

Abreu, Miguel Vicente de, Noção de alguns filhos distinctos da Índia Portuguesa, Nova Goa,
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——,Real Mosteiro de Santa Mónica de Goa. Nova Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 1882.
Albuquerque, Afonso de, Albuquerque: Caesar of the East (selected texts) , trans., ed. T. F.
Earle and John Villiers, Warminster (U.K.), Aris & Philips, 1990.
——,Comentários do grande Afonso d’Albuquerque, 5th ed. according to the 2nd ed. of 1576,
2 vols, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1973. [Albuquerque’s commentaries jotted down by
his son Braz].
Albuquerque, Caetano Filipe de, A Santa Cruz dos Milagres de Goa, Bastorá, Tip. Rangel, 1899.
Albuquerque, Teresa, Santa Cruz (Calapur): profile of a village in Goa, Panaji, Casa Fernandes,
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Nacional, 1890.
——, Exposição do venerando corpo do glorioso apóstolo das Índias em 1878. Nova Goa,
Imprensa Nacional, 1879. [Author also wrote on the 1890’s Exposition].
——, “Goa e algumas das suas povoações: toponymia e etymologia”, O Oriente Português, Vol.
II (1905), pp. 121-126.
Archdiocese of Goa, Anuário... 1933, Nova Goa, Tip. d’A Voz de S. Francisco Xavier, 1932.
——,[Directories: 1979, 1984], Panjim: 1979, 1984.
——, Memória histórico-eclesiástica... 1533-1933, Nova Goa, Tip d’A Voz de S. Francisco
Xavier, 1933.
Azevedo, Carlos de, A arte de Goa, Damão e Diu, 2nd ed., Lisboa, FNCA Gráfica, 1992.
——, “Um artista italiano em Goa: Plácido Francesco Ramponi e o túmulo de Francisco Xavier”,
Garcia de Orta, special no. (Lisboa, 1956), pp. 77-317+XIX plates.
Azevedo, Carmo, “Expositions-from sacred veneration to tourist attraction”, Goa Today,
(Feb.1985), pp. 32-34.
——,”A miracle no more”, Goa Today. (Nov. 1984). pp. 11-15.
——,”Santana Church of Talaulim”, Purabhilek-Puratatva, Vol. 4, no.1, (1986), pp. 61-70.
Baião, António, A Inquisição de Goa, 2 vols, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1930-1945.
Baldaeus, Philippus, A true and exact description of the most celebrated East... , trans. from
the Dutch original, New Delhi, Asian Educational Services, 1996. First printed at Amsterdam in 1672. [Baldaeus, a Dutch Protestant missionary, was in Goa around 1660].
Barbosa, Duarte, The book of Duarte Barbosa, trans., ed. Mansel Longworth Dames, 2 vols.
London, Hakluyt Society, 1918-1921. [This Portuguese traveller came to Goa in the
beginning of the 16th century. He describes Goa under the Muslims]
Barreto Miranda, Jacinto Caetano, Quadros históricos de Goa, 3 vols. Margão, Tipografia
Ultramar, 1865.
Barros, João de, Da Ásia: Décadas I-IV, 4 vols. Lisboa, Régia Officina Typográfica, 1777-1778.
Bocarro, António, Década 13 da história da Índia, ed. Lima Felner, 2 vols. Lisboa, Academia
Real das Ciências, 1876.
——, “Livro das plantas das fortalezas, cidades, povoações do Estado da Índia Oriental”,
Arquivo Português Oriental, tome IV, vol. 2, pts. 1,2,3 (1937-40).
Bordalo, Francisco Maria, Ensaio sobre a estatística do Estado da Índia, Lisboa, Imprensa
Nacional, 1862.
Boxer, Charles Ralph, “Casados e cabotagem in Estado da Índia, 16th to 17th centuries”, Actas
— ISIPH (2), eds. Albuquerque and Guerreiro, (Lisboa, 1985), pp. 119-135.
