apostila 2016 inglês / english student


apostila 2016 inglês / english student
Because ofthe bright lights ofthe modem cities, when
we look up at the sky we can see no more than 100 stars.
Butfrom darkparts ofthe Earth, the naked eye can see more
than 5,000! And modem telescopes tell 5 a very different
With the help ofsome ofthe world's most powerful
instruments to measure the brightness of'ali the galaxies in
one sector ofthe cosmos, Australian astronomers say it is
probable that there are 70 10 sextillion stars in the visible
Universe. In other words and numbers, seven followed by 22
zeroes, a really astronomical figure.
That is more than the total number ofgrains ofsand
on ali the world's beaches and deserts, and that is only the
is stars in the visible Universe within range ofour telescopes.
Dr. Simon Driver, of the Australian National University,
hás a theory that many ofthe stars out there have planeis,
and that some ofthem probably have life. Dr. Drivers theory is not exactly new, and thoseplaneis are
só distant, he says, that there is no real possibility for us to see or contact anyone living on them.
Adapted from Astronomers Count the Stars, Andrew Craig, BBC News, 22 ly, 2003. Available at: <http://news.bbc.co.Uk/2/hi/science/nature/3085885.stm>.
July 7*, 2009.
General comprehension
Whafs it ali about?
1- Qual a ideia central do texto?
2- As estrelas que existem no Universo visível têm seu número comparado a quê?
Word study
Transparent words
Em textos de informação científica, como Astronomers Count the Stars, é comum encontrarmos muitas
transparent words ("palavras transparentes"), cognatas, com forma e sentido em inglês muito parecidos com
os do português, o que facilita a compreensão do texto.
Identifique no texto pelo menos 25 transparent words, sem contar as repetições. Considere também o texto
da página anterior.
Word Formation: Prefixes & Suffixes
O conhecimento de prefixos e sufixos é de fundamental importância para o
reconhecimento e a ampliação do vocabulário. Observe a palavra em destaque no
trecho abaixo:
... instruments to measure the brightness of ali the galaxies...
O sufixo -ness é usado com muitos adjetivos na formação de substantivos
3- Localize no texto o adjetivo que serviu de base para a formação do substantivo brightness.
Transcreva o trecho.
Observe mais duas palavras destacadas:
... a really astronomicalfigure...
... some of them probably have life...
O sufixo -ly é usado com muitos adjetivos na formação de advérbios de modo, correspondendo ao
nosso sufixo -mente.
4- Localize no texto os adjetivos que serviram de base para a formação dos advérbios really e
probably. Transcreva os trechos.
Agora, com base nas informações vistas, complete as lacunas dos quadros a seguir.
Reading practice: 1
Discourse markers
Encontramos no texto algumas palavras que desempenham uma função estrutural importante
(geralmente são conjunções, preposições ou advérbios), chamadas marcadores do discurso, que ajudam
a organizar as ideias e são palavras-chave para a compreensão do texto. Observe como elas foram
usadas e que ideia ou noção expressam.
acrescentar ou
ligar ideias
por causa relacionar causa
e efeito
mas, porém contrapor ideias
relação de
6 - Volte ao texto e responda:
a) Quais são a causa e o efeito relacionados por because of na linha 1?
b) Que ideias são contrapostas por but na linha 3?
c) And, na linha 4, acrescenta que ideia?
7 - Now complete each sentence with and, because, but, when.
a) Some of the stars have planets, ______________ life is a possibility there.
b) Life is possible on those planets, _______________ they are só distant from
the Earth!
c) We cannot contact anyone living on those planets ________________ they
are not within the range of our telescopes.
d) We cannot see more than one hundred stars in the sky _______________ we
are in a modern city.
e) A part of the Universe is now visible __________________astronomers have very powerful telescopes.
f) Astronomers can see about 70 sextillion stars in the Universe, _______________ not with the naked
Detailed comprehension
True or false?
Working in pairs, answer T (true) or F (false) according to Astronomers Count the Stars.
a) It is possible for people to see about 5,000 stars without a telescope. ( )
b) The bright lights of the cities help us see the stars. ( )
c) AH the Universe is visible to modern telescopes. ( )
d) There are more grains of sand on the world's beaches and deserts than ali the stars in the Universe. ( )
e) The number of stars in the visible Universe is na astronomical figure. ( )
f) Ten sextillion is the same as 1 followed by 22 zeroes. ( )
g) Ali stars and planets are within range of our telescopes. ( )
h) Some stars have planets, but they are too far away from the Earth. ( )
i) Life is impossible on those distant planets, according to Dr. Simon Driver. ( )
j) From the Earth it is not possible for us to see or contact that part of the Universe. ( )
There ís/There are
Para dizer "haver" no sentido de "existir" em inglês usa-se a expressão there + uma forma do verbo to
Observe a expressão em destaque nas frases:
There is no real possibility...
There are ten times more stars in the visible Universe...
There are 70 sextillion stars in the visible Universe.
Pelo contexto, podemos concluir que:
there is (there's)
there are
há, existe (singular)
há, existem (plural)
Na forma negativa acrescenta-se not:
there is not (there isn't)
there are not (there aren't)
não há, não existe (singular)
não há, não existem (plural)
Na forma interrogativa invertem-se as posições de is/are e there:
is there...?
are there... ?
há, existe...?
há, existem...?
Para expressar existência no presente:
há, existe
there is (there's)
there is not (there isn't)
is there?
há, existem
there are
there are not (there aren't)
are there?
8 - Complete as perguntas abaixo com Is there ou Are there e responda-lhes adequadamente com
Yes, there is/are ou No, there isn't/aren't.
a) _______________________________________________a planet called Earth?
b) __________________________________ a planet called Sun?
c) ________________________________ a satellite called Moon?
d) ______________________________ beaches and deserts on the Moon?
e) _____________________________ tem planets in our Solar System?
f) ______________________________ a galaxy called the Milky Way?
g) ________________________________ billions of stars in the Milky Way?
h) _______________________________ a planet called Mars?
i) __________________________ little green men on Mars?
j) ________________________ intelligent life on Earth?
Veja agora como expressar existência no passado e no futuro:
there was not
was there?
there were there were not
were there?
there was
there will
there will not
will there
haverá, existirá,
Formas abreviadas:
isn't = is not
aren't = are not
wasn’t = was not
weren't = were not
won't = will not
Complete com there is/are, there was/were ou there will be.
a) ___________________ ten times more stars in the visible Universe than ali the grains of sand on the
worlcTs beaches and deserts.
b) Everyone believes that where ______________________ testosterone ______________ agression and
c) ________________ more than 7 billion people living on this planet by 2012.
d) _____________________ two ways to look at every situation in your life.
e) _____________________ a military dictatorship in Brazil inthe 1960s.
f) ______________________ 9 planets in our Solar System.
g) ______________________ only 8 planets now. Pluto is no longer considered a planet.
h) _______________________ small amounts of three drugs in chocolate.
i) ________________________ no part of life that does not contain its lessons.
j) __________________________________ a great poet from Goiás called Cora Coralina.
k) _________________________ a manned mission to Mars in the near future, according to NASA officials.
10 - (Fuvest-SP) Transcreva, completando com os equivalentes a "havia":
a) _________________ plenty of room in the hotel.
b) __________________ fruit, ____________________ milk and __________________ trees, but he
to by the farm.
To Have
Observe as formas verbais em destaque nesta frase:
Dr. Simon Driver has a theory that many ofthe stars have planets, and that some ofthem probably have life.
Pelo contexto podemos concluir que o verbo to have (ter, possuir) está no tempo presente e que sua
forma básica, have, muda para has na 3ª pessoa do singular.
Observe o quadro com as formas do presente de to have:
Na forma negativa usa-se do not ou does not (don't ou doesn't na forma contrata):
I have a dog. I don't have a cai.
She has a bicycle. She doesn't have a car.
Na forma interrogativa usa-se do ou does no início da pergunta, antes do sujeito:
We have a dream. Do you have a dream too?
He has a story. Does she have a story too?
11- Complete the sentences with have or has.
a) The Earth _________ only one moon.
d) Our Solar System ____________ eight planets.
b) Some planets _________ one or more moons.
e) The Moon
beaches or
c) Saturn ___________ rings made of ice.
f) The galaxies _______ billions and billions of stars.
12- Complete com have, has, don't have ou doesn't have.
a) Some infertile couples can't _____________ a child that is genetically related to them.
b) The type of banana that we eat _______________ no seeds.
c) Chocolate _______________ small amounts of three drugs.
d) Many people around the world go hungry. More than one billion people ____________ enough food to
e) Worldwide, more than 500 million people _____________ access to the Internet.
f) Every game ______________ one billion people
g) Brasília ________________ enough food to eat.
