arquivo - Sistema CPV


arquivo - Sistema CPV
M anual
Orientações Metodológicas
9 o Ano – 1o Bimestre
para o
Caro professor,
A Day at the Mall
O ensino da língua estrangeira no ensino
fundamental tem por meta colocar o aluno em
contato com outro idioma e, consequentemente,
com a cultura dos povos que o utilizam. Assim
sendo, deve-se aproveitar qualquer oportunidade
para desenvolver seu espírito crítico, comparando
culturas e questionando a imitação de modelos
estrangeiros por nossa cultura.
Além disso, espera-se que o aluno adquira durante
o curso autonomia linguística, não somente do
ponto de vista gramatical como também do verbal.
Para tanto, é importante que o aluno seja instigado
a raciocinar, criticar e encontrar soluções por si só.
Desta forma, os textos propostos giram em torno de
temas próximos do cotidiano dos alunos e pertinentes
à sua faixa etária.
O trabalho com os textos, as atividades em dupla
ou em grupo são maneiras de se assimilar o conteúdo
de uma forma mais dinâmica e realista, ficando os
exercícios gramaticais com a função de sistematizar
o aprendizado. Não se deve enfatizar excessivamente
os tópicos gramaticais. A assimilação deve ser feita
naturalmente, conforme a língua vai sendo utilizada
nas atividades propostas.
1. Abordagem dos Assuntos
A abordagem dos aspectos gramaticais deve
ser feita sempre a partir do aluno. A posição do
professor deve ser a de conduzir o aluno, fazendo-o
observar os exemplos e as situações colocadas e
refletir sobre eles, tirando conclusões por si mesmo.
O professor só deve interferir se perceber que o aluno
não está atingindo os objetivos propostos. Não se
deve buscar um aprofundamento muito grande nos
temas gramaticais. Basta que os alunos identifiquem
os pronomes relativos e saibam distingui-los.
Trabalho e Consumo: A segunda metade do século XX trouxe muitas
mudanças para o cotidiano das pessoas, principalmente no que se refere
ao ritmo de vida, cada vez mais rápido. O surgimento dos shoppings pode
ser encarado como uma forma de contornar a falta de tempo na vida das
pessoas, oferecendo ao consumidor a possibilidade de encontrar diversos
estabelecimentos comerciais dentro de um mesmo espaço, tornando-se,
inclusive, uma área de diversão que agrada a todos os membros de uma
família, independente da faixa etária e do gosto de cada um. Também
vale ressaltar que, nos dias de hoje, o acesso às oportunidades de trabalho
em alguns setores da economia são cada vez mais difíceis e os shoppings
surgem como uma forma de o jovem iniciar sua atividade profissional,
entrando em contato com suas habilidades e potencialidades, adquirindo
maior responsabilidade e melhor noção de cidadania. Transversalizando
com a Geografia, podemos relembrar com os alunos a noção de que, nos
setores primário e secundário (produção e industrialização) vem diminuindo
a oferta de empregos, enquanto que no setor terciário (comércio e serviços
em geral) vem crescendo a oferta de empregos.
3. Atividades Extras
1. Students could be stimulated to create a shopping mall and create
the dialogues they would use in normal everyday conversation at
the mall. These situations could be rehearsed and presented to the
2. Take some of the sentences with relative clauses that appear in this
unit. Write them on pieces of paper and cut them in halves. Let
students find out what is the beginning and what is the end of the
This activity could be done in groups, just for fun, or as a
competition. If it’s a competition, the teacher should prepare the
same amount of sentences for each group.
3. Guessing game.
Write a few words on pieces of paper and put them in a bag. The
definition to all these words shouldn’t be too difficult for the students
and, preferably, should use a relative pronoun. The student takes
a word from the bag and tries to explain its definition, without
mentioning the word, whereas the class tries to identify the word.
This activity could also be performed as a competition, involving
two or more groups.
2. Temas Transversais
4. Sugestões Adicionais
Meio Ambiente: Pode-se utilizar as informações
a respeito do clima para justificar a existência
de shopping “malls” no estado de Minnesota,
comparando tal fato com o Brasil. Teriam os
shoppings brasileiros surgido pelos mesmos motivos
que o de Minnesota?, ou será que a população das
grandes cidades brasileiras não vê nos shoppings
uma forma de se proteger da violência, dos roubos e
Para o Professor e Alunos: — um site educativo com informações úteis de
materiais para professores e alunos, bem como para os pais. — um
site interessante para tirar dúvidas de todo tipo sobre a língua inglesa. — acesse o link pen pal e descubra
pessoas de sua idade, em todas as partes do mundo, com quem pode se
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
5.Respostas das Atividades
02. a) The Mall of America is in Bloomington, Minnesota, near
c) There arent any hotels in the Mall of America.
e) There is a law school inside the mall.
h) There isnt a beach inside the Mall of America. OR
There is a beach inside the West Edmonton Mall in Canada.
j) There are plans to expand the Mall of America, so there must
be space to do it.
