Parcerias (contactos)
Parcerias (contactos)
PARCERIAS LLP PAÍS INSTITUIÇÃO/MORADA CODIGO ERASMUS Fachhochschule Osnabrück, University of Applied Sciences Marlies Bggemann D OSNABRU 02 Postfach 19 40 D-49009 OsnabrücK Alemanha Haute École Mosane d’Enseignement Supérieur Julie Guiot Rue de Harlez 9 4000 Liège - Bélgica Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge – Oostende Magali Depauw Spoorxegstraat 12, B 8200 Brugge Bélgica School of Nursing and Midwifery Director Scholl of nursing, Nicosia Maria L. Mitsinga Nicosia General Hospital School of Nursing, 1450 Nicosia Chipre PAGINA INTERNET TELEFONE FAX E-MAIL 00 49 541 969 3000 00 49 541 969 2989 [email protected] B LIEGE 36 00 32 4 229 86 68 00 32 4 229 86 65 [email protected] [email protected] B BRUGGE 11 00 32 50 40 51 20 00 32 50 40 51 30 [email protected] [email protected] CY NICOSIA 06 Inexistente 00 357 22 801 751/2 [email protected] Prof. Anna Chrysafi [email protected] Prof. Loucas Pericleous PAÍS INSTITUIÇÃO CODIGO ERASMUS PAGINA INTERNET Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia Facultad de Ciencias de La salud, Actividade Física y el Deporte Prof.ª Isabel Morales Moreno Directora de la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales Campus de los Jerónimos 30107 Guadalupe Murcia - Espanha E MURCIA 05 00 34 968 27 88 01 00 34 968 30 70 66 E MALAGA 01 00 34 952 134 144 00 34 952 132 971 [email protected] e [email protected] E OVIEDO 01 00 34 98 5103541 00 34 985 103 542 [email protected] Universidad de Málaga Oficina para Assuntos de la Uníón Europea y OCDE Diréccion General de Relaciones Internacionales Edifícicio de Investigación y Desarrollo Campus de Teatinos 29071 Malága - Espanha e Elena Calvo Charro 952-13-70-82 Universidad de Oviedo - E.U. de Enfermeria y Fisioterapia de Oviedo Prof.ª Maria del Pilar Díaz Campus El Cristo 33006 Oviedo - Espanha TELEFONE FAX E-MAIL [email protected] PAÍS INSTITUIÇÃO CODIGO ERASMUS PAGINA INTERNET Universitat de Valência-Estudi General Vicerrector de Politica Cientifica y Cooperacion Internacional Prof. Manuel Costa Talens Oficina de Intercambio de Estudiantes Av. blasco Ibáñez, n.º 13 46010 Valencia - Espanha E VALENCI 01 00 34 96 386 46 02 00 34 96 398 34 62 [email protected] Universitat Rovira I Virgili International Coordinator: Prof.ª Marisa Mateu Av. De Roma, 17 43005 Tarragona - Espanha E TARRAGO 01 00 34 977 251 408 00 34 977 241 424 [email protected] Universitat Rovira I Virgili Secretary : Mrs. Susana Llobet Plaça Imperial Tàrraco 1 43005 Tarragona - Espanha E TARRAGO 01 00 34 977 559 754 00 34 977 558 861 [email protected] Tallinn Health College Tiina Juhansoo Kännu, 67 13418, Tallinn - Estonia EE TALLINN 12 00 372 67 1177 30 00 372 67 117 10 [email protected] [email protected] TELEFONE FAX E-MAIL PAÍS INSTITUIÇÃO CODIGO ERASMUS Mikkelin Ammattikorkeakoulu – Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences Lea Reponen Savonniemi Campus Savonlinna Savonniemenkatu 6 FIN - 57100 Savonlinna - Finlândia SF MIKKELI 06 Pirkanmaan PolytechnicUniversity of Applied Sciences Ms. Gitte Taulo Kontokatu 4 FIN-33520 Tampere Finlândia SF TAMPERE 06 Helsingin Ammattikorkkeakoulu Stadia (Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia) Aija Ahokas Co-ordinator of International Relations Helsinki Polythecnic Stadia Health Care and Social Services P.O. Box 4030, FIN-00099 SF HELSINK 41 Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen Mr. Fons Wierink P.O. Box 6960, 6503 GL Nijmegen Netherlands NL ARNHEM 27 PAGINA INTERNET TELEFONE FAX E-MAIL http://www.mikkeliamk.f 00 358 15 550 8319 00 358 15 550 8302 [email protected] i 00 358 3 2452 227 00 358 3 2452 360 00358 50 401 3503 00358 9 310 81790 [email protected] [email protected] 00 31 24 353 04 04 [email protected] [email protected] 00 31 24 353 04 03 [email protected] PAÍS CODIGO ERASMUS PAGINA INTERNET Saxion Universities of Applied Sciences Saxion Hogeschool Universities of applied sciences School of Health t.a.v. dhr. R. van der Woning Tromplaan 28 7513 AB Enschede Netherlands NL ENSCHED 03 Kaunas University of Medicine Jurgita Grigiené A. Mickeviciaus 9 Kaunas LT - 44307 Kaunas - Lituânia LT KAUNAS 03 Malta University, Institute of Health Care Annhelica Scerri International Office, Room 106, Administration Building University of Malta Msida MSD 06 Malta e Michelle Camilleri Coordinator International Affairs Nursing & Midwifery Division Room 301 Institute of Health Care University of Malta Msida Malta MT MALTA 01 INSTITUIÇÃO TELEFONE FAX E-MAIL [email protected] 00 370 37 327 297 00 370 37 220 733 [email protected] 00 356 23 402 804 00 356 21 323807 [email protected] [email protected] e PAÍS Høgskolen I Buskerud (Buskerdud University College, Faculty of Health) Heidi Tovsrud Knutsen Buskerud University College Frogsvei 41, Postbox 235 N - 3601 Kongsberg - Noruega N KONGSB 01 INSTITUIÇÃO CODIGO ERASMUS PAGINA INTERNET 00 47 32 86 98 92 TELEFONE University of Glamorgan School of Care Science Amode Lado - Senior Lecturer/Socrates co-ordinator Glyntaff Pontypridd CF37 1 DL Glamorgan - Reino Unido UK PONTPR 01 Transilvania University of Brasov Prof. Dr. Sorin ZAMFIRA Eroilor Street, n.º 29 500036 Brasov - Roménia RO BRASOV 01 00 40 268 473 473 00 40 268 412 185 S VAXJO 01 00 46 470 708 525 Växjö University Björn Alvin International Office SE - 351 95 Växjö - Suécia 00 47 400 46 917 FAX 00 1443 483 057 [email protected] E-MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 00 46 470 83 785 [email protected] [email protected]. SUISSA University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland - Geneva Ms. Françoise Bonvallat Ms. Claire-Lise Meyenberg 25, Rue des Carouge CH1227 Carouge 0041 22 388 34 83 00 41 22 388 56 01 [email protected]