and fidelity. May the Lord bless your faithfulness! Diné Lóta Mola 2015 — Página 3 Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Inside Central’s Personality of the Month Inside Central presents Kaiying Liu; whom we know as “Mike”. Mike was born and grew up in Tianjin, China. Mike came to Canada in 2001 and lives and works in Oakville as a CNC (computer numerical control) machine operator. He is 61 years old and is married with one daughter. He has three Diplomas. First major is Internal Combustion Engine, Second major is Mechanical Design and Third major is Industrial Engineering Management. Mike became ill nine years ago and then converted to Christianity. He studied English as a student in China. In his words “For the past ten years living in Canada I study English part time after work by utilizing online resources”. Mike has been attending Central Baptist Church: “Some 6 years ago, I started a job in Oakville, Ontario. I was looking for a church to join; 28 March 2010 Pastor Richard Root gives me certificate”. I asked Mike about his experience at Central and he responded “Many years I am take part in Central Baptist Church services. My love for Central Baptist Church has been for most of my life. On 12 April 2015 Rev. Dr. Michel tells us 3B’s mean Belonging, Believing, and Becoming. Ephesians 2:19-22New International Version (NIV) 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit”. I also asked Mike to tell me a little about his faith. His response “Be honest before becoming successful. Glorify God and benefit the people. Pardon all But thyself. Practice makes perfect. To become accomplished at any task is to commit 10000 hours”. Errol Anderson, Editor Spring 2015 — Page 4 Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo SPECIAL PRAYERS “ Prayer List Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours Mark 11:24 ” Let us remember our brothers & sisters in our prayers especially: m i s s i o n S TAT E M E N T Central Baptist Church Oakville exists to proclaim and practice belonging, believing and becoming in Christ through: inspiring worship Please pray for Pat Nowlan. Her cancer, which had inclusive fellowship been in remission for five years, has suddenly and unexpectedly resurfaced, attacking her intentional discipleship liver. She entered Toronto General Hospital for surgery on April 28th and expects to return and integral missions. home sometime this weekend. Prayer support for Pat and the Nowlan Family will be much appreciated. Please continue to pray for, Helen Hahn, Manuel Simao, Phyl Munroe, Norm McPhaden, Ed Austin, Dwight Nowlan and Ruth Bayley-Mead and Pearline Bynoe-Larrier, Carl Smith as they deal with their health problems. Seniors’ Bible Study – Acts The Second and Fourth Thursdays of each mon th - 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Led by Pastor Michel and Pastor Joao Garcia, this semi-monthly evening English language Bible Study and Discussion group. We meet in the Anderson Room at Central. rews Primary Source – Heb esdays of each month The First and Third Wedn - 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. s semi-monthly evening Led by Pastor Michel, thi dy and Discussion group English language Bible Stu al. ay School rooms at Centr meets in one of the Sund Offering Envelope Facts: Benevolent Fund In addition to identifying donors, we need to identify funds. Central Baptist Church has two bank accounts, one for benevolence and one for all other general purposes combined. Offerings identified as “Benevolent” (in the goldcoloured envelopes received once a month usually on communion Sunday) are deposited in the benevolent account and are used to assist those facing financial emergencies related to food, shelter, medical care, etc. If you have any questions with regard to offering envelopes, please contact Mary Coggins, the Envelope Secretary, at 905-339-2069 or [email protected]. Mola 2015 — Página 5 Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Portuguese Easter Conference On Good Friday, April 3, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at Good News Church in Cambridge, Ontario the Portuguese speaking ministries and churches of Ontario and Quebec met again for their traditional Easter Conference. For 35 years now this event has taken place on Good Friday alternating venues every year. Baptists from Bradford, Richmond Hill, Toronto, Oakville, Cambridge and London were represented. The Official Speaker was Pastor Paulo Pascoal, from Gormley Missionary Church in Stouville who preached about: “Discipleship at the shadow of the cross”. The combined choir participated with 2 hymns and the service was very inspiring. The service was followed by dinner and fellowship. It is at this time that we have the opportunity to see our brothers and sisters from the other churches. Our family has been participating in the Easter Conference since we arrived in Canada in 1990 and it has been a blessing. No dia 3 de Abril de 2015, Sexta-feira Santa na Igreja Boas Novas em Cambridge, Ontario teve lugar a Conferencia da Pascoa dos ministerios e igrejas batistas do Ontario e Quebec. Ha 35 anos que os batistas de expressao portuguesa se tem vindo a reunir neste dia, todos os anos em igrejas diferentes. Houve a representacao de varias igrejas: Bradford, Rcihmond Hill, Toronto, Oakville, Cambridge e London. O pregador oficial para esta ocasiao foi o Pastor Paulo Pascoal da Gormley