Aula 2
Aula 2
s i n g u l a r Teacher Alessandro - 2º série do Ensino Médio Tarde Prepositions: IN, ON, AT Preposição é a palavra que liga dois termos e que estabelece entre eles algumas relações. Nessas relações, um termo explica ou completa o sentido do outro. IN - em , dentro ( de ) A preposição IN é usada antes de: Regiões ( bairros, cidades, estados, países, continentes) Ex. my friend lives IN Rio. IN São Paulo IN Argentina IN North america IN Europe Indicações de Tempo ( época, meses, anos, estações de ano, séculos, alguns períodos do dia ) Ex. Paul was born IN August IN the summer IN 1966 IN the morning IN the afternoon IN the evening IN the middle Ages IN the 21th century Expressões de lugar, indicando dentro: We are IN the classroom. My book is IN the box. Expressões indicando certos tipos de residência: Peter and mary lived IN a humble house I work IN an apartment ON - sobre , em cima, acima (de) Além de indicar contato, ON é usada: Antes de nomes de ruas, praças e avenidas. Ex. We have a shop ON João Felipe street. My school is ON Duque de Caxias Avenue. Helen lived ON Sé square. Antes de dias da semana, datas e feriados seguidos da palavra DAY: Ex. Beth and Peter married ON a Saturday. ON August 26. ON Mothers' day. Antes de palavras como: fazenda, praia, costa, rio, lago Ex. The boys are spending their vacation ON the farm ON the beach ON the west coast Na formação de expressões como:ON the bus ON the plane ON the ship ON the radio ON the phone ON TV ON board ON vacation ON foot ON page 2 AT - para, a , em , junto a / de AT é usada em expressões de tempo, hora definida. Ex. My father came here AT seven o'clock Endereço seguido pelo número. Ex. My friends study AT Senador Pompeu, 476 Em datas comemorativas, sem a palavra DAY. Ex. Bob will travel AT Christmas. Antes das expressões: noon, night, midnight, dawn. Ex. Lunch will be served AT noon. Em expressões de lugares, sem necessariamente indicar dentro. Ex.Bob is AT the door. The girl was AT the bus stop. Em expressões como :AT school AT home AT the airport AT the cinema AT the restaurant AT the library AT the bookstore AT the shopping center IN Anos Estações do ano Meses (sem mencionar o dia) Períodos do dia Informar tempo gasto In a few minutes In a week In six months In time (em tempo suficiente) Atenção: in the night (no meio da noite) In the mirror In the sky In the middle In a book, In a magazine In white In bed In prison In the sun In the dark => Posição - Dentro In the car In the Kitchen In the vase In the garden In the yard In the pocket In the room In the forest ON Dias da semana Mês + dia Datas especiais quando se menciona a palavra DAY. On Christmas day Períodos do dia adjetivados On a cold morning AT Horário Refeições Festividades (Sem mencionar DAY) At Christmas Expressões: At the moment At present At the same time On time (na hora certa) On holiday On vacation On the phone On the radio On her bike On business On page 33 On a diet => Lugar On the Island On the farm On the beach On the train On the plane At night (quando é noite) At the top At the end At the meeting At the party At a football mach o At 100 Celcius => lugar definido At the airport At the bus stop At the theater At the restaurant At school At work At the window At home Exercises: 01. John lives _____ a farm; we live ______ São Paulo and my parents live ______ as small village near Campinas. a) at – at – at b) on – at – on c) in – at – at d) in – in – in e) on – in – at 02. Complete Corretamente usando IN, ON ou AT, quando necessário: a) I am going to meet you _______ Saturday, ____ a quarter past three. b) Dave went to Paris ______ June, 1999. c) ___ the morning I usually have classes, ___ the afternoons I always visit my friend and ____ night I sometimes watch TV. d) She'll be here ____ a few minutes. e) The party will be ___ eight, ___ the evening ____ September 26 th. f) ____ Easter I used to have dinner with my parents, but ___ Christmas day I have dinner with my parents-in-law. g) ________ This year we have classes with Mr. Burlington. h) I would like to go out with you _____ the end of the class. i) Can you be ___ time for lunch, please? j) Sorry, I can't talk to you ___ the moment, but I can see you ___ lunchtime. k) I will travel to India ___ my vacations next year. l) Shakespeare was born _____ 1564 ___ Stratford-upon-avon ___ England. m) I live _____ 33 Washington Street. n) Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered Brazil _____ 22 April, 1500. 03. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: 1. _______ winter 2. _______ November 3. _______ night 4. _______ November 12th. 5. _______ four o'clock. 6. _______ Tuesday. 7. _______ a hot afternoon 8. _______ the afternoon 9. _______ the next century 10. _______ summer 11. _______ the morning 12. _______ a wonderful morning 13. _______ 1925 15. _____ march 16. _____ march 02nd 17._____ noon 18._____ august 19._____ august 20th 20._____ the last century 04. Fill in the blanks: in, at ou on. 1. We were_______the farm last weekend. It was great fun. 2. They're living_______Brazil but they are from the USA. 3. I'm______my bedroom now. Where are you now? 4. He was________home when the accident happened. 5. She was_________the bus when I saw her. 6. There are many people________a big city. 7. Don't talk about it_______work. Don't worry. 8. The animals slept_______the floor. 05. Choose the best option. 1. She when I spoke with her. a) In b) on c) at d) off e)for 2. He didn't have his shoes................when it happened. a) In b) on c) at d) off e) for 3. I'm sorry, he's not.........right now.Could you come back later? a) In b) on c) at d) off e) for 4. Do you really think they're.........drugs because they're missing work? a) In b) on c) at d)off e)for 5. They still depend..........their mother. a) In b) on c) at d) off e)for