Possessiva Forms
Observe as frases em destaque:
Dr. Driver's theory
The bird's wings
a teoria do Dr. Driver
as asas do pássaro
Quando o substantivo/possuidor designa um ser vivo (pessoa ou animal), as expressões possessivas
são formadas do seguinte modo:
1. Acrescentando-se 's ao substantivo/possuidor, singular ou plural, desde que não seja terminado em s.
man's body (o corpo do homem)
the bird's wings (as asas do pássaro)
Oscar Niemeyer's words (as palavras de Oscar Niemeyer)
the women's jobs (os empregos das mulheres)
the children's school (a escola das crianças)
2. Acrescentando-se apenas um apóstrofo ao substantivo/possuidor quando ele estiver no plural terminado
em s.
the girls' school (a escola das garotas)
the teachers' room (a sala dos professores)
the Simpsons' adventures (as aventuras dos Simpsons)
3. Quando o substantivo/possuidor designa um ser inanimado, em princípio não se usa 's, mas sim a
preposição of, correspondente a "de", em português.
The door of the car. The color ofthe watts. The end of the road.
(A porta do carro. A cor das paredes. O fim da estrada.)
4. Há uma tendência cada vez maior de se usar 's com os nomes de alguns seres inanimados,
personalizando o substantivo/possuidor que tem um sentido nobre. É o caso dos correspondentes a mundo,
Sol, mar, nomes de planetas, países, cidades, etc.
The world's population = The population of the world
(A população do mundo)
The Earth's beaches and deserts - The beaches and deserts of the Earth
(As praias e os desertos da Terra)
Nature's plan - the plan of Nature
(O plano da natureza)
Rio's beaches = the beaches of Rio
(As praias do Rio)
Acrescenta-se 's à última palavra, no caso dos substantivos compostos:
My daughter-in-law's car. (O carro da minha nora.)
• Acrescenta-se 's apenas ao último possuidor, no caso de haver dois possuidores de uma mesma
Homer and Marge's family. (a família dos dois)
Homer and Marge's problems. (os problemas que os dois têm em comum)
Mas acrescenta-se 's a cada possuidor, no caso de haver posse em separado:
Homer's and Marge's voices. (a voz de cada um)
Usa-se 's (ou apenas O em expressões que indicam tempo:
Today's paper. (O jornal de hoje.)
Two months' holiday. (Férias de dois meses.)
Yesterday's news. (As notícias de ontem.)
• Usa-se 's com nome de pessoas em frases que têm a preposição of em referência a um (entre vários)
amigo, automóvel, caso, etc.
Afriend of joe's. (Um amigo de Joe.)
That house of Bitt's. (Aquela casa do Bill.)
Essa construção é também comumente construída com os pronomes possessivos.
Afriend of mine. (Um amigo meu, um dos meus amigos.)
That problem of ours. (Aquele nosso problema.)
• Pode-se deixar de expressar o substantivo/a coisa possuída quando, pelo contexto, ele/ela for óbvio/a.
Isso é muito comum com o nome de estabelecimentos comerciais:
She bought those clothes at Macy's. (Ela comprou aquelas roupas na [loja] Macy’s.)
We live in a man's world, but apparently we don’t live in a boy's.
(Nós vivemos num mundo dos homens, mas aparentemente não num [mundo] dos garotos.)
13 – Use possessivo forms no lugar de has para formar novas frases com is e o complemento entre
parênteses. Veja o exemplo:
Dr. Simon Driver has a theory. (not new)
Dr. Simon Driver's theory is not new.
a) Our planet has a satellite. (called Moon)
b) The Earth has water. (precious)
c) Pluto has a satellite. (called Charon)
d) A baby's face.
e) The Sun’s rays.
f) Oscar Niemeyer's love for his country.
14- Continue o exercício, agora usando possessive forms no lugar de have para formar novas frases
com are e o complemento entre parênteses. Veja o exemplo:
Many stars have planets. (not visible)
Many stars' planets are not visible.
a) The astronomers have instruments. (powerful)
b) Some planets have satellites. (very big)
c) The astronomers have stories. (different)
15 - Traduza as expressões abaixo:
a) The world's children.
b) Humanity's most urgent problems.
c) Bob Marley's first song.
16- (Fuvest-SP) Reescreva empregando o caso genitivo ('s ou '):
a) This is the car of my brother-in-law.
b) Show me the new house of your parents.
17- (Fuvest-SP) Reescreva empregando o caso genitivo ('s ou '):
a) This is a business of no one else.
b) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met the parents of John and Mary?
False friends
Aprenda e fixe o verdadeiro significado dos falsos cognatos em destaque, preenchendo as
lacunas em cada frase.
1. He has amassed a lot of information about other politicians.
muitas informações sobre outros políticos.
2. Penélope Cruz speaks English with a slight Spanish accent.
Penélope Cruz fala inglês com um leve
Postreading activities
Voyager Interstellar Message
In the annals of exploration, the achievements ofthe two Voyager spacecraft are
unprecedented. The piddling journeys ofColumbus andMagellan spanned afew tens
ofthousands ofmiles on the watery surface ofone small world. Voyagers 1 and 2 have
traveled billions ofmiles through the ocean ofspace, exploring dozens of new worlds
along the way and revolutionizing our knowledge of the Solar System in which we live.
The Carl Sagan Portal Available at: <www.carlsagan.com>. June 7*, 2009. Gettinq the messaqe
Relacione as colunas de acordo com o texto.*
a) Voyager 1 e Voyager 2
( ) navegadores, exploradores
b) bilhões de milhas no espaço
( ) naves espaciais
c) dezenas de milhares de milhas nos oceanos
( ) distância percorrida pelas Voyagers 1 e 2
d) (Cristóvão) Colombo e (Fernão de) Magalhães
( ) distância percorrida pelos navegadores
Talk it over
Diante do astronômico número de estrelas e galáxias, da incrível vastidão do Universo, qual
deveria ser a postura do ser humano, em sua opinião? Ele não deveria ser menos arrogante, mais
humilde, ter maior consciência da sua relativa insignificância? Que outras lições podemos tirar da
grandeza do Universo? Você acha, por exemplo, que só pode existir vida inteligente no nosso
planeta? Discuta esse tema verdadeiramente out of this world com seus colegas.
Readmq practice
(Fuvest-SP) Texto para as questões 1 e 2.
Two in every three people on the planet - some 4 billion in total - are "excluded from the rule
oflaw."In many cases, this begins with the lack ofofficial recognition oftheir birth: around 40% ofthe
developing world 'sfive-year olá children are not registered as even existing. Later, people willfind that
the home they live in, the land theyfarm, or the business that they start, is notprotected by legally
enforceable property rights. Even in the rare cases when they can ajford to go to court, the service is
poor. índia, for example, hás only 11 judgesfor every l million people.
These alarming statistics are contained in a reportfrom a commission on the legal
empowerment ofthe poor, released on June 3rd at the United Nations. li argues that not only are such
statistics evidence of grave injustice, they also reflect one ofthe main reasons why só much
ofhumanity remains mired in poverty. Because they are outside the rule oflaw, the vast majority of
poor people are obliged to work (ifthey work at ali) in the informal economy, which is less productive
than the formal, legal part ofthe economy.
The Economist, June 7 , 2008.
1- De acordo com o texto:
a) dois terços da população mundial vivem à margem da lei.
b) quarenta por cento dos recém-nascidos no mundo não são registrados.
c) o comércio em países em desenvolvimento é rigidamente regulado.
d) casos de posse ilegal de terra são combatidos pelos governos de países pobres.
e) os cidadãos de países em desenvolvimento esperam muito tempo para obter documentos
2- O relatório citado no texto observa que:
a ilegalidade é uma condição combatida em países subdesenvolvidos.
os dados estatísticos sobre a pobreza no mundo são incompletos.
o fortalecimento do poder legal dos pobres melhoraria sua condição econômica e social.
a pobreza só poderia ser combatida com a intervenção das Nações Unidas.
a economia informal está em vias de ser abolida.
Extra readmg practice
(Fuvest-SP) Texto para as questões de 1 a 3.
Christoph Oswald has no problem approaching women. As he makes his way through the
crowd at hisfavorite Frankfurt club, his cell phone scans a 10-meter radiusfor "his type": tall, slim,
sporty, in her 30s-and, most important, lookingfor him, a handsome 36-year-old software consultant
who loves ski holidays. Before he reaches the bar, his phone starts vibrating and an attractive blonde
appears on its screen. "Hi, I'm Susan," she says. "Comefind me!" Christoph picks her out ofthe crowd,
and soon they're laughing over a drink.
Both Christoph and Susan have phones equipped with Symbian Dater, a program that promises
to turn the cell phone into a matchmaker. By downloading Symbian, they installed a 20-character
encrypted code that includes details ofwho they are and what they're lookingfor in a mate. Whenever
they go out, their matchmaking phones snijfout other Symbian Daters over the unlicensed, and
therefore free, Bluetooth radio frequency. Ifprofiles match up, the phones beep wildly and send out
short vídeo messages.
Newsweek, June 7 / June 14 , 2004.
