Global Scripture Access Report 2015
Global Scripture Access Report 2015
United Bible Societies Global Scripture Access Report 2015 Annual Progress 2015 – Significant Progress In 2015 Bible Societies assisted in the completion of translations in 50 languages spoken by nearly 160 million people. 2015 Firsts: 2015 was ‘a first’ for no fewer than 28 languages, spoken by nearly 33 million people. 11 communities now have their very first full Bible, 6 have a New Testament and 11 communities have their first, or additional, portions of Scripture. 28 First translations Languages are constantly developing so Bible Societies are also committed to revising existing translations and providing new translations, when requested, to help as many people as possible engage with the message of the Bible today. In 2015 this resulted in a further 20 new translations and revisions plus 2 study editions with the potential to reach over 127 million people. The laws of the Lord are right, and those who obey them are happy. The commands of the Lord are just and give understanding to the mind. 20 New/Revisions 7 Full Bibles 3 New Testaments 10 Portions Psalm 19:8 GNT For full details of the languages published in 2015 see the Appendix. 33 million speakers 11 Full Bibles 6 New Testaments 11 Portions Sign Language Scriptures for the Deaf Community Sign Languages is the first or ‘heart’ language for 70 million deaf people worldwide and there are over 400 unique Sign Languages. The New Testament is only available in American Sign Language and this is the largest portion of Scripture currently available in Sign Language. The UBS, in close partnership with other international ministries, is seeking to meet this Scripture need for what is now recognised as a major unreached people group. Bible Societies are currently partners in 14 ongoing projects and another 9 are just beginning or in the planning stage. Reaching Visually Impaired People 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide, of whom 40 million are blind. A Braille Bible usually consists of more than 40 bulky volumes making the transcription and production of a complete Bible in Braille a significant undertaking. Last year over 150,000 visually impaired people in Sri Lanka were given the potential to read the Bible for themselves with the completion of the Sinhala Braille Bible. This is the 44th language to receive a full Bible in Braille. In Mexico the first Braille portion in the Purepecha language was produced. Additional Braille portions were also added in Spanish and Armenian as well as a new Dutch Braille Bible. For full details of the languages published in 2015 see the Appendix. In 2015 the Ceylon Bible Society published Sign Language selections from Acts. Hungary and Lithuania produced the first ever drafts of Mark’s gospel. Brazil produced 15 new Bible stories in Sign Language and the Mexico team completed Luke and Acts. The ViBi team in Japan has completed Exodus, Titus and Ephesians and is aiming to complete the whole Bible by 2033. Alexander M. Schweitzer, United Bible Societies Head of Global Bible Translation, commented: “How encouraging it is to look back at 2015 to see that Bible Societies have been involved in completing translations in no fewer than 50 languages spoken by nearly 160 million people. We also take special joy to see the progress being made with new Scriptures in Braille and Sign Language. This progress inspires us to aim even higher so that the lives of many more individuals and communities are enriched by the transforming power of God’s Word.” For full details of the languages published in 2015 see the Appendix. Scripture Access Today1 Languages1 6,887 There are currently 6,887 languages in the world spoken by over 7.3 billion people. 7.3 billion 563 Bibles 100 Bibles in 1000 Days In 2013 United Bible Societies identified 100 full Bibles that could be translated by the end of 2015. We are pleased to report that 90 have completed the translation stage with 53 published and encouraging their communities, and 37 in preproduction or printing. Please pray for all those working on the remaining 10 translations that they will be able to complete their work as soon as possible. Please also pray for two confidential projects which have been completed but need permission from the authorities before they can be published. 563 languages (spoken by nearly 5.1 billion people) now have a full Bible and a further 1,334 languages (spoken by 658 million people) have a New Testament. This leaves 281 million people with only some portions of the Bible and a further 497 million people with no Scripture translated in their language at all. United Bible Societies is committed to working towards the day when everyone can access the full Bible – so much work still remains to be done. Furthermore, languages are constantly changing; therefore we are committed to ensuring that existing translations are regularly revised and new translations undertaken to meet the needs of the communities that use them. Bible Societies is currently working on over 400 translation projects around the world. 