infrastructure - Ministério da Fazenda
infrastructure - Ministério da Fazenda
Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities January | 2014 B R A Z I L I A N Ministry of Finance G O V E R N M E N T Ministry of Finance Summary Foreword 5 Economic Outlook Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure Capital Market Instruments Highways Railways Ports Airports Oil and Gas Electricity 7 31 43 51 63 79 85 95 105 Appendix – Main types of business organizations in Brazil Useful Links Glossary 121 126 128 3 Ministry of Finance Brazil currently presents enormous opportunities for investment in infrastructure The Brazilian economy has changed substantially over the last ten years. From 2003 to 2012, real GDP increased by 42 percent, real total wages by 65 percent and domestic retail sales by 96 percent. It was a period of strengthening of the domestic market, based on income growth and social inclusion. The country is currently among the biggest markets in the world. In the last decade, investments grew by 73 percent, above GDP growth rates, but they should increase even further in order to become the new engine of economic development. Economic growth has brought about challenges for Brazilian long term development. Among them are the need to build up and modernize infrastructure. That is the reason why President Dilma Rousseff launched the Energy and Logistics Investment Program (PIL) in 2012, consisting of highways (7,000 km), railways (11,000 km), airports and ports concessions. PIL will not only reduce costs and improve competitiveness for all industries, but also keep Brazilian economy on the sustainable growth path that has been achieved over the last decade. Foreword In oil and gas, the 11th Bidding Round in May 2013 was very successful, as well as both the 12th Bidding Round and the 1st Round of the Pre-Salt Layer at the end of 2013. Regarding the latter, signature bonus paid for the Libra field was R$ 15 billion (~ US$ 6.5 billion) and will generate investments above US$ 80 billion concentrated in the next years. In electricity, a consolidated sector in the government concessions program, many auctions are being carried out for 28,000 MW additional generation (from hydropower, wind power and other sources) and construction of 20,000 km of new transmission lines until 2017. With regard to short term perspectives, Brazil resumed economic growth in 2013, after a short period of deceleration due to the deepening of the international crisis. Up to the third quarter of 2013, GDP grew 2.4 percent (year to date percent change). Economic recovery sustainability is supported by high levels of investment, which increased 6.5 percent up to the third quarter of 2013, year to date. Manufacturing sector shows signs of 5 Ministry of Finance improvement, particularly capital goods production, after two years of difficulties. World economy outlook for 2014 is positive. The world GDP will begin a rising growth path after three consecutive years of fall. It is possible to observe indicators showing consistent recovery in the advanced economies, mainly from the United States and Europe, which will promote a more robust improvement of the global trade. Emerging nations will benefit from greater global demand and economic activity, although there are still uncertainties regarding the pace of U.S. monetary stimulus tapering. The Brazilian economy will benefit from the global economic recovery in 2014. In addition to its considerable size – 200 million people, mostly belonging to the middle social classes –, the domestic market has been growing at an annual rate of over 6 percent in the last five years. Brazil’s banks and financial markets are among the soundest and most dynamic in the world. International reserves of around US$ 375 billion vis-à-vis short term foreign debt of US$ 40 billion grant economic authorities comfortable room of maneuver to face any international challenges. In 2012, foreign direct investment inflows to Brazil were US$ 65.3 billion, the fourth largest in the world. Foreword After a decade strengthening its domestic market, Brazil is ready for another decade of growth, now supported by investments, particularly in infrastructure. Private businesses and investors, both domestic and foreign, have the opportunity to take part in this process. 6 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Economic Outlook Ministry of Finance World GDP: “W-shaped” performance World GDP growth, in % YoY 6 5 Economic Outlook 4 3 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.6 2.9 3.2 3.9 5.2 -0.4 0 2.7 5.2 1 5.3 2 Source: IMF Produced by: Ministry of Finance * 18 20 * 17 20 * * 16 20 * 15 20 14 20 * 13 20 20 12 1 20 1 20 10 09 20 8 20 0 20 07 -1 20 06 * IMF estimates. 