——, The Church militant and Iberian expansion, 1440-1770, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1976.
——, Four centuries of Portuguese expansion, 1415-1815, Berkeley, University of California
Press, 1969.
——, “O império Português no Oriente no século XVI” , Além-Mar, (Lisboa, 1984), pp. 278-292.
——, João de Barros: Portuguese humanist and historian of Asia, New Delhi, Concept, 1981.
——, Mary and Misogyny: women in Iberian expansion overseas, 1415-1815, London, Duckworth,
——, “A note on the Portuguese missionary methods in the East, 16th to 18th centuries”, Ceylon
Historical Journal, no. 10 (1965), pp. 77-90.
——, Portuguese India in mid-seventeenth century , New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1980.
——, The Portuguese seaborne empire, 1415-1825, Harmondsworth (England), Penguin, 1973.
——, Race relations in the Portuguese colonial empire 1415-1825, Westport, Greenwood Press,
Bragança-Pereira, António Bernardo de, (ed.), Arquivo Português Oriental, 10 vols. Bastorá,
Tipografia Rangel, 1936-40.
——, Etnografia da Índia Portuguesa, 2 vols, Bastorá, Tip. Rangel, 1940.
Bragança Pereira, A. B. de, “Os primeiros cristãos e as igrejas das ilhas de Goa, 1510-60 e
1560-1614”, Boletim eclesiástico (1945), nos. 8-9, 12-13, pp. 241-246, pp. 355-357.
——, Relatório da comissão permanente de arqueologia: 1934-1935, Bastorá, Tipografia Rangel,
Bulhão Pato, (ed.), Documentos remetidos da Índia ou livros das monções, 5 vols. Coimbra,
Imprensa da Universidade, 1886-1935. [Silva Rego took over this serial publication from
vol. 6]
Burton, Richard Francis, Goa and the blue mountains, London, Richard Bentley, 1851. [Burton,
an English ethnologist and writer, came to Goa in 1846. This work is supposed to be his
Butler, Life of St. Francis Xavier, with description of the church of Bom Jesus. Bombay: B.X.
Furtado, 1890.
Camilleri, Jean-Luc, “Une Inde que fut portugaise”. Arquivos do Centro Cultural Português, Vol.
XXII, (1986), pp. 175-242.
Cam ões, Luís de, The Lusiad or the discovery of India: an epic poem, trans. William J.
Mickle, Oxford Jackson & Lister, 1778.
Careri, F. Gemelli, Indian travels of Thevenot and Careri, ed. S. N. Sen, New Delhi, National
Archives of India, 1949. [Of the two travellers, Careri, an Italian lawyer, came to Goa in
Carletti, Francesco, My voyage around the world, trans. H. Weinstock. New York: Pantheon,
1964. [Carletti, a Florentine merchant, came to Goa in the 16th century].
Carré, D. Barthélémy, The travels of Abbé Carré in India... 1672-1674, trans. Lady Fawcett,
ed. Sir C. Fawcett, 3 vols, New Delhi, AES, 1990. [Abbé Carré was in Goa in 1672,
Christmas time].
Castanheda, Fernão Lopes de, História do descobrimento e conquista da Índia pelos Portugueses,
3rd ed., 4 vols, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 1924-33.
Castelo Branco, Camilo, Sentlmentalismo e história, Porto, Livraria Nacional, 1880.
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Indian Economic and Social History review, vol. XXXV, no.2 (1998), pp. 97-123.
Chicó, Mário T., “Igrejas de Goa”, Garcia de Orta, special no. (Lisboa, 1956), pp. 331-336+photos.
Chronista de Tissuary , ed. J. H. da Cunha Rivara, 4 vols. Nova Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 186669, [Monthly publication].
Colaço, M.F, “The rise and fall of Old Goa”, Goa Today: pictorial review of Goa, ed. Dores da
Silva. (Bombay, 1952).
pp. 153-154.
Collis, Maurice, The land of the great image, London, Faber & Faber, 1943. [On Father Manrique’s
travels, also includes a chapter on Goa].