1334 New Testaments 1038 Portions 3952 No Scriptures Number of Speakers1 5.1 billion Bibles 658 million New Testaments 281 million Portions 497 million No Scriptures Figures as at 31.12.2015. We thank Bible Societies, Wycliffe Global Alliance and other translation agencies for their help in compiling these statistics. The figures for the number of language speakers is based on the best available data which currently totals 6.5 billion, less than the actual world population. 1 Scripture Access & Engagement The increasing use of the internet offers people greater choice in how and where they connect with the Bible. The Digital Bible Library® (DBL) is central to our strategy to make the Bible as widely and easily accessible as possible. By the end of 2015, the DBL contained no fewer than 1,201 Bibles, Testaments and portions in 957 languages. These languages are spoken by over 4.6 billion people. The DBL is owned and maintained by United Bible Societies in partnership with other Bible agencies and with the support of the Every Tribe Every Nation alliance. It makes the Bible accessible by providing Scripture texts to the public through partners such as BibleSearch and YouVersion. “Today God speaks our language,” said one joyful recipient of a Kim Bible. (A language spoken in southern Chad) Appendix In 2015 United Bible Societies assisted in the completion of Scriptures in 50 languages spoken by nearly 160 million people. Country/Territory Language Scope Type Speakers Ethiopia Tigrigna Bible New1 4,320,000 Nigeria Hausa Common Language Bible Bible New1 41,929,000 United Kingdom Welsh Bible New 562,000 Mozambique Changana (Xitsonga) New Testament New 1,710,000 Mozambique CiSena New Testament New 1,807,319 Country/Territory Language Scope Type Chad Kim Bible First 15,400 Ethiopia Sidama Bible 1 First 2,980,000 Greece Greek Portion - Psalms New 13,000,000 Indonesia Mentawai Bible First1 58,000 Guatemala Achi de Cubulco Portion - John New 62,192 Mali Bomu Bible First 158,000 Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz 4,568,480 Myanmar Ngawn Chin Bible First 20,000 Portions - Ruth, Jonah, Esther New 1 Myanmar Khumi Chin Bible First1 7,700 Liberia Mann Portions - Ruth, Jonah New 315,000 Seychelles Kreol Seselwa Bible First1 74,600 Liberia Dan New 320,000 Togo/Ghana Bassar / Bassam / Ntcham Bible First1 217,000 Portions - Ruth, Jonah, Mark Poland Polish New 38,500,000 Uganda Lusoga Bible Bible First1 2,060,000 Portions - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Vietnam Rade Bible First1 177,000 Slovenia Slovenian Portion - Mark New 2,074,170 United States Yupik Bible First 10,000 Sweden Swedish Portion - Galatians New 9,197,090 China White Yi (Bai Yi) New Testament First 67,000 Chad Ngambay Bible Revision1 1,377,000 Indonesia Sahu New Testament First 7,500 India Biate Revision Bible Revision1 30,000 Indonesia Behoa New Testament First 10,000 India KomRem Revision Bible Revision 1 15,000 Morocco Moroccan Arabic New Testament First3 Zambia Bemba Bible Revision1 4,110,000 Nepal Chamling New Testament First 76,800 French Polynesia Marquesan New Testament & Psalms Revision 25,000 Philippines Majukayong / Kalinga New Testament First 1,500 Philippines Portion - Mark Revision 2,300,000 Argentina Toba del Oeste Portions - Ruth, Esther, Jonah First2 5,000 Standard Waray (Western) Papua New Guinea Tok Pisin Portions - Ruth, Jonah, Philippians Revision 120,000 1 1 Speakers 23,060,100 Botswana Shekgalagadi Portion - Luke First 40,100 Burkina Faso Lyele Portion - Leviticus First2 213,000 India Sajolang (Miji) Portion - Gospels First 18,000 Morocco Moroccan Arabic Portion - Genesis First2 23,060,100 Mozambique Elomwe Portions - Isaiah & Proverbs First2 1,269,527 Philippines Tinggian Portion - Mark First2 Philippines Eastern Waray (dialect) Portion - Mark First Philippines Northern Waray (dialect) Portion - Mark First 589,000 Tanzania Kiha Portion - Genesis First2 990,000 Togo Ikposso Portion - Matthew First 162,500 Russia Karelian Olonets Portion - Isaiah First2 31,000 Study Editions China West Lisu Study Bible Study Edition 600,000 Argentina Toba Qom Study New Testament Study Edition 70,000 Braille Editions 9,000 429,000 Sri Lanka Sinhala Bible First Mexico Purepecha Portion - Luke First Armenia Armenian (Etchmiadzin) Portion - Sirach First2 Costa Rica Spanish (Dios Habla Hoy) Portion - Acts First2 Netherlands Dutch (Plain Dutch) New Bible 150,000 21,944,690 Part of the 100 Bibles in 1000 Days Campaign First translations of these portions – other books of the Bible have been translated in these languages 3 A North African Arabic New Testament was first published in 1932. This is the first printed edition of a specific Moroccan Arabic New Testament. It has been available in audio and electric format since 2012. 1 2 The fellowship is incorporated as United Bible Societies, a corporation registered in the state of Delaware, USA, in 1946. The affairs of the fellowship are administered on its behalf by the United Bible Societies Association (UBSA) from its registered office at UBS UK Hub, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon, SN5 7PJ, England. UBSA is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 2264875. Registered charity no. 800058 Tel: +44(0)1189 500 200 [email protected]
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