QUESTÕES 1 – Write the plural of these words Watch – city – potato
QUESTÕES 1 – Write the plural of these words Watch – city – potato
7º Inglês Av. Trimestral Rosely 04/04/16 INSTRUÇÕES PARA A REALIZAÇÃO DA PROVA LEIA COM MUITA ATENÇÃO 1. Verifique, no cabeçalho desta prova, se seu nome, número e turma estão corretos. 2. Esta prova contém 10 questões dissertativas. 3. Leia todas as questões com atenção. 4. A prova deverá ser feita com caneta esferográfica de tinta azul ou preta. 5. É vedada a utilização de qualquer material de consulta, eletrônico ou impresso. 6. É terminantemente proibido retirar-se do local da prova antes de ocorrido o tempo mínimo estipulado, qualquer que seja o motivo. 7. Tempo de duração da avaliação - Mínimo: 50 min Máximo: 50 min 8. Ao final, entregue a prova ao professor aplicador. BOA PROVA! Assinatura do Aluno: _________________________________________________ QUESTÕES 1 – Write the plural of these words Watch – city – potato – activity – bedroom – eye – town – box – family – sandwich - bus -s -es -ies 1/4 2 - Complete with a or an where necessary. Cross out the other spaces. a) ________ airport h) ________ school b) ________ apartments i) ________ egg c) ________ kitchen j) ________ laundry d) ________ office k) ________ hospital e) ________ library l) ________ engineers f) __________ museums m) ________ job g) __________ outdoor activities 3 - Complete the dialogue with some or any. Mark: Let’s have __________ coffee. Sam: Good idea! Do we have _______ real coffee? Mark: We don´t have _______ real coffee, but we have _________ instant coffee. Sam: Horrible! Do we have any tea? Mark: Yes, we have ___________ tea, but we don’t have __________ milk. Sam: That’s O.K. I don’t take __________ milk in my tea. Do we have _______ sugar? Mark: No, sorry. We don’t have __________ sugar. Sam: Oh. I always put ____________ sugar in my tea. Mark: Let’s go to the supermarket. Sam: Good idea. Let’s make a shopping list. First, we need sugar. 4 - Write the following words in the plural a) child ________________ b) person ______________ c) man ________________ d) woman ______________ e) city _________________ f) toy __________________ g) watch _______________ h) tomato ______________ i) country _______________ e) dish ________________ 2/4 5 - Complete these sentences using my, your, his, her, our and their. a) I’m going to wash __________ hands. b) She’s going to put __________ shoes on. c) We’re going to buy ___________ new house. d) He’s going to see __________ girlfriend. e) They’re going to pay ___________ bill. f) Are you going to sell ___________ car? 6 – Look at the map and complete these sentences with prepositions: on the corner – next to – across from – between – behind a) The supermarket is _________________ the museum. b) The museum is ______________ the library. c) The bank is _________________ North Road and Park Street. d) The supermarket is __________________ the Chemist’s and the Pub. e) The church is _____________ the museum. 3/4 7 – Complete this form about yourself. Family name ___________________________________ First name___________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone _________________________________________________________________ Occupation ________________________________________________________________ Family status: ( ( ) Married ( ) married with children ) Single ( ) single with children 8 – Complete with there is or there are. a) ___________________ a chair next to the bed. b) ___________________ some clothes behind the door. 9 - Write the negative form. a) I am Brazilian. ___________________________________________________________________________ b) He is a soccer player. ___________________________________________________________________________ 10 – Write has, have, is, or are. a) Patricia _______________ from São Paulo. b) You ________________ at school now. c) Patricia __________________ a brother. d) Beto and Paul ____________ brown eyes. e) My mom ________________ a good son/daughter. 4/4
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