satipel industrial s


satipel industrial s
CNPJ/MF: 97.837.181/0001- 47
NIRE: 35.300.154.410
Publicly Held Company
Pursuant to the CVM Instruction nu. 384 and BOVESPA Edict nu. 293/2003,
SATIPEL INDUSTRIAL S.A. (“the Company”), herby informs to the market that
on June 25, 2009 notified CREDIT SUISSE (BRAZIL) S.A. CORRETORA DE
TÍTULOS E VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS ("CTVM"), with headquarters in the City
of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima nu. 3.064 –
13th. and 14th. Floors, Itaim Bibi, CNPJ/MF nu. 42.584.318/0001-07, that it has
decided to abrogate the Market Maker Service Rendering Contract (“the Contract”)
for the ON (common) shares, void of nominal value issued by the Company
(“SATI3”), listed on the Bolsa de Valores do Estado de São Paulo (“BOVESPA”)
Novo Mercado. Said Contract was signed on October 25, 2007. Given the
minimum 30 (thirty) days period following the notification, said Contract will still
be effective for yet 30 (thirty) days and will be void on July 26, 2009.
São Paulo, June 26, 2009.
Flávio Donatelli
Administrative, Finance and
Investor Relations Officer