Polk`s San Francisco (San Francisco County, Calif
CHARLES MRS. RENO ANDERSON C. A. 1387 Valencia ANDERSON, A. Mgr. ANDERSON FUNERAL PARLORS Telephone Mission 7-0150 Street at 25th Geo. W. Jones Jr. _j &Co. 753 JOYCE D (Honorine; Joyce Sheet Metal Works) h2927 una " Elroy " " Florence nurse County Hosp rl77 Laidley Gustaf F (Elma L) elk Pac Car Demurrage Bur h2439 41st av Hetty F Mr^ Ii245 Leavenworth apt 3 \\ " a ii, " Hotel Sing Wong mgr lodgings 377 6th " Ilcne ofc mgr Knollin Adv Agcy r709 Geary " Ilene P ofc sec US Int Rev Serv h3330 Pierce apt 103 " J r3119 Jackson apt 301 J J h511 Texas M " Jack opr cng rP88 Florida " Jas r20G Raymond av " Jas E (Thelma M) asst chf elk SPCo h595 12th av apt 10 Jas E Rev asst pas.ar Old StMaryS Catholic Church r660 California " Jas \'. (Margl C) analyst Faber Labys of San Francisco bSO t-aguna apt 606 " John aeamtl rl67 Goettingen " John D (Fern) driver Muni Ry h5505 Mission apt 1 " John F (Lindquist von Husen & Joyce) r Walnut " " " " 11 " Creek John P emp Bur of Int Rev r277 16th av John R bartndr Ars Cafe r72 Castro " Mae P " Margt Palo Alto (wid Geo) acctg elk United Airlines h205 " " " " " '• " " T nurse Shriners Crippled Children's Hosp Clayton Mary Iil409 San Bruno av Mary (wid Kenyon A) hlOOO Mas On apt 603 Mary A emp US Int Rev Serv hllO Milton Mary H Mrs h!67 Goettingen Mary J (wid Walter E) h67 Rico way Mary M (wid Patk) rl43 Valley Matthew (Barbara) cribber City & County Dept Pub Wk#hl20 Navajo av Michl R (HildurL) pneumatic tool opr SFNS h3832 Moraga Mrs sec-treas Theatrical Employees Union Local No B18 r Dal'y City Patricia studt r2669 23d av " Patk (Helen M) H277 16th av " Patk lab h868 Valencia apt 18 " Peter (Ann) lab City & County Pub Wks hl20 Santa Ynez av " Phoebe h4040 Army Robt E (Winona H) slamn McKesson & Robbins h2547 21st av " Robt (Louise E) coml mgr PG&ECo h727 Bay " Rose (wid Peter A) h2899 Folsom "Sheet Metal Works lElroy D Joyce Clifford L Rypka) 11 11 W M 137 Clara " " Theresa V maid 2640 Jackson r do Thos B (Eliz) tchr PS h4826 Geary blvd Valerie B hl868 Vallejo apt I Walter (Barbara) countermn Palm Garden Grill hl79| 28th Walter R (Gertrude) elk PO h520 Hemlock J h8029 Geary blvd " Yvonne M nurse Mary's Help Hosp rl900 Jefferson apt 305 Joyce's Cosmopolitan House of Beauty (Mrs Barbara Brumsey) beauty shop 828 Divisadcro Joyeux Antoine E (Rosetta J) litho Security Lithograph h576 2d av Joygenhen Frank meat cutter Excelsior Meat Market r!47 Shawnee Joyner Alice C elk typ Chubb & Son rl455 Union apt 11 " Bette H rl8 Henry " Bonnie J rl8 Henry " Eleanor rl21 Liberty " F L emp Matson Terminals r2 15 Market " Jackson elk Met Life rll6 Frederick apt 40 " Jas M personnel specialist PO hl455 Union apt 11 " " Juanor Jesus X r500 Fillmore apt. 12 Juanua's Beauty Salon (Mrs Juanua SmUb) 425a Judah Juarbe Juan J (Carmine) lndry wkr Gr«u)Glcai Linen Supply h915 S Van Ness av Juarez Adeline Mrs rl68 Bonvlew " Claudio whsemn r47a South Park " Emma h214a Elsie " Ernesto (Eugenia) Jan Am Bldg Mtce h52 Russ "Geo J msngr Dun & Brad