Taxation - Pinheiro Neto Advogados
Taxation - Pinheiro Neto Advogados
Taxation July 2015 – Extraordinary Edition CONFAZ Convention reduces the ICMS tax base and offers an ICMS tax amnesty on trades in electronic files, apps and software ICMS Convention 181 issued by the National Council for State Treasury Policies (CONFAZ) was published earlier today, authorizing the Brazilian states of Acre, Alagoas, Amapá, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Tocantins to grant a reduction in the ICMS tax base so that the ICMS taxation may equal at least 5% of the transaction value for commercial off-the-shelf software, computer programs, electronic games, apps, electronic files and similar items, even if they have been or may be customized, and made available by any means, including for transactions carried out via electronic data transfer. Further, ICMS Convention 181 authorized those Brazilian states not to enforce all or any portion of ICMS tax liabilities (already assessed or not), including the corresponding interest and fines, in connection with the aforementioned transactions occurred until the effective date of said Convention. ICMS Convention 181 is yet to be confirmed and regulated by each of those Brazilian states so that the CONFAZ authorizations may be put in place. Taxation is a monthly newsletter prepared by the tax team of Pinheiro Neto Advogados. Tax Partners: São Paulo: Sérgio Farina Filho, Marcelo Mazon Malaquias, Ricardo Luiz Becker, Luciana Rosanova Galhardo, Mauro Berenholc, Eduardo Carvalho Caiuby, Luiz Roberto Peroba Barbosa, Tércio Chiavassa, Marcelo Marques Roncaglia, Giancarlo Chamma Matarazzo, Flávio Veitzman and Jorge N. F. Lopes Jr. Rio de Janeiro: Carlos Henrique T. Bechara, Marcos de Vicq de Cumptich and Emir Oliveira. Acknowledgements: Luiz Roberto Peroba Barbosa e Rodrigo de Sá Giarola contributed to this Taxation issue. This newsletter was prepared as a source of information and debates only, and should not be construed as a legal opinion on any specific transaction or business. © 2015 Pinheiro Neto Advogados. All rights reserved RUA HUNGRIA, 1.100, 01455-000 SÃO PAULO, SP T.: +55 (11) 3247-8400 F.: +55 (11) 3247-8600 BRASIL RUA HUMAITÁ, 275, 16º ANDAR 22261-005 RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ T.: +55 (21) 2506-1600 F.: +55 (21) 2506-1660 BRASIL TAXATION is a monthly newsletter prepared by the tax team of PINHEIRO NETO ADVOGADOS, consisting of 16 partners, 4 counsels, 59 associates and 37 trainees. SAFS QUADRA 2, BLOCO B, 3º ANDAR, ED. VIA OFFICE, 70070-600, BRASÍLIA, DF T.: +55 (61) 3312-9400 F.: +55 (61) 3312-9444 BRASIL [email protected] WWW.PINHEIRONETO.COM.BR