Correa, Gaspar, Lendas da Índia, ed. Lima Felner, 6 vols. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade,
Costa, Anthony de, The christianisation of the Goa islands. Bombay, 1965.
——, “The demolition of the temples in the islands of Goa in 1540 and the disposal of temple
lands”. Neue zeitferift fur missionswissenfchaft, XVIII year (Switzerland, 1962), pp.
Costa, Francisco Xavier da, Exposições do venerando corpo de S. Francisco Xavier em 19001910-1922, Nova Goa, Tip. Bragança 1924. [Author also wrote on Expositions held in
1931 and 1952].
Costa, João António Jacinto da, A history of Goa, Mapusa, 1982.
Cottineau de Kloguen, Dennis L., An historical sketch of Goa, Madras, Gazette Press, 1831.
[2nd edition: Bombay, 1910].
Couto, Diogo de, Da Ásia: Décadas IV-XII, 8 vols, Lisboa, Régia, Officina Typográfica, 17791788.
——, Soldado Prático, ed. Rodrigues Lapa, 2 nd ed. Lisboa, 1954.
Cruz, F. Merwin de, Goa and St. Francis Xavier, Madras, Hogarth Press, 1931.
Dalgado, Sebastiao Rodolfo, Glossário luso-ásiatico, 2 vols., Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade,
Danaita, Y.F.N, The history of Goa: ancient and modern. Bombay, Asiatic Printing Press, 1873.
Co-author, R. G. Wagle. [Text in Marathi, Devanagri script].
Dantas, D. F., Gomantkatha, Sawantwadi: Darbar printing press, 1879. [In Konkani, Roman
Danvers, F.C., The Portuguese in India, 2 vols, London, W.H. Allen, 1894.
Dellon, G., Relation de l’Inquisition de Goa, Paris, Horthemels, 1688.
——, Relation d’un voyage des indes orientales. Paris, 1689. [Dellon, a French physician, came
to Goa in 1669].
Desai, Kalpana, “Icons of Faith”, Goa: Cultural patterns, (Bombay, Marg, 1983) pp. 77-88.
Dhikshit, Moreshwar, “Panjim plates of Jayakesi I”, Indica: the Indian Historical Research Institute Silver Jubilee Commemoration volume. (Bombay, 1953), pp. 89-98.
Dhume, A. D., The Cultural History of Goa, from 10000 B.C. to 1352 A.D., Panaji, Dhume Junior,
Dias, Mariano, Old Goa, Rome of the East. Goa, Diocesan Committee, 1974.
Disney, Anthony, “Goa in the seventeenth century”, The First Portuguese Colonial Empire , ed.
M. Newitt, Exeter studies in History, no. 11 (1986), pp. 85-98.
——, “Smugglers and smuggling in the western half of the Estado da India”, Indica, (Bombay,
Heras, 1989), vol. 26, nos.1-2, pp. 57-75.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed., Vol. XXVIII, Cambridge University Press, 1911, [pp. 882883: on Francis Xavier]
Ferishta, Mahomed Kasim, History of Dekkan from the first Mahummedan conquests, ed.
Jonathan Scott, 2 vols., Shrewsbury, Stockdale, 1974.
Fernandes, Braz A., “Ancient Goa: its origins and vicissitudes”, The Goan World, Bombay, no.
12, {1930}.
——, Dellon and the Inquisition of Goa, Bombay, The Anglo-Lusitano press, 1936.
——, “The Origin of Goans”, The Goan World, Bombay, no. 6 {1929}, nos. 2-4 {1930}.
——, “Sindabur: the ancient name of Goa”. The Goan World, Bombay, no.8 {1930}.
Fernandes, I.P. Newman, St. Francis Xavier & Old Goa: a historical guide, Quepem, Koinia,
Ficalho, Conde de (Francisco Manuel Carlos de Mello), Garcia da Orta e o seu tempo, Lisboa,
Imprensa Nacional, 1886.