1 - The passage tells us that at his favorite Frankfurt club, Christoph Oswald:
a) phones his girlfriend and asks her to join him for a drink.
b) meets a woman who had left him a phone message the day before.
c) has some difficulty spotting attractive women in the crowd.
d) receives a video message from a woman he has never met before.
e) gets several calls from women on his cell phone.
2 - According to the passage, Symbian Dater is a program that:
connects cell phones to radio stations.
makes it possible to restrict the acceptance of calls on a cell phone.
is installed in a cell phone to make it look for its owner's perfect mate.
installs a code in cell phones in order to prevent them from being used by strangers.
is still unlicensed because it hás to be perfected.
3 - We can conclude from the passage that Christoph Oswald:
wants to meet new people.
is not pleased with his cell phone.
does not like outdoor activities.
is a rather shy person.
needs company for a ski holiday.
Read more about it
• Bilhões e bilhões, Carl Sagan, Companhia das Letras, 1999.
• Eyeing a post - Hubble Universe, Rachel Clarke.Available at: <http://news.bbc.co.Uk/2/hi/science/nature/3115159.stm>. June 7th, 2009.
• O universo numa casca de noz, Stephen Hawking, ARX, 2002.
• Pálido Ponto Azul, Carl Sagan, Companhia das Letras, 1997.
• Planetary News, NASA. Available at: <www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html>. June 7th, 2009.
• The Carl Sagan Portal. Available at: <www.carlsagan.com>. June 7th, 2009.
• Uma breve história do tempo, Stephen W. Hawking, Rocco, 2002.
Tsali, an old chief of the Cherokees (a tribe of North American Indians that live in
the Southwest of the United States), often walks along the stream near the village with
his grandson. They do that almost every day. The old man knows a lot of stories full of
adventure or wisdom and the boy loves to listen to them.
This morning Tsali decides to tell the boy about a battle that sometimes happens
inside himself. The old man says, "This battle is between two wolves. One is evil:
cruelty, hate, anger, envy, despair, greed, arrogance, guilt, lies, resentment, inferiority,
superiority, and ego.".
The old Indian stopsfor a moment and then says, "The other is good: joy, peace,
love, hope, empathy, friendship, serenity, humility, kindness, generosity, truth,
compassion, and faith...".
The boy is filled with curiosity. He looks at his grandfather and asks, "What
happens then? Which wolfwins?"
Tsali just smiles and answers, "The one I feed."
Adapted from Wolves. Available at: <http://www.quickinspirations.com/stories/wolves.asp>.
June 3ri, 2009.
General comprehension
Whafs it all about?
1- E então, as hipóteses que você formulou sobre os wolves foram confirmadas?
2- Em poucas palavras, qual é a ideia central do texto?
Word study
Transparent words
Como no texto da primeira unidade, aqui também há diversas transparent words, palavras que em
inglês têm forma e sentido muito parecidos com os do português, o que facilita a compreensão do
Identifique no texto pelo menos 12 transparent words, sem considerar as repetições.
Word Formation: Prefixes & Suffixes
O sufixo -ity, presente em vários substantivos abstratos que aparecem no texto, corresponde
ao sufixo -dade em português.
Observe a formação desses substantivos e complete o quadro abaixo.
Find the opposites
Match the columns with words of opposite meanings.
a) evil
b) inside
c) cruelty
d) hate
e) despair
f) anger
g) greed
h) lies
i) winner
j) friend
) generosity
) kindness
) truth
) loser
) outside
) good
) serenity
) enemy
) love
) hope
Words with the same meaning
Find words in Wolves (pages 13-14) that nave the same meaning as:
a) a small narrow river
b) the son of one of your children
c) a fight between two armies in a war.
d) to give food to a person or an animal
e) the leader of an Indian tribe
f) on many occasions, frequently
g) full of
h) the one who wins a competition
Words in context
Choose the right word to complete each sentence. All those words can be found in Wolves.
3- In life there is a constant battle *, good and evil.
a) about
b) near
c) inside
d) between
e) just
4- They i walk along the stream. They frequently do that.
a) often
b) sometimes
c) every day
d) always
e) never
5- lt's now two minutes to midnight. Ifs * midnight.
a) a lot of
b) almost
c) every
d) each
e) then
6- I know l'm wrong and l'm sorry about that. l'm filled with * about it.
a) joy
b) faith
c) guilt
d) wisdom
e) compassion
7- If you always do the right thing, the "good wolf" * .
a) happens
b) answers
c) wins
d) smiles
e) walks
8- Young people are our * for the future.
a) winner
b) peace
c) envy
d) hope
e) arrogance
Good or evil?
Find the "good" words and the "evil" words in Wolves and write them next to each
corresponding word in Portuguese.
Getting the visual message
Look at the picture and choose the "good wolf word" that it represents.
a) joy
b) love
c) truth
d) compassion
e) humility
f) wisdom
Some Important Words
Observe os dois sentidos de one nestas frases:
... This battle is between two wolves. One is evil...
... Which wolfwins?... The one Ifeed.
Na primeira frase, one aparece no seu uso mais comum.
O que significa?
Na segunda frase, depois do artigo definido the, one funciona como pronome, substituindo um
No caso, one evita a repetição de qual substantivo, óbvio pelo contexto?
Em inglês, existem duas preposições que correspondem à preposição entre. Uma delas aparece no
Copie a frase em que aparece essa preposição e destaque-a.
Essa preposição é usada para indicar
"entre dois", "entre um e outro". Existe também a
preposição among, usada para indicar "entre (vários)
outros", "no meio de (vários)".
Observe a palavra em destaque nesta frase:
... Tsali decides to tell the boy about a battle that
sometimes happens inside himself.
pronome reflexivo ("ele próprio", "si mesmo") e na frase
indica que a batalha às vezes acontece dentro "de si
mesmo", "dele".
Quem é esse "ele"? Tsali ou o garoto?
Detailed comprehension
All about that battle
correct alternative to
statement, according to Wolves.
9- Pelo texto podemos dizer que Tsali tem:
a) dois lobos.
b) dois problemas.
10 - A batalha a que Tsali se refere acontece no plano:
c) problemas com dois lobos.
d) um
11- Os lobos da história do velho índio simbolizam:
nossas virtudes e nossos defeitos.
nossas certezas e dúvidas.
nossos sucessos e fracassos.
nossas esperanças e frustrações.
12- O garoto está curioso para saber:
qual dos lobos vence a batalha.
qual dos lobos é o mais perigoso.
qual dos lobos perde a batalha.
qual é o prêmio do vencedor.
13 - Pela resposta de Tsali, o garoto:
sabe que o vencedor é o lobo bom.
sabe que o vencedor é o lobo mau.
não sabe qual dos dois lobos é o vencedor.
fica sabendo que não há vencedor.
14 - Visando transmitir ao neto uma boa lição de vida, Tsali lhe demonstra que:
devemos alimentar nosso lado bom em vez de fomentar pensamentos ou atitudes negativos.
não devemos deixar de alimentar os nossos "lobos", sejam bons ou maus.
não devemos alimentar os animais selvagens, principalmente animais perigosos como os lobos.
devemos seguir nossos impulsos, para o bem ou para o mal.
15 Observe que, no texto, tanto inferiority quanto superiority foram palavras atribuídas ao "lobo mau". O
que isso parece indicar?
Look at the two pictures
What do they have in common?
person with an angel
the same
there is a
good wolf and a bad
one in ali
of us.
c) They show there is no place for evil in us.
What or Which?
What... ? (que; o que; o qual) - Refere-se a pessoas, animais ou coisas, em sentido geral:
What is the wordfor "wolf in Portuguese?
Which... ? (qual) - Refere-se a um grupo limitado, específico, de pessoas, animais ou coisas: Which
wolfwins? The good wolfor the evil one?
Quando what ou which representam o sujeito do verbo, a pergunta é feita sem o verbo auxiliar
What happens then?
Which wolfwins?
Complete the sentences with what or which.
a) One of those buses goes to São Paulo. ......................... bus goes to Sampa?
b) _____________________ is Elton John's real name?
c) _____________________ is the capital of South África?
d) _____________________ bag is yours, the blue bag or the red one?
e) _____________________ happens when you feed the Wolf?
f) ______________________wolf loses, the evil wolf or the good wolf?
Quando o que é "invisível"
Em inglês, é possível omitir o pronome relativo que corresponde ao nosso "que", quando ele se
refere ao objeto do verbo. Assim, em vez de dizer:
The one that I feed. ou The one which I feed. na linguagem informal é muito mais comum dizer:
The one I feed.
16- Das alternativas abaixo escolha duas que traduzem corretamente a frase acima.
O lobo que eu alimento.
O um que eu alimento.
O lobo eu alimento.
Aquele que eu alimento.
17- Complete the sentences with the correct alternative from the box.