8 Ministry of Finance Leaving crisis behind: slow (and unstable) recovery of global economy GDP growth, 2013 (IMF estimates), in %, YoY -0.4 Euro Zone 1.6 Germany United States Russia -1.8 Italy 0.2 Spain France 1.2 3.8 China India Mexico Above or equal to 2% Less than 2% Japan South 2.8 Korea 5.3 2.5 Brazil 2.0 7.6 Economic Outlook United Kingdom 1.4 -1.3 1.5 0.5 2.0 South Africa Indonesia Source: IMF Produced by: Ministry of Finance 9 Ministry of Finance Global market: slow recovery World trade growth, quantum, in % YoY 15 10 5 7.5 9.2 7.1 2.2 14.1 6.5 2.5 2.7 5.0 5.5 5.7 Economic Outlook 0 -5 -10 * IMF estimates. * 20 16 * 20 15 * 20 14 * 20 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 09 -11.7 -15 Source: IMF Produced by: Ministry of Finance 10 ay t2 1s M th 15 01 3 ay 201 3 31 Ju st 2 n 14 013 Ju th 2 n 28 013 t Ju h 20 l1 13 5t h 20 Ju 13 l3 1 Au st 2 0 g 15 13 Au th 2 0 g 30 13 t h Se 20 p 16 13 th 20 O 13 ct O 2nd ct 2 15 01 3 th O 20 ct 1 30 3 No th 2 0 v 13 No 15t h v 27 201 3 th 20 De 13 c1 De 6th 2 c 3 01 Ja 0th 3 2 n 10 01 3 th 20 14 ay M 2.25 2.00 Economic Outlook M Ministry of Finance United States: uncertainties about pace of monetary stimulus tapering 10-Year U.S. Treasury yields, in % per annum 3.00 2.75 2.91 2.50 1.75 1.50 Source: Bloomberg Produced by: Ministry of Finance 11 Ministry of Finance The long-term appreciation of Brazilian Real has been partially reversed Nominal exchange rate, in U.S. dollars/national currency, index (Jan 2007 = 100) 140 120 South Africa Economic Outlook Brazil 100 80 88.9 84.2 Mexico Turkey 20 14 Source: Bloomberg Produced by: Ministry of Finance Ja n 8t h 20 13 Ja n 20 12 Ja n 20 11 Ja n 20 10 Ja n 20 09 Ja n 20 08 Ja n 20 07 60 Ja n 71.2 67.0 65.0 India 12 Ministry of Finance Volatility did not affect the financial account of the balance of payments In US$ million 2012 2013 2013 Jan-Nov November Jan-Nov Estimates* Current Account -6,257 -45,824 -5,145 -72,693 -79,000 Financial Account -7,022 69,769 4,084 69,599 71,000 Direct Investment (net) 6,073 62,980 8,839 60,809 - FDI 4,587 59,914 8,334 57,478 63,000 Investment Portfolio 1,850 7,605 -946 27,667 - Other Investments -925 -990 -3,796 -18,981 - Economic Outlook November * Central Bank of Brazil estimates. Source: Central Bank of Brazil Produced by: Ministry of Finance 13 Ministry of Finance Confidence in Brazil: high inflows of FDI Foreign direct investment, in US$ billion 2010 197.9 114.7 85.7 82.7 2011 United States China Belgium Hong Kong 57.4 Brazil 53.6 Australia British Virgin Islands Singapore Russia United Kingdom Germany Canada France India Italy 50.6 49.1 Brazil 48.5 Russia Ireland Spain Australia Luxembourg France 43.2 42.8 39.9 35.2 34.8 33.6 226.9 124.0 103.3 2012 United States China Hong Kong 96.1 Brazil 66.7 British Virgin Islands United Kingdom Australia Singapore Russia Canada Chile Ireland Luxembourg Spain India 65.3 62.7 55.9 55.1 51.1 48.9 41.4 38.5 36.2 34.3 167.6 121.1 74.6 65.3 64.9 62.4 Economic Outlook United States China Belgium Hong Kong Germany Singapore United Kingdom British Virgin Islands 57.0 56.7 51.4 45.4 30.3 29.3 27.9 27.7 25.5 Source: UNCTAD Produced by: Ministry of Finance 14 Ministry of Finance Brazil’s international reserves in a comfortable situation International reserves, in US$ billion, December 2013 or latest date available 3,663 3,800 1,900 1,210 950 715 376 346 269 177 112 99 71 59 44 42 37 36 28 Source: Bloomberg Produced by: Ministry of Finance Ch i na ** ** Sa Jap a ud iA n ra Ru bia ss ia ** * Br So a ut zi h l Ko * re a * In * di a * M ex * ic o ** Tu rk e Un In y ite don ** d es Ki ng ia * do * m ** Ca * na da So Au st ut ra h lia Af ric a * Ge ** rm an y Ita ly Fr an ce 0 480 * January 2014. ** November 2013. *** October 2013. **** September 2013. Economic Outlook 2,850 15 Ministry of Finance Brazil’s international reserves are stable even under international uncertainty International reserves, in US$ billion 400 US$ 376 bn 375 Economic Outlook 350 325 20 14 14 t h 20 13 th 26 t2 No v 1s Source: Central Bank of Brazil Produced by: Ministry of Finance Ja n 01 3 3 01 No v O ct 1s d 2n p t2 20 13 01 3 Se Au g 1s t2 20 13 st Ju l1 d 3r Ju n d M ay 2n 1s 20 13 3 20 1 01 3 t2 01 3 t2 1s ar M Ap r t2 1s Fe b Ja n 2n d 20 13 01 3 300 16 Ministry of Finance Brazil’s international reserves are 57% above annual imports Reserves-to-imports of goods ratio, in %, on a 12-month basis up to November 2013 or latest date available 200 150 50 44% 41% S Af out ric h a ** Ar ge nt in a ex i 46% Tu rk ey do M si ne di In co 46% a 53% a 56% In Ru ss ia ** 140% * il * ** na Ch i 157% Br