r251 Duncan " Helen typ Firemen's Fund Ins r251 Duncan " Ignacio h930 Hayes apt B " Joe (Virginia) whsemn Julliard Liquors H3330 I9th Jose (Murgo A) pntr Frank Fullam h2110 41st av " Jose A (Frances) whsemn Dunlop Tire & Rubber h2007 18th " Jose F (Marv) wiremn Golden State Lamp U70a '* " Jose L (Mary) leather wkr High Grade hl740 Larkm Josephine r2521 Folsom Leo (Isabel) roofer Regal Roofing h919 Alvarado Lloyd roofer Regal Roofing Co r919 Alvarado Margo key punch opr Pac Ins of NY r2110 41st av Maria S (wid Ramon) h47a South Park Melguiades Mrs h2264b Bryant Nickolas (Theresa) ofc wkr SPCo h462 Chenerv Patricia elk Met Life r940 Powell " " " Ramona (wid Nicolas N) h251 Duncan Raymond (Hazel) longshoremn hll23 McAllister Raymond J (Emma R) whsemn Planters Nuts h214 " " Ricardo studt rS27 35th av Richd (Bonnie; Montalvo Dance Studio) h571 33d av " apt 5 Rita (wid Bernard J) slswn h!68 Bonview " " " " " " " Elsie " Nell " ' Juanitas Lucille nurses aide StMary's Hosp r7045 Geary blvd " Vidal dr h.721 more Gilbert Jos pipeftr Naval Shipyard r206 Raymond av Jos M meter r*f PG &E r727 Bay Judith ofc sec Danforth Field Co hl090 Francisco apt apt 2 " Julia Mrs (Brooking Apartments) r " Leona Mrs h2294 15th Juanarena Cesano (Miria) driver hail Stanyan Juanche Julian (Toscana Bakery) rl857 Greenwich Juanita Apartments 3520 23d " Dutch Mill Creamery (Mrs Juanita and Patricia Erickson) restr 4920 3d Juanita's Beauty Salon (Juanita Gradman) 2453 Fill- Wm P (Joyner's Creamery) h842 Fell apt 1 Jean Mrs tabulating opr J A Folger Co rl867 47th av Jerry ofc sec Sheraton Palace h825 Jones apt 8 Joan tchr PS (South San Francisco) rl947 Jackson John wtchmn City »226 Noe " John W (Margt) bellmn Pickwick Hotel hl554 Green " Josephine C (wid Jas E) h508 Noe " Lawrence E (Martha) elk Standard Brands hl867 47th Ruben (Dora) mech Sam Palos & Co h!475 Guerrero Sacramento (Emma) mldr Pacific Fdry hl90 Riplev Trinidad smstrs Levi Strauss Co h35B2b 18tli Juarez-Aragon Jose (Frances) h4209 Kirkham Juat Edna E nurse hl442 Dolores Juba Ann ofc wkr h806 34th av Jubb Ben" A (Evelyn E) sis rep Bassett Furniture Industries h55 Chumasero dr apt 7H Jubilado Lino A (Serafino) barber Latin-American Barber Shop h48 Rausch Jubilo Ulpiano busmn StFrancis Hotel rl321 Page Jubinville Wilfred S (Blanche P) elk PO hl70 Duboce av " " " apt 4 Jubitz Marcella A studt r2462 Broadway " Raymond G jr (Ruth B) v-pres States Steamship Santa Cruz Dora Mrs hl680 Jackson apt 601 » Louise C Mrs bkpr hl801 Gough apt 406 Judah Ahdulld mgr Times Theatre rl249 Stockton r " " fit " " " " av " " " apt 105 " Quality Wm " Exchange h640 Funston av Street Barber Shop (Harry R Beach) 96 Judah Super Market (Thos E and Eug Charlton) gro 2520 (Elsie R) member Judah Theo seamn h259 11th av " V M h440 Hyde apt 3 Juday Pearl Mrs slswn Reliable Drug h337 22d av " Wm ton Fine Food (Juan P Laganero) restr 11-':' McAllister Linda B elk Central Mutual Ins hl472 Filbert apt 211 " RoM A (Dtniac) elecln tng Beckman Instruments h'-430 Francisco apt 9 " 51x1 1399 46th av