The problems • The car • The man The movie • The stories
a) “____________________ love" is an old American song.
b) _____________________ they have are pollution, crime and violence.
c) _____________________ she likes best is "Avatar".
d) _____________________ l drive is an old Volkswagen.
e) _____________________ he knows are full of adventure.
Simple Present: Affírmative Form
Observe os verbos em destaque nas frases abaixo:
The Cherokees live in the Southwest ofthe United States.
Tsali often walks along the stream mar the village with his grandson.
They do that almost every day.
The old man knows a lot of stories ... and the boy loves to listen to them.
This morning Tsali decides to teu the boy about a battle that sometimes happens inside himself.
Para falar de algo que é sempre verdade ou expressar ações que acontecem habitualmente, no
presente, os verbos em inglês são usados no Simple Present, o tempo verbal que está em destaque
nas frases acima e que corresponde ao Presente do Indicativo, em português.
18- Entre aquelas frases, identifique:
a) a que fala sobre uma verdade permanente;
b) uma das que falam de ações habituais.
A forma básica do Simple Present é igual à do infinitivo (sem to). Tomando como exemplo os
verbos to know e to walk:
l know l
you know
you walk
we know
we walk
they know
they walk
Na 3ª pessoa do singular, na maioria dos verbos há o acréscimo de -s:
he knows
he walks
she knows
she walks
it knows it
Em outros verbos, dependendo da terminação, a alteração é outra. Veja:
• verbos terminados em -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x e também em -o: acrescenta-se -es:
l kiss
she kisses
l wash
he washes
l watch
she watches
it fixes
she does
l go
he goes
• verbos terminados em consoante + y: troca-se o y por i e acrescenta-se -es:
Itry he
l study she
Ifly it
• verbos terminados em vogai + y: acrescenta-se -s:
l say she
l buy he
Ipay she
Exemplos de conjugação no Simple Present: verbos to live (viver; morar), to go (ir) e to play
(brincar; jogar; tocar; representar) na forma afirmativa:
19 - Complete as frases com a forma correta de cada verbo. A primeira já está feita para você.
a) They play volleyball. She plays volleyball too.
b) l touch my hair.
He _________________________________ his hair too.
c) We wash the car.
She ________________________________ the car too.
d) They stay at home.
He ________________________________ at home too.
e) l miss my country.
He ________________________________ his country too.
We go to the movies.
She _______________________________ to the movies too.
g) You study English.
He_________________________________ English too.
h) l do my job.
She ________________________________ her job too.
20 - Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verbs from the box.
happens • do • wants • live • walk • wins looks • stops • asks • says
a) Those Indians _______________________ in the Southwest.
b) The old Indian and his grandson often _____________________along a stream.
c) They _________________________ that almost every day.
e) lt's a story about a battle that ___________________inside the old Indian chief.
f) The boy ________________ at his grandfather and _______________ his hair too.
g) The boy _________________________ to know which wolf__________________________.
21- Nas frases a seguir, justifique por que o verbo em destaque não termina em -s.
• The Cherokees live in the Southwest of the United States.
• The old chief and his grandson walk along the stream nearthe village.
• They do that every day.
22 - O texto fala de várias ações que acontecem habitualmente, no tempo presente. Leia-o
novamente para encontrar as palavras ou expressões correspondentes a:
a) frequentemente
b) quase todos os dias
c) às vezes
• Ações, situações ou atividades permanentes:
Tropical forests cover only two percent ofthe Earth's surface.
(As florestas tropicais cobrem apenas dois por cento da superfície terrestre.)
• Verdades universais, fatos científicos ou da natureza:
Plants absorb carbon dioxidefrom the air.
(As plantas absorvem gás carbônico do ar.)
23 - Complete as frases com uma das formas do Simple Presentáos verbos do quadro abaixo. Dois
desses verbos serão usados em duas frases.
drink • cover • need • belong • smile go • learn • know
a) I ___________________ at least three cups of milk every day.
b) We ___________________ more laws to control the use of guns.
c) Freedom _______________________ to the people, just as the sky ______________ to the
d) Many people ___________________ to the beach to get "that nice tan".
e) Tropical forests __________________ only two percent of the Earth's surface.
f) At Hogwarts, a special wizard school, Harry Potter ___________________ his craft every day.
g) No one _______________________ for sure why most people are right-handed.
h) A human being ____________________ a minimum of 2,300 calories a day.
i) People ali over the world ___________________ in the same language.
24 - (UFSC) Which alternativos (more than one) contain habitual actions in the present?
l always dream about cats.
l had terrible dreams when l was a child.
We frequently buy books about dreams.
l used to have strange dreams.
He usually dreams about dangerous situations.
False friends
Aprenda e fixe o verdadeiro significado dos falsos cognatos em destaque, preenchendo as lacunas
em cada frase. Quando precisar, consulte a lista de False friends em ordem alfabética.
a) Actualitycan be strangerthan fiction.
A _________________________ pode ser mais estranha do que a ficção.
b) That young woman was not able to get rid of her addictionlo cocaine.
Aquela moça não conseguiu se livrar de sua ___________________________ da cocaína
Postreading activities
(...) Jesus eloquently affirmedfrom the cross a higher law. He knew that the old eye-for-eye
philosophy would leave everyone blind. He did not seek to overcome evil with evil. He overcame evil
with good.
Strength to Love, Martin Luther King, Jr, 1963
Gettinq the message
a) Quem foi que, do alto da cruz, estabeleceu uma lei superior?
b) Qual a conseqüência da antiga filosofia do "olho por olho"?
c) Com o que se vencia o mal, na filosofia do "olho por olho"?
d) E Jesus venceu o mal com o quê?
Opinion poll
25 - Which of the "good wolf" feelings do you consider the most important?
( ) Joy
( ) empathy
( ) kindness
( ) compassion
( ) peace
( ) love
( ) hope
26- And which of the "bad wolf" characteristics do you think are the most terrible?
( ) cruelty
( ) greed
( ) despair
( ) guit
( ) lies
( ) resentment
( ) superiority
( ) ego
( ) hate
( ) arrogance
( ) anger
( ) inferiority
( ) envy
Readmg practice
(PUC-PR) Texto para as questões 1 a 3. Read the text below and answer the questions provided:
Ain't that sweet!
New research shows the hidden benefits ofeating dark chocolate
By Sora Song
Go ahead, indulge yourself a little. Medicai science hasjust cooked up two sweet reasons to eat
chocolate - as long as it's dark chocolate. Two small studies published last week suggest that dark
chocolate may offer such benefits as lower blood pressure and higher leveis of disease-and-agedefying chemicals called antioxidants. As if you needed an excuse.
Researchers have long known that cocoa beans contain a class of chemicals called flavonoids,
which are alsofound infruits, vegetables, tea and red wine. Previous studies suggest that flavonoids
raise leveis of HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and act as potent antioxidants, protecting cells from
free-radical damage, which can contribute to aging, heart disease and certain cancers.
In a study published in Nature, researchers asked 12 volunteers to eat dark chocolate only, dark
chocolate with a glass ofmilk, or milk chocolate. An hour later, the dark-chocolate-only group showed
an 18% increase in blood leveis of antioxidants called epicatechins. Those in the latter two groups had
no such change. "We suspect it's the proteins in the milk that the epicatechins are binding to, só
they're not absorbed," says study co-author Alan Crozier of the University ofGlasgow. "There is
evidence that with tea, milk does somethingsimilar." [...]
Time Magazine, Sept. 8 , 2003, p. 99.
1 - About the article, it might be stated that:
it argues that any kind of chocolate is good for people's health.
it suggests that people avoid dark chocolate.
it tells people to eat less chocolate.
it suggests that people should eat more dark chocolate.
it offers scientific data to support people who eat ali sorts of chocolate.
2 - According to the information presented in the article:
a) flavonoids act as potent antioxidants, raising HDL cholesterol and free-radical leveis.
b) flavonoids are not only found in chocolate but also in fruits, vegetables, tea and red wine.
c) antioxidants contribute to aging, heart disease and certain cancers.
d) among the benefits of dark chocolate are lower blood pressure and higher leveis of chemicals that
produce aging and diseases.
e) consuming chocolate with tea and milk increases the levei of antioxidants in the blood.
3 - The introductory statement Go ahead, indulge yourself a little should be understood as:
an invitation to have as much chocolate as one wishes.
some advice to be careful while eating chocolate.
a promise to do something one wishes to do.
a request to think carefully before eating chocolate.
permission to have some chocolate.
Extra readmg practice
(Unifesp) As questões de números 1 a 5 referem-se ao texto seguinte.
Dengue fever: Millions at risk as a new outbreak of dengue fever sweeps Latin America
Apr. 19th, 2007 - There is no vaccine. There is also no good way to treat it - justfluids and the
hope that the fever will break.
