Ethan Frome - Our Lady Of Sorrows
Ethan Frome - Our Lady Of Sorrows
FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (B) – May 6, 2012 Intentions Saturday, May 5, Ferial 5:00pm For All Parishioners 5:30pm (Surrey) Luis Alfredo Figueroa Villaroel Sunday, May 6, Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:30am Alberto Parolini; Gerarda Ciamarra; Italia Bruschetta; Antonio Bosa; George Leung; Maria Sartor; 10:00am Angelo, Michele & Joe Ambrosio; Antonio & Antonietta Leone; Rosa & Angelomichele Ambrosio; Carmine Luongo; Stefano Sponza; Enza Romano; Antonietta Buonassisi; Angelo Gabriele Faccone; Epifanio Hernandez; Santo & Concetta Duca; Giuseppina Papa; Antonio Virginillo; 11:30am Deceased of the Ferronato Family; Franco Mincieli; Epifanio Hernandez; Emma & Michele Lazzazzera; Emilio Marrello; In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Lourdes; In thanksgiving from the Asuncion Family; 1:00pm Rudy Luft; Joaquin José Valdez (recién fallecido); Elsa Alvan; Ramon Pinto Maffitte; salud de Raul Nuñez; 6:30pm (Coquitlam) Accion de gracias por los 50 años de Juan Antonio Saavedra Guerrero; Juan Francisco Filomeno 7:00pm Victor Manuel Luna Pingarron Monday, May 7, Ferial 8:00am Antonio Iaquinta; Estanislao Nobleza; Emilio Marrello 6:30pm Anna Campagna; Estanislao Nobleza Tuesday, May 8 , Ferial 8:00am Tarcisio Lovison; Michele Martino 6:30pm Lenami Godinez; Wednesday, May 9, Ferial 8:00am Barbera & Luigi Oliverio; Lelio Morassut; Lina Lecce 6:30pm Maria Calzuolo (died in Italy); Mattiela Biagione Cannova; All souls Thursday, May 10, Ferial 8:00am Hazel Southard; Hene Violanda; Isabella Caseres, Maria Corazon; Yette Doromal; Gilda Veluz 9:00am School Mass 6:30pm Carmine Sorace Friday, May 11, Ferial 8:00am Missionari Scalabriniani Defunti 6:30pm Saturday, May 12, Ferial 8:30am Giovannina & Ernesto Risi; Guiseppina & Carmelo Risi; Carmine Loungo; deceased of the Risi Family; Ruocco, Lamanna &Rosiello families; 1:00pm First Holy Communion Mass 5:00pm Ivan Jeram; Biagio Merandi; Costanza & Ferdinando Morellato; Maria Concetta Stagnitta; Maria Di Salvo; In honour of our Lady of Fatima Sunday, May 13, Sixth Sunday of Easter – Mother’s Day 8:30am Maria, Cristina & Giovanni Iorio; Vincenzo Arcadi; Deceased of Bruschetta & Callegari Families; Giovanni Tedesco; Pietro Zardo; Deceased of Tedesco & Zardo Families; Maria Gardner; 10:00am Ferdinando Gargaro; Emilia Iorio; Maria Ambrosio; Giuseppe Ambrosio; Federico & Maria Dente; Gennaro Gasbarro (1º Anniv.); Anna Campagna; Carmine Bevacqua; Maria Sferra; Agata Ferrato; Virginia Grimaldi; Maria Cannata;Rosamaria Mastromonaco; Madonna de Fatima & intention of Napoletano Family; Mario & Angela Di Fonzo; Nicolina & Adelina Russo; Assunta & Michele Ciolfitto; 11:30am Angelina & Nicola Graziano; Colomba Amorelli; Emilio Marrello; Bik Si & Charles Liang; Maria Gentile, Carmine Sorace; Maria, Antonio, Luciano & Mario Bassanese; Paolo Zucchi; Umberto Palcich 1:00pm Joaquin Jose Valdez 6:30pm (Coquitlam) Por todos los parroquianos 7:00pm Annunci Mese di Maggio, Mese di Maria: Invitiamo tutti ad onorare la Madre Celeste con la recita del Santo Rosario durante tutto questo mese. Il rosario viene recitato in chiesa ogni sera alle 7:00pm dopo la messa: Lunedi, Martedí, Mercoledí in Italiano. Giovedí in Inglese e Venerdí in Spagnolo. Le Prime Comunioni dei bambini della nostra parrocchia saranno Sabato, 12 Maggio, all’1:00pm. Le prove saranno Giovedí alle 7:00pm. Ci sarà opportunità di confessioni per i genitori durante le prove. L’Appello Project Advance 2012: “Condividiamo con Gioia” è un’opportunità per esprimere la nostra riconoscenza e il nostro grazie al Signore per i tanti benefici da Lui