PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO – S/A - PETROBRAS ”WORKING IN SENSITIVE / REMOTE LOCATIONS” Jayme de Seta Filho Petrobras Contingency Manager SUMMARY OF PRESENTATION 1. Petrobras – Company Overview 2. Environmental Defense Centers 3. Oil Spill Equipment 4. Oil Spill Response Vessels 5. Achievements and Results 6. Conclusion AN INTEGRATED COMPANY Exploration Gas Drilling Energy Production Transportation Distribution Refining and Petrochemical R&D PETROBRAS IN NUMBERS 112 2008 Oil and LPG Production – 2.2 million bpd Refinining Capacity – 2.2 million bpd Proven Reserves – 12.1 billion barrels Shareholders – 247,580 Employees: 68,931 Total Contractors staff: 208,962 Net Income - US$ 13.0 billion 5.998 31,089 Km 14 Brazil 4 Exterior 54 own 135 chartered PETROBRAS IN THE WORLD USA United Kingdom . Portugal New York Houston Mexico Trinidad & Tobago Venezuela Colombia Ecuador BRAZIL Peru Bolivia Paragay HEAD OFFICE Chile REPRESENTATION REFINING COMMERCIALIZATION EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION Senegal Lybia Turkey Jordan Iran Beijing Tokyo Okinawa Nigeria Tanzania Angola Singapore Mozambique Rio de Janeiro Uruguay Argentina • Activities in 27 countries • More than 68 thousand employees PETROBRAS VISION & MISSION STRATEGIC COMMITMENT “HSE Excellence” Project To match up with HSE performance of the best oil, gas and energy companies in the world Integrated HSE management Eco-efficiency of operations and products Accidents, incidents and deviations prevention Workforce health Preparedness to handle emergency situations Minimization of identified risks and liabilities GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Corporate HSE Guidelines Leadership and Accountability Regulatory Compliance Risk Evaluation and Management New Projects Operation and Maintenance Management of Change Goods and Services Procurement Training, Education and Awareness Information Management Communication Contingency Community Relations Accident and Incident Analysis Product Stewardship Assessment and Ongoing Improvement CONTINGENCY Guideline 11 - Contingency Potential emergency situations must be assessed, predicted and responded to with speed and efficiency, to minimize the negative effects. RESPONSE LEVELS Local Emergency Response Plans are based on Risk Assessment Cenarios. LOCAL LEVEL – Tier 1: • Immediate on-site response • Local Emergency Response Plan • Sometimes the regional CDA can support local operations. Local Emergency Response Plan REGIONAL LEVEL – Tier 2: • Regional Contingency Plan in action. • Supported by the Regional Environmental Defense Centers. Regional Contingency Plan CORPORATE LEVEL – Tier 3: • Corporate and Regional Contingency Plans in action. • Supported by all the ten centers in Brazil, and CCA . Corporate Contingency Plan Contingency Governance There is Contingency Governance for every level of response. Local Level: the facility`s hierarchy . Regional Level: Steering Commitee, composed by the General Managers of the facilities at the region, supported by a Technical Workgroup. Corporate Level: HSE Commitee, composed by the HSE Manager of the each Business Segment supported by a Technical Workgroup. Command and Control Emergency management (Command and Control) is based on Incident Command System. For each facility there is a matching level of ICS implementation. COMPLEXITY AND CHALLENGES SOUTH AMERICA • CONTINENTAL DIMENSIONS 1 BRAZIL • ENVIRONMENTAL DIVERSITY • RAIN FOREST (1) 2 • TOURISTIC AREAS (2) • INDUSTRIAL CONCENTRATION (3) 3 4 • DEEP WATER PRODUCTION (4) • LONG DISTANCES FROM PRODUCTION TO THE COSTUMERS + GROWING INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES OIL PRODUCTION SITE AMAZON / URUCU COARI TERMINAL BY THE AMAZONAS RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE CENTERS PETROBRAS RESOURCES : CDA – Amazonia CDA Maranhão CDAs AB BA Fortaleza CDA – Rio Grande do Norte BA Natal BA Aracajú CDA – Bahia CDA – Bacia de Campos CDA – Rio de