Dates of geoparks week: 19th May – 24th June
Dates of geoparks week: 19th May – 24th June
EGN Week 2012 Name of Geopark: Geopark Naturtejo da Meseta Meridional (Portugal) Dates of geoparks week: 19th May – 24th June Contact person: Carlos Neto de Carvalho Motto of geoparks week: The Festival of Landscape 2012 Category Date Activity / Event 1. Geo & Geo 26 May - 2 to 30 June -10 June -16 June - VII Orvalho GeoTrail (Orvalho) - Exhibition „Geomining Heritage of Oleiros (Oleiros) 2. Geo & Culture/Music/ Literature/Arts 3. Geo & Education - Public presentation of the film „Black Gold: the other face“ (Oleiros) - „Fragas do Cavalo Mines“ Guided Visit (Oleiros) - 19-20 - Cherry Fair (Montes da Senhora) May - 26-27 - III Flower Fest (Aldeia de Santa Margarida) May -27 May - Biodiversity Bike Tour (Living Science Center of the Forest, Proença-aNova) -27 May - Trekking „May Flower“ (Aldeia de Santa Margarida) - 3 June - Trekking „Trails of Estreito (Estreito) -7-10 - Proença-a-Nova „Honey“ Fest (Proença-a-Nova) June -9 June - „Adufando“ Signs of Beira Baixa by MUSICALBI (Centro Cultural Raiano) -22 to - „Trails of History – Medieval Amieira“ Fest (Amieira do Tejo) 24 June -24 June - Trekking „Rosemary’s Saint John“ (Toulões-Salvaterra do Extremo) - May to - Exhibition „When we mined for ore“ Workshops for Primary Schools (Centro June Cultural Raiano) -5 and - The Kids go back to the Wolfram times – workshops for Primary Schools 11 June (Oleiros) -
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