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Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 AR Serra Branca and neighboring towns PB 2 2515500 7° 28′ 36° 39′ AR Conceição PB 2 2504405 7° 33′ 38° 30′ 170650 203200 AR Duque de Caxias RJ 1 3301702 22˚47' 43˚18' 203200 AR Baia Formosa RN 1 2401404 6° 22′ 35° 0′ 313200 AR Fortaleza CE 1 2304400 38˚32’ 70 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253000 Type IVA (MPS4A) 71 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253000 Type IVA (MPS4A) 72 73 74 Periodontitis, Aggressive, 1 Albinism, Oculocutaneous, Type II (OCA2) Albinism, Oculocutaneous, Type II (OCA2) Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy, XLinked 1 (SMAX1) 3˚43’ 75 Hypopigmentation and Mental Retardation NI Sertao de Urucuia MG 1 3170529 16° 01′ 45° 37′ 76 Short Stature NI Ilha dos Porcos, near Ubatuba SP 1 3555406 23° 26′ 45° 4′ AR São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' 39° 29' NI Ponta Grossa Beach, Icapuí CE 1 2305357 4° 42′ 37° 21' AR Ouro Branco RN 2 2408508 6° 42′ 36° 56′ MF Baraúna RN 1 2401453 37° 37′ 77 78 79 81 Spastic Paraplegia 35 (SPG35) Skeletal Dysplasia, not specified Muscular Dystrophy, Limb-Girdle, Type 2B Mental Disorder, not specified 612319 253601 5° 4′ 82 ThalidomidePhocomelia ENV Cajari MA 4 2102507 3° 19′ 45° 0′ 83 Ictericia, not specified NI Povoado de Maruais. Craíbas AL 2 2702355 9° 37′ 36° 46′ Vianna FSL et al Recognition of the phenotype of thalidomide embryopathy in countries endemic for leprosy: new cases and review of the main dysmorphological findings. Clinical Dysmorphology 2013, 22:59–63 84 Clubfoot, Congenital 119800 85 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253220 Type VII (MPS7) 86 Alpha-Thalassemia Retardation Syndrome, X-Linked (ATRX) 87 88 89 Lábrea AM 1 1302405 7° 15′ 64° 47′ Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 AR São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' 39° 29' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3. 301040 Usher Syndrome, Type I 276900 (USH1) Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne Type MF XL São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' 39° 29' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3. AR São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' 39° 29' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3. 310200 Lipodystrophy, Congenital Generalized, 269700 Type 2 (CGL2) XL São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' 39° 29' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3. AR São Miguel RN 4 2412500 6° 12' 39° 29' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3. 90 Achondroplasia (ACH) 100800 AD São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' 39° 29' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 91 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 606482 AD São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 92 Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type I (SMA1) 253300 AR São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' 93 Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome 300322 (LNS) XL São Miguel RN 2 2412500 6° 12' 94 95 96 Deafness, Autosomal Dominant 18 (DFNA18) Clubfoot, Congenital Acetabular Dysplasia 39° 29' 606012 119800 142700 AD MF MF São Miguel São Miguel São Miguel RN RN RN 2 1 2 39° 29' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 39° 29' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 2412500 6° 12' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 39° 29' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 2412500 6° 12' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 39° 29' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 2412500 6° 12' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 39° 29' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 97 98 99 100 101 102 Spastic Paraplegia 35, Autosomal Recessive (SPG35) Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Spastic Paraplegia 35, Autosomal Recessive (SPG35) Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type II Spastic Paraplegia 35, Autosomal Recessive (SPG35) Friedreich Ataxia 1 (FRDA) 612319 AR Serrinha dos Pintos RN 2 2413557 6° 06’ Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 