Atfirst it seems like a case ofsevereflu, but then the fever rises, accompanied by headaches,
excruciating joint pain, náusea and rashes. In its most serious form, known as dengue hemorrhagic
fever (DHF), it involves internai and externai bleeding and can result in death. Fuelled by climate
change, dengue fever is on the rise again throughout the developing world, particularly in Latin
According to the World Health Organization, dengue is now endemic in more than 100 tropical
and sub-tropical countries around the world, ajfecting some 50 million people a year, mostly in urban
or semi-urban áreas. Afurther 2.5 billion, two-fifths ofthe world's population, are considered "at risk".
About 500,000 people, many ofthem children, are believed each year to develop aform ofDHF
serious enough to require treatment in hospital. Worldwide, 2.5% ofDHF cases die; without proper
care, the proportion can exceed 20%.
Anyone who survives an infection by one ofthefour viruses that cause the disease gains lifelong
immunity from that vírus. But subsequent infection by another variant increases the risk of developing
DHF, which is becoming much more common in Latin America. In México, for example, just one in 50
cases was hemorrhagic six years ago, says José Ángel Córdoba Villalobos, México's secretary of
health. Now one infive is.
Last year just o ver 500,000 cases of dengue were reported in Latin America, including more than
14,000 hemorrhagic cases, 187 of which resulted in death. Thisyear nearly 200,000 dengue cases
have already been reported, including 2,693 cases ofDHF. At least 37 people have died, including 11
in Paraguay and 17 in Brazil.
The dengue viruses are transmitted to humans through the bite ofafemale Aedes mosquito, which
acquires the viruses while feeding, normally on the blood ofan infected person. Given that there is no
known preventive treatment or anti-viral cure, the only practical way to preveni the viruses' spread is to
eliminate the Aedes mosquitoes bypreventing themfrom breeding.
In México, the house-to-house programme mounted by the government to get people during the rainy
season to remove rubbish and standing water where mosquitoes breed hás been extended yearround - with some success. The number of dengue cases reported this year is well down on last year,
but the rainy season - the main breeding time for the mosquitoes - hás yet to come.
Adapted from Dengue fever: Millions at risk as a new outbreak of dengue fever sweeps Latin America. Available at: <www.economist.com>. Dec. 20 , 2009.
1- Os sintomas iniciais da dengue:
a) são febre alta, dor na nuca e vômito intermitente.
causam dores nas juntas devido a pequenas hemorragias.
são semelhantes aos de uma gripe forte.
são precursores de hemorragia interna que leva à morte.
devem ser tratados com ingestão de líquidos e antitérmicos.
2 - Dengue fever:
does not have an efficient vaccine, but there are some preventive treatments.
presents a higher incidence in rural and scarcely populated áreas.
is endemic mainly among people who live near rivers.
may be transmitted through human contact or the Aedes mosquito bite.
may be caused by four variants of virus.
3 - Segundo a OMS, a população mundial que corre o risco de contrair dengue é de:
2,5 bilhões de pessoas.
50 milhões de pessoas.
50 mil pessoas.
500 mil crianças.
20% da população de 100 países.
4 - The DHF, the most serious form of dengue:
does not develop in people who have gained lifelong immunity from the virus.
develops in 20% of cases in México at present.
caused the death of 20% of people worldwide.
resulted in 2,693 deaths in Latin America.
has affected mainly people in Brazil and Paraguay.
5 - A única maneira prática de evitar a disseminação do vírus da dengue é por meio de:
a) tratamentos preventivos de saúde pública intensivos.
b) programas de cura com antivirais disponíveis para as populações de risco.
c) campanhas governamentais para alertar a população sobre os sintomas.
d) medidas para evitar a proliferação do mosquito Aedes.
e) programas domiciliares como o mexicano, que ocorre durante a época de chuvas.
Read more about it
O livro da sabedoria e das virtudes redescobertas, Jean Guitton, FGV, 2003.
O médico e o monstro, Robert Louis Stevenson, Átíca, 1998.
O teatro do bem e o do mal, Eduardo Galeano. Availableat: <www.paremasmaquinas.com.br/art081.htm>. July, 8 . 2009.
Pequeno tratado das grandes virtudes, André Comte-Sponville, Martins Fontes, 2001.
Some people don't know how to react when times are difficult. But those times can be 3
considered difficult or challenging, depending on your perspective. Your attitude to life, the way you
react to a new situation, especially a difficult (or challenging) one, can make a difference. There are
two ways to look at every situation in life:
It is amazing how your perception can be changed by your attitude. For example, think about God
and then look at these letters:
You can read those letters as one word and assume that God is NOWHERE.
But you can also look at those lettersfrom another perspective and believe that God is NOW
Optimists always try to look at thingsfrom a positive point ofview. They don't ignore the dark side
ofthings, but they choose the other side. On the other hand, pessimists always see the negative side
of things. A pessimist doesnt believe in luck.
Follow this advice and improve your life:
Believe in yourself and your values. Setgoals for your future but dont be discouraged when things
go is wrong. Dontforget that there are others in the world with bigger problems thanyou. Always
remember to look at thegood things inyour life, and be thankfulfor the time you have with your family
So the next time you look at that classic situation in your life:
be an optimist and see the cup as being half full. You can make the world a better place when you try
to be a happier person. Ifyou see someone without a smile, give them one ofyours. Here's one to
getyou started.
Adapted from Perspective. Available at: <www.quickinspirations.com>. June 3 , 2009.
General comprehension
Whafs it ali about?
- Que tipos antagônicos de atitude as pessoas podem ter quando
enfrentam uma nova situação?
- E você, é dos que acham que a xícara está meio vazia ou dos que
acham que está meio cheia?
3 - O texto fez você sentir vontade de mudar de lado?
Word study
Transparent words
Find at least 15 transparent words in the text.
Piscourse markers
Encontramos no texto alguns marcadores do discurso, aquelas palavras que ajudam a organizar
as idéias e são fundamentais para a compreensão. Observe como eles são usados e a ideia ou
noção que expressam.
Marcador do discurso
acrescentar ou ligar ideias
apontar alternativas
contrapor ideias
for example
estabelecer relação de tempo
concluir um raciocínio
and then
indicar sequência
estabelecer condição
indicar modo, maneira
on the other hand
estabelecer contraste
4 - Localize no texto os marcadores do discurso correspondentes em inglês.
se ________________
ou ________________
assim, portanto ____________________
quando _____________
por exemplo _________________
e então, em seguida ________________
mas __________________
5 - Fill in the blanks with the correct discourse markers from the box.
por outro lado
so • if • or • but • and then • and • when • for example • on the other hand
Every situation hás a dark side
Are you an optimist
a bright one.
a pessimist? Life is beautiful,
some situations can be difficult.
have a hard test at school.
good. You know ali about that,
you study for the test, your chances of passing it
you study for the test. Congratulations, you really
an optimist!
Words in context
Choose the right word to complete each sentence. AH those words can be found in The Bright
Side of Things.
6 - A teacher's job is not easy but it is interesting and * .
a) challenging
b) started
c) discouraged
d) dark
e) changed
7 - You did me a big favor and l am * for your help.
d) happier
e) difficult
8 - When you try to make things better you try to * them.
a) forget
b) ignore
c) choose
d) improve
e) react
9 - There is nothing inside the box. It is *.
a) full
b) bright
c) negative
d) next
e) empty
10 - The story is hard to believe. It is really *.
a) bright
b) half
c) amazing
d) positive
e) another
c) advice
d) letters
e) side
11- Follow my * . Be an optimist.
a) luck
b) smile
12 - The police cannot find him in any place. He seems to be *.
a) here
b) there
c) nowhere
d) without
e) now here
Detailed comprehension
Lookinq for specífic Information
Com um colega, volte ao texto e localize os trechos onde se encontram as informações seguintes.
Transcreva as frases que contêm as idéias principais.
a) Dependendo da perspectiva que adotarmos em relação a uma situação, esta pode ser
considerada difícil ou desafiadora. Destaque os dois adjetivos.
b) Nossa atitude pode mudar a forma como percebemos as situações. Que palavra mostra que o
autor acha isso espantoso?
c) Identifique um exemplo de que podemos ter diferentes percepções sobre uma mesma situação e a
partir do mesmo pensamento. Sobre quem o autor do texto manda pensar?
d) Identifique um exemplo de leitura de uma palavra que, com base em uma predisposição negativa,
leva a uma conclusão de sentido pessimista. Destaque e traduza essa palavra-chave.
e) Uma outra leitura das mesmas letras leva a uma conclusão otimista. Destaque e traduza as duas
f) Identifique aquilo que não existe para um pessimista. Destaque e traduza a
g) Em quem e em que devemos acreditar para melhorar nossa vida? Destaque
esses dois pontos.
h) De que uma pessoa com problemas não deve se esquecer? Explique, em português, por que isso
deve servir de consolo.
i) O que se deve dar a uma pessoa que não consegue sorrir? Destaque a palavra que responde a
essa pergunta e a que indica "ausência, falta de".
Getting the visual message
The pictures show four changing attitudes of a young girl. Match the four sentences with each
different attitude.
