BANCO CENTRAL DO BRASIL – FOCUS November 1, 1999 The Ministry of Budget and Management (MOG) has announced the results of the Personnel Management Program (PGP) launched by Provisional Measure nº 1917, of July 29 and regulated by Presidential Decree nº 3151, of August 23, 1999. This initiative is part of the fiscal stabilization programs aiming at the reduction of payroll expenditures of the central government, its autarchies (including the Central Bank) and foundations. The program terminated on September 3, 1999. Closing numbers indicate that the total voluntary participants in the program reached 6,329, out of a total of 510,935 active federal civil servants, amounting to an expenditure reduction of R$ 95 million per year. The program reached 5,733 employees through the voluntary dismissal program (PDV), 318 asked for a leave of absence for private purposes without remuneration, and 278 were accepted in the working hours reduction program with corresponding salary cuts. PDV statistics broken down by states are shown in the table below: The state of Rio de Janeiro which houses the largest concentration of federal civil servants, with 21% of the total, shared 19% participation in the PGP. Brasilia which holds the second largest concentration, with 9.12% of the total, participated with 12.3% in the PDV. The Government has started negotiations with state governors to stimulate reductions in personnel in the units of the Brazilian Federation. States willing to establish Personnel Management Programs might be eligible to benefit from reductions in their debt amortization commitments over net revenues settled on in debt renegotiations agreements with the National Treasury. RESULTS OF PDV DISMISSALS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL, BY THE STATES AS % SHARE OF TOTAL UNIT OF FEDERATION ACTIVE PERSONNEL % SHARE OF TOTAL PDV % SHARE OF PDV ACRE 2.673 0,52 43 ALAGOAS 7.047 1,38 48 0,84 AMAPÁ 9.878 1,93 11 0,19 AMAZONAS 0,75 9.235 1,81 168 2,93 BAHIA 23.568 4,61 271 4,73 CEARÁ 17.108 3,35 156 2,72 DISTRITO FEDERAL 46.573 9,12 705 12,30 ESPÍRITO SANTO 8.559 1,68 112 1,95 GOIÁS 10.893 2,13 144 2,51 MARANHÃO 11.593 2,27 122 2,13 7.72 1,51 141 2,46 7.159 1,40 95 1,66 MATO GROSSO M. GROSSO DO SUL MINAS GERAIS 42.968 8,41 309 5,39 PARÁ 18.511 3,62 319 5,56 PARAÍBA 14.995 2,93 79 1,38 PARANÁ 15.593 3,05 192 3,35 PERNANBUCO 22.007 4,31 115 2,01 PIAUÍ RIO DE JANEIRO 6.691 1,31 76 1,33 107.367 21,01 1.089 19,00 1,60 RIO GRANDE DO NORTE 14.199 2,78 92 RIO GRANDE DO SUL 27.002 5,28 195 3,40 RONDÔNIA 11.119 2,18 232 4,05 RORAIMA 10.299 2,02 222 3,87 SANTA CATARINA 12.544 2,46 94 1,64 SÃO PAULO 38.425 7,52 564 9,84 SERGIPE 4.936 0,97 41 0,72 TOCANTINS 2.104 0,41 31 0,54 169 0,03 67 1,17 510.935 100,00 5.733 100,00 Without information Total Source: SRH – MOG. Information for unrestricted disclosure. It is not intended to bind Banco Central do Brasil in its monetary or foreign exchange policy actions.