Bathy 500MF Multi-Frequency Hydrographic Survey


Bathy 500MF Multi-Frequency Hydrographic Survey
Bathy 500MF/DF Multi/Dual Frequency
Hydrographic Survey Echosounder
Bathy 500MF/DF Background
The Bathy 500 Series of Echo Sounder was based
on the original design of the Raytheon DE-719E
Echo Sounder. The DE-719E Echo Sounder was
designed and manufactured by Syqwest Inc for
Raytheon per their specifications. We then
developed the Bathy 500 with all the new features
and improvements. We have now sold over 2000
Bathy 500 units globally over a 10 year span.
Bathy 500 Applications
¾Lake and River Hydrographic Surveys
¾Inshore and Coastal Hydrographic Surveys
¾Pre and Post Dredging Assessment Surveys
Bathy 500 Features
¾ Ruggedized Design
¾ Portable Water Resistant Design
¾ User Selectable Frequency Control
¾ High Resolution Thermal Printer
¾ Dual Frequency Upgradeable
¾ (Optional) internal DGPS
¾ Compatible with Hypack ™ and HYDROPro ™
Software Processing Packages
¾ Depth Resolution 1cm
Bathy 500 User Interface
¾Keypad and LCD Display
¾Rugged and Simple to use
¾Large Numeric Depth Display
Bathy 500 optional items
¾ Transducer over
the side pole
¾ Internal Trimble
¾ EDI Echo Sounder
Test Set
Bathy 500 Advantages versus
the competition
¾Price versus Performance
¾25% Less cost for equivalent
¾Dual Frequency Upgradeable
¾Internal DGPS Upgradeable
¾Low meantime between failures
¾Exceptional Customer Support
Bathy-500 Series 40Khz Data
• Lake Ramsey Lousiana
• Bottom Type: Hard Clay (with 2-6 silt overlay)
Bathy-500 Series 200Khz Data
• Lake Ramsey Lousiana
• Bottom Type: Hard Clay (with 2-6 silt overlay)
Bathy-500 Series 200Khz Data
• Woods Hole Massachusettes

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