( )"Well... Let's have a look."
( ) I’m not interested."
( ) "Wow! Thafs really interesting!'
( )"l don't want to see it!"
Simple Present: Negative Form
Volte a ler algumas frases do texto e preste atenção às formas verbais destacadas:
Some people do not know how to react when times are difficult.
Optimists always try to look at thingsfrom a positive point ofview.
They don't ignore the dark side ofthings, but they choose the other side.
On the other hand, pessimists always see the negative side ofthings.
A pessimist doesn't believe in luck.
Pelo contexto, sabemos que os verbos em destaque referem-se a ações que acontecem (ou não)
no tempo presente, pelo uso do Simple Present.
Transcreva as frases anteriores que indicam ações que não acontecem, e nas quais, portanto, os
verbos são usados na forma negativa.
Podemos concluir que na negativa do Simple Present a forma
básica dos verbos é precedida de do not (ou don't, forma contrata, mais
comum e usada em linguagem informal) para todas as pessoas (/ - you - we
- you - they), com exceção da 3ª pessoa do singular (he - she - it), em que
se usa does not (ou doesn't, na forma contrata).
I go to school by bus. I don't go to school by subway.
(Eu vou à escola de ônibus. Eu não vou à escola de
She plays the piano. She doesn't play the guitar.
(Ela toca piano. Ela não toca guitarra.)
They do not know the world outside that wall.
Observe o exemplo do verbo to know:
É importante notar que, na negativa, a forma básica do verbo não varia na 3ª pessoa do singular.
A variação ocorre apenas no verbo do (verbo auxiliar, sem tradução), que, na negativa, muda de do
not para does not.
13 - These pictures are ali wrong. Working in pairs, make new sentences, using
the verbs in the negative form.
Wolves eat hot dogs.
No, thafs wrong!
Wolves don't eat hot dogs.
a) Paulo Coelho writes soap operas.
No, thafs crazy!
b) Gameis smoke.
No, thafs ridiculous
c) Gisele Bündchen works in an
No, thafs silly!
d) Pigs fly.
e) Monkeys speak English.
No, thafs silly!
f) You and l live on the Moon.
No, thafs crazy!
The Sun goes around the Earth.
No, thafs silly
14 - Complete com do, does, don't ou doesn’t.
a) Consumers ____________________ accept genetically modified foods.
b) A pessimist ____________________ believe in luck.
c) An optimist ____________________ ignore the dark side of things, but he chooses the other side.
d) Some people __________________ know how to react when times are difficult.
Leia de novo algumas frases do texto e observe as formas verbais em destaque:
Follow this advice and improve your life.
Believe in yourself and your values.
Set goals for your future but don't be discouraged when things go wrong.
Don't forget that there are others in the world with bigger problems than you.
Pelo contexto podemos concluir que as formas verbais em destaque são as do Imperative, o modo
imperativo, usadas para expressar um comando, ordem, conselho ou pedido. A forma do imperativo é
a mesma do infinitivo (sem to). Na negativa usa-se do not (ou don't, na forma contrata) antes do
15 - Dos exemplos acima, identifique as frases ou orações em que o conselho é para não fazer algo.
Transcreva-as abaixo.
16 - Volte ao texto e encontre as frases imperativas que correspondem a:
a) Pense em Deus e olhe para estas letras.
b) Não se esqueça de que há outros no mundo com problemas maiores do que os que você tem.
c) Não desanime quando as coisas saem errado.
d) Acredite em você e em seus valores.
e) Siga estes conselhos e melhore sua vida.
Veja mais alguns exemplos de frases no modo imperativo:
Uma outra forma (mais suave, polida) de apresentar sugestões sobre ações que incluem a pessoa
que fala é usar let's + infinitivo do verbo sem to:
Let's open our books.
(Vamos abrir os nossos livros.)
17 - Complete as frases, escolhendo as formas de imperativo do quadro abaixo.
a) The forest is your friend. ____________________________ It.
b) If yoiTre going to the beach, _________________________ to wear a hat.
c) Come in! And _____________________________ the door.
d) Now _________________________ your shoes and socks.
e) ________________________ my soul to God.
f) lt's hot in here. ______________________________ acold drink.
False friends
Aprenda e fixe o verdadeiro significado dos falsos cognatos em destaque, preenchendo as lacunas
em cada frase. Quando precisar, consulte a lista de False friends em ordem alfabética.
a) My parents never argue. They live in harmony.
Meus ____________________ nunca ____________________________.
Eles vivem em harmonia.
b) That library hás a large collection of rare books.
Aquela ___________________ tem uma __________________________.
coleção de livros raros.
Postreading activity
Between the optimist and
the pessimist
The difference is droll:
The optimist sees the doughnut
But the pessimist sees the hole.
Optimist and Pessimist, McLandburgh Wilson.
Gettinq the massage
a) O que o otimista vê quando olha uma rosquinha?
b) O que o pessimista vê na mesma situação?
c) Que analogia pode ser feita entre este texto e o da abertura?
Reading practice
Getting to Los Vegas is easy, and transportation choices abound. Mostpeople take to the roads,
but many othersprefer tofly, or hop on a bus or train. Once in Los Vegas, visitors willfind that the dty's
abundant taxis, buses, and trolleys are a convenient and inexpensive way to get around town.
Extracted from Lãs Vegas and Laughlin, Nevada, Southern Califórnia Tour Guide.
1 - De acordo com o texto acima:
) há poucas opções de transporte para ir a Lãs Vegas.
) os táxis em Lãs Vegas são caros.
) a maioria dos que visitam Lãs Vegas vai de carro.
) não é possível ir de trem a Lãs Vegas.
2 - (ITA-SP) Assinale a opção que melhor expressaria a fala da Mônica no 2- balão:
a. ( ) Actions speak louder than words...
b. ( ) Silence implies consent...
c. ( ) Better late than never...
d. (
) He who laughs last, laughs
e. ( ) Appearances are deceptive...
Extra readmg practice
(UFPR) Logo após o encerramento da Copa do Mundo de futebol de 2002, internautas de várias
partes do mundo apresentaram seus comentários em um fórum no site da BBC.
Well done, Germany! They did só well. It was unlucky to be defeated in the final. Although Kahn is
not on the winníngside, he is my best player in the tournament. And I have to mention that ali the
Germans did give me big surprises when nobody, including myself, believed they could reach the final
one month ago. Anyway, the Germans have showed they are the best European team in 2002.1 look
forward to the World Cup 2006 and I believe that they will be stronger and stronger.
Victor, Austrália.
Oliver Kahn did quite well; thefirst goal was not ali hisfault. Hamman dwelled on the bali too long
and paid for it. Kahn kept Germany in the game many times. Ifit was not for him, Germany would have
lost by many more.
Timmy Deavin, England.
Damn Oliver Kahn! I thought he was a descent goalie but he disappointed me in both goals he
conceded and I've lostfaith in him. But as a team Tm proud ofhow Germany played.
Tibor, Austrália.
The 2-0 result today does not show how well Germany played today. Oliver Kahn should not be
blamedfor thefirst goal; the bali had been well driven by Rivaldo. It was a difficult bali for even a great
keeper like Kahn to stop without a rebound.
Mike, USA.
It was Germany s best performance ofthe World Cup - but this time the luck ran out. No one can
deny that the best team won the tournament.
Les, Germany.
Olli Kahn deserves the title ofbestplayer on the World Cup. Although he made a mistake he was
the man that brought Germany thusfar in the tournament, much as Ronaldo did with his men.
Matthias, Germany.
Availableat: <http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport3/worldcup2002/hi/sports_talk/ newsid_1921000/192183.stm>. July 1 , 2002.
1 - Quanto às opiniões sobre a atuação do goleiro Oliver Kahn, é correto afirmar:
( ) Para Victor, da Austrália, Kahn foi o melhor jogador da Copa.
( ) O internauta identificado como Tibor, da Austrália, afirma que Kahn jogou muito bem.
( ) Para Matthias, da Alemanha, Kahn foi o grande responsável por seu país ter chegado até onde
( ) Para Matthias, da Alemanha, a atuação de Kahn foi perfeita.
( ) Todos os participantes do fórum elogiam a participação do goleiro alemão, mesmo os que
que ele possa ter falhado no primeiro gol da final.
2 - In relation to the comments selected above, it is correct to say:
( ) Les, from Germany, believes Brazil deserved to win.
( ) Mike, from the US, is of the opinion that Germany played well.
( ) Timmy Deavin, from England, believes that if it was not for Kahn, Brazil could have won by a
greater margin.
( ) Victor, from Austrália, was disappointed at the German team.
( ) Matthias, from Germany, thought Ronaldo's performance was disappointing.
Read more about it
• Frases, citações e reflexões. Available at: <www.motivateus. com>.July8th,2009.
Is caffeine addictive?