Pacific Coast Stock Samson A " Clay Joyner's Creamery (Jas P Joyner) ice cream 455 Fillmore Joynson Edw B (Esther E) hl614 24th av Joyn't Club (Florent A Blanchard) tavern 4414 3d Joys mgr Taylor Hotel h810 Eddy apt 502 Ju Daniel (Franks Union Station) rl555 Mason " Fred V. (Yeung) h2272 Filbert "GlnGow (Yuen Shee) hI555 Mason Juan Antonio (Gloria L) pntr Herman Junge h423 lien •' Market (Carl Peters) " M " Mrs h479 Greenwich apt 4 " Martha Mrs hl450 Castro apt 19 " Patk T (May) h226 Noe " Richd hl665 Clay apt 12A " Stella Mrs maid Surf Motel rl655 " (Helen) h823 27th av Eleanor ofc see Basic Vegetable Products h259 11th av Floyd S (Gracia) pres Peck-Judah Co Inc hI90 Funston av apt 105 Food Center (Emanuel and Julio J Bracco) groc 2000 Judah Geleton (Mildred) v-pres Gelston Judah Travel Advisers r Burlingame Gelston Travel Advisors Gelston Judah pres Eunice C Kroger sec B Robt Gentry treas 212 Stockton R200 Gracia Mrs v-pres Peck-Judah Co Inc rl90 Funston" ii " Jas " Co h2462 Broadway Juchau Clyde L (Carol) mgr Guardian Life Insurance Co of America r Orinda Juchert Beverly H645 Randolph apt 1 Juchli Frank rl027 GotdenGate av Juchtzer Aline Mrs r3281 22 J Juckes Margt Mrs emp Presidio hI625 7th av ' Robt emp SPCo rl625 7th av Juckett Helen Mrs h776 Geary apt 204 Jucktzer Alena Mrs r3281 22d Jiicutan Dolores ctr Regent Mfg r483 Clement " Geo pantrymn Blue Fox Restr :-452 Lily " S P busmn Original Joe's h639 Divisadero Jud see also Judd " Carl R (Minnie) chiropractor 2489 Mission R37 apt 6 Judd see also Jud " Alice M Mrs nurses aid U290 Holladay av " Chas P (Mary H) h324 Genessee 11 Derek (Susan M) rep English Electric Export & Trading hl38 Terra Vista av " F J (Margt) slsmn Trank's Canteen h265 30th av " Kaith C (wid Myron V) hlBOl California apt 305 " Franklin A (Dorothy H) auto mech Elhz Brooks Chevrolet hl955 Filbert " Howard hl36 6th apt 11-12 " Jack P asst mgr Sir Francis Drake Hotel h797 Bush apt 504 M *** JUDD ^ Jim W hl959 Filbert JohnR instr PS h797 Bush apt 505 Judy entertainer hl209 Bush apt 9 J " LilUan Mrs h3650 Fillmore apt 305"' " Mildred A hi 141 Post apt 5 "RE driver Greyhound Bus Lines rll2 7lh " H L treas North American Securities Co r Menlo f ' Park " " Since 1927 .. • " Reglna (wid John) hl319 Florida Richd (Marian) minister of music Glide Memorial Methodist Church r Corte Madera » Sybil 1 h3117 Lincoln w&y Jud'e Frank C (Mary) undwrtr NY Life h4&') Marina blvd apt 205 " Ornamental Iron Works (Albert H Mazzoni) 3910 Mission Judell Adolph (Mabel) h2070 Pacific av apt 502 " Emil (Hilda) h 1275 Greenwich apt 402 " Robt C (Bemadyne; Judell's Cigar Store) hl544 Real " " Estate Business Opportunities Lake Judell's Cigar Store (Robt C Judell) 2499 Mission Judge A Julia ofc sec hl235 Bay apt 11 ' Albert J jr h201 Duncan apt 8 " Ann (wid Michl \\) hl63 Staples av Bud ofc mgr Johnson Lines Co r465 14th. av Cath transcriber Hotchner Fortiiu 6. Christian h2428 14th av Chas F (Rose A) mtce supt J Barrett Truk-kar Lease Co hl879 35th av Claire M sten Columbia Steel h635 43d av Elmer