Letter of Recommendation for Allyson Souza
Letter of Recommendation for Allyson Souza
Robert T,abronsky 37CiderMill Road,Stamford, CT 06903 203-64r-7636 Letterof Recommendation for AllysonSouza for Allie Souza. I am truly honoredto have been asked to write a -recommendation Allie has played on my travel soccerteam for the past 6 years. I clearly rememberAllie coming to the team her very first year, wide eyed and eager to learn a new sport. From the very first practicethere were severalspecialqualitiesthat jumped out. Allie's natural athleticismwas very obvious,but her instinctsand her ability to learn and absorb a lot of informationin a short amount of time was what was most impressiveto me. Allie took to soccerlike she had been playing the sport for years. She quickly becamethe top playeron the team, and just as impressively,becamea leaderon the team. Allie's instinctsand ability to be one step ahead of her teammatesand oppositionwere truly amazingto me. Theseskills,and Allie'spersonality,madeAlliea naturalteam leader.Some kids (and adults) try to be leaders,and to others, like Allie, it just comes naturally.The other girls on the team quickly realizedthat Allie was a teammate in the truest senseof the word. Allie leads by example,and is fiercelycompetitiveon the field, which breedsrespect and admirationamong Allie's peers. It is very unusualto be able to have a intensedesireto win and succeedon the field, and have the abilityto put the game behindyou when the game is over, and move on to tackle the next task. When someonecan combineoutstandingleadershiptraits, and being a superb athlete, that is when you know you have somethingspecial.Allie is truly specialin so many ways. I've spoken mostly about Allie'sathletic prowessand leadershipskills, but Allie'sgood natureand innatekindnessis what draws people,kids as well as adults,to her, She has a quick smile, a sharp wit, and a upbeat personalitythat makes peoplewant to be around her. Whether it is on the soccerfield, or just around schoolor town, it always bringsa smile to my face when I see Allie. It is very clear that Allie's personalityis contagious,and her teammatesfeed off of that. I am consistentlyimpressedand amazed how Allie is able to juggle so much and excel at most everythingthat she takes part in. Whether it is school,soccer,basketball,softball,or socially,Allie throws herself into these activitiesand gives LOOo/o, and strives to succeed, and becauseof her work ethic and natural gifts, she almost always does. I've been coachingyouth soccerin Stamfordfor 15 years, and can count on one hand the girls who have the qualities,both on and off the field, that Allie possesses.It truly has been an honor for me to be able to coachan athlete and person like Allie Souza. I considermyself lucky to have had the opportunityto spend so much time around Allie, and watch her grow and mature before my eyes. Sincerely, Rob Tabronsky HeadCoach,Stamford Hurricanes RZabronsky@stephengou ld.com
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