Missionary Church em Stouville, que pregou sobre “O Discipulado a sombra da cruz”. O grande coral participou com duas pecas musicais e o culto foi muito inspirador. Apos o culto, tivemos o tradicional jantar e convivio, quando temos a oportunidade de rever os nossos queridos irmaos de outras igrejas. Desde que chegamos ao Canada em 1990 que a nossa familia tem participado na Conferencia da Pascoa e posso dizer que tem sido uma bencao. Ana Paula Simoes Easter Thoughts “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it” (John 3:16-17). And so it was that we entered the Easter weekend festivities at our church….filled with the wonder and awe of a God so loving that he brought to fruition the Bible stories of our eternal salvation. In our Church this was recognized and celebrated through attendance, action, reflection and celebration. What a wonderful mood and atmosphere was offered on Good Friday with the re-design of the sanctuary, the many readings from numerous attendees, and the portrayals of scripture through leader inspired dramatic reenactments. We were left with a visceral understanding of the struggle with Spring 2015 — Page 6 submission and the joy of service that Jesus accepted and demonstrated in surrendering to God the Father’s will. These images and thoughts remained with us for the next two days. The mood on Easter Sunday was certainly heightened prior to the service by the endless fruits of other’s labours on display in the upper sanctuary… tables were overflowing with food from numerous members of the congregation. What a joy it was later to see our sanctuary filled, brimming with the young, the old and all those in between, both Portuguese and English. Music and the words of salvation echoed throughout the morning service bringing to life the final heroic chapter of the Easter story. Many thanks to all of the people who organized and participated in this year’s Easter celebration Keith and Joan Doyle Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo MISSION m o m e n t April 14 marked one year since over 200 school girls were abducted in the north of Nigeria. We continue to pray for God’s intervention to bring these girls home. Pray also for God’s comfort and encouragement for the families, and for the abducted girls. Remember the plight here at home of the families of Aboriginal women who have been killed or remain missing. Warren and June McBurney Canadian Baptist Mission Who We Are: CBM is a global mission organization committed to sharing God’s love through word and deed. We believe that God brings healing to a broken world through local churches. With over 140 years of experience, we have seen that words and deeds intertwined in Christian community work together to bear witness to God’s transforming grace. Together in partnership, we seek to bring hope, healing and reconciliation to all people. George Henry “Harry” BIRCHAM 1923 - 2015 Harry passed away at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Friday, April 10, 2015, at the age of 92; predeceased by his parents Rachel and Our Vision: A broken world made new. Henry Bircham, his wife Our Mission: Partnering with local churches around the world to bring hope, healing and reconciliation through word and deed. Wyn, and his son Paul. He Our Partnership Framework: We work by invitation only, We work by agreement, We are committed to true partnership where one partner is not subservient to the other, We are dedicated to developing sustainable ministries with our partners which enable them to increase their long-term capacity. is survived by his daughter Marilyn Hynes. A memorial service will be held at Central Baptist Church in Oakville at a later date. Condolences through www.koprivataylor.com Membership/Baptism Classes We plan to run another Membership/Baptism Class in May. If you are considering Baptism or Church membership, please speak to Pastors Michel, Diné or Jacky. We expect to hold Baptismal Services Sunday May 31, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in Snyder Hall, and also Sunday July 5, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at Christie Lake Conservation Area. Mola 2015 — Página 7 Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Message from the Chair of the Board of Finance Update on Central Baptist Church’s Finances through March 31, 2015 Praise the Lord! After a slow start in January and February versus both budget and 2014, March revenue came in very strong and brought total revenue back in line with last year’s level. Thank you to everyone who answered the call to action in March to get the church in a much better financial position. Our challenge remains that while we are on track with last year, our total revenue remains $7,414 below budget for the year. But that is not an insurmountable challenge! If April and the remaining months of the year resemble March, we can certainly meet our budget and fund the church’s ministry and outreach programs. I am pleased to report that year-to-date through March 31, total revenues of $80,480 are essentially equal to 2014 revenues. That is fantastic news given I reported to you that we were $8,238 below 2014 revenues as of the end of February. As a quick reminder, we will be having a “Big Ideas”session after service on Sunday, May 17. Please come to that session with your thoughts on how we can enhance Central Baptist Church’s financial position. The four areas we will discuss