37° 57’ Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 219700 612319 166210 612319 229300 AR AR AD AR AR Serrinha dos Pintos Olho-d'água do Borges Olho-d'água do Borges Pilões Pilões RN RN RN RN RN 2 2 2 2 2 2413557 6° 06’ Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 37° 57’ Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 2408409 5° 57' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 37° 42' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 2408409 5° 57' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 37° 42' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 2410009 6° 16' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 38° 02' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 2410009 6° 16' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 38° 02' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 103 Spinal Muscular 253550 Atrophy, Type II (SMA2) AR Pilões RN 2 2410009 6° 16' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 38° 02' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 104 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253220 Type VII (MPS7) AR Pilões RN 2 2410009 6° 16' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude 38° 02' Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. Santos et al. Inbreeding levels in Northeast Brazil: Strategies for the prospecting of new genetic disorders. Genet Mol Biol. 2010: 220-3 105 Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital MerosinDeficient, 1A (MDC1A) 607855 AR Pilões RN 2 2410009 6° 16' Santos et al. A endogamia explicaria a elevada prevalencia de 38° 02' deficiencias em populacoes do Nordeste Brasileiro? Ciencia e Saude Coletica, 18: 1141-50, 2013. 106 Santos Syndrome 613005 AR Riacho de Santana RN 4 2410801 6° 15' 38° 19' /01/47_155.pdf 609541 AR Encanto RN 4 2403301 6° 06' 38° 18' 609541 AR Pau dos Ferros RN 4 2409407 6° 06' 38° 12' 609541 AR Coronel João Pessoa RN 4 2402907 6° 16' 38° 25' 609541 AR Doutor Severiano RN 4 2403202 6° 05' 38° 22' 2516151 6° 45' Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 36° 14' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 107 108 109 110 111 SPOAN (Spastic Paraplegia, Optic Atrophy, and Neuropathy) SPOAN (Spastic Paraplegia, Optic Atrophy, and Neuropathy) SPOAN (Spastic Paraplegia, Optic Atrophy, and Neuropathy) SPOAN (Spastic Paraplegia, Optic Atrophy, and Neuropathy) Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 606482 AD Sossêgo PB 2 112 Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis (CTX) 213700 AR Queimadas PB 2 2512507 7° 21' 113 Deafness, Autosomal Recessive 26 (DFNB26) 605428 AR Queimadas PB 2 2512507 7° 21' 114 Muscular Dystrophy, Becker Type (BMD) 300376 XL Ouro Velho PB 2 2510600 7° 17' 115 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253000 Type IVA (MPS4A) AR Coxixola PB 2 2504850 7° 37' 116 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253000 Type IVA (MPS4A) AR Congo PB 2 2504702 7° 47' AR Jericó PB 2 2507408 6° 32' Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 35° 54' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 35° 54' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 37° 09' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 36° 36' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 36° 39' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 117 Muscular Dysthophy, Limb-Girdle, Type 2B (LGMD2B) 118 Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) 109150 AD Jericó PB 2 2507408 6° 32' 37° 48' 119 Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) 109150 AD Lagoa PB 2 2508109 6° 34' 37° 55' 120 Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) 109150 AD Bom Sucesso PB 2 2502300 6° 26' 37° 55' 121 Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C1 (NPC1) 257220 AR Santa Cruz PB 2 2513208 6° 31' 38° 03' 122 Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) 109150 AD Santa Cruz PB 2 2513208 6° 31' 38° 03' 123 Myotonic Dystrophy 1 (DM1) 160900 AD Santa Cruz PB 2 2513208 6° 31' 38° 03' 253601 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 37° 48' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 124 Ataxia-Telangiectasia (AT) 208900 AR São Francisco PB 2 2513984 6° 36' 125 Ataxia-Telangiectasia (AT) 208900 AR