az 191% 0 * December 2013. ** October 2013. *** September 2013. Economic Outlook 100 Source: Bloomberg Produced by: Ministry of Finance 17 Ministry of Finance Brazil’s international reserves much above external debt levels Reserves-to-short term external debt ratio, in %, second quarter of 2013 1,200 1,000 800 Economic Outlook 600 400 109% Ar ge nt in a a Af ric h ut So In do ne ex i M 157% si co 210% a 227% a 294% In di na 459% Ch i ss ia 563% Ru l Br az i 0 1,069% 84% Tu rk ey 200 Source: Bloomberg, IMF and Central Bank of Brazil Produced by: Ministry of Finance 18 Ministry of Finance Public sector net debt drops consistently while gross debt remains stable Public Sector Net Debt and General Government Gross Debt, in % of GDP 70 Public Sector Net Debt 60 56.4 58.0 47.3 45.5 56.4 58.0 57.4 57.4 60.9 60.9 53.4 54.2 39.2 36.4 53.4 58.5 35.3 33.9 * November 2013. Source: Central Bank of Brazil Produced by: Ministry of Finance 58.8 58.5 54.2 Economic Outlook 50 58.8 * General Government Gross Debt 80 40 30 20 10 60.4 54.8 50.6 48.4 38.5 42.1 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 20 02 0 19 Ministry of Finance G20 countries primary result in 2013 Primary result, in % of GDP, 2013 (estimates) Germany -2.8 -0.2 1.7 Canada Canadá United Kingdom -4.7 -3.6 Russia 2.0 -2.0 0.7 Turkey France 9.3 -3.8 India -1.2 Saudi Arabia Mexico -1.8 -8.8 China Japan South 0.5 Korea -0.8 1.9 Brazil -1.3 Above zero Below zero Argentina Economic Outlook Italy United States Indonesia -2.1 -3.1 Australia South Africa Source: Fiscal Monitor/IMF Produced by: Ministry of Finance 20 Ministry of Finance Solid foundations: Inflation under control Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA), in % YoY 15 IPCA 12 Upper Limit 12.5 6 Economic Outlook 9 Target 5.9 5.8 6.5 5.9 4.3 5.9 4.5 3.1 5.7 7.6 9.3 6.0 8.9 7.7 3 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 20 19 99 0 Lower Limit Source: IBGE and Central Bank of Brazil Produced by: Ministry of Finance 21 Ministry of Finance G20 emerging markets inflation Consumer price index, on a 12-month basis, December 2013 or latest date available, in % YoY 12 10 8 Economic Outlook 6 4 * November 2013 ** September 2013 Source: Bloomberg and IBGE Produced by: Ministry of Finance di a 10.8 In nt in a * 10.3 Ar ge do ne si a 8.4 In ss Ru 7.4 Tu rk ey 6.5 ia 5.9 Br az il 5.4 Af So ric ut a h * ex ic o M Ch i na * 0 3.6 * 3.0 ** 2 22 Ministry of Finance Sound financial system Soundness indicators, in %, October 2013 Basel Index (Capital Adequacy) 19 17 16 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 11 Brazil Mexico Turkey South Korea Canada Russia India United Kingdom USA Australia Japan South Africa Spain Italy -20 -10 10 9 -3 -4 -6 -11 -14 -14 -15 -15 -19 -22 -28 -74 0 10 Net Assets/ Short-term Liabilities Brazil Germany South Korea Russia Italy USA Turkey Japan Canada Mexico Australia United Kingdom South Africa India 163 139 121 87 80 77 71 50 48 47 45 40 36 26 Source: IMF (Fiscal Soundness Indicators) and Central Bank of Brazil Produced by: Ministry of Finance Economic Outlook Germany Brazil Mexico United Kingdom Turkey South Africa Japan Canada South Korea USA France India Italy Russia Australia Spain (Provisions minus Delinquencies)/Capital -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 23 Ministry of Finance Real estate loans still have large room for expansion in Brazil In % of GDP 83.7 USA (2011) 76.1 Portugal (2011) 66.6 Germany (2011) 45.3 France (2011) 42.4 South Africa (2011) 24.0 Italy (2011) 22.9 Chile (2012) 20.0 China (2011) 14.4 Mexico (2011) 9.1 Brazil (November 2013) 8.1 Argentina (2009) 1.6 0 Economic Outlook United Kingdom (2011) 20 40 60 80 Source: ABECIP and Central Bank of Brazil Produced by: Ministry of Finance 24 Ministry of Finance Growth of education investments will enhance productivity Public investments in education, in % of GDP 10% 10 9 8 7 6 Economic Outlook 5 4 3 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.1 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.1 2 6.1 11 20 10 5.8 20 5.7 09 20 08 5.5 20 5.1 07 20 06 5.0 20 4.5 05 20 04 4.5 20 4.6 03 02 4.8 20 20 20 4.8 20 4.7 00 0 01 1 Source: Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 25 Ministry of Finance Higher investment expansion will enhance productivity Investment rate, in % of GDP 24 PAC 1 23 PAC 2 24% Infrastructure Program rs 22 21 Crisis a ye 10 Crisis 20 Economic Outlook 19 18 19 19.1 18.1 19.3 19.5 18.1 19.1 17.4 16.4 16.0 16.1 16.4 17.0 16.8 15.7 17.0 17.4 9 19 5 9 19 6 9 19 7 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 0 20 2 0 20 3 0 20 4 0 20 5 0 20 6 0 20 7 0 20 8 0 20 9 1 20 0 1 20 1 20 12 13 * 14 16.9 15 18.3 16 15.3 17 * Third quarter of 2013. Source: IBGE and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 26 Ministry of Finance The construction GFCF has large room for expansion Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) components, in % of GDP 30 25 20 24.1 GFCF 18.1 15 10 5 Machinery and Equipment 8.5 12.1 12.0 10.4 Construction 8.3 Economic Outlook 16.8 7.6 * Estimates. * * 22 20 * 21 20 * 20 20 * 19 20 * 18 20 * 17 20 * 16 20 * 15 20 * 14 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 20 20 03 0 Source: IBGE and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 27 Ministry of Finance New investment programs in infrastructure will enhance the investment rate over the next years Investment rate, in % of GDP 25 24 WITH the new cycle of infrastructure investments** 23 24.1 22 20 20.5 * Estimates. 19 18 ** Approximately US$ 435 billion in infrastructure investments, either in public investments or in concessions, over the next years. 18.1 17 16 * 14 * 20 15 * 20 16 * 20 17 * 20 18 * 20 19 * 20 20 * 20 21 * 20 22 * 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 20 20 03 15 Economic Outlook WITHOUT the new cycle of infrastructure investments 21 Source: IBGE and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 28 Ministry of Finance The infrastructure auctions have been well-succeeded Concession auctions of infrastructure projects since 2011 Sector Description 42.3% Tariff discount 52.0% Tariff discount 52.0% Tariff discount 52.7% Tariff discount 61.1% Tariff discount US$ 0.1 billion US$ 7.0 billion US$ 1.7 billion US$ 2.0 billion US$ 8.3 billion US$ 0.8 billion - 20.1 2011-2013 20 -30 years - 7.2 2011-2013 30 years US$ 1.1 billion 2.5* May 2013 35 years US$ 0.1 billion 0.2* Nov 2013 35 years US$ 6.5 billion 79.0 Oct 2013 35 years Auction Concession Date Term Sep 2013 Nov 2013 Dec 2013 Dec 2013 Dec 2013 Aug 2011 Feb 2012 Feb 2012 Feb 2012 Nov 2013 Nov 2013 30 years 30 years 30 years 30 years 30 years 25 years 20 years 30 years 25 years 25 years 30 years Economic Outlook BR-050 GO/MG (436 Km) BR-163 (MT) (851 km) Highways BR-060/153/262 (1,176 km) BR-163 (MS) (847 km) BR-040 DF/GO/MG (937 km) São Gonçalo do Amarante (Natal) Guarulhos (GRU) Viracopos (VCP) Airports Brasília (BSB) Galeão (GIG) Confins (CNF) Generation (389 projects - 8 auctions) Electricity - 12,894 MW Transmission (11 auctions) - 19,390 Km 11th Bidding Round 61,258.71 km² ( 120 blocks in 7 basins) Oil and 12th Bidding Round 47,427.6 km² Gas (72 blocks in 5 basins): Focus on Natural Gas 1st Bidding Round (Pre-Salt) Estimated Investment (US$ billion) 1.3 2.0 3.1 2.5 3.5 0.3 2.0 3.8 1.2 1.9 1.2 Grant / Signing bonus The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30. * Refers only to exploration phase Source: EPL, Ministry of Finance, MME and EPE Produced by: Ministry of Finance 29 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure Ministry of Finance Domestic market: dynamism of retail sales Broad retail sales, seasonally adjusted, in % YoY * On a 12-month basis up to November 2013. ** Estimate. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 20 22 13 * 3.8 20 12 8.0 20 11 6.6 20 10 12.2 20 09 6.8 20 08 9.9 20 07 13.6 20 06 6.4 20 05 3.1 20 20 04 11.1 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure Avarage**: 6.0% YoY Source: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 32 Ministry of Finance Sustainable labor market ensures dynamic domestic demand New formal jobs, in millions 20.3 million jobs 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 * January to November 2013 * 1.1 2.2 2.9 1.8 1.8 2.5 1.9 1.8 1.9 0.9 1.5 1.0 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.1 1.0 Source: Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 13 20 12 20 11 10 20 09 20 08 20 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 01 20 00 20 99 20 19 98 19 97 19 96 19 19 95 0.0 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure 1.5 33 Ministry of Finance Increasing demand for infrastructure services: airline passengers Airline passengers, in millions 120 2003-2012:182.5% growth 100 80 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure 60 40 20 101.4 20 12 92.6 20 11 77.2 20 10 62.8 20 09 56.0 20 08 52.1 20 07 47.7 20 06 44.1 20 05 35.7 20 04 33.4 20 03 35.9 20 02 36.0 20 01 34.0 20 00 0 Source: National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 34 Ministry of Finance Growing external trade Brazilian trade flow (exports plus imports), in US$ billion 500 2003-2012: 332.5% growth 400 300 480.0 * Source: Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 13 12 465.7 * On a 12-month basis up to November 2013 20 482.3 11 20 280.7 370.9 281.3 229.2 383.7 