Figueroa, Martin Fernandez de, A Spaniard in the Portuguese Indies, ed. James B. McKenna,
Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1967. [Figueroa came to Goa alongwith
Afonso de Albuquerque].
Fitch, Ralph, “[Letters and Voyage]”, The First Englishmen in India, ed J.C. Locke. London,
George Routledge, 1930. [Fitch, an English merchant, was in Goa twice, in 1583 and
Fonseca, Diogo Luis de (supposed author). Guide to the city of Old Goa, Bombay, Circulating
Library press, 1890.
Fonseca, José Nicolau da, An historical and archaeological sketch of the city of Goa. Bombay
Thacker, 1878.
Fryer, John, A new account of East India and Persia, 3 vols. London, Hakluyt Society, 1909,
[Fryer, a British doctor, describes the old Kadamba capital and surrounding areas],
Gabinete Literário das Fontainhas, ed. F. N. Xavier, 5 vols., Nova Goa, Imprensa Nacional,
1846-55, [Monthly publication].
Garcia, Asun, Goa: terre abandonée, terre recherchée, les racines communes d’un paradoxe.
(Unpublished essay).
Gazetteer of the union territory Goa, Daman and Diu, ed. V.T. Gune, 2 vols. Panaji, Gazetteer
Department, 1979.
Gibbon, Edward, The decline and fall of the Roman Empire , 6 vols. London, J.M. Dent, 1942.
Goa: Cultural patterns, ed. Saryu Doshi, Bombay, Marg, 1983.
Goa (Golden), ed. Mulk Raj Anand, Bombay, Marg, 1981.
Goa (This is) , ed. Sarto Esteves and Vatsala de Sousa, Bombay, Source Publishers, 1983.
[Includes Nora Seco de Sousa’s essay on the Procession of Saints].
Godinho, Manuel, Relação do novo caminho da Índia para Portugal, ed. Machado Guerreiro,
Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1974. [Its English version, “Intrepid itinerant”, ed. John CorreiaAfonso]
Gomes Catão, F.X., No campanário da Sé de Goa. Bastorá: Tip. Rangel, 1978, (Offprint from
Boletim do Instituto Menezes Bragança)
——, “Crucifixo milagroso no real mosteiro de Santa Mónica”. Boletim Eclesiástico, (1962).
nos. 5-6, 7,8, pp. 196, 245, 277.
——, “Igreja de S. Tomé na Cidade de Goa”, Boletim Eclesiástico (1957). no.4, pp.146-149.
——, “Migalhas de história: igreja de Santa Cruz”, Heraldo, 19-26 (April 1967).
——, “Milagrosa imagem de N. Sra. das Três Necessidades na Sé Catedral de Goa”, Boletim
Eclesiástico, (1964). no.11, pp. 323.
——, The Monastery of Sta. Mónica, trans. Philip Mendonça. Panjim n.d.
——, Old Goa: a short historical and archaeological sketch of the religious monuments of the
old city of Goa. Bastorá, Tipografia Rangel, 1964.
——, “Real capela de Santo António em Velha Goa”, Studia, no.32, (Lisboa, CEHU, 1971), pp.
——, “Sé catedral de Goa”, Studia, nos.13-14. (1964), pp. 487-545.
——, “Uma sepultura na Sé Velha de Goa”, Boletim Eclesiástico, (1969), nos. 7-8, pp. 139-140.
Gomes da Costa (Marechal), Descobrimentos e conquistas, 3 vols. Lisboa, 1927-29.
Gomes Pereira, Rui, Goa, v.1; Hindu temples and deities, v.2; Gaunkari, the old village associations. Panjim, 1978-80.
Gomes, Olivinho J. F., Village Goa: a study of Goan social structure and change, New Delhi, S.
Chand, 1987.
Gonsalves, Sebastian, Primeira parte da história dos religiosos da companhia de Jesus, ed. J.
