invitation convite
invitation convite
INVITATION The Brazilian Confederation of Associated Wrestling Styles and the organizing committee invite your Federation to participate in the « COPA BRASIL 2012» - Senior in freestyle, Greco Roman and women's wrestling, which will take place from November 29th to December 2nd in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The competition will follow the rules of FILA and be open to participation by any number of representatives in each category. Your presence will be an immense satisfaction and prestige to our event. We look forward to see you there, Best regards, CONVITE A Confederação Brasileira de Lutas Associadas e o comitê organizador vêm através desta convidar sua Federação a participar da Copa Brasil – Sênior nos estilo Livre, Greco romano e Luta feminina, que acontecerá entre os dias 29 de Novembro e 2 de Dezembro no ginásio do CEFAN no Rio de Janeiro. A Competição seguirá as regras da FILA e será aberta a participação de qualquer numero de representantes, por Estado ou Pais, em cada categoria Sua presença sera uma imensa satisfação e engrandecerá nosso evento. Aguardamos a participação de todos, Atenciosamente Pedro Gama Filho Presidente “COPA BRASIL 2012” GENERAL INFORMATION The Championship will take place according to the FILA Rules from November 29th to December 2nd of 2012 in “GINASIO CEFAN – Centro de Treinamento Almirante Adalberto Nunes”, located in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. PARTICIPATION 1. The International Tournament “Copa Brasil 2012” is part of 2012 FILA Calendar. 2. All teams must have the approval of its national federation in order to participate at this event. 3. Each team must include their referees with his/her valid license for the year and according to the number of participating athletes. 4. Preliminary entries maximum 30 days before the competition starts and the final entries during the Technical Congress according to this program. 5. All wrestlers must have a valid FILA license for 2012. WEIGHT CATEGORIES The competition will be held in the following weight categories: Men’s Greco – Roman and Free Style: 55, 60, 66, 74, 84, 96 and 120kg. Female: 48, 51, 55, 59, 63, 67 and 72kg. The weight tolerance is 2 kg. FINANCIAL CONDITION 1. All participants that wish to stay at (3 stars) Hotel Presidente, in Rio de Janeiro: Double room ocupance 2. U$D 130.00 per day per person All participants that wish to stay at (Sport residence) CEFAN-RJ: Up to 06 Participants per room U$D90.00 per day per person This is the same place of the Gym, competition and training camp. With facilities like, weight room, clinic, swimming pool (rules applied), athletic track and internet. This daily price includes accommodation, food and local transport. Payments must be made prior hotel check-in at the organization committee office. 1. For the teams that wish to stay longer and for people out of each delegation (family members, for eg.) U$D150.00/day will be charged. 2. Note: its covered from November 28th (lunch) until December 3rd (breakfast) and the checkout must be at noon. If your delegation wish to come before November 28th or stay longer than December 3rd is necessary to contact the Organizing Committee as soon as possible in order to guarantee everything and pay the extra days fee. 3. It’s necessary to send to the Organizing Committee at least 15 days prior your depart the number of people in your team, airline information (company, flight #, date of arrival). 4. The Organizing Committee ensures the local transport between the dates listed at this program. TECHNICAL CONDITION 1. 2. 3. 4. Competition will follow the FILA Rules. Two official wrestling mats will be set at the competition venue with video cameras. Each wrestler must present the new FILA license valid for 2012. The referees must present a valid FILA license for 2012 in order to work at the competition. OFFICIAL CEREMONIES 1. The Organizing Committee will give individual prizes for each weight category and style: - 1st place gold medal, 2nd place silver medal, 3rd place bronze medal. 2. The first three teams in each style receive a cup and all participants the certificate. MEDICAL SERVICES The Organizing Committee is responsible for the first aid costs during the competition. The annual FILA stamp covers medical assistance to the wrestler in the event of an accident. If the person insured wishes to have a medical examination or receive treatment, which is not linked to an accident that happened during the competition, either he/she or his/her national Federation must bear the cost of this examination or treatment. The insurance company cannot reimburse these costs. VISAS Competitors who require visas to go to this Tournament must contact the embassy or consulate of Brazil in their country of residence. The host Federation will send invitations individually to the participants if the embassy concerned asks for them. TRAINING CAMP After the tournament was held a training camp from December 3rd to 9th in Free Style Wrestling, Female Wrestling and Greco-Roman Wrestling, hosted on the same gym at a cost per person per day of U$D90.00 per day per person. The countries concerned should put in the registration form your interest in participating. On the day December 9th the Brazilian Confederation of Associated Wrestling Styles offer a city tour, which includes a way to the beaches and to the beautiful Sugar Loaf mountain, main post card of Rio de Janeiro City and Brazil. CONTACT and COMUNICATION Confederação Brasileira de Lutas Associadas Rua Bom Pastor, 116 - Tijuca. