1. Read and answer. Adopt from a Shelter If you think you could
1. Read and answer. Adopt from a Shelter If you think you could
Ensino Médio – Unid. São Judas Tadeu Professor (a): Aluno (a): Alessandra Série: 1ª Data: ____/ ____/ 2016. LISTA DE INGLÊS Orientações: - A lista deverá ser respondida na própria folha impressa ou em folha de papel almaço. - Caso seja respondida em folha de papel almaço deverá conter cabeçalho completo (Data, nome, disciplina, nome do professor e série). - As listas que não forem realizadas conforme orientações serão desconsideradas. 1. Read and answer. Adopt from a Shelter If you think you could adopt a puppy or dog, and give it a chance at a better life, go to your local shelter and talk with the staff Pet breeders have only one goal in mind – to raise large quantities of purebred animals for profit. They have also been pilloried for misdeeds such as overbreeding, inbreeding, poor veterinary oversight, lousy food and living conditions, overcrowding, and culling of unwanted animals. Why buy when you can adopt one of the 70,000 puppies and kittens born every day only in the United States? Love knows no pedigree. Check out www.petfinder.com or contact your local animal shelter to find your perfect match. Adapted from <ww.urbandogmagazine.com> Issue 25 – spring, 2008. Accessed on November 10, 2010. Sabe-se que no mundo existem várias ONGs que cuidam de animais abandonados e que têm como foco conscientizar a população a respeito da adoção e posse responsável. O artigo da revista Urban Dog incentiva a adoção de cães e gatos que nascem aos milhares a cada dia nas ruas dos Estados Unidos. Ele apresenta quatro aspectos negativos sobre a vida dos animais em um canil particular. Quais, entretanto, não está sustentada no texto? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Haiti’s Students: out of School for 10 Months Twelve-year-old Fabienne Joseph is one of thousands of Haitian children who haven’t been to school since a massive earthquake hit Haiti last January. Some students’ schools were demolished and have yet to be rebuilt. Other children, like Fabienne, had to quit school because their parents lost their jobs after the quake and could no longer afford school fees. Education officials discuss how the long-term educational hiatus and the psychological effects of witnessing the quake are affecting Haiti’s young people. […] Taken from <www.newsweek.com/2010/11/08/haiti-s-students-out-of-school-for-10-months.html>.Accessed November 10, 2010. on O Haiti, que foi atingido por um terremoto em janeiro de 2010, ainda vive momentos difíceis. O país é particularmente propenso a deslizamentos por causa do seu terreno montanhoso, tem cerca de 1,3 milhão de pessoas vivendo em condições precárias e, além disso, enfrenta um surto de cólera. Com base no texto, o que agrava ainda mais a situação no Haiti? Mostre no texto sua resposta. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. As G-20 Summit Nears, China Is Unlikely to Budge on Currency the idea of “rebalancing” the world economy is simple. Before the financial crisis, some advanced countries (led by the United States) were overspending, and some poorer countries (led by China) were over saving. The two offset each other. The big spenders ran large trade deficits, and the big savers ran large trade surpluses. Now, the financial crisis has dampened the overspending. If the big savers do not increase their spending, the world economy faces prolonged slow growth. […] Taken from www.newsweek.com/2010/11/08/as-g-20-summit-nears-china-is-unlikely-to-budge-onNcurrency.html .Accessed on November 8, 2010. Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205-4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected] De acordo com o texto, o que podemos dizer : ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Jackson Family Learning to Cope with Death (CHICAGO) — Michael Jackson’s children and mother said: On Monday’s episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, that they are still learning to cope with his death a year and a half after the pop star overdosed on a powerful anesthetic. Jackson’s oldest children, 13-year-old Prince and 12-year-old Paris, said they are adjusting well to private school, although their younger brother, Blanket, 8, is still home-schooled. The children have been living with Grandmother Katherine Jackson, who is their guardian, since their father’s death in June 2009. […]Taken from <www.time.com/time/arts/article/0, 8599, 2030139, 00.html>.Accessed on November 8, 2010. Diante das proporções inimagináveis da repercussão da morte de Michael Jackson ainda hoje, a mídia questiona por que o impacto emocional é tão grande e, segundo alguns, desproporcional à própria qualidade do músico. Ninguém sabe a resposta. A verdade é que, mesmo depois de anos, ele não sai das páginas das revistas.Com base no texto, o que podemos dizer sobre a família de Michael? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. TIME Heathland Study: Breast-Feeding Moms Get Just as Much (or Little) Rest as Formula-Feeders. Having a baby is the equivalent of deciding that an uninterrupted night’s sleep is overrated. But mothers hoping to get a little more shut-eye by formula-feeding should put that notion to bed. It is just not true, according to a new study in the December issue of Pediatrics published online Monday. No matter whether moms breast-fed, formula-fed or did a combination of both, they got the same amount of sleep and considered themselves equally exhausted. Score one for the breastfeeding advocates, who hope this study gives women on the fence another reason to commit to breast-feeding, which conveys well-documented health benefits for baby — and mother. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends babies be exclusively breast-fed for six months and continue to receive breast milk for at least a year. […] Taken from <http://healthland.time.com/2010/11/08/breast-feed-or-formula-feed-in-terms-of-sleep-its-awash/#more-15367>.Accessed on November 8, 2010. Toda mulher sabe que sua rotina vai mudar após o nascimento de um filho. Ela, por exemplo, terá que abrir mão de algumas horas de sono nos primeiros meses, mas médicos e especialistas publicaram estudos que levam em conta outros aspectos mais relevantes. Com base no texto, qual o objetivo principal desses estudos: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Australia - History Timeline 60,000 - 40,000 B.C.:People from Southeast Asia settle in Australia. Their descendants’ Aboriginal people. 8000 B.C.:Aborigines invent the boomerang. This wooden weapon, which is used for he turns to its thrower. 1770 A.D.: Britain claims Australia. It settles the first of six colonies in 1788. 1850s: Gold is found in southern Australia. Entire settlements are deserted as folks rush old mines.1901: The six colonies join to form the Common wealth of Australia. It has a demovernment. Britain’s royalty has only a ceremonial role.1927: Canberra officially replaces Melbourne as the nation’s capital. 1962: Aborigines are given the right to vote. Five years later, they are recognized as citizen 1976: The Aboriginal Land Rights Act is passed. It is a legal turning point for Aborigines, Them the right to make claims on their ancestral land in the Northern Territory. Nine yea Uluru is returned to Aborigines. 2000: Sydney hosts the Summer Olympic Games. 2008: The Australian parliament formally apologizes for past wrongs committed againAboriginal people. Taken from <www.timeforkids.com/TFK/teachers/aw/wr/article/0,28138,485854, Accessed on Novembe Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205-4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected] Os pronomes It e them, em negrito no texto, referem-se respectivamente: a) a um aborígine; cidadãos da Austrália. b) a uma das seis colônias da Austrália; direitos de posse da terra. c) à Grã-Bretanha; aborígines. d) ao ouro; clamores. e) ao povo aborígine; ancestrais. 7. Tango to Tone A dance class can be better than aerobic exercise. It encourages balance, develops muscle tone and strength, and helps you to meet people and have fun. Most people think of dancing as too enjoyable (or too embarrassing) to be considered a workout. However, it is actually a great aerobic activity, and the fact that it is fun makes it more likely you stick with it. Even if you have two left feet, you can still dance your way to a healthier heart and mind. One of the greatest benefits of dancing is to your cardiovascular system. This heart-healthy activity can burn just as many calories as walking, swimming, or riding a bicycle. A study presented at the 2006 American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions found patients with chronic heart disease benefited more from dancing than other kinds of aerobic activity.[…] Taken from <www.ejgh.org>. Fall, 2007.Accessed on Novembro 9, 2010. Com base no texto, qual é a principal vantagem de se optar pela dança em lugar de outra atividade física?___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Whales Suffer Effects of Sunburn the Sun’s rays burn whales’ skin, researchers say. The Sun’s rays can “burn” whales’ skin, just like they can damage human skin, according to a team of researchers. The scientists studied more than 150 whales in the Gulf of California. By taking photographs and skin samples, the US and Mexico-based team found the whales had blisters that were caused by sun damage. The team was interested in the effects of increasing levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on Wildlife. Laura Martinez-Leaser, from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and Queen Mary University of London led the study. She explained that whales were a good model for this because “they need to come to the surface to breathe air, to socialize and to feed their young, meaning that they are frequently exposed to the full force of the sun”. In humans, sunburn is produced when DNA is damaged by UV radiation; a similar response appeared to be occurring in the whales.[…] Adapted from <http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_9173000/9173271.stm>.Accessed on November 10, 2010. De acordo com o texto, por que as baleias são mais propensas a sofrer queimaduras por raios solares? Boa Semana!!! Fique atento(a) ao prazo de devolução das listas!!! Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205-4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]
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