Ingles - Babinton


Ingles - Babinton
NOME ____________________________________________________ Nº _______ 1º ANO _____
• A compreensão do enunciado faz parte da questão. Não faça perguntas ao examinador.
• A prova deve ser feita com caneta azul ou preta.
• É terminantemente proibido o uso de corretor. Respostas com corretor serão anuladas.
• Esta prova é composta por DEZ questões dissertativas dispostas em SEIS páginas.
01. (UEM 2012) Texto para as próximas questões: a, b, c e d. Respostas em português. (0,5 each)
Stress is your body’s response to the demands placed upon it. 1A little/a few stress is a good
thing, but too 2much/many can have devastating consequences for your health and relationships.
Everyone needs a certain amount of stress to live well. It’s what gets you out of bed in the
morning and gives you the vitality to do all sorts of things.
Stress becomes a problem when there’s too much or too little. A lack of stress means your body
is under stimulated, leaving you feeling bored and isolated. In an effort to find stimulation, 3much/many
people do things that are harmful to themselves (such as taking drugs) or society (for instance,
committing a crime).
However, too 4many/much stress, can result in a range of health problems including headaches,
stomach upsets, high blood pressure and even stroke or heart disease. It can also cause feelings of
distrust, anger, anxiety and fear.
People often feel over-stressed as a result of some event. This doesn’t have to be negative (such
as the death of a loved one, redundancy or divorce); it can also be seemingly positive (a new partner, new
job or going on holiday).
Among the bad stress busters, it is possible to mention drinking alcohol, denying the problem,
taking drugs, overeating and smoking cigarettes. On the other hand, the good techniques to avoid stress
are taking a nap; getting a massage; expressing yourself artistically; having a laugh; being gentle to
yourself; and making use of meditation and relaxation techniques.
(Texto adaptado, disponível em <>. Acesso em
a) Quando o estresse pode ser considerado um problema? O que a falta de estresse significa?
b) Which quantifiers are the correct ones in the text? Gaps 1, 2, 3 and 4. Write the correct ones below.
c) Estresse sempre é ruim. A frase condiz com o autor do texto? Por quê? Use argumentos do texto
para se justificar.
d) No que pode resultar o estresse em excesso? Cite 3 caminhos positivos e 3 negativos que as pessoas
acabam buscando para aliviar o estresse?
02. Fill in the gaps using one of the vocabulary below. Conjugate the verbs if necessary. (0,5)
To laugh – to be concerned with - mostly – straw – unlikely
a) Stop ___________________________ at me. It’s not funny.
b) When I asked what he was doing there, he came up with some _____________________ explanation.
c) People nowadays ________________________________ the environment and global warming.
d) The band are ______________________________ teenagers. They must be 16 or 18.
e) Why don't you drink your milkshake through a ________________________?
NOME ____________________________________________________ Nº _______ 1º ANO _____
03. Fill in the gaps using the possessive or possessive adjective pronouns. Take into consideration the
subject of the sentence. (1,0)
a) Her husband was so hungry that he had all ___________________________ cookies and
_____________________, too.
b) Sally had a bad argument with a friend of___________________.
c) You can wash _______________ dirty socks! I’m not going to wash them for you.
d) John and Lara have _________________ own offices. In other words, John has _____________
and Lara has ________________.
e) I see that she has lost ________________ pen; perhaps you can lend her ________________
f) They said they would introduce me to a friend of ________________ who had a car to sell.
g) “Whose sweater is this?” “It belongs to my niece. It’s ____________.”
h) Tell him not to forget ____________ ticket; she mustn’t forget ____________ either.
They have two of _________ flats in this building, and the house on the corner is also
04. (UNICAMP) TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 2 QUESTÕES A e B: (0,75 each) – Respostas em português.
Photoshopping Our Souls Away
By Sarey Martin McIvor
In 2011, the American Medical Association, the most respected group of
medical professionals in the U.S.,took a public stance against the way media
“corrects” photographs of humans, arguing that it is a leading cause of
anorexia, the third most common mental chronic disorder in adolescents.
It’s bad enough that most models are part of a gene pool and age group that encompasses a very small
percentage of the population. But now, they are photographing these folks and manipulating their skin,
their weight, and proportions to make them into perfect alien life forms that exist only in a computer.
(Adaptado de Acessado em 18/12/2012.)
a) O que fez a American Medical Association em 2011 e por quê?
b) Justifique o título do texto.
05. Is there any mistake in the comics below? Correct it if necessary. (0,25)
06. Fill in the gaps using the Present Continuous Tense or the Simple Present Tense. (1,0)
a) I _________________________________________ Chemistry at this moment. (to study)
b) Why ____________________________ Jim _____________________________ now? (to cry)
c) Call me in case she _______________________________________ me. (to need)
d) They ________________________________ the newspaper once a day. (to read)
e) As soon as Jack ____________________________________ his homework, he’ll leave. (to finish)
f) _________________________ he __________________________ tennis on Sundays? (to play)
g) The thieves _____________________________________ from the prison at this moment. (to flee)
h) Don’t forget your coat when you go out. It ________________________________ colder and
colder. (to get)
She hopes to get married before she _____________________________________ 30. (to turn)
j) Wait here till Mary ____________________________________________. (to arrive)
07. Complete the following sentences with LITTLE, A LITTLE, FEW or A FEW. (0.5)
a) My mother couldn’t make the cake because there was _____________________ sugar.
b) Carol likes sweet tea. She usually adds ____________ honey to her tea.
c) I have ______________ patience with people who interrupt my dinner to try to sell me something.
d) I have to go to the post office because I have _____________ letters to mail.
e) The professor lectured very clearly. As a result, ___________________ students had questions at
the end of the class period.
08. Complete the following sentences with LESS or FEWER. (0,5)
a) I’ve got ________________________________ cash than I thought I had.
b) The __________________________ children, the __________________________ expense.
c) There are _______________________________ students in the classroom today.
d) This car needs _______________________________ gas to run than mine.
e) The doctor told him to eat __________________ sugar and _______________________ snacks.
NOME ____________________________________________________ Nº _______ 1º ANO _____
09. (UERJ) TEXTO PARA AS QUESTÕES a, b e c. (1,5)
a) (Uerj 2011) O slogan da campanha é composto por duas sequências: Go Green. Go Public. Nomeie o
modo em que estão conjugadas as formas verbais, justificando seu emprego. Indique ainda o
significado de cada uma das sequências. Resposta em português.
b) O cartaz da campanha publicitária traz Janice, que decidiu tomar uma atitude em prol do meio
ambiente. Indique essa atitude e sua consequência. Resposta em português.
c) Reescreva as duas sequências: Go Green. Go Public incluindo-se neste pedido. Resposta em inglês.
10. Choose 3 “internet language” from the chart below, copy them and then write them in good English.
Have a brilliant test and a great vacation!!!

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