Application for award of the title of FIDE Arbiter FA2
Application for award of the title of FIDE Arbiter FA2
CONFEDERAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE XADREZ Application for award of the title of FIDE Arbiter FA2 Brazilian Chess Federation - CBX herewith applies for the title of FIDE Arbiter for : last name: Cunha first name: Eduardo Arruda da Gama de Azevedo code (if any) : 2100916 date of birth: place of birth: Rio de Janeiro Federation: BRA 1962-11-10 Address: Estrada dos Bandeirantes 13110 - Vargem Pequena – Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Tel. 55 21 Fax. 55 2442-5984 e-mail: [email protected] 2442-0222 The candidate possesses an exact knowledge of the Laws of Chess and other FIDE regulations to be observed in chess competitions. He (She) speaks the following languages (this must include sufficient knowledge of at least one official FIDE Language) Portuguese, English and Spanish The candidate has worked as Chief or Deputy Arbiter in the following four competitions (which must be of at least two different types. The application must also be submitted not later than the second FIDE Congress after the date of the latest event listed). The undersigned encloses, for each competition, a FIDE Arbiter Norm Report Form (FA1), which is signed by an appropriate qualified person, who should, if possible, be an International Arbiter, failing that a FIDE Arbiter. 1. Event: Arbiter’s Seminar – Rio de Janeiro/BRA Dates: 2009-08-06 to 2007-08-09 He achieved norm of Fide Arbiter, approved in the 80º FIDE Congress, held in Halkidiki. 2. Event: Internacional da FEXERJ - 2007 [12562] Location: Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil Type of event: Bobby Fischer [14194] Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil Type of event: 2007-11-25 to 2007-12-03 Date included in FIDE Rating List: April/2008 Round-Robin 3. Event: I IRT FIDE – Memorial Location: : Dates: Dates: 2008-03-20 to 2008-04-02 Date included in FIDE Rating List: July/2008 Swiss _____________________________________________________________________ Filiada à Federation Internationale des Échecs FIDE - Fundada em 6.11.1924 CNPJ/MF: 29.981.362/0001-92 Presidente: Pablyto R. B. Ribeiro Vice-Presidente Administrativo e de Projetos de Xadrez Escolar: Julio Lapertosa Vice-Presidente Financeiro: Charles M. Netto Vice-Presidente de Relações Exteriores: Darcy Lima Vice-Presidente de Relações Interiores: Marco Antonio Hazim Asfora Vice-Presidente Técnico: Antonio Bento de Araújo Lima Filho Vice-Presidente Administrativo: Maximo Valério Soares de Macedo CONFEDERAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE XADREZ 4. Event: – Final Memorial Location: Bobby Fischer [42066] Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil Type of event: Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil Type of event: Mendes/RJ - Brasil Type of event: Mendes/RJ - Brasil Type of event: October/2008 Dates: 2009-06-08 to 2009-06-16 Date included in FIDE Rating List: September/2009 Dates: 2009-08-09 to 2009-08-13 Date included in FIDE Rating List: September/2009 Team Round-Robin 7. Event:VI Festival Sudamericano Juventud[47878] Location: Date included in FIDE Rating List: Round-Robin 6. Event: Continental Team Chp 2009 [45399] Location: 2008-11-07 to 2008-11-20 Round-Robin 5. Event: Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2009 [44326] Location: Dates: Dates: 2009-12-02 to 2009-12-06 Date included in FIDE Rating List: January/2010 Swiss In his activity as an Arbiter he has shown at all times absolute objectivity. PABLYTO ROBERT BAIÔCO RIBEIRO Brazilian Chess Confederation President _____________________________________________________________________ Filiada à Federation Internationale des Échecs FIDE - Fundada em 6.11.1924 CNPJ/MF: 29.981.362/0001-92 Presidente: Pablyto R. B. Ribeiro Vice-Presidente Administrativo e de Projetos de Xadrez Escolar: Julio Lapertosa Vice-Presidente Financeiro: Charles M. Netto Vice-Presidente de Relações Exteriores: Darcy Lima Vice-Presidente de Relações Interiores: Marco Antonio Hazim Asfora Vice-Presidente Técnico: Antonio Bento de Araújo Lima Filho Vice-Presidente Administrativo: Maximo Valério Soares de Macedo