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 06 20 192.1 05 20 121.5 107.7 113.9 111.0 159.5 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 00 20 97.2 99 20 108.8 98 19 101.0 112.7 19 97 19 96.4 19 19 95 0 96 100 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure 200 35 Ministry of Finance Significant growth in port trade volume Total cargo handling in ports, in millions of tons 2003-2012: 70.9% growth 950 900 850 800 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure 750 700 650 600 550 529.0 570.8 620.7 649.4 692.8 754.7 768.3 732.9 833.9 885.6 904.0 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 20 02 500 Source: National Agency for Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 36 Ministry of Finance Vehicular traffic In thousand vehicles per km per year, on highways under concession 120 2003-2012: 86.6% growth 100 80 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure 60 99 89 69 60 69 67 65 61 56 57 51 43 20 105 40 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 20 00 0 Source: Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires (ABCR) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 37 Ministry of Finance Vehicle sales more than doubled in ten years New vehicles (buses, trucks, light commercial vehicles and cars), in millions of vehicles 2003-2012: 153.5% growth 4.0 4th largest vehicle market in the world 3.5 3.0 2.5 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.8 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 20 02 0.0 Source: Brazilian Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers (ANFAVEA) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 38 Ministry of Finance Railroad volumes Revenue Tonne Kilometers (RTKs), in billions 2003-2012: 77.4% growth 300 266 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure 232 198 164 168 182 203 221 232 258 271 244 278 291 298 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 20 02 130 Source: National Agency for Road Transport (ANTT) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 39 Ministry of Finance Brazilian harvest in record figures Brazilian grain harvest, in millions of tons 210 195.9 190 186.9 170 162.8 144.1 130 123.2 110 100.3 90 119.1 114.7 122.5 131.8 149.3 135.1 96.8 /0 2 20 02 /0 3 20 03 /0 4 20 04 /0 5 20 05 /0 6 20 06 /0 7 20 07 /0 8 20 08 /0 9 20 09 /1 0 20 10 /1 1 20 11 /1 2 20 12 /1 3* 20 13 /1 4* * 20 01 20 00 / 01 70 * Preliminary data: subject to change by Conab/MAPA. ** Conab estimates in December 2013. Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure 150 166.2 Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 40 Ministry of Finance Agricultural leadership Brazil in the global ranking, by production and exports quantities, 2011 Exporter Coffee 1 1 Processed beef 1 1 Orange Juice 1 1 White sugar 2 1 Chicken 2 1 Tobacco 2 1 Soybean 2 2 Beans 2 16 Corn 3 3 Economic Development and Demand for Infrastructure Producer Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 41 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Capital Market Instruments Ministry of Finance Financial Instruments for Infrastructure Investments How can non-resident investors negotiate debt securities and funds in Brazil? CMN Resolution 2,689/2000, which rules on investments by non-resident investors in the financial and capital markets, provides all necessary information • More Info: Capital Market Instruments CMN Resolution 2,689 lharNormativo&N=100014927 Brazil does not impose taxes on international remittance of profits and dividends Produced by: Ministry of Finance and Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) 44 Ministry of Finance Financial Instruments for Infrastructure Investments Investment Debentures and Real Estate Receivables Certificates Debêntures de Investimento e Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários (CRI) Benefits for non-resident investors* Minimum Requirements • Zero Income Tax Rate (IR) • Weighted average maturity: over four years. • Zero Tax on Financial Operations (IOF) • Return: CRI pays interest at a fixed rate or at a floating rate pegged to an inflation index or the Reference Rate (TR). Total or partial use of post-fixed rate of interest are forbidden. • No repurchase: by the issuer or related party in the first two years after issuance and early liquidation, except in cases to be regulated by Brazil’s National Monetary Council (CMN). • Simplified procedure: to demonstrate the purpose of allocating resources into the future payment or reimbursement of expenses, costs or liabilities related to investment projects, including those aimed at R&D&I (research, development and innovation). • No resale commitment: undertaken