NOTE 9 - SUNDRY RECEIVABLES The following credits are
NOTE 9 - SUNDRY RECEIVABLES The following credits are
NOTE 9 - SUNDRY RECEIVABLES The following credits are recorded under the item sundry receivables: In thousands of reais Electric power companies Fundação Real Grandeza Suppliers Other debtors TOTAL Current assets 2004 2003 41,970 81,410 44,083 46,710 42,596 18,893 19,559 12,973 148,208 159,986 Long-term receivables 2004 2003 273 22,491 273 22,491 The main credits recorded as current assets comprise services provided and transfer of employees; as for Fundação Real Grandeza, the credits refer to the settlement of labor contingencies paid by FURNAS and for which FRG is jointly-responsible.