Uiraúna PB 2 2516904 6° 31' 126 Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) 109150 AD Uiraúna PB 2 2516904 6° 31' 127 Neurofibromatosis, Type I (NF1) 162200 AD Uiraúna PB 2 2516904 6° 31' 128 Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type I (SMA1) 253300 AR Vieirópolis PB 2 2517209 6° 30' 101200 101200 101200 AD AD AD Paulínia Limeira Valinhos SP SP SP 2 2 2 3536505 22° 45' 3526902 22° 32' 3556206 22° 58' Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 38° 05' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 38° 24' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 38° 24' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 38° 24' Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 Weller et al. Consanguineous Unions and the Burden of Disability: A 38° 15" Population-Based Study in Communities of Northeastern Brazil. Am J Hum Biol 24:835-40, 2012 47° 09' 47° 24' 46° 59' 249000 AR Mogi Guaçu SP 2 3530706 22° 22' 46° 56' 249000 AR Sumaré SP 2 3552403 22° 49' 47° 15' 263750 AR Sumaré SP 2 3552403 22° 49' 47° 15' 249000 AR Piracicaba SP 2 3538709 22° 43' 47° 38' 220200 AR Indaiatuba SP 4 3520509 23° 05' Cavalcanti, DP et al., Dandy-Walker malformation with postaxial 47° 13' polydactyly: further evidence for autosomal recessive inheritance., Am J Med Genet., 1999, 85(2):183-4. AR Salto SP 2 3545209 23° 12' 47° 17' SP 2 3546306 21° 48' 47° 15' SP 2 3523909 23° 15' 47° 17' 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Apert Syndrome Apert Syndrome Apert Syndrome Meckel Syndrome, Type I (MKS1) Meckel Syndrome, Type I (MKS1) Postaxial Acrofacial Dysostosis (POADS) Meckel Syndrome, Type I (MKS1) Dandy-Walker Syndrome (DWS) Meckel Syndrome, Type 249000 I (MKS1) Postaxial Acrofacial 141 263750 Dysostosis (POADS) 142 Fraser Syndrome 219000 140 AR AR Sta. Cruz das Palmeiras Itu 143 Fraser Syndrome 219000 AR Vinhedo SP 4 3556701 23° 01' CavalcantI, DP et al., Fraser and Ablepharon macrostomia 46° 58' phenotypes: concurrence in one family and association with mutated FRAS1., Am J Med Genet A., 2007, 143(3):241-7. 144 Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) 248600 AR Vinhedo SP 2 3556701 23° 01' 46° 58' 145 146 147 148 150 152 153 154 155 156 157 GMI-Gangliosidoses, Type I Seckel Syndrome 1 (SCKL1) Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia (CHH) Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia (CHH) Diaphanospondylodyso stosis Fraser Syndrome Meckel Syndrome, Type I (MKS1) Lumps on the face and body parts Diaphragmatic Hernia, Congenital Mucopolysaccharidosis, Type VI (MPS6) Mucopolysaccharidosis, Type II (MPS2) 230500 AR Jundiaí SP 2 3525904 23° 11' 46° 53' 210600 AR Santo Antônio de Posse SP 2 3548005 22° 36' 46° 55' 250250 AR Jequitinhonha MG 2 3135803 16° 26' 41° 00' 250250 AR Campinas SP 2 3509502 22° 54' 47° 03' 608022 AR Campinas SP 2 3509502 22° 54' 47° 03 219000 AR Três Lagoas MS 2 5008305 20° 45' 51° 41' 249000 AR Extrema MG 2 3125101 22° 51' 46° 19' NI Casserengue PB 1 2504157 6° 48' 35° 49' 142340 ENV Campos dos Goytacazes RJ 1 3301009 21° 45' 41° 19' 253200 AR Quixeré CE 2 2311504 5° 4' 37° 59' 309900 XL Aquiraz CE 2 2301000 3° 54' 38° 23' 158 Change gears without ataxia, Hytrophy NI Milagres CE 1 2308302 7° 18' 38° 56' 159 Seizures, not specified NI Várzea Alegre CE 1 2314003 5° 21' 40° 23' AR Mombaça CE 2 2308500 5° 44' 39° 37' 166200 AD São Gonçalo do Amarante CE 1 2312403 3° 36' 38° 58' 183090 AD Canindé CE 1 2302800 4° 21' 39° 18' XL Fortaleza (Neighborhood: Bom Jardim) CE 1 2304400 3° 43' 38° 32' 160 161 162 163 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253000 Type IVA (MPS4A) Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type II Spinocerebellar Ataxia 2 (SCA2) Hypophosphatemic Rickets, X-Linked Dominant (XLHR) 307800 Ectodermal Dysplasia1, 164 Hypohidrotic, X-Linked (XHED) 165 166 172 176 178 179 180 181 183 184 185 186 187 Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type I Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type II Porphyria, Acute Intermittent Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Aniridia (AN) Hurler Syndrome (MPS1H) Albinism, Oculocutaneous, Type II (OCA2) Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type III Diabetes Mellitus Waardenburg Syndrome, Type1 (WS1) Ataxia-Telangiectasia (AT) Myoclonic Epilepsy of Unverricht and Lundborg Spinocerebellar Ataxia 1 (SCA1) XL Fortaleza (Neighborhood: Vila Peri) CE 1 2304400 3° 43' 38° 32' AD Fortaleza (Neighborhood: Vila Manoel Sátiro) CE 1 2304400 3° 43' 38° 32' 166200 AD Fortaleza (Neighborhoods: Messejana, Jardim Guanabara, José Walter, Parque Santa Maria) CE 1 2304400 3°43' 38°32" 176000 AD Esperantina PI 1 2203701 5° 20′ 48° 30′ 118200 AD RS 1 4317301 33° 32′ 53° 20′ 106210 AD Santa Vitoria do Palmar Água Branca AL 3 2700102 09˚15' 37˚56' 607014 AR Jangada MT 2 5104906 15˚14' 56˚29' 203200 AR Geograficamente dispersa BA 2 259420 AR Bueno Brandão MG 3 3109105 22˚26' 46˚21' MF Belém PA 1 1501402 1° 22' 48° 29' 193500 AD Abaetetuba PA 1 1500107 1° 42' 48° 52' 208900 AR Tutóia MA 1 2112506 2° 45' 42° 15' 254800 AR São Luís MA 1 2111300 2° 30' 44° 18' 164400 AD São Paulo SP 2 3550308 23° 29' 46° 38' 305100 130000 188 Spinocerebellar Ataxia 7 (SCA7) 164500 AD Rio de Janeiro RJ 2 3304557 22° 49' 43° 12' 190 Fish-Eye Disease (FED) 136120 AD Betânia do Piaui PI 2 2201739 8° 8' 40° 47' 191 Fish-Eye Disease (FED) 136120 AD Canto do Buriti PI 2 2202307 8° 10' 42° 56' 192 Skin Cancer MF Santa Maria de Jetibá ES 1 3204559 20° 1′ 40° 44′ AR Campina Grande PB 2 2504009 7° 12' 35° 52' 232200 AR Caxias do Sul RS 2 4305108 29° 6' 51° 11' 232200 AR Garibaldi RS 2 4308607 29° 14' 51° 31' 193 194 195 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253000 Type IVA (MPS4A) Glycogen Storage Disease Ia Glycogen Storage Disease Ia 196 Ichthyosis, Congenital, Autosomal Recessive 6 (ARCI6) 612281 AR Humaitá (Sede Nova) RS 2 4309704 27° 33′ 53° 58′ 197 Deafness, Congenital 124480 NI Jaicós (Várzea Queimada) PI 1 2205201 7° 16' 41° 12' 198 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 606482 AD Tobias Barreto SE 1 2807402 199 Deafness, Congenital 124480 AD PA 2 1504307 00°35’ Mucopolysaccharidosis, 252930 Type IIIC (MPS3C) AR PB 2 2504702, 2516508, 2515500 200 201 Deafness, Autossomal Recessive 1A (DFNB1A) 202 Suicide/Consanguinity 220290 Maracana (Fortalezinha) Congo,Taperoá, Serra Branca (Cariri Region) 47°31’ AR Monte Santo BA 4 2921500 10°26' 39°19' Gabrielle N. Manzoli, Kiyoko Abe-Sandes, Alan H. Bittles, Danniel S.D. da Silva, , Luciene da C. Fernandes Roberta M.C. Paulon,, Iza Cristina S. de Castro, Carla M.C.A. Padovani Angelina X. Acosta. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Volume 77, Issue 7 , Pages 1077-1082, July 2013 Non-syndromic hearing impairment in a multi-ethnic population of Northeastern Brazil AR Dormentes PE 1 2605152 40°45' Morais e Souza, 2011. Representacoes sociais do Suicidio pela Comunidade de Dormentes - PE. PSICOLOGIA: CIÊNCIA E PROFISSÃO 31: 160-175 8°26' 203 Phenylketonuria (PKU) 204 Consanguinity 205 Netherton Syndrome (NETH) 206 207 AR Monte Santo BA 2 AR Valongo SC 4 256500 AR Eunapolis BA 1 2910727 16° 22' Mucopolysaccharidosis, 253200 Type VI (MPS6) AR Monte Santo BA 4 2921500 10°26' 39°19' Laron Syndrome 261600 2921500 10°26' 39°19' Ilíada Rainha de Souza and Lodércio Culpi.Valongo, genetic studies on an isolated Afro-Brazilian community. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 28, 3, 402-406 (2005) Oliveira et al., Netherton’s syndrome and lepromatous leprosy: a 39° 34' mere coincidence? International Journal of Dermatology 2013, 52, 186–190 262500 AR Orobó PE 4 2609709 7° 44' GUERRA JUNIOR, Gil. Cristãos-novos no nordeste e os anões de Orobó (PE): a genética molecular ligada à história do Brasil. Arq Bras 35° 36' Endocrinol Metab [online]. 2005, vol.49, n.3, pp. 337-338. ISSN 00042730. 109150 AD Sao Pedro do Sul RS 3 4319406 29° 37′ 51° 45′ 173650 AR ENV Maravilha Guarapari Girau do Ponciano AL ES 1 1 2704609 9° 13' 3202405 20° 39' 37° 22' 40° 30' AL 1 2702900 9° 53′ 36° 49′ 209 210 Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) Kindler Syndrome Malformations 211 Muscular dystrophy 310300 XL 212 Neural Tube Defects 182940 MF Ipatinga (Região do Vale do Aco) MG 1 3131307 19°28' 42°32' 213 Consaguinity AR Tupã (Distrito de Varpa) SP 1 3555000 21°56' 50°30' 208 Tatiana Amorim, Ney Boa-Sorte, Maria Efigênia Q. Leite, Angelina Xavier Acosta. Clinical and demographic aspects of phenylketonuria in Bahia State, Brazil. Rev Paul Pediatr 2011;29(4):612-7