by the buyer. • Yield payment frequency: if any, it must be at least 180 days apart. * In case of investments from countries which are not subject to a 20% (or higher) income tax rate (“tax havens”), the above mentioned tax benefits do not apply, unless it is related to a wealth fund Capital Market Instruments • Required evidence documents: security should be registered with clearing houses duly authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil or the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). Produced by: Ministry of Finance and Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) 45 Ministry of Finance Financial Instruments for Infrastructure Investments Credit Rights Investment Fund Fundos de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios (FIDC) Benefits for non-resident investors* • Zero Income Tax Rate (IR) • Zero Tax on Financial Operations (IOF) Minimum Requirements Capital Market Instruments • Term of duration: minimum of six years. • No payment, fully or partially: of principal of the Fund’s quotas in the first two years from the closing date of the public offering of the quota distribution that constitute the initial assets of the Fund, except in cases of the Fund’s early liquidation mentioned in the Fund’s regulation. • No acquisition of quotas: by the seller or by the issuer or by any parties related to them, except in case of subordinated quotas for purposes of amortization and withdrawal. • Amortization plan of quotas: including those from incorporated yields, if any, must be at least 180 (one hundred and eighty) days apart. • Required evidence documents: quotas must be admitted to trading on an organized securities market or registered with a registry system duly authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil or the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) under their respective jurisdiction. • Simplified procedure: to demonstrate the purpose of allocating resources into a transaction of investment projects, including those aimed at R&D&I. • Mandatory presence of the following: in the assignment agreement, regulation and prospectus, if any, in a manner to be determined by CVM: • Goal of the project or the beneficiary projects; • Estimated beginning and end periods or, for ongoing projects, description of the current stage and estimated end period; • Estimated volume of financial resources required to carry out the project or not initialized projects or for the completion of ongoing projects; • Estimated percentage of funds to be raised with the selling of the credit rights compared to the financial resource requirements of the beneficiary projects. • Fund’s equity: consists of at least 85% (eighty-five) percent of credit rights and, for the remaining portion, of federal government securities, repurchase agreements backed by government bonds or mutual fund quotas that invest in federal government bonds. * In case of investments from countries which are not subject to a 20% (or higher) income tax rate (“tax havens”), the above mentioned tax benefits do not apply, unless it is related to a wealth fund Produced by: Ministry of Finance and Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) 46 Ministry of Finance Financial Instruments for Infrastructure Investments Infrastructure Debentures Debêntures de Infraestrutura Benefits for non-resident investors* Minimum Requirements • Specific Purpose Companies (SPC): for management and implementation. • Issuer: dealer or grantee or authorized contractors or lessee. Capital Market Instruments • Zero Income Tax Rate (IR) • Issuance: must be between January 2011 and December 2015. • Weighted average maturity: over four years. • Zero Tax on Financial • Return: Debentures pay interest at a fixed rate or at a floating rate pegged to an inflation index or the Reference Operations (IOF) Rate (TR). Total or partial use of post-fixed rate of interest are forbidden. • No repurchase: by the issuer or related party in the first two years after issuance and early liquidation, except in cases to be regulated by Brazil’s National Monetary Council (CMN). • Required evidence documents: security should be registered with clearing houses duly authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil or the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). • Simplified procedure: to demonstrate the purpose of allocating resources into the future payment or reimbursement of expenses, costs or liabilities related to investment projects, including those aimed at R&D&I. • No resale commitment: undertaken by the buyer. • Yield payment frequency: if any, it must be at least 180 days apart. Projects Approval: • Priority investment projects: to be implemented in the infrastructure area, or intensive economic production in research, development, and innovation. Also, according to the Decree n. 7,603 of year 2011, projects should have: • Approval Ordinance: issued and approved by the Ministry responsible for that sector • Focus on deployment, expansion, maintenance, recovery, adaptation or modernization processes in the following sectors: • Logistics and transportation • Broadcasting • Urban mobility • Basic sanitation and • Energy • Irrigation • Telecommunications * In case of investments from countries which are not subject to a 20% (or higher) income tax rate (“tax havens”), the above mentioned tax benefits do not apply, unless it is related to a wealth fund Produced by: Ministry of Finance and Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) 47 Ministry of Finance Financial Instruments for Infrastructure Investments Brazilian Infrastructure Bonds Investment Funds Fundos de Debêntures Incentivados Benefits for non-resident investors* • Zero Income Tax Rate (IR) • Zero Tax on Financial Operations (IOF) Minimum Requirements • Concentration in investments: must hold at least 67% (sixty-seven) percent of the Fund’s net worth within the first two years and 85% (eighty-five) percent in the remaining years. • Fund of Funds (FIC) investments: must hold at least 95% (ninety-five) percent of FIC net worth in the Infrastructure Bonds Investment Fund’s quota. Produced by: Ministry of Finance and Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) Capital Market Instruments 48 Ministry of Finance Financial Instruments for Infrastructure Investments • More Info (useful links): CMN Resolution 3,974/2011 ccivil_03/_Ato2011-2014/2011/Lei/ L12431.htm pdf Law 12,715/2012 Decree 7,632/2011 ccivil_03/_Ato2011-2014/2012/Lei/ L12715.htm#art71 Decree 7,632/11 ccivil_03/_Ato2011-2014/2011/ Decreto/D7632.htm Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association home.aspx Produced by: Ministry of Finance and Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) Capital Market Instruments Law 12,431/2011 49 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Highways Ministry of Finance Highway Concessions Belém PA MA Açailândia Parnamirim PE TO Recife Maceió Palmas Aliança do Tocantins Feira de Santana Lucas do Rio Verde BR-050 BR-153 BR-163 1 6 5 BR -04 0 BR -26 Belo Horizonte 2 Estrela D’Oeste Dourados São Paulo Santos PR Mafra RS Vitória Campos dos Goytacazes Além Paraíba Rio de Janeiro 1 2 3 4 5 BR-050/GO-MG BR-163/MT BR-060/153/262/DF-GO-MG BR-163/MS BR-040/MG-GO-DF 6 BR-116/MG BR-101/BA BR-153/GO-TO BR-262/MG-ES 7 8 Rio Grande Mucurí 9 ES BR-262 Juíz de Fora SP SC Porto Seguro 0 3 4 7 MG -06 BR Highways Campo Grande GO Divisa Alegre 01 Anápolis Goiânia MS BR-1 Uruaçu Brasília 2 Cuiabá Salvador 8 BR-153 BR-163 Sinop BR-116 MT Aracaju BA 9 Highways awarded Highways to be awarded Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 52 Ministry of Finance Highway Concessions: summary Estimated Investment (US$ billion) Auction Date Concession Term BR-050 GO/MG (436 Km) 42.3% Tariff Discount 1.3 Sep 2013 30 years BR-163 (MT) (851 km) 52.0% Tariff Discount 2.0 Nov 2013 30 years BR-060/153/262 (1,176 km) 52.0% Tariff Discount 3.1 Dec 2013 30 years BR-163 (MS) (847 km) 52.7% Tariff Discount 2.5 Dec 2013 30 years BR-040 DF/GO/MG (937 km) 61.1% Tariff Discount 3.5 Dec 2013 30 years BR-116 (MG) (817 km) - 1.6 2014 30 years The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 BR-101 (BA) (772 km) - 1.6 2014 30 years Updated information available at BR-153 TO/GO (625 km) - 2.4 2014 30 years BR-262 ES/MG (376 km) - 0.7 2014 30 years Highways Grant / Signing bonus Description Source: Ports Special Secretariat (SEP), National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 53 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-050: from Cristalina (GO) to MG/SP border Object Demand • Section: BR-050, junction of BR-040/ GO (Cristalina) to MG/SP border Estimated demand (AADT): 2014 (54,232), 2019 (62,790), 2024 (76,046). • Total length: 436.6 km TO Connects Brasília, the state of Minas Gerais and the state of São Paulo, crossing an important agricultural and wholesale retail center. BR-050/GO/MG BA GO BR-060 Brasília Anápolis Goiânia Cristalina Catalão Uberlândia Uberaba SP BR-050 BR-040 Curitiba ES Vitória Financing conditions: Term: 25 years (Grace Period: 5 years) Rate: TJLP* + 2% p.a. Maximum leverage: 70% Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL will be in charge of obtaining both the Previous License (LP) and the Installation License (LI) of the widening works. * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Updated