Subject Program
Subject Program
Impressão em: 200810-29 15:35:01 Subject Program 1. Subject Identification Course : [EID] - Engenharia Informática - B Course Type : 1st Cycle Subject : Arquitectura de Computadores Mandatory Suject : Sim Scientific Area : CE ECTS : 6.00 Year : 1 Semester : S2 School Year : 2007/08 Prerequisites : No 2. Teachers Head Teacher : NUNO CARLOS SOUSA RODRIGUES NUNO CARLOS SOUSA RODRIGUES, Luís Manuel Costa Filipe, ROLANDO LÚCIO GERMANO MIRAGAIA 3. Work Time Contact Hours Theory (T) 30.00 45.00 5.00 Self Work Hours Total Hours 82.00 162.00 4. Aproval Aproved in Cientific Council in : 2008-09-03 5. Objectives General Objectives Keep on track of the trends of technology and computer costs. Know the organizations e architectures used on computers. Learn to study, understand and specify computer systems. Specific Objectives Evaluate the performance of computer system, to improve the use of existing systems. Use techniques of evaluation and optimization of performance of programs execution. Transversal Objectives 6. Description of the Course Technology and computer cost trends Performance evaluation Principles on computer design Internal architecture of microprocessors Memory hierarchy Input/Output system Assembly programming Assembly programming over high-level programming languages Techniques for the evaluation and optimization of programs. 7. Methodology Theory teaching: learning and understanding concepts Practical and laboratorial teaching: applying concepts and comprehension to achieve solutions Tutorial orientation: personal teaching orientation, in small groups or in classroom, to assess the learning process, guiding the individual student work and explains subjects. 8. Assessment Continue Assessment: 60% Theory test 30% Practical projects: assembly programming, assembly programming over an high-level programming language, code optimization (minimum grade 9.5) 10% Participation and performance on classroom Final Assessment: 100% Theory test 9. Bibliography Recomended Bibliography Hennessy, J., Patterson, D., Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmmann Publishers, Inc., 2002 White, R., "How Computers Work", Ziff – Davis Press, 2005 Wyant, G., et al., "How Microprocessors Work", Ziff - Davis Press, 1997 Jeremias D. P. Santos, "Programando em Assembler - 8086/8088", McGraw-Hill, 1989 Advised Bibliography 10. Specific Resources