It's 11:00 PM and Aaron has already had afull day of school, work, and after-school activities. He's
tired and knows he could use some sleep. But Aaron still hasn't finished his homework, and that is a
stressful situation. Só he reachesfor his headphones — and a cup ofstrong coffee, with a lot of
What is caffeine?
Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It is also
produced artificially and added to certain foods. Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the
central nervous system, causing increased alertness. Caffeine gives most people a temporary energy
boost and elevates mood. Many people feel that caffeine increases their mental alertness. That's why
people like it so much!
Do you drink a lot of it?
Caffeine is in tea, coffee, chocolate, several soft drinks, pain relievers and other over-the-counter
medications. In its natural form, caffeine tastes very bitter. But most caffeinated drinks go through
enough processing to camouflage its bitter taste.
Many people usually get most of their caffeine from soft drinks and energy drinks. Caffeine is not
stored in the body, but you mayfeel its effectsfor up to 6 hours.
What does caffeine do to your body?
Caffeine can cause your heart to pumpfaster and your breathing to quicken. It makes you feel
hyper and makes it harder to concentrate. Caffeine can boost aperson's energy temporarily, but too
much caffeine can also cause other, not-so-great effects:
• You feel nervous orjumpy;
• Your hands shake;
• You get dizzy or sick.
Caffeine can cause anxiety, headaches, stomach ache, or a racing heartbeat, and thejitters.
Caffeine can also interfere with normal sleep. So it is unnecessary to your body.
Watch out!
Caffeine sensitivity varies from person to person. It is most affected by the amount of caffeine
aperson hás daily. People who regularly take in too much caffeine soon develop less sensitivity to it.
This means they may need more caffeine to achieve the same effects. And too much ofany drug is
Adapted from "Caffeine", in Kids Health, Jan. 2009.
General comprehension
Whafs it all about?
1 - Qual é a ideia central do texto? Como a cafeína é apresentada?
2 - Você se considera viciado em cafeína?
Word study
Transparent words
3 - Com o apoio de algumas palavras transparentes, encontre no texto as seguintes locuções.
Forma natural:
Bebidas com cafeína:
Estado de alerta:
Sistema nervoso central:
Produzido naturalmente:
In other words
4 - Find the words or phrases in the text that have the same meaning as:
Word Formation: Prefixes & Sutfixes
O conhecimento de prefixos e sufixos é útil para ampliar o vocabulário e ajuda na dedução do
significado de palavras desconhecidas.
Um dos vários prefixos que indicam negação está presente, por exemplo, nas seguintes palavras:
5 - Sabendo que necessary significa "necessário", encontre no texto a palavra correspondente a
O sufixo -ly é aplicado a muitos adjetivos para formar advérbios de modo,
correspondendo ao sufixo -mente, em português.
6 - Identifique no texto dois advérbios de modo e escreva os adjetivos a partir
dos quais eles foram formados.
Os verbos tire (cansar) e addict (viciar) podem formar dois tipos de adjetivos, com significados
diferentes. Com o sufixo -ing forma-se tiring (cansativo, que cansa) e com -ive forma-se addictive
(viciante, que vicia). Repare na idéia ativa desses sufixos (que causa, que provoca a ação do verbo).
Com o sufixo -ed forma-se tired (cansado) e addicted (viciado). Repare na ideia passiva desse
sufixo (que sofre os efeitos da ação do verbo).
7 - Localize esses dois adjetivos no texto e descubra a quem eles se referem.
8 - Agora, assinale a tradução correta dos adjetivos nas frases abaixo.
a) The effects of caffeine can be amazing.
( ) espantosos
( ) espantados
b) Aaron was annoyed because l said caffeine was unnecessary to his body.
( ) chato, irritante
( ) chateado, irritado
c) When Annie feels tired she has a cup of coffee and she feels OK again.
( ) cansativa
( ) cansada
O sufixo -ful, acrescido a substantivos abstratos, forma adjetivos que denotam a presença do que
é designado pelo substantivo:
beauty (beleza)
beautiful (belo, bonito)
9 - Encontre no texto dois adjetivos formados desse modo:
a) stress (estresse): __________________________________ (estressante)
b) harm (mal, dano): ___________________________________ (danoso, prejudicial)
É possível, em alguns casos, formar adjetivos de sentido oposto aos de -fui, que indicam ausência,
carência de algo, usando o sufixo -less.
10 - Complete as frases com os adjetivos de sentido oposto aos destacados. Em uma delas não será
possível usar o sufixo -less.
a) You should be careful about your health. You should not be___________________about that.
b) Drugs cause a lot of harm to your body. They contain harmful substances. They are not
c) The effects of drugs are meaningful. They are not ____________________.
c) When you feel happy life is beautiful. Nothing seems ____________________ to be.
Qual é, então, o adjetivo oposto a beautiful?
Detailed comprehension
Looking for specific Information
11 - Encontre no texto as respostas para estas perguntas.
a) O que é a cafeína? Como ela é produzida?
b) Por que as pessoas gostam tanto de cafeína?
c) Quais são as substâncias que contêm cafeína?
d) Quanto tempo dura o efeito da cafeína no corpo?
e) Cite no mínimo três efeitos negativos causados pelo excesso de cafeína.
Much and Enough
Observe o significado e o uso das palavras e locuções do quadro a seguir:
antes de substantivo singular
very much
depois de verbo e seu complemento
too much
antes de substantivo singular, indicando excesso
so much
antes de substantivo singular, realçando intensidade
antes de substantivo singular ou plural, indicando suficiência
12 - Complete as frases com a alternativa correta.
a) British people drink a lot of tea. They really like it _____________________________.
(enough - very much)
b) When you feel dizzy
(enough - too much)
c) When your body does not absorb __________________ vitamins, you get sick.
(enough - too)
d) Why do you drink ________________________ coffee? Ten cups a day! Thafs bad for you.
(enough - so much)
e) We have ________________________ coffee and tea at home. We don't need more.
(so much – enough)
f) Charles is an old man now. He doesn’t have ____________________ energy.
(too much - much)
g) Chocolate is really good. l like it ________________________ !
(very much - enough)
h) "Thafs all l have, believe me. A small piece of chocolate is simply not _________________, is it?
(enough - too much)
Simple Present: Interrogative Form
Observe as formas verbais em destaque:
I like soft drinks.
Soft drinks contain caffeine.
Do you like soft drinks?
Does tea contain caffeine?
Podemos concluir que, para fazer perguntas no Simple Present, usamos o verbo auxiliar do no
início da pergunta, antes do sujeito.
Quando o sujeito é da terceira pessoa do singular (he, she ou it), usa-se does.
Nesse caso, como verbo auxiliar, do/does não tem tradução. E não deve ser confundido com o
verbo principal to do, que significa "fazer".
13 - Identifique o verbo auxiliar e o principal nestas perguntas e traduza-as.
a) What does he do? He works in a chocolate factory.
b) Does he do his job well? Yes, he does.
Observe a formação de perguntas no Simple Present e também de respostas curtas a essas
perguntas, construção muito comum em diálogos. Agora, vamos tomar por exemplo o verbo to know.
What do you know about caffeine?
14 - Working in pairs, ask and answer questions using do or does. Give short answers.
Do you like soft drinks? Yes I do. No, I don't.
Does a glass ofsoda satisfy you? Yes it does.
No it doesn't.
a) ___________________ you like chocolate very much?4
b) __________________ caffeine increase mental alertness?
c) __________________ tea contain caffeine?
d) __________________ coffee and tea contain a lot of caffeine?
e) __________________ caffeine stimulate you?
f) _________________ caffeine cause some negative effects?
g) _________________ Brazilians like coffee?
h) _________________ you know too much caffeine can be harmful?
What about you?
15 - Alterne com um colega os papéis de perguntar e responder, relacionando as perguntas e as
respostas abaixo:
Do you like caffeine?
Do you like it very much?
Does a glass of soda satisfy you?
Do you need a cup of coffee when you feel tired?
Does a cup of coffee satisfy you?
Do you need more than one?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
Yes, It does.
No, It doesn't.
False friends
Aprenda e fixe o verdadeiro significado dos falsos cognatos em destaque, preenchendo as lacunas
em cada frase. Quando precisar, consulte a lista de False friends em ordem alfabética.
a) He is not strong enough to push the car.
Ele não é forte o suficiente para _____________________ o carro.
b) What was the actual reason for that meeting?
Qual foi a __________________razão para aquela reunião?
Postreading activity
Do you really need caffeine?
Caffeine isn't a nutrient, like calcium, so you don't need a certain amount ofit to stay healthy. The
United States doesn'thave guidelines about caffeine, but Canada does.
That country recommends that kids who are 10 to 12 should get no more than 85 milligrams per
day, equal to 22 ounces of caffeinated soda.
Adapted from "Caffeine Confusion", in Kids Health, Nov., 2009.
