Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting no. 06/A/2011 of June 20, 2011 CETIP S.A. – BALCÃO ORGANIZADO DE ATIVOS E DERIVATIVOS Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ) no. 09.358.105/0001-91 Corporate Registry ID (NIRE): 33.300.285.601 MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NO. 06/A/2011 Held on June 20, 2011 On June 20, 2011 at 1:00 P.M. the Board of Directors of CETIP S.A. BALCÃO ORGANIZADO DE ATIVOS E DERIVATIVOS held an extraordinary meeting chaired by Mr. Edgar da Silva Ramos, assisted by Mr. André Veiga Milanez as secretary, with the presence of Messers. Martín Emiliano Escobari Liftchtz, Roberto de Jesus Paris, Marco Antonio Sudano, Gustavo Summers Albuquerque, Pedro Paulo Mollo Neto, Reinaldo Pereira da Costa Rios, Flavio Benicio Jansen Ferreira and Robert Taitt Slaymaker. Call: Called electronically as provided in Article 25, paragraph 4 of the Company’s Bylaws. By unanimous vote of those present, these minutes were authorized to be drawn up in summary format. The resolutions were made by unanimous vote of those present based on the supporting documents (appended) that are filed at the Company’s headquarters. Agenda: 1. Resolution on the payment of Interest on Shareholders’ Equity for the first half of 2011; 2. Re-election of the members of the Self-Regulation Board, as per Article 56 of the Company’s Bylaws for a term of office of 3 (three) years, beginning on July 2, 2011 and ending on July 1, 2014; Members: I) Carlos Cesar Menezes; II) Julian Fonseca Peña Chediak; III) Renata Brandão Moritz Serpa Coelho. Resolutions: Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting no. 06/A/2011 of June 20, 2011 1. Resolution on the payment of Interest on Shareholders’ Equity for the first half of 2011; Mr. André Veiga Milanez presented to the other members of the Board of Directors the values established for payment of Interest on Shareholders’ Equity (“ISE”), for the first half of 2011 amounted to R$28,398,408.29 (twenty-eight million, three hundred ninety-eight thousand, four hundred eight reais and twenty-nine centavos), which corresponds to the gross amount of R$0.1134891056 per common share issued by the Company (“Share”) and, after deduction of Income Tax Withholding at the rate of 15% (fifteen percent) (1), profiles the net amount of R$0.096465740. Total gross amount: R$28,398,408.29 Gross amount per share: R$0.113489106 Net amount per share(1): R$0.096465740 Payment date: July 8, 2011 (1) For shareholders subject to withholding income tax. The corresponding credit will be made based on shareholding positions on the close of the trading day on the BM&FBOVESPA on June 22, 2011 (“Record Date”); Company’s shares will be traded ex-rights from June 23, 2011 (“ex-date”). The payment of Interest on Shareholders’ Equity under the presented conditions was approved by the Board of Directors, who authorized the Executive Officer to adopt the necessary procedures to perform the payment to each shareholder on July 8, 2011. 2. Re-election of the members of the Self-Regulation Board, as per Article 56 of the Company’s Bylaws for a term of office of 3 (three) years, beginning on July 2, 2011 and ending on July 1, 2014. The members of the Board of Directors debated and approved the re-election, for a term of office of 3 (three) years beginning on July 2, 2011 and ending on July 1, 2014, of the current members of the Company’s Self-Regulation Board, to wit: I) Mr. Carlos Cesar Menezes, Brazilian, married, business administrator, bearer of identification card no. 11.405.173-2 – SSP/SP, enrolled in the individual taxpayers’ registry (CPF/MF) under no. 043.986.008-33, with offices at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, nº 1663, 1º andar, São Paulo, São Paulo State, independent member as per current regulations; II) Mr. Julian Fonseca Peña Chediak, Brazilian, married, lawyer, registered with the Brazilian Bar Association under no. 78.241 – OAB/RJ, enrolled in the individual taxpayers’ registry (CPF/MF) under no. 001.192.447-05, with offices at Av. Almirante Barroso, 52/ 5º andar, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro State, independent member as per current regulations; III) Mrs. Renata Brandão Moritz Serpa Coelho, Brazilian, married, lawyer, registered with the Brazilian Bar Association under no. 80.133 – OAB/RJ, enrolled in the individual taxpayers’ registry (CPF/MF) under no. 975.258.717-87, with offices at Rua Santa Luzia, 651/34º Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro State, independent member as per current regulations; Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting no. 06/A/2011 of June 20, 2011 The members of the Board of Directors highlighted that Mr. Carlos Cesar Menezes, duly qualified above, remains in the position of Self-Regulation Officer until May 7, 2012, as resolved at the Meeting of the Board of Directors of this Company on October 8, 2009. As per the declarations provided to the Company, the abovementioned members of the Self-Regulation Board are not subject to any of the impediments provided by Article 15, first paragraph of the Bylaws. Closure, Drawing up of Minutes, Approval and Signature: No further business to be discussed, the Chairman offered the floor to any who may have been interested, and, with no manifestation, the meeting was adjourned for the drawing up of these Minutes, which were read, approved and signed by all Members present. Original signed by Board members: Edgar da Silva Ramos, Martín Emiliano Escobari Liftchtz, Roberto de Jesus Paris, Marco Antonio Sudano, Gustavo Summers Albuquerque, Pedro Paulo Mollo Neto, Reinaldo Pereira da Costa Rios, Flavio Benicio Jansen Ferreira and Robert Slaymaker. This is a free English translation of the original Minutes of Extraordinary Board of Directors Meeting no. 06/A/2011 drawn up and in the Company’s records. São Paulo, June 20, 2011. _____________________________________ André Veiga Milanez Secretary
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