V (Sylvia) mtcemn Firomen Realty h2918 " " " " 11 " " " Cabrillo Elton B (Rosa) elk Standard Oil h3219 Moraga Fred B (Margie B)hl610 47th av Harneite (wid Martin J) ofc sec Columbia Pictures h875 Bush apt 41 Joanne emp Matson Navigation h635 43d av John J (Margt) ofc mgr US Dept Commerce h3436 " " Pierce apt-11 " " " " Margt A h208 5 Sacramento apt 203 Marv M r860 Sutter Michl E (Margt) hl500 7th av apt P mailer SF Examiner h756 19th av Pat H Mis h2790 Pine apt 3 " Patricia ofc elk Beaumont -Hon man & Durstine h60 Dearborn apt 5 " PaulE (Claire C) ship elk PMA h635 43d av " Tvarl (wid E) h30 Crane " R H h750 Gonzalez dr apt 6c " Raymond L (Constance; Judgc'sLustrawash) r Oak- • Insurance Brokers 4922 Third 1 '• Wm TEL. VAIencia 4-8350 land Union apt 291 h3378a 18th " Thos F (Clara B) driver Walkup Drayage & Whse hl410 7th av " W Elliott map publ 614 Montgomery r Orinda " Walter P (Cath U) reporter SF Examiner h2428 14th av Judge's Lustrawash (Raymond L Judge) auto wash 2790 VanNess av Judice Edw (Alice O) driver James Allen & Son hi 554 Thomas av " Junius W (Ruth B) USN hl350 Stevenson Judie Eliz Mrs h626 Grove Judilj JohnS (Rebecca) mgr Hclene Cleaners h772 20lh av Judino Carmen Mrs h82 Kissling Judkins Chas M driver Callison Truck Lines r Daly City " Donald drftsmn R S Randall Co rl034 Cole " Rustin hl767 " Theresa Mrs " Jas E (Lola A) appr carp Whitecliff hl93 Harbor " Sam (Louise) lab hll70 Fairfax av Judkovic Adolph (Janet) tailor L Riznik <* Son hl611 32d av Judmaier Mary maid 2900 Vallejo r do " Jos (Angeline) wldr h587 Rhode Island Judnich Anna (wid Jos) h702 SanBruno av 11 Edw V (Marie) bottler Regal Brewery h54 Benton av " Johanna M emp Best Foods r479 Vermont " John A (Anna) mech SFNS h2244 19th " JohnF r2244 19th " Katli (wid Matthew) h609 San Bruno av " Marie L med sec Kushner r54 Benton " Martin W (Wanda) acct City Comptroller h2217 15th av " Mathias D (Johanna F) h479 Vermont " Richd h415 College av " Rosclla (wid Anthony; Judnick's) h415 College av Judnich's Inn (Louis Taucher) tavern 1501 Silver av Judnick Albert W (Frances) bottler Regal Pale hl4 Palm av " Frank (Mary) hl60 Eucalyptus dr " Frank musician h2136 18th " Heni-y L (Josephine) bartndr Nickle Plate Cafe h2950 26th apt 3 " John studt r621 Rhode Island " Jos F (Louise M) bottler Lucky Lager h365 Sweeny " Louis (Mary) brewery wkr h342 Wayland " A wldr Shrader Iron Wks h208 Lathrop av Judnick's (Mrs Thelma I Meyer) tavern 2001 17th Juds Alf F (Mary J) roach Am Can h!954 22d av W 3 8-'° "so §o?r 8SJ. Wm " Ida Mrs h305H Market Judson Barbara prod mgr Richd h2824 Clay apt 2 N Smelt2er Adv " Cynthia h955 Corbett av apt 1 " Donald (Rose) flagmn SPCo h400 Oak apt 3 " Eva (wid Chester W) h2727 Vallejo " Henry (Edna C) driver Muni Ry h293 Candlestick rd " Ina A Mrs nurse S F Hosp h3141 Mission " Isidore emp Ranch Wagon h643 Head G 0. c a 2672 Ocean Avenue At 19th Avenue - WORLD-WIDE Son Francisco Phone LOmborc 6-9800 5K I go z B s SALES & EXCHANGES St., Zone 24 O o
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