Apresentação do PowerPoint


Apresentação do PowerPoint
Active search of skin cancer in patients
with inflammatory diseases of chronic
Potiguar University Laurete Internacional, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Dr. Luiz Antônio Hospital, Liga Norte Riograndense Contra o Câncer, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
• Introduction: Chronic inflammatory skin disease
is a risk factor for skin cancer. Elephantiasis is
one of them, that can be caused by a
threadworm, Wuchereria bancrofti, or it can be
a result from lack of hygiene in injuries, causing
infection. It affects the lymphatic circulation
resulting in thickening and verrucous changes in
the skin due to inflammatory process and
chronic fibrosis. So, prevent skin cancer has to
be the main goal in these patients. The skin
alteration can be similar to skin cancer and to
be distinguished, besides the anamneses,
sometimes is necessary skin biopsy. This way,
the treatment can be done with more accuracy.
• Objective: Report a case of welldifferentiated squamous cell
carcinoma, according to the first
biopsy, in a patient with
Elephantiasis who has repeated
• Methods: Surgical and
oncological Monitoring the
patient, followed by review of
medical records and literatures
that address the pathology
• Results: Case report: PNC, male, 55 years old, Brazilian. Patient reports
repeated erysipelas trough 40 years and Elephantiasis in lower limbs
with infiltrative and multiple nodules injury. Moreover, it has high blood
pressure and systemic rheumatoid arthritis. A skin biopsy of the lower
limbs was requested, which returned with a result of well-differentiated
squamous cell carcinoma with positive margins. The surgeons decided
that the patient should be subjected to multiple tumor resections, but
being a member at a time. Thus, the total resection of skin left leg was
performed this first moment, with programming for future follow-up
with plastic surgery. After the surgery, the result of the biopsy
performed in the surgical specimen did not show neoplasia. So, the
patient was encouraged to continue the treatment with physiotherapy
and plastic surgery, besides preventive follow up.
• Conclusions: Elephantiasis is a chronic inflammatory disease, so it has to
be monitored in order to prevent skin cancer since is a strong risk factor
for it.
Michele Teixeira de Araújo
Av. Jaguarari, 5100, casa 44. Bairro Candelária. Natal/RN. CEP: 59064-500
[email protected]