PROGRAMMING II [10103] GENERAL Period: Semester: OBJECTIVES This curricular unit will consist of the fundamental conceptson objects oriented programming. The students should beable to understand and analyzeproblemsofmedium complexity, and to plan anddevelop structured solutions using the C# programminglanguage. LEARNING OUTCOMES Students should be able to analyze problems and propose animplementation in the C# programming language. Theyshould be able to define solutions using correctly essential concepts of OOP. SYLLABUS Part I – OOP Concepts Object oriented analysis of problems Essential Class/Object Data Methods Public/Private scope Classes, Instances e Messages Inheritance, Polimorphism Encapsulation and Abstraction Part II – C# Programming Integrated Development Environments (IDE) – Visual Studio Structuring na OO Program Code documentation Date Types Variables and Constants Scope and Expressions Flow Control instructions Classes and Objects Functions, Methods and Parameters Data Structures File management (essential) Recursivity Collections and Generics Events and Delegates Programming by events BIBLIOGRAPHY C# 3.5, Paulo Marques, Hernâni Pedroso e Ricardo Figueira, FCA editora, 2009Web Site da disciplina contendo:Acetatos e apontamentos das aulasSebenta de exercícios práticosSebenta “C# Essencial” desenvolvida pelos docentes da disciplinaResoluções de exercícios (das aulas, da sebenta prática, etc.) DEMONSTRATION OF THE CONSISTENCY OF SYLLABUS WITH THE CU OBJECTIVES The syllabus was defined with the aim to give to the studentsthe ability of learning an object oriented programminglanguage (language C#). The presentation, exploration andimplementation of object oriented programming language isaddressed in section 1 of the program syllabus. The remainingpoints are dedicated to learning the programming language(language C#). LEARNING METHODOLOGIES The syllabus was defined with the aim to give to the studentsthe ability of learning an object oriented programminglanguage (language C#). The presentation, exploration andimplementation of object oriented programming language isaddressed in section 1 of the program syllabus. The remainingpoints are dedicated to learning the programming language(language C#). DEMONSTRATION OF THE CONSISTENCY LEARNING METHODOLOGIES WITH THE TEACHING/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Having regard to the objectives outlined for this curricularunit, the teaching methodology based on practical classes isthe most appropriate, including practical assignments andgroup discussion with encouragement for participation.