Wicki, 3 vols. Coimbra, Atlântida, 1957-62.
Gopal, B. R., Corpus of Kadamba inscriptions, Sirsi, Kadamba Institute of Cultural Studies,
——, “Kadamba patronage to Jainism and Saivism in Goa”, Goa: Cultural Trends, ed. P. P.
Shirodkar. (Goa, 1988) pp. 3-7.
Gracias, Caetano, Velha Goa e seus monumentos e relíquias, Nova Goa, Tip. Central, 1931.
Gracias, José António Ismael, Goa, fanal da espiritualidade Portuguesa, Panjim, Imprensa
Nacional, 1960. (Velha Goa—II)
Gune, V. T., Ancient Shrines of Goa: a pictorial survey, Panjim, Department of Information,
Gurav, R. N., “Hero-stones of Kadambas of Goa”, Memorial stones, ed. Sotter and Sothermer.
Dharwad, 1982.
Hamilton, Alexander, A new account of the East Indies, 1688-1723. 2nd ed. 2 vols. [Hamilton,
a Scottish sea-captain, paid two short visits to Goa in 1692 and 1704] New Delhi, AES,
Haywards, Helen, (ed.), World furniture: An Illustrated History , London, Hamlyn, 1975.
Henriques, Cristina Delgado, “Velha Goa”, Oceanos, nos. 19/20. Sept. - Dec. 1994, pp. 199202.
Heras, Henry, “A newly discovered image of Buddha near Goa”, Indological Studies, ed. Anderson
and Correia-Afonso, 1990, pp. 63-78.
——, “Pre-Portuguese remains in Portuguese India”, Journal of the Bombay Historical Society,
(1932), pp. 1-180.
Hutt, Anthony, Goa: a traveller’s historical and architectural guide, Essex, Scorpion, 1988.
Ibn-i-Batuta, Travels in Asia and Africa, 1325-1354, London, Routledge, 1929.
Ifeka, Caroline, “The image of Goa”, Indo-Portuguese History: old issues and new questions,
ed. T.R. de Souza (1985), pp. 181-195.
India in the fifteenth century, ed. Richard Henry Major, London, Haklyut, 1857. [A collection of
narratives of voyages in India]
Joshi, P. M. , “Adil Shahi and the Baridis”, History of Medieval Deccan, vol. 1, ed. Sherwani and
Joshi 1973. [Some information on Goa under the Muslim kings]
Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, vols. IV (1853), IX (1869), XI
Kakodkar, Archana, “Shuddi .. Reconversion to Hinduism movement”, Goa: Cultural trends, ed.
P. P. Shirodkar, (1988), p. 242-263.
Kamat, Nandakurnar, “Gopakapattana through the ages”, Goan society through the ages, ed.
B. S. Shastry, (1987),
pp. 251-269.
——, “Sinha and Gajasinha motif in Goa’s Kadamba temple Architecture and Numismatics, Goa:
Cultural trends, ed. P. P. Shirodkar (1988), pp. 49-62.
Kowal, David Martin, The evolution of ecclesiastical Architecture in Portuguese India (draft,
later published in Germany: 1993)
Kudwa, V. N., History of Dakshinatya Brahmins, Madras, Samayukta Gowd Sarasvat Sabha,
Leasor, James, The Sea Wolves, London, Transworld, 1980. [Earlier published under the title:
“Boarding Party”]
Linschoten, John Hugh Van, The voyage... to the East Indies, ed. Burnell and Tiele, 2 vols.,
London, Hakluyt, 1885. [Linschoten, a Dutchman was in Goa from 1583 to 1589]
Machado (Prabhu), Alan, Saraswati’s children: A History of the Mangalorean Christians,
Mangalore, I. J. A. Publications, 1999.
McPherson, “The origins, evolution and role of the Luso-Indian Goan community, from the
sixteenth to the twentieth century”, Itinerario, (University of Leiden, 1987), no.2, pp.7286.
Mulgaonkar, Manohar, Inside Goa, Goa, Directorate of Information, (Illustrations by Mário Miranda).