Janeiro CDA Espírito Santo (Vitória) CDA – São Paulo BA Baía de Guanabara CDA – Sul BA Tramandaí BA Litoral SP (Santos) CDA – SÃO PAULO International Logistic Center SOME CENTERS… CDA – Rio de Janeiro Training facility CDA - Amazônia CDA - Bahia EQUIPMENT Booms & Skimmers HIDROFIRE BOOM HIGH RATE PUMPS RECOVERY BOATS 08 Envirocat Oil Recovery boats (10x4x1,5m) with oil collecting belt, HVSS SYSTEM FIRST RESPONSE TRUCKS CANFLEX TANKS TRANSREC SYSTEM WILDLIFE REHABILITATION UNITS MEDICAL RESPONSE UNITS AERIAL DISPERSANT DELIVERY SYSTEM (CCA) OIL SPILL RESPONSE VESSELS ALONG THE SHORELINE - NORSUL MARATI MACAPÁ - OSRV in Sergipe BELÉM SÃO LUIS LUBNOR UN-RNCE FORTALEZA GUAMARÉ NATAL JOÃO PESSOA RECIFE MACEIO ARACAJÚ UN-SEAL SALVADOR RLAM Baía de Todos os Santos UN-BA OIL SPILL RESPONSE VESSELS ALONG THE SHORELINE - OSRV Astro Ubarana since 2001 REGÊNCIA REDUC RIO DE JANEIRO ANGRA DOS REIS UN-ES UN-BC / UN-RIO BACIA DE CAMPOS Guanabara Bay OIL SPILL RESPONSE VESSELS ALONG THE SHORELINE SÃO SEBASTIÃO RPBC SANTOS PARANAGUÁ S. FRAN. SUL ITAJAÍ TRAMANDAÍ RIO GRANDE Channel - São UN-SULSebastião - OSRV in S. Paulo - REBELO XV Tier 1 resources Beyond the resources avaliable on the CDAs and OSRVs presented, each facility has resources for Tier 1. Example: E&P OSRVs Paraggi e Retriever Vessels Ó Retriever e Porto Santo 6h Response Raio de 36 h - Paraggi Porto Santo e Rover 12h Response Rover e Tangará 36h Response Tangará e Maricá (BC) Ó 60h Response Ó Tangará Porto Santo Raio de 36 h -Tangará Rover Retriever Paraggi Ó FIM ACHIEVEMENTS AND RESULTS VOLUME TOTAL DE PETRÓLEO E DERIVADOS VAZADO Produção óleo + LGN (milhões de bpd) 7000 2 1,95 (até junho) 1,8 6000 1,6 1,4 1,2 4000 1 Volume Vazado (m3) 3000 0,8 0,6 2000 Limite máximo Admissível – LMA (m3) 1000 739 619 661 619 601 0,4 601 255 (até agosto) 0 0 Média 2000 97 a 99 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0,2 2011 2012 Produção Volume Vazado e LMA 5000 Oil Spills - Benchmarking SPILLS / PRODUCTION ( m3/ Mbp ) 14 12,35 12 PETROBRAS 10 8 Médias BP, Exxon, Shell, Statoil e Total 7,8 7,02 6 5,64 5,2 5,18 4,35 4 2 0,35 0,44 0,87 0,4 0,42 0,55 2005 2006 2007 0,53 0 Média 97 a 99 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2008 Até AGO ACHIEVEMENTS AND RESULTS Member of Dow Jones Sustainability Index (2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009) 2006 - Ranked by Goldman Sachs as a “Top 5” - one of the five best energy companies for investment worldwide Classified first in the ranking of world’s most sustainable petroleum companies according to Management & Excellence consultant 2007 - IRF (International Regulation Forum) Safety Leadership Award 2008 - Best report – GRI – All stakeholders groups and Civil Society Increasing reputation and visibility Increasing responsibility and exposure to new challenges Continuous improvement of social and environmental responsibility performance CONCLUSIONS ¾ Petrobras has improved management practices seeking excellence in HSE. ¾ Results show we are in the right way towards excellence. ¾ Predective actions helped to cut accidents, mainly oil spills. ¾ Improvements in preparedeness, planning and response for oil spills place us in the forefront of global players. ¾ Present capacities enable us to face any oil spill. ¾ The CDA system tends to become an environmental safety cooperative in South America. NEW CHALLENGES ¾ To be in the state of the art both in equipment as in expertise, avoiding obsolescence. ¾ To set up a sustainable CDA model. ¾ To continually monitor risks in order to keep the proper sizing of resources. ¾ To optimize logistics. ¾ To cut operation and maintenance costs through sharing of resources with third parties. ¾ To ensure the same response capabilities in our growing overseas operations. ¾ To build response capability for spills involving HNS and LNG. CHALLENGE IS OUR ENERGY Thank You Jayme de Seta Filho [email protected] + 55 11 9986 4655
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