information available at RJ Rio de Janeiro São Paulo PR MG Economic and Financial Modeling CAPEX: US $ 1.3 billion Palmas BR-153 42% Highways • Length to be widened: 218.5 km The project includes the widening, maintenance and operation of the highway. Other projects are also planned to happen, including the construction of 22 km of side roads, 7 pedestrian bridges and 1 intersection. Criteria Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 6 Criteria: lowest tariff Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 54 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-163 (MT): from Sinop (MT) to MT/MS border Object Demand • Section: BR-163, Sinop/MT to MT/MS border Estimated demand (AADT): 2014 (80,210), 2019 (88,247), 2024 (100,358) • Total length: 850.9 km Sinop TO MT Posto Gil Connects Sinop, Cuiabá and Rondonópolis with the North/ Southeast/South Regions of Brazil, crossing an important Brazilian agricultural production area. BR-163/MT BR-163 BA Cuiabá Rondonópolis BR-364 GO MG Goiânia BR-262 SP BR-267 BR-163 Economic and Financial Modeling CAPEX: US$ 2.0 billion Financing conditions: Term: 25 years (Grace Period: 5 years) Rate: TJLP* + 2% p.a. Maximum leverage: 70% Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL will be in charge of obtaining both the Previous License (LP) and the Installation license (LI) of the widening works. * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 ES MS Campo Grande 52% Highways • Length to be widened: 453.6 km The project includes the widening, maintenance and operation of the highway. Other projects are also planned to happen, including 27 km of side roads and a 10 km contour with two-lane highway in Rondonópolis. Criteria Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 9 Criteria: lowest tariff PR Curitiba RJ Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 55 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-060 (DF/GO), BR-153 (GO/MG) and BR-262 (MG) Object Demand • Section: BR-060, junction of BR-251/DF to junction of BR-153/GO; BR-153, junction of BR-060/ GO to junction of BR-262/MG; BR-262, junction of BR-153/MG to junction of BR-381/MG (Betim) Estimated demand (AADT): 2014 (154,630), 2019 (173,585), 2024 (196,169). • Total length: 1,176.5 km Palmas TO MT Gurupi BA BR-153 BR-060/153/262 DF/GO/MG Uruaçu GO BR-060 Anápolis BR-040 BR-153 BR-050 MS BR-262 SP MG Belo Horizonte Betim RJ Rio de Janeiro 52% Economic and Financial Modeling CAPEX: US$ 3.1 billion Financing conditions: Term: 25 years (Grace period: 5 years) Rate: TJLP* + 2% p.a. Maximum leverage: 70% Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL will be in charge of obtaining both the Previous License (LP) and the Installation license (LI) of the widening works. Highways Connects Brasília, Goiânia, Uberaba e Belo Horizonte, • Length to be widened: 647.8 km crossing a major Brazilian The project includes the widening, maintenance and agricultural pole. operation of the highway. Other widening projects are also planned to happen, including 36 km of side roads and a 30 km beltway in Goiânia. Criteria Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 11 Criteria: lowest tariff * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 56 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-163 (MS): from MT/MS border to MS/PR border Object Demand • Section: BR-163, MT/MS border to MS/PR border • Total length: 847.2 km Connects Cuiabá, Campo Grande and the Southeast/South Region of Brazil, constituting an alternative route for the flow of Brazilian agricultural production. • Length to be widened: 806.3 km The project includes the widening, maintenance and operation of the highway. Other widening projects are also planned to happen, including the construction of 19,4 Km of beltways in 4 cities and 35 km of side roads. BR-163 MS BR-163 BA Cuiabá GO MG ES MS Campo Grande Nova Alvorada Dourados SP BR-163 PR Curitiba RJ Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 9 Criteria: lowest tariff 53% Economic and Financial Modeling CAPEX: US$ 2.5 billion Financing conditions: Term: 25 years (Grace period: 5 years) Rate: TJLP*+ 2% p.a. Maximum leverage: 70% Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL will be in charge of obtaining both the Previous License (LP) and the Installation license (LI) of the widening works. Highways TO MT BR-364 Criteria Estimated demand (AADT): 2014 (66,769), 2019 (77,274), 2024 (88,017). * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 57 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-040: Brasília (DF) – Juiz de Fora (MG) Object Demand • Section: BR-040, Juiz de Fora (MG) to junction of BR-251/DF (Brasