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Prezados Autores, Leitores, Editoras e Órgãos envolvidos com Direitos Autorais: As publicações de trabalhos, sejam livros, teses ou outros, disponíveis no Site da BOOKBRASIL, são autorizados pelos respectivos Autores e Editoras detentores dos Direitos Autorais, salvo aqueles de domínio público. Caso leitores e interessados acreditem que algum trabalho divulgado esteja em desacordo com o acima exposto, solicitamo s a gentileza de nos comunicarem através do e-mail: [email protected], para que, uma vez confirmada a irregularidade, retiremos imediatamente o respectivo trabalho do site. Ten Avatars of Vishnu Narrates Krishna to Arjuna : Whenever Dharma, or the situation of law and order, is endangered on this world, I incarnate onto this world to re establish Dharma, law and order, and to protect the Sadhus or saints and to detroy the evil elements of the society. Throughout ages, Lord Vishnu, has incarnated in various life forms through different yugas (ages or eons) in situations where Dharma was in danger, because of certain dushta (evil) elements in the world. In mythology, there ten documented instances of incarnation of Lord Vishnu. These incarnations are termed as the avatars of Lord Vishnu. Each avatar of Lord Vishnu shall be presented below with apporpriate deatils of the situation under which the lord was compelled to land on the earth. MASTYA AVATAR Lord Vishnu in a fish form. KURMA AVATAR Lord Vishnu as a tortoise. VARAHA AVATAR Lord Vishnu as a boar. NARASIMHA AVATAR Lord Vishnu as Narasimha. VAMANA AVATAR Lord Vishnu as Vamana. PARASURAM AVATAR Lord Vishnu as Parasurama. RAMA AVATAR Lord Vishnu as Rama. KRISHNA AVATAR Lord Vishnu as Sri Krishna. BUDDHA AVATAR Lord Vishnu as Buddha. KALKI AVATAR Lord Vishnu as Kalki.