03. a) A shopping mall is a place
b) Carnival is a time
c) A law student is someone
d) An elevator is a device
( b ) when Brazilians dance the samba on the streets.
( c ) who is studying to become a lawyer.
( d ) which we use to go up and down.
( a ) where you have many different shops.
04. a) Who: We use who to refer to a person.
b)Where: We use where to refer to a place.
c)Which: We use which to refer to an object (or a thing).
d)When: We use when to refer to a period of time.
Relative Pronouns
The teacher could guide the students through the previous exercise,
asking them to find the relative pronouns and the words they refer
to, so that they would be able to notice how the relative pronoun
is used before doing the exercises by themselves.
It could be a good idea to introduce here extra activity 1, which
is a role play at the mall. It could also be done at the end of the
unit, when the students have more knowledge about the subject
and can create dialogues with more confidence.
05. a) Marta studies in a law school which is in the Mall of America.
b) The Mall of America has more then 500 stores where you can
buy from buttons to a wedding dress.
c) Men like to go to the Nascar, which is a virtual speedway.
d) Carlos, who is a waiter there, waited on us the last time we
were at the Rainforest Café.
e) The vast area in the middle of the mall is the location of the
amusement park, which features a Ferris wheel, a rollercoaster
and at least 20 other rides.
06. All answers are personal and should begin with a relative pronoun
as follows:
07. a) A holiday is a day when people don’t have to work.
b) A security guard is a person who works to guarantee that a
place is safe.
c) A restaurant is a place where people go to eat.
d) A parking lot is a place where people can park their cars.
e) A dictionary is a book we use to look for the meaning of words
we don’t know.
f) A customer is a person who buys things in a store.
All the above answers are suggestions. Students may come up
with other answers of their own.
08. a)
It’s in the north of the United States.
Canada is to the north of Minnesota. OR
The Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba.
No, it isn’t. In summer temperatures are as high as 30ºC.
Because the north wind brings cold air from the Canadian
e) It means the land of 10,000 lakes.
f) The word Minnesota is of Indian origin.
g) The capital of Minnesota is Saint Paul.
h) There are more than 10,000 lakes in Minnesota.
09. Personal Answers.
11. Personal Answers.
12.( 3 ) clothes store ( 10 ) lift
( 5 ) toy store ( 1 ) department store
( 9 ) escalator ( 6 ) bookstore
( 7 ) drugstore ( 4 ) jewelry store
( 2 ) shoe store ( 8 ) movie theater
13. It is possible only in sentences a, d and f.
14. It would be a good idea to put all the words in a bag, divide the
class into two or more groups and establish a competition. Each
group has its turn to give the correct definition to the word taken.
It would also be a good idea to ask the students to look for pictures
at home and bring them to class glued on a piece of card paper. The
pictures could be used instead of the words.
Relative Pronouns III
At this point it would be interesting for the teacher to make a review
of subject and object, probably using the verb as reference. The
subject comes usually before the verb whereas the object usually
comes after the verb.
15.a) The engineer George W. G. Ferris invented the Ferris wheel
which is named after him.
b) The students bought the book the teacher recommended.
c) The car Martin was driving broke down.
d) Laura is the salesgirl I talked to at the store.
16. Personal Answer.
17.a) An architect is a person who designs houses.
b) A cashier is a person who receives the money at the movie
c) An escalator is a group of stairs that goes up and down by itself.
d) A waitress is a woman who waits on tables at a restaurant.
e) New Year’s Eve is the day which comes before January 1st.
f) A bookstore is a place where we buy books.
g) A credit card is a plastic card we use to pay the bills.
h) Minnesota is the state where the Mall of America is located.
All answers above are suggestions.
Students may come up with their own sentences.
18.a) which / that
b) who / that — The teacher could tell to the students that Charles
Schulz was the creator of Charlie Brown, the famous cartoon
c) which / that
d) which / that
f) who / that
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
Flying from LA to NY
1. Abordagem dos assuntos
3. Atividades Extras
O uso da voz passiva é bastante comum na língua inglesa
e tem um padrão de formação bastante simples. O
professor deve procurar incentivar o aluno a encontrar as soluções
para os problemas propostos através da observação e análise.
