Conheci em tempos um senhor muito viajado, que
Conheci em tempos um senhor muito viajado, que
Scroll down for english version DANIEL BLAUFUKS | O Arquivo Vera Cortês, Agência de Arte Inauguração dia 11 de Janeiro às 22h Finissage com apresentação do livro “O Arquivo” dia 23 de Fevereiro das 15h às 20h De dia 12 de Janeiro a dia 23 de Fevereiro Terça a sexta das 11h às 19h Sábado das 15h às 20h "Conheci em tempos um senhor muito viajado, que guardava todos os papéis, que lhe chegavam às mãos. Cartas e livros, mas também facturas, senhas, fotografias, bilhetes de cinema e de museus, recortes de jornais e declarações de impostos. Arquivava tudo isto em pastas e caixas ano após ano. Era assim um diário escrupuloso da sua vida, do que fez, do que gastou,do que comeu e em que locais, mas que não incluía nenhuma nota pessoal, nenhum registo dos seus pensamentos ou sentimentos." [ Daniel Blaufuks, do texto “Setembro” ] Daniel Blaufuks apresenta "O ARQUIVO" na Vera Cortês Agência de Arte, uma exposição de novos trabalhos, acompanhada de um livro de artista, produzido para a ocasião e que será apresentado no ARCO em Madrid e na Agência na finissage da exposição dia 23 de Fevereiro das 15h às 20h. Esta exposição propõe uma reflexão sobre algumas das temáticas recorrentes do artista, nomeadamente a linha entre o público e o privado, a memória colectiva e a reminiscência pessoal, mas também sobre a necessidade de recordar, registar, arquivar, catalogar, inventariar ou coleccionar estas mesmas memórias, seja através de fotografias, objectos ou obras de arte. A exposição tenta recriar uma ideia de arquivo pessoal do artista e integra trabalhos em fotografia e vídeo. DANIEL BLAUFUKS | The Archive Vera Cortês, Art Agency Opening on the 11th January, 10 p.m. Finissage and presentation of the book “The Archive” on the 23rd February, from 3 to 8 p.m. Open from the 12th January to the 23rd February Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday from 3 to 8 p.m. "I once knew a man, a well-traveled man, who saved every piece of paper that came into his possession: letters and books, but also bills, vouchers, photographs, movie and museum tickets, press-cuttings and tax return forms. He would store them in folders in his archive, year after year. It was thus a painstaking diary of his life, of what he did, of what he spent, of what he ate and where, but it didn’t include a single personal note, no record whatsoever of his thought or of his feelings." [ Daniel Blaufuks, in “Setembro” ] Daniel Blaufuks presents "THE ARCHIVE" in Vera Cortês Art Agency. This exhibition of new work will be accompanied by the publication of a bookwork, which will be presented in ARCO, Madrid, and later at the Agency, during the finissage of the exhibition on February 23rd, from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. This exhibition invites the viewer to reflect on some topics frequently found the artist’s work, namely the line dividing the public from the private, collective memory and personal memoirs, but also on the need to recollect, record, archive, catalogue, inventory or collect these same memories, whether in the form of photographs, objects or works of art. The exhibition seeks to recreate a notion of personal archive of the artist and includes photography and video works. DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo vera cortês, art agency from 11th january to 23rd february 2008 S/T (CASSETES) DAS BÜRO MEMENTO MORI O ARQUIVISTA DEJA VU SOUVENIR NOW REMEMBER PRIMAL MEMORY MEMORY LANDSCAPES (SHOAH) SOUVENIR ALBUM DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo views of the exhibition DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo views of the exhibition DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo views of the exhibition Souvenir | 2008 | color slide Deja Vu | 2008 | 80 equal color slides DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo views of the exhibition Now remember | 2003/2008 | table with 6 i-pod’s each one containing a video | DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo views of the exhibition Memory Landscapes (Shoha) | 2008 | 30 slides | Primal Memory | 2008 | 30 slides | DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo views of the exhibition DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo views of the exhibition Memento Mori | 2008 | c- print | size: :130 x 130 cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph Memento Mori | 2008 | c- print | size: :130 x 130 cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph Memento Mori | 2008 | c- print | size: :130 x 130 cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph Memento Mori | 2008 | c- print | size: :130 x 130 cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph Memento Mori | 2008 | c- print | size: :130 x 130 cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº2 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº3 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº4 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº6 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº154 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº89 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº81 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº69 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº24 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº22 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº14 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº13 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph nº12 from the series ALBUM | 2008 | c- print | size: : 100 x 80cm DANIEL BLAUFUKS O Arquivo photograph