Mandelslo, Johan Albretch von, Mandelslo’s travels in western India, AD. 1638-39, ed. M. S.
Commissariat, Bombay, Oxford University press, 1931. [Mandelslo, a German, came to
Goa in 1639].
Manucci, Niccolao, Storia do Mogor or Mogul India, 1653-1708, trans. and ed. William Irvine,
Calcutta: Editions Indian, 1907, [Venetian Manucci, a quack doctor-turned-diplomat,
stayed for some time in Goa during his two trips, in 1667 and 1682].
Marryat, Frederick, The Phantom Ship, London, 1839. [A novel drawn largely from Dellon’s
Mascarenhas, António, Goa from pre-historic times, Vasco, 1987.
Mendes Lopes, António, Índia portuguesa, 2 vols., Nova Goa, Imprensa, Nacional, [Work wellknown for its rare lithographs reprinted by Fundação Oriente and AES]
Mendes Pinto, Fernão, The peregrination, abridged, trans. Michael Lowery, Lisboa, Gulbenkian
Foundation / Carcanet, 1992.
——, The travels of Mendes Pinto, ed., trans. Rebecca D. Catz, Chicago, University Press,
1989. [Mendes Pinto witnessed the arrival of Francis Xavier’s incorrupt body into Goa]
Menezes, António, Notas históricas, Panjim, 1977.
Mitragotri, V. R., “Cultural contacts of Goa with North and South India”, Goa’s external relations, ed. P. P. Shirodkar, Panaji, Rajhauns Vitaran, 1992, pp. 13-21.
——, “Memorial monuments of Shilahara-Kadamba period from Goa”, Goa: Cultural trends, ed.
P.P. Shirodkar, (1988),
pp. 63-68.
——, Socio-cultural History of Goa, from Bhojas to Vijayanagar, Panaji, Institute Menezes
Bragança, 1999.
Mitterwallner, Gritli V., “The Hindu past”, Goa: Cultural patterns, ed. Saryu Doshi, pp. 21-40.
Monteiro de Barbuda, Claudio Lagrange, Uma viagem de duas mil légoas, Nova Goa, Imprensa
Nacional, 1848.
Moraes, George Mark, “Glimpses into the History and Culture of Goa”, Souvenir of the Grand
Goa Exhibition, Bombay, 1947, pp. 7-28.
——, The Kadamba Kula, Bombay, B. X. Furtado at Ananda Press, 1931. [pp. 165-212, on the
Kadambas of Goa].
——, “Pre-Kadamba History of Goa”. The proceedings of the Indian History Congress, Bombay,
——, “Sindabur of the Arab writers”, Journal of Indian History , Madras, 1931, vol. X, pp. 191195.
Nairne, Alexander Kyd, History of the Konkan, Bombay, Government Central Press, 1894.
Noronha, Alberto de, “Galeria de neurenses ilustres”, Alberto de Noronha: in memoriam, Nova
Goa, 1920.
——, “Goeses no tribunal da Inquisição de Goa, Alberto de Noronha: in memoriam, Nova Goa,
Noronha, António Floriano de, “Os hindús de Goa e a República Portuguesa”, A Índia portuguesa,
(Nova Goa, 1922).
Noronha, Castilho de, A cristianisação da ilha de Tissuarí, Bastorá, 1961. (Offprint from Boletim
do Instituto Vasco da Gama).
Noronha, Diógenes, Directório goano e calendário ... 1896, Bombay, Nicol’s Printing Works,
1895. [Includes biography of Bernardo Peres da Silva]
——, Neurá-o-grande; subsidios histórico-arqueológicos, Nova Goa, Tipografia, Bragança,
Nunes, Judília, The monuments in Old Goa, Delhi, Agam Kala Prakashan, 1979.
Oceanos: Indo-portuguesmente, nos. 19/20, Sept.-Dec. 1994.