Na medida do possível, deve conduzir o aluno de forma a
fazer com que ele perceba as alterações ocorridas na frase,
para só então sistematizar o aprendizado.
1. Create your own crossword or word finding puzzle, using
the words you consider more important in this unit. (This
exercise could be done in pairs)
2. Divide the class in groups. Each group has to choose
a city they know of or would like to know about, in
Brazil or abroad. They should then write 10 questions
about the city they chose. They should be advised to use
Passive constructions in their questions and/or answers.
It would be interesting to talk with the geography or
history teacher to find out what part of the world they are
talking about, so that the students could use what they
have learned in these subjects to prepare their questions.
3. Ask the students to find pictures of famous places and
monuments in their hometown or around the world and
say or write a few sentences about the picture using the
Passive Voice.
Quanto à leitura dos textos propostos, é importante ter em
mente que não é necessário que o aluno compreenda todas as
palavras do texto para entender sua mensagem. O aluno deve
ser estimulado a apreender o significado das palavras a partir do
contexto. O objetivo da leitura é reforçar estruturas gramaticais
e vocabulário de forma contextualizada. Não se pede, nos
exercícios de pós-leitura, que o aluno demonstre total e profundo
conhecimento do texto.
Especial cuidado foi dedicado à escolha do vocabulário, na
intenção de apresentar palavras de uso corrente na língua, mais
próximas do linguajar cotidiano do falante. É importante que,
antes da leitura de cada texto, o professor sensibilize o aluno com
relação à leitura proposta, elencando conhecimentos que possam
funcionar como facilitadores do ato de ler e compreender.
4. Sugestões adicionais
Para o professor:
2. Temas Transversais
Revista Speak Up, ano XIII, nº 160, Editora Camelot.
Pluralidade Cultural: O ensino de língua inglesa permite
muito trabalho dentro deste tema transversal. Aprender uma
nova língua significa, também, entender a cultura do povo que
a utiliza e compará-la com a sua. Assim, o professor pode se
aproveitar da oportunidade para levar o aluno a perceber qual
cultura influencia mais a nossa, a americana ou a inglesa e
européia, permitindo que ele analise o porquê desta influência. — site interessante
para trocar idéias com outros professores — revista on line com bom
material para o professor.
Para os Alunos:
Telma Guimarães Castro Andrade. An American host family.
São Paulo. Ed. Moderna. — acesse o link pen
pal e descubra pessoas de sua idade, em todas as partes do
mundo, com quem pode se corresponder
Também pode ser mencionada a diferença de grafia de
algumas palavras em inglês britânico e americano, como no caso
da palavra centre, que aparece no texto Cardiff, e que no inglês
americano seria grafada center. A mesma diferença ocorre com
Meio Ambiente: É importante mencionar que locais
diferentes possuem culturas diferentes que se refletem sobre
o meio, principalmente na arquitetura. Esta diferença pode ser
vista nas ilustrações desta unidade, comparando-se a cultura
medieval de Cardiff, com seu castelo, com a arquitetura moderna
e arrojada de Nova York, com seus muitos arranha-céus.
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
5.Respostas das Atividades
Flying from LA to NY
In Activity
The teacher should ask the students to read the text Flying from LA to
NY by themselves once, to get acquainted with it. Then, (s)he could
read it aloud or ask someone to read it or parts of it for the class.
The teacher could divide the class in groups and suggest a
competition. This exercise could also be assigned as homework,
to give them time to look for the answers.
Class Work
Before giving the answers, the teacher should stimulate the students
to figure out the meaning of the words by themselves, referring to
the text. Only then should (s)he give the answers.
01.a) intercâmbio
c) valer a pena
f) de tirar o fôlego
h) ônibus que permite subir e descer em várias paradas, mediante
o pagamento de um único bilhete
02.a) F - She’s an exchange student from another country.
b) F - Beverly Hills is in LA.
c) F - Cintia is in New York. She wrote a letter to Paola in her
d) F - It was tiring.
g) F - People say it’s worth seeing.
h) F - She still has some time to stay there.
03.This exercise is to be done orally.
The teacher can ask the students to do it in pairs or ask individuals to
say the answers aloud. It could be interesting to review the cardinal
points before doing the exercise.
If the teacher thinks it’s necessary, ask the students to do the
exercise in writing, after words.
New York is located on the east coast of the US.
San Francisco is located on the west coast of the US.
Washington is located on the east of the US.
Houston is located on the south of the US.
Miami is located on the south of Florida.
(or on the southeast of the US)
Seattle is located on the northwest of the US.
Boston is located on the east coast of the US.
Kansas City is located in the center of the US.
04.a) T
c) F - The Empire State was built this century.
e) F - Disneyland is located in California. OR
Disneyworld is located in Florida.
f) F - Boston is known for its famous university, Harvard.
h) F - Broadway is known for its theaters.
Have Fun
05.a) Shakespeare
d) French Revolution
e) Da Vinci
i) Tower of London
06.The teacher should tell the students to check on the examples
already given to figure out when the agent is not necessary.
After giving them time to understand, the teacher can explain
that the passive is basically used when we wish to emphasise
an action itself rather than the doer of the action, which is
why we don’t need to mention the agent. However, some
passive sentences require the agent to be mentioned in order
to complete the meaning. The class could contribute with some
examples of their own.
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
b) The phone was invented by Graham Bell in 1876.
c) Good cars are produced in Japan.
d) The Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel in 1889 to
celebrate the anniversary of the French Revolution.
e)The Mona Lisa was painted by Da Vinci.
f) English is spoken all over the United Kingdom.
g) San Francisco was destroyed by an Earthquake in 1905.
h) St. Paul’s Cathedral, in London, wasn’t destroyed by a firebomb raid on December 1940.
i) The Tower of London was built by William, the Conqueror, to
protect and control the city.
j) Cotton is grown in China.
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
Class Work
07.( h ) vias principais, com comércio
( e ) terraços, varandas
( g ) duradouro, antigo
( f ) bater papo
( a ) filmes sobre a máfia
( d ) distrito semiautônomo, em Nova York.
( c ) atual, na moda
( b ) mercado imobiliário em franca expansão
( i ) andar sem destino determinado.
08.a) It is a borough, in New York City.
b) Its population is twenty-three million people.
c) Because it has all the facilities of a big city, but there, life is
calm and safe.
d) It was considered a dangerous place to live.
09.The teacher could explain other necessary expressions for doing
this exercise, like Not really or I don’t think so, among others.
10.The teacher should remind the students that not all sentences
have to be used. Answers could be discussed and adapted to the
understanding and experience of the students.
11. The teacher could encourage the students to write their own list for
other places or situations, such as stores, restaurants, parks, schools,
banks, museums etc.
e. A, B, C
12.a / c / e / f
13.The teacher could stimulate the students to say when the other
objects would be necessary.
a. / c. / e. / f. / l.
Before reading this text, it would be interesting to situate the
students geographically and explain that Cardiff is the capital of
Wales, which is situated in Great Britain or the United Kingdom
of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It could also
be a good idea to prepare the class asking the students to do a
research on Wales and UK, in their own language, so that they
would come to class with information of their own which could
be discussed with their peers. It could be a good idea to take a
map to class, to show them where it’s located.
1 C
3 M
7 B
6 H
Passive Voice
At this point the teacher should point out, in case the students find
it difficult, that in the structure of passive voice the verb “to be”
has to come in the same tense of the main verb, whereas the main
verb must always be in the participle.
Class Work
15.a) The painting Mona Lisa can be seen at the Louvre, in Paris.
b)The Liberty Bell has been considered a symbol of freedom by
American people.
c) The Olympic games in 2016 will be held in Brazil.
d) A foreign language can be learned (learnt) (by everyone) with
a little effort.
e) More e-books than paper books are being sold by Amazon.
f) Norway has been considered the best place in the world to live
by a United Nations survey.
g) Alcatraz, which was once a prison, may be visited by tourists.
h) This medicine should be taken in case of pain.
Orientações Metodológicas
16.This activity could also be proposed as homework. If it’s done in
class, the teacher could divide the class in groups and stimulate
the students to write their own questions about world knowledge.
A game could be proposed using the information collected.
a) It’s located in San Francisco.
b) German, Italian and French are spoken in Switzerland.
c) The Channel Tunnel was completed in 1994.
d) England and France are connected by the Channel Tunnel.
e) It was completed in 1889.
f) Australia, England, United States, South Africa, Ireland,
Scotland, Wales, Canada, New Zealand, Gana, Nigeria, Gambia,
Serra Leoa.
g) Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Mexico, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia,
Guatemala, India.
17. Personal Answer
d. e.
Brazil was discovered by Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500.
George Washington was elected the first American president.
London is crossed by the river Thames.
The Eiffel Tower has been considered a symbol of Paris since
the end of last century.
Cristo Redentor was given to Brazil by the French.
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November
by the Americans.
The Channel Tunnel was built by the English and French
Foz do Iguaçu is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
Europe is separated from the United Kingdom by the British
Your bags will be taken to your room by the messenger.
para o