Workshop Folder Registration - Universidade Federal de Santa
Workshop Folder Registration - Universidade Federal de Santa
SERVIÇO PÚBLICO FEDERAL UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS BIOLÓGICAS DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIAS FISIOLÓGICAS Workshop “Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis” (Protocolo Daex 2016.4106) General information: Systematic review and meta-analysis are powerful tools to obtain high quality evidence for experimental design of new studies. This workshop intend to provide an overview on Systematic review and metaanalysis and help the students to prepare on their own a protocol for systematic review. Target audience: students in the initial phase of Master’s course in the PPGFMC-UFSC (maximum 10) Lecturers: Bahor, Zsnett (PhD student, Camarades Edinburgh, UK); Domingues, Karolina (PhD student, PPGFMCUFSC, Florianópolis, Brazil); Lino de Oliveira, Cilene (Associate Professor, CFS-CCB-UFSC, Florianópolis, Brazil). Language: English and Portuguese. ----When? July 18th 2016----Where? Laboratório Morfofuncional-CCB-UFSC----How long? 8 hours Program and contents: (9-12am)- Morning activities (9-10 am)- Introductory Lecture 1 (CLO) (10-10:15 am)- Interval (10:15-11:15 am)- Introductory lecture 2(ZB) (11:15 -12 am)- Syrf and IICarus registration and navigation (students with lecturers advice) (12-2 pm)- Lunch time. (2-6 pm)- Afternoon activities 2-6 pm- Preparing a protocol for a systematic review (students with lecturers advice) 6-7 pm- Concluding remarks Suggested References • • Khan, K., Kunz, R., Kleijnen, J., & Antes, G. (2011). Systematic reviews to support evidence-based medicine. Crc Press. Borenstein, M., Hedges, L. V., Higgins, J., & Rothstein, H. R. (2009). Front matter (pp. i-xxix). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Interesting links: • • • • • Camarades website- IICarus- Syrf: SYRCLE: 3R foundation: Support • • • Labnec: Laboratório de Neurobiologia do Comportamento, CFS-CCB-UFSC, Camarades: Royal Society: Contact: [email protected] SERVIÇO PÚBLICO FEDERAL UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS BIOLÓGICAS DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIAS FISIOLÓGICAS Ficha de inscrição--Workshop “Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis” Enviar esta ficha preencher e assinada até as 18h do dia 13/07/2014 pelo e-mail: [email protected] Nome:............................................................................................................................................................ Data de nascimento:............../............................/....................................................... CPF:.............................................................................................................................. N matrícula UFSC:........................................................................................................ Programa de PG:.......................................................................................................... Nível PG: (....) Mestrado ( ) Doutorado Está em fase de elaboração de projeto? ( ) Sim ( ) Não Com o preenchimento desta ficha de inscrição me comprometo a participar das atividades do Workshop “Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis”(Protocolo 2016.4106) que ocorrerão no dia 18/07/2016 e descritas no folder de divulgação. Declaro também que li e entendi a programação e o conteúdo do folder de divulgação. Local: .................................................................................................................. Data:..................................................................................................................... Assinatura do candidato:..........................................................................................