Hymns of Praise and Supplication to GOD
Hymns of Praise and Supplication to GOD
HYMNS OF PRAISE AND SUPPLICATION TO GOD HYMNBOOK No. 5 This hymnbook is for the exclusive user of the English-speaking churches of the CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION which are united in the same faith and doctrine. PUBLISHED BY: CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION IN THE UNITED STATES COPYRICHT 1998 All rights reserved. Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. Psalms 149:1. PREFACE We are grateful to God for having moved us to compile this hymnbook entitled HYMNS OF PRAISE AND SUPPLICATION TO GOD, to be used by our brethren in countries where the English language is spoken. Until work on the hymnal was begun in the 1980’s, never before had an effort been directed toward an English hymnal by those of this Faith; all the hymnals prepared from the inception of this spiritual movement in the year 1907 were in one or another of the Latin languages. Now, unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen Ephesians 3:20,21 The United States of America. 1998. 1. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God 1. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God eternal; There is no changing. O Father, with Thee. Thou art compassionate, constant, paternal; As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be. Holy, Supreme Thou art, Father, forever; Unto Thy children, Thy favor we see. To us Thy faithfulness, Lord, changeth never. To Thee be praise, O God, eternally. 2. Wisdom divine we see in Thy creation. Higher than man’s are Thy thoughts and Thy ways. Thou rulest all; to Thee be exaltation, Glory and majesty, honor and praise. 3. Pardon from sin. O Lord, Thou hast provided, And with Thy peace in our hearts we are blest. Our footsteps dally Thy presence has guided, And it shall safely guide unto Thy rest. 2. How mighty is our God 1. God is our Strength and our Fortress forever Lord and Creator is He. In our affliction His help faileth never; Shelter for us He will be. How mighty is our God! Thoughts of the heart He doth know an see. Over the earth shall His Name be exalted. Worthy of honor is He. 2. Ever though earth and the mountains be shaken, We shall not fear; we are His. God ruleth all; we are never forsaken. Lord of Creation He is. 3. Great is our Father; His mercies enfold us. He shall not leave us alone. He is the Lord; His right arm will uphold us. Life he will give to His own. 3. I rejoiced to hear the invitation 1. Oh, I rejoiced to hear the invitation; “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” What joy to be within the congregation, To hear the counsel that His words afford! God has made of us the blessed nation, And we shall reign with Him eternally. We are His beloved generation. Our faithful, strong Defense is He. 2. Our Father’s law is holy and eternal. Within God’s house His will we always learn, And through His Word, we feel the voice Paternal, God’s judgments that by grace we can discern. 3. Let peace be multiplied in us forever, Celestial love and God’s prosperity. To have this blessed peace that faileth never, We seek our Father in sincerity. 4. 1. How great Thou art How great Thou art; Lord Jesus, we adore Thee! Almighty Lord, how powerful art Thou! The hosts of sin and darkness flee before Thee; Beside the Father Thou art seated now. With grateful hearts, O Lord, we worship Thee! O blessed Lord, how great Thou art! From bondage Thou has loosed and set us free; O blessed Lord, how great Thou art! 2. How great Thou art, Lord Jesus, King all glorious! Forever Thou art crowned with majesty. And over all, Thou hast been made victorious; Unto Thine own Thou givest victory. 3. How great Thou art, O Lamb of God, in splendor! By every mouth Thy name confessed shall be. To Thee all praise and honor men must render, And every knee shall be bowed down to Thee.
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