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. CEP 20521 060 Cell: (55 21) 7848-8594 Office: (55 21) 3591-9800 and 3242-5543 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Pedro Gama Filho President Confederação Brasileira de Lutas Associadas INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT « COPA BRASIL 2012 » GRECO-ROMAN I FREE STYLE I FEMALE WRESTLING- SENIORS 28/11-2/12 2012 RIO DE JANEIRO PROGRAM Thursday 29 november All day Arrival of the Delegations 10H00-12H00 Arrival of the Delegations 15H00-18H00 Referees clinic & Techinical congress Friday 30 november 18H00-19H00 19H00-20H00 Medical examination (CEFAN)) Weigh-in- {All categories) (CEFAN) Elimination rounds 09H00-13H00 Satuday 1 december 12H00-14H00 Lunch 14H00-17H00 Yz Final and Repechage 17H30-20H00 Finals Free day Sunday 2 december All day Monday 3 december Departure of the delegations START CAMPUS TRAINING GRECO-ROMAN- FREE STYLE - FEMALE WRESTLING Saturday 8 december Ends CAMPUS TRAINING INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT « COPA BRASIL 2012 » GRECO-ROMAN I FREE STYLE I FEMALE WRESTLING- SENIORS RIO DE JANEIRO Details of organizing Federation Medical service Enviar inscrições para Organizing Committee Details of competition venue Competition method Reception of the teams Details of hotel for the referees, FILA Delegate 28/11-2/12 2012 Confederação Brasileira de Lutas Associadas Rua Bom Pastor, 116 – Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. CEP 20521 060 Cell: (55 21) 7848-8594 Office: (55 21) 3591-9800 and (55 21) 3242-5543 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Medical service during the event/stay is provided by the organiser. The examinations before departure to Brazil is required and must be assured by the participating countries themselves. e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Presidente – Pedro Gama Filho Coordenação – Roberto Leitão Diretor técnico – Flavio Cabral Neves Diretor de arbitragem – Eduardo Paz Gonçalves Ginásio do Centro de Educação Física Almirante Adalberto Nunes (CEFAN) Rio de Janeiro. Av. Brasil 10.590, Rio de Janeiro - RJ. Individual competition in two or tree mats with FILA rules Aeroporto Internacional do Galeão (GIG) Rio de Janeiro - Antônio Carlos Jobim Rio's Presidente Hotel Rua Pedro I, 19 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil CEP.: 20060-050 Tel.: (21) 2123-5900 - Fax: (21) 2240-5070. Details of hotel for the teams. Centro de Educação Física Almirante Adalberto Nunes (CEFAN), Rio de Janeiro. Av. Brasil 10.590, Rio de Janeiro - RJ. Countries expected ARGENTINA, BRASIL, CANADA, CHILE, ECUADOR, GUATEMALA,UCRANIA, EUA AND OTHERS Participation fee per day and head THE COST PER PERSON AND PER DAY WILL BE: U$D 130,00 ( American Dollar) Age group Sênior Greco-Roman Weight categories Free Style Female 55 - 60 – 66 – 74 – 84 – 96 - 120 Kg (+2 Kg tolerance) 55 - 60 – 66 – 74 – 84 – 96 - 120 Kg (+2 Kg tolerance) 48 – 51 – 55 – 59 – 63 – 67 - 72 Kg (+2 Kg tolerance) FILA licence U$D 180,00 ( American Dollar) Deadline for preliminary entries 26/OUT/2012 Deadline for entries by name 16/NOV/2012 Referee's category FILA Category III,II, I and Oly Participation fee per day and head, during U$D 90,00 per day per person ( American Dollar) the trainning camp (CEFAN/RJ) N° Estimado de Atletas Transport TRAINING CAMP 150 atletas All delegations must make transport arrangements from their country to Rio Airport at their own account.The same applies for their return home. Transport from/to the airport from/to hotel will be borne by the organiser. After the tournament was held a training camp from 3rd to 9th December in Free Style Wrestling, Female Wrestling and Greco-Roman Wrestling, hosted on the future FILA trainning center at a cost per person per day of U$D90.00. The countries concerned should put in the registration form your interest in participating COPA BRASIL 2012 PRELIMINARY ENTRY FORM GR – FS - FW DEAD LINE: 2nd November 2012 NATIONAL FEDERATION ……………………………………… WRESTLERS ……………………………………… COACHES ……………………………………… REFEREES ……………………………………… OFFICIALS ......................................... TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS …………………………………….. PARTICIPATION IN THE TRAINING CAMP? YES ……………….(number of people) DATE / SIGNATURE . COPA BRASIL 2012 NOMINATIVE ENTRY FORM GR – FS - FW DEAD LINE: 16th Novembre 2012 NATIONAL FEDERATION …………………………………………………… COACH ………………………………………………………………………… REFEREE ………………………………………………………………………… DOCTOR ………………………………………………………………………… OFFICIALS ............................... ………………………..…………………........ STYLE (circle one) GRECO - FREESTYLE WRESTLERS (given names and surnames) 55kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 60kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 66kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 74kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 84kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 96kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 120kg ……………………………………………………………………………… ARRIVAL ………………………………………………………………………. DEPARTURE …………………………………………………………………… MEANS OF TRANSPORT ……………………………………………. DATE SIGNATURE COPA BRASIL 2012 NOMINATIVE ENTRY FORM GR – FS - FW DEAD LINE: 16th Novembre 2012 NATIONAL FEDERATION …………………………………………………… COACH ………………………………………………………………………… REFEREE ………………………………………………………………………… DOCTOR ………………………………………………………………………… OFFICIALS ............................... ………………………..…………………........ STYLE - FEMALE WRESTLERS (given names and surnames) 48kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 51kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 55kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 59kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 63kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 67kg ……………………………………………………………………………… 72kg ……………………………………………………………………………… ARRIVAL ………………………………………………………………………. DEPARTURE …………………………………………………………………… DATE / SIGNATURE
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