Paes, “Chronicles of Paes and Nuniz”, A forgotten empire, Robert Sewell (London: Allen &
Unwin, 1990), pp. 235-295.
Pacheco de Figueiredo, João Manuel (Júnior), Goa pré-portuguesa, Lisboa, Centro de Estudos
Históricos Ultramarinos, 1961.
Pandya, Amrit, Lost Saraswati, Allahabad University, n. d.
Pearson, M. N., “Brokers in western-Indian port cities”, Modern Asian studies, 23, 3 (1988), pp.
——, “Indigenous dominance in a colonial economy: the Goa rendas”, 1600-1670, Mare lusoindicum, tome II (1973),
pp. 61-73.
——, The Portuguese in India, Cambridge University Press, 1987. (The New Cambridge History
of India, I — 1)
Penrose, Boies, Goa, Raínha do Oriente/Goa, queen of the East, Lisboa, 1960. [Bilingual]
People of India (vol. XXI): Goa, ed. P. P. Shirodkar and H. K. Mandal, Bombay, Popular Prakashan,
Pereira, Gerald A., An outline of pre-Portuguese History of Goa, Vasco da Gama, 1973.
Pereira, José, Baroque Goa, New Delhi, Books & Books, 1995.
Pires, Tomé, The “suma oriental”, 2 vols., trans., ed. Armando Cortesão, New Delhi, AES,
1990. [Earlier printed in London, Hakluyt Society, 1944].
Pissurlencar, Panduronga S.S., Agentes da diplomacia portuguesa na India, Bastorá, Tip. Rangel,
——, Colaboradores hindús de Afonso de Albuquerque, Bastorá, Tipografia Rangel, 1941.
——, ”O étimo de Goa”, Boletim Geral das Colónias, no. 107 (1934).
——, Goa há 1500 anos: subsidios epigráficos para a sua história, Nova Goa, Imprensa Gonçalves
——, Goa pré-portuguesa através dos escritores lusitanos dos séculos XVI e XVII, Universidade
de Lisboa, 1961.
——, Inscrições pré-portuguesas de Goa, Bastorá, Tipografia Rangel, 1938. (Offprint from “O
Oriente Português”).
——, Primitivas capitais de Goa, Nova Goa, Imprensa Gonçalves, 1932. (Offprint from “O
Oriente Português”).
——, “Primórdios da história de Goa”, O Heraldo of 25-12-1957, pp. 1-15.
——, ‘Sindabur’ de Ibn Batuta, Nova Goa, Imprensa Gonçalves, 1932.
——, Shri Shantadurga chatushatabdi mahotsav granth, Bombay, 1966. [On the Saraswats
and their temple].
Portuguese India: Comissão nomeada por despacho do governador. Reintegração da Cidade de
Goa no seu ambiente histórico Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 1960.
——, Comissão nomeada pelo visconde de S. Januário, Relação da descripção e tombamento
dos edifícios públicos pertencentes as Estado da Índia, Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 1870.
——, Exposição de fotografias de Velha Goa. Nova Goa, Imprensa Nacional, 1960.
——, Velha Goa: Guia histórico, Goa, Repartição Central de Estatística e Informação, 1952.
Prasad, P. R. K, “A rare sculpture from the Kadamba period ... at Old Goa”, Purabhilek-Puratatva,
vol. II, no. 1, (1984).
Priolkar, Anant K, The Goa Inquisition, Bombay, 1961.
Pyrard de Laval, François, The Voyage of François Pyrard de Laval, ed. A. Gray, 2 vols.
London, Haklyut Society, 1887-89. [This Frenchman was in Goa from 1608 to 1610].
Remy (pseud.), Goa: Rome of the East, London, Arthur Barker, 1957, (Translated from French)
Ribeiro, Orlando, “A festa de S. Francisco em Velha-Goa”, Garcia de Orta, special no. (Lisboa,
1956), pp. 175-181.
Rogers, Francis M., “A proposal for the preservation of Velha Goa”. Colóquio Internacional de
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