Getting the message
De acordo com o texto:
a) O Canadá tem a mesma política dos EUA quanto ao consumo de cafeína.
b) A cafeína é um nutriente como o cálcio.
c) O Canadá recomenda que crianças de 10 a 12 anos devem ingerir uma quantidade superior a 85
mg por dia de cafeína.
d) Nos Estados Unidos não há controle oficial sobre limites de consumo de cafeína.
Reading practice
(Fuvest-SP) Texto para as questões de 1 a 3.
In 1993, the dawn ofthe Internet age, the liberating anonymity ofthe online world was captured in a
wellknown New Yorker cartoon. One dog, sitting at a computer, tells another: "On the Internet, nobody
knowsyou're a dog." Fifteen years later, that anonymity is gone.
Technology companies have long used "cookies," little bits of tracking software slipped onto your
computer, and other means, to record the Web sites you visit, the ads you click on, even the wordsyou
enter in search engines -information that some hold ontoforever. They're not tellingyou they're doing it,
and they're not asking permission.
Internet service providers (I.S.P.'s) are now getting into the act. Because they contrai your connection,
they can keep track ofeverything you do online, and there have been reports that I.S.P.'s may have
started to sell the Information they collect.
The drivingforce behind this prying is commerce. The biggrowth area in online advertising right now
is “behavioral targeting.” Web sites can charge apremium ifthey are able to tell the maker ofan
expensive sports car that its ads will appear on Web pages clicked on by upperincome, middle-aged
The New York Times, Apr. 5 2008.
I.S.P.'s: Provedores de Serviço de Internet.
1 - As personagens dos quadrinhos mencionadas no texto se vangloriam de:
sua alegria de viver.
seu anonimato.
sua capacidade de navegar na internet.
seu mundo longe das telas.
sua vida simples, como a de um cão.
2 - Segundo o texto, os provedores de internet:
a) mantêm sigilo sobre os hábitos de navegação e comportamentos dos usuários.
b) têm dificuldade de bloquear a invasão de programas espiões em nossos computadores.
c) pedem autorização para indicar o endereço do usuário a terceiros, como sites de comércio
d) obtêm dados a respeito de nossas ações na internet, havendo suspeita de que eles os vendem.
e) cobram pela utilização de alguns sites de vendas, a eles conveniados.
3 - De acordo com o texto, a evolução da internet nos últimos quinze anos permite concluir que:
a) o foco principal do comércio eletrônico são homens de meia idade.
b) a liberdade de expressão é o bem mais cultuado no mundo digital.
c) a supressão de "cookies" é um grande problema das empresas de tecnologia.
d) as buscas dos usuários na internet são previsíveis.
e) a vigilância a que somos submetidos é resultado de interesses comerciais.
Extra readmg practice
1 (UFC-CE) Most adolescents spend a long time looking at * in the rnirror.
a) them
b) themselves
c) their
d) theirs
e) there
2 (Mack-SP) Choose the correct alternative: The theater is expensive, and l don't have much money.
So l * go there.
a) often
b) always
c) seldom
d) ever
e) frequently
4 (Cesesp-PE) Escolha a alternativa correta. "In 1975 * a great flood in Recife."
a) there were
b) there was
c) there are
d) there is
e) there hás been
Read more about it
Caffeine Confusion. Mary L. Gavin, 2007.
Is Caffeinated Soda OKfor Kids? Steven Dowshen, 2007.
Artigos diversos e links - Available at: <www.kidshealth.com>. Nov. 8 ", 2009.
Crystal ball
Come see your life in my crystal glass
Twenty-five cents is ali you pay.
Let me look into your past –
Here's what you hadfor lunch today:
Tuna salad and mashed potatoes,
Green pea soup and apple juice,
Collard greens and stewed tomatoes,
Chocolate milk and lemon mousse,
You admit I’ve told it all?
Well, I know it, I confess,
Not by looking my ball,
Falling up, Shel Silverstein. New York: HarperCollins,
But just by looking your dress.
Observe o desenho, leia o poema e responda em português:
1 Quanto a pessoa tem de pagar à vidente para ver sua vida na bola de cristal?
2 O que pode ser visto nessa bola de cristal - o futuro ou o passado?
3 O que foi que a vidente descobriu a respeito da garota?
4 A Qual dos itens abaixo, segundo a vidente, a garota não consumiu no almoço daquele dia?
suco de maçã
musse de limão
sopa de ervilhas
purê de batatas
salada de atum
chocolate ao leite*
tomates cozidos
* chocolate milk: leite achocolatado; milk chocolate: chocolate ao leite.
5 A vidente precisou olhar na sua bola de cristal? Como foi que ela descobriu tudo isso?
6 Na 4a linha do poema, localize um sinônimo de ate.
7 Entre os substantivos abaixo, identifique aquele que forma o plural como potato - potatoes; tomato tomatoes.
a) hero
b) embryo
c) zoo
d) shampoo
e) avocado
8 Procure no poema um marcador do discurso (conjunção, neste caso) que expressa oposição de
9 Procure também um marcador de discurso que expressa acréscimo de ideias.
Give a kid a hand
The first five years ofa child's life are criticai, the experts tell us. That's when their characters are
formed. Thafs when caring counts. Someone to show them how to do things. Someone just to hold
them. Unfortunately, for many ofthe world's children, that's just what they don't get. And society suffers
as a result - because a deprived child has a lot less chance ofgrowing up as an adjusted adult. Some
ofus believe we can change things - or at least try. And we need your help. No, don't reach for your
pocket. It's not your money - it's you we want. In your community there are dozens of ways you can
make personal contact with kids and make a dijference to their lives. Maybe youll help one to read,
play a game, to learn to laugh. Maybe youll just be the hand that holds out a little hope...
1 - Answer the questions according to the text. "Give a kid a hand" means the same as:
a) Give a kid to a hand.
b) Lend a kid a hand.
c) Give a hand to a kid.
d) Take a hand to a kind.
e) Give a kid's hand.
2 - The first tive years of a child's life are extremely important because thafs when:
a) he or she needs your money.
b) their characters are formed.
c) they show us how to do things.
d) you need someone just to hold them.
e) society suffers as a result.
3 - Many of the world's children:
a) don't get the attention and caring that they
b) don't have the chance of growing up.
c) believe they can change things.
d) don't reach for their pockets.
e) suffer as a result of experts.
4 In "lt's not your money - ifs you we want", the International Advertising Association wants * in the
a) the financial support of the reader
b) the opinion of the experts
c) the active involvement of the local community
d) the help of the hole society
e) the personal involvement of the reader
1 - Responda:
a) Qual é o tema abordado na matéria de primeira página do jornal USA TODAY reproduzida abaixo?
b) Qual a conclusão dos especialistas quanto à origem desse problema?
2 - Transcreva do texto uma paráfrase para o ditado "A caridade começa em casa.".
3 - O que se pode concluir a partir dessa frase?
1 Escolha a melhor alternativa.
Os dois estão * com o que veem.
a) maravilhados
b) chateados
c) assustados
d) animados
2 Calvin acha que aquilo é:
obra de extraterrestre.
prova de que nem sempre os terráqueos são inteligentes.
prova de que existe vida inteligente em nosso planeta.
prova de que existe vida inteligente em outro planeta.
3 Calvin às vezes pensa que:
a) não existe vida inteligente em algum ponto do Universo.
b) a derrubada de árvores e o lixo jogado em locais públicos mostram a passagem de alienígenas
pela Terra.
c) os seres extraterrestres ainda não tentaram entrar em contato conosco.
d) os seres extraterrestres já tentaram entrar em contato com a Terra.
The Nature
Protecting nature. Preserving life?
"Protecting nature. Preserving life." The mission ofthe Nature Conservancy is to preserve the
plants, animais and natural communities that represent the diversity oflife on Earth by protecting the
lanas and waters they need to survive.
The Cerrado is the world's most biologically rich savanna. It hás over 10,000 species of plants,
ofwhich 45% are exclusive to the Cerrado, and it stretches across nearly 500 million acres ofBrazil an área nearly three times the size of Texas. The Cerrado also feeds three of the major water basins
in South America: the Amazon, Paraguay and São Francisco Rivers.
Located in Brazil's central high plains region, the Cerrado
covers approximately 23 percent of BraziVs surface areas.
Major Habitai Type
Tropical Grassland Savanna
The Cerrado is home to 935 species of birds and nearly 300 mammals, including such endangered
species are:
Cerrado fox
Giant anteater
• Maned wolf
• Marsh and pampas deer
Scientists estimate that the Cerrado harbors as many as 10,000 species of vascular plants. More than
400 tree and shrub species are unique to the region.
From <http://www.nature.org/wherewework/southamerica/brazil/work/art5082.html>. Oct. 18 , 2009.
1 - Match the columns.
2 - Mark T (for True) or f (for False). Correct the false statements.
) AH the species of plants in the Cerrado can only be found there.
) The Brazilian grassland savanna covers an área ten times the size of Texas.
) The Cerrado covers more than 20% of Brazil's surface área.
) More than 400 tree and shrub species can only be found in Brazil's central high plains region.