include: • Stewardship – what we need from all members of Central Baptist Church to meet our budget • Membership – actively attracting new members to Central Baptist Church • Rental Income – finding additional groups to rent the church facility • Events – bringing forward ideas about events we could sponsor that would allow us to: (1) attract new members and/or (2) increase church revenue Yours in Christ, Vince De Palma, Chair, Board of Finance Mensagem do Presidente do Conselho de Finanças Relatorio de financas da Igreja Batista Central para Year-To-Date a 31 de março de 2015. Louvado seja o Senhor! Depois de um início lento em Janeiro e Fevereiro contra ambos orçamento em 2014, a receita de março veio muito forte e trouxe a receita total de volta na linha com o nível do ano passado. Obrigado a todos que responderam à chamada à ação em março, para obter a igreja em uma melhor posição financeira. Nosso desafio é que, enquanto estamos no caminho certo em comparação ao ano passado, a receita total permanece 7.414 dólares abaixo do orçamento para o ano. Mas isso não é um desafio insuperável! Se o mês de Abril e os restantes mêses do ano se assemelham a março, certamente podemos atender nosso orçamento e financiar programas do ministério e evangelismo da igreja. Tenho o prazer de informar que até a data do 31 de março, a receita total de 80.480 dólares são essencialmente igual a receita de 2014. Isso é uma notícia fantástica. Eu relatei para você que nós estavamos em Fevereiro 8.238 dólares abaixo em receitas em comparação com o mêsmo mês em 2014. Deixa eu lembrar voce que, vamos ter uma sessao de “Big Ideas” após o culto, Domingo, dia 17 de maio. Por favor, venha para a sessão com seus pensamentos sobre como podemos melhorar a situação financeira da Igreja Batista Central. As quatro áreas que iremos discutir são: • Somos Mordomo - o que nós precisamos de todos os membros da Igreja Batista Central para atender o nosso orçamento • Membresia - atraindo ativamente novos membros à Igreja Batista Central • Renda de Aluguel - encontrar grupos adicionais para alugar a instalação de igreja · •Eventos - trazendo para a frente idéias sobre eventos que podemos patrocinar que nos permitam a: (1) atrair novos membros e / ou (2) aumentar a receita da igreja Seu em Cristo, Vince De Palma, Presidente, Conselho de Finanças Spring 2015 — Page 8 Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo An excerpt from CBOQ website speaker and hear his perspective on what is unique about our Baptist family, what are the exceptional challenges we face and how we can move forward in ministry and mission together. Welcome to Assembly 2015: Growing Up Together Greetings Canadian Baptist family, Who are we really? We seldom ask questions like this at Assembly, but this year, we hope to ask it. Who are we as a family of Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec? What is our God-created identity as a group? In a day of shifting values and innumerable options, what makes us who we are? How will we continue to grow up in ways that show we are subjects of God’s Kingdom? In his recent Canadian Baptist article, our theme speaker, Gary Nelson writes: There is much to learn from our roots. It may be time to recover some of them. They certainly were unsettling ideas at the time [they began]. Radical and revolutionary in such a way that King James (yes, that King James) found them unbelievably disturbing. No wonder he threw one of our forbearers, Thomas Helwys into prison and left him there until he died. Nothing is more unsettling than a faith is actually lived out. As we gather this year, let’s GROW UP and live out this radical identity we have, TOGETHER. Bring your delegates and many more from your congregation to this annual experience of family business, inspirational worship and teaching, and peer-learning. We are thrilled to welcome Gary Nelson as our plenary Canadian singer-songwriter and Juno award winning musical artist Steve Bell will be our worship leader this year. We are blessed to have him lead us as we praise God together. Register today and begin praying with us that we will experience an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit during these three days together. It just wouldn’t be the same without you. Strength and peace, Tim McCoy – CBOQ Executive Minister P R AY E R AT C B O Q Every week, the staff at Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec gathers to pray for our churches across Ontario and Quebec. We invite you to join us in praying for your church family on Sunday morning or throughout the week. On April 15, we prayed for the following churches: • Slavic Evangelical Church, Toronto • Spring Garden Baptist Church, North York • St. Clair Ave. Baptist Church, Toronto • The Dale Ministries, Toronto • Toronto Chinese Baptist Church • Toronto Swatow Baptist Church, Agincourt • Ukrainian Baptist Church, Toronto • Walmer Road Baptist Church, Toronto • Weston Park Baptist Church • Woodbine Heights Baptist Church, Toronto And Finally… Thank you to all who have contributed to this issue. We would love to have more participation, especially from the Portuguese congregation. Do let the church office know if you have any items, family news, ministry interests etc. Also, if you would like to receive this Newsletter by e-mail, please also let the church office know. Mola 2015 — Página 9
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