ricevuti. Donazioni e promesse vengono raccolte all’entrata della chiesa dopo tutte le messe. La nostra quota sarà $85,000. La porzione che andrá alla nostra parrocchia verrà usata per pitturare la nostra chiesa esteriormente e il campanile in occasione del Centenario della nostra parrocchia il prossimo anno 2013. La Festa della Mamma è Domenica Prossima. Veniamo a Messa con la mamma e offriamo la Santa Comunione per lei. E’ un regalo che non costa molto ma che rende felice la mamma. I Cavalieri di Colombo venderanno garofani per le mamme all’entrata della Chiesa. Il ricavato andrà alla “Pro-Life”. La Festa del Beato Giovanni Battista Scalabrini , fondatore dei Missionari Scalabriniani e Padre dei Migranti, sarà celebrata il Sabato 26 Maggio con una Messa trilingue alle 5:00pm. Dopo la Messa, alle 6:30pm, ci sarà una Cena Familiare in onore di P. Riccardo nel 40º Anniversario della sua Ordinazione Sacerdotale. I biglietti ($15 a apersona) sono in vendita presso l’ufficio parrocchiale: 604-254-0691. Le Iscrizioni alle Classi di Catechismo-PREP per l’Anno Catechetico 2012-2013 avranno luogo Lunedí 7 e 14 Maggio dalle 6:30 alle 7:45pm nella scuola. Per informazioni chiamate Sr. Angela 604-254-0691. “Dia Alegre 2012”: sarà il Lunedí BC Day, 6 Agosto. La Prima Adunaza del Comitato Organizzatore sarà il Martedí 15 Maggio alle 7:30pm. C’è bisogno di volontari per organizzare questo grande Festival Annuale delle Nazioni che si celebra nella nostra parrocchia. Spring Fling: un grande Garage & Bake Sale Fundraiser a beneficio dei residenti di Villa Carital (3050 Penticton St.) Venerdi, 11 Maggio & Sabato 12 Maggio, dalle 10:00am alle 3:00pm Easter Sunday: April 29 , 2012 Loose Envelopes Total $ $ 1,194.00 6,284.00 $ 7,478.00 Vocations Collection: 2,312 A, FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (B) – May 6, 2012 Announcements May - Month of Our Mother Mary: During the month of May the rosary will be prayed in church at 7:00pm, after weekday evening masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Italian), Thursday (English) and Friday (Spanish). Anuncios Mes de María: Durante el mes de Mayo daremos honor a nuestra Madre, rezando el rosario en comunidad a las 7:00pm después de las misas de la tarde : Lunes, Martes y Miércoles en italiano, Jueves en inglés y Viernes en español. The 2012 Project Advance Appeal “Sharing with Joy” started last Sunday. Our goal is $85,000. We encourage and pray that every family of Our Lady of Sorrows will collaborate with a generous contribution. You decide how much you can give, but give. May your contribution be a sign of your gratitude to the Lord for his numerous blessings. The Project Advance Parish Portion will be used to paint the exterior of the church, repair and paint the bell tower and make them ready for next year 2013 when we will celebrate the Centennial of Our Lady of Sorrows parish. El Proyecto Advance 2012, “Compartir con Alegría”, comenzó el Domingo pasado Nuestra meta es $85,000. Sabemos que son tiempos difíciles, por eso pedimos su cooperación en la medida que les sea posible. Si no puede, apóyenos con su oración y con animar aquellas familias que si pueden cooperar. Todo aporte será agradecido. Que el Señor bendiga su generosidad. Sus ofertas y donaciones las pueden hacer después de las misas. Nuestro Proyecto Parroquial es pintar el exterior de la Iglesia y del Campanario en preparación al Centenario de la Parroquia que celebraremos en el 2013. Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. Let us honour our mother by coming to church with her and offer our Holy Communion for her. It will be a gift that does not cost much and at the very same time will be much appreciated. The Knights of Columbus will sell carnations. Proceeds will go to “Pro Life”. First Holy Communion: Saturday, May 12, at 1:00pm. Rehearsal for all children Thursday, May 10, at 7:00pm. There is opportunity of confession for parents and family members during rehearsal. PREP Registration for next year 2012-2013: Monday May 7, from 6:30 to 7:45pm during the Catechism class in the school. Classes are from Kindergarten to Grade 7. The Feast of Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini, Founder of the Scalabrinian Missionaries and Father to the Migrants, will be celebrated Saturday May 26, with a trilingual Mass at 5:00pm. After Mass at 6:30pm there will be a Family Dinner on the occasion of Fr. Richard 40th Anniversary of ordination to the Priesthood. Tickets ($15) are available at the Parish office (604-254-0691) IS THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF NATIONS to be held on BC Day, August 6, 2012. We invite all people interested to be part of the Planning Committee to attend the first meeting on Tuesday, May 15, at 7:30pm in the meeting room. Bring your new ideas! For information please call Fr. Richard 604-254-0691. PEC (Parish Educational Committee) Elections will be held the last weekend of May. Nominations are now open. Eligible for nominations are practicing Catholics, approved by the pastor, capable and willing to offer time and talent to help manage our parish school. If you wish or you know of any person willing to fill this important position, please complete the nomination form available at the school or church office. Spring Fling: a Gigantic Garage & Bake Sale Fundraiser for the residents of Villa Carital (3050 Penticton St.) this Friday, May 11 & Saturday May 12, from 10:00am to 3:00pm Raffaele Salvino, a 3rd year UBC student and a lector at this parish, has been selected to participate a 1-month mission project in Uganda, Africa with 9 other students from across Canada to help Ugandan university students to start a permanent Catholic youth ministry at their universities. He will speak at next Sunday Masses and will ask for donations, hoping to be able to participate on the mission. For more information visit the website Primera Comunión: Sábado 12 de Mayo a la 1:00pm. Ensayo Jueves 10 de Mayo a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia. Habrá oportunidad de confesiones para los padres durante el ensayo. Inscripciones de niños para el año de Catequesis 2012-2013: las pueden hacer mañana Lunes, 7 de Mayo, desde las 6:30 y las 7:45pm. Las clases son para niños de Kinder hasta Grado 7. Hay clases también para teenagers. La Fiesta del Beato Juan Bautista Scalabrini, fundador de los Misioneros Scalabrinianos y Padre de los Migrantes se celebrará el Sábado 26 de Mayo en la Misa Trilingüe de 5:00pm. Después de la Misa habrá una cena a las 6:30pm por el 40 aniversario de ordinación sacerdotal del Padre Ricardo. Los boletos (($15) ya están a la venta en secretaría parroquial: 604-254-0691. El DÍA ALEGRE, Festival anual de las naciones, se llevarà a cabo en nuestra parroquia el Lunes feriado, 6 de Agosto del 2012, BC Day. Todos los interesados en ser parte del comité organizador del Festival son invitados a la primera reunión que será el Lunes 15 de Mayo, a las 7:30pm en el meeting room al lado del garage. Misioneros Scalabrinianos: El mundo al cual los Misioneros Scalabrinianos son llamados para anunciar el misterio de la salvación es el de los migrantes y refugiados. Tu tambien puedes ser misionero! Si la spiritualidad Scalabriniana te atrae únete a nosotros! PROJECT ADVANCE REPORT Amount of Pledges: $30,335 MANY THANKS to the 213 families who responded to the appeal. Join the list of generous donors.