1st project meeting When local becomes global 10.5.2015
1st project meeting When local becomes global 10.5.2015
1st project meeting When local becomes global PROJECT NUMBER: TEH-POM-1/15 10.5.2015-13.5.2015 Participating project partners: Šolski center Srečka Kosovela Sežana Vågen Videregående Skole And the host partner Agrupamento de escolas de Barcelos Project description: The project »When local becomes global«adresses the priorities of The EEA Grants and Norway Grants funding (expecially Conservation and revitalisation of cultural and natural heritage). It is based on the cooperation between 3 schools, each of them strong in one part of the planed project main outcome: The new tourist product, based on heritage and implemented into the local environment for tourists. We can learn from each other the good practice examples and achieve the desired outcome as a multiplier effect. The main objectives: - to do a research about natural and cultural heritage - to produce new tourist products - to implement the products - to organize 3 meetings by presenting the good practice examples - to provide good dissemination material and exploitation of project results The target groups that will benefit from the project are teachers by exchange of good practice and new teaching methods, students (intercultural experience, langugage skills…), participating schools, local/regional environment, tourists. The partnership will : - consolidate the good coooperation between schools and local environment - to present skills and competences of our students to the working environment - to prepare the partnership for further larger strategic projects The main outcome of the partnership will be new developed tourist products that can be realy implemented with the help of local environment. Each participating school will lead one part of the project in connection to the good practice example: 1.Research: Agrupamento de Escolas de Barcelos; meeting in Portugal 2.Developement: Schol center Srečko Kosovel Sežana, meeting in Slovenia 3. Implementation: Vagen vidergaende skole, Sandnes, meeting in Norway Each participating school will organize one international partner's meeting that can be a possbility for international cooperation between central decision makers-experts, wider cooperation in the sector, dissemination of knowledge and experience and other. By strenghtening bilateral relations partners will gain the posibility to aplly for strategic partnership projects and other mobility projects. Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description of mobilities and other activities Firs meeting-good practice example no.1 (presentation of the project results: Legends unite us) Research period in each country/establishment of the local partnership/developing ideas Project week-good parctice example no.2 -developement of the tourist project Design of promotional material/cooperation with local partners/implementation into the local environment Final meeting-good practice example no.3-implementation and presentation of project results Certificiranje/razdelitev potrdil o sodelovanju udeležencem Disemination /evaluation Reporting Exploatation of project results and further disemination Country of destination (only for mobilities) Planed start date Portugal Maj 2015 Maj-Oktober 2015 Slovenia Oktober 2015 Oktober-April2016 Norway Marec/April 2016 April 2016 April 2015-April2016 Maj 2016 After the project period Program of the first meeting: Barcelos, May 10 till May 13, 2015 May 9 – Saturday/optional 09.00-19.30 Europe Day – Activities Barcelos 13.30 Lunch 14:30 -16:00 Europe Day – Activities-Barcelos 16:30 - 19:00 Cultural visit-Barcelos May 10 – Sunday Arrival of all participants in accomodation (on 9 and 10 May) Welcome dinner with project partners May 11 – Monday 09:00-13:30 Welcome at Barcelos school AEB; Good practice example no1; Presentation of a project »Legends unite us« 13 :30 Lunch 14:30 - 16:00 Good practice example no1; The impact of the local legend in Barcelos; 16:30 - 18:00 The reception in Ponte de Lima; Slovenian Honorary consul mr. Francisco Silva de Calheiros e Menezes 19:30 Dinner 20:30 Evaluation/Free time May 12 – Tuesday 09:00 - 13:30 Good practice example no1; Workshop at AEB; Distribution of tasks; The Magazine Factory-online newspaper as a project result 13.30 Lunch 14:30 - 16:00 Good practice no1; Workshop to prepare guidelines for the research about local legends and myths in local environments of participating schools 16:30 - 19:00 Cultural visit: Braga and Guimaraes 19:30 Evaluation/Farewell dinner with partners May 13 – Wednesday 09.00-19.30 Departure Language The language of the project is English but we can learn some words in each participating country. Portugeese presente pasato futuro Eu sou Fui serei Tu és Foste Seras Ele/ele é Foi sera Nos somos Fomos Seremos Vos sois Fostes Sereis Eles/Elas são foram serao presente pasato futuro Eu Corro Corri Correrei Tu Corres Correste Correrás Ele/ele Corre Correu correre Nos Corremos Corremos Correremos Vos Correis Eles/elas Correm Correstes Correreis Correram correrão Alturas / Time Hoje Today Ontem Yesterday Amanhã Tomorrow Agora Now Antes Before Depois After Antes de ontem Beforeyesterday Depois de amanhã Aftertomorrow Esta semana Thisweek A semana passada Lastweek A próxima semana Nextweek Este mês Thismonth O mês passado Lastmonth O próximo mês Nextmonth Este ano Thisyear O ano passado Lastyear O próximo ano Nextyear Daqui a pouco Verysoon Em breve Soon À 5 minutos 5 minutes ago Dentro de um quarto de hora In 15 minutes Meia hora atrás Halfanhour Demora 10 minutos Takes 10 minutos Meses / Months Janeiro January Fevereiro February Março March Abril April Maio May Junho June Julho July Agosto August Setembro September Outubro October Novembro November Dezembro December Dias da semana / Weekdays Segunda-feira Monday Terça-feira Tuesday Quarta-feira Wednesday Quinta-feira Thursday Sexta-feira Friday Sábado Saturday Domingo Sunday Fim de semana | Weekend Horas / Hours 1h00 uma hora one o' clock 2h00 duas horas two o' clock 3h05 três horas e cinco threehoursfive minute 4h10 quatro e dez fourhours tem minutes 5h15 cinco e um quarto quarterpastfive 6h20 seis e vinte twentypastsix 7h30 sete e meia halfpastseven 7h40 vinte para as oito twenty to eight 7h45 um quarto para as oito quarter to eight 12h00 meio dia twelve o' clock 24h00 meia noite midnight Evaluation/ Extreme method »1st project meeting« ___. DAY – Evaluation of participants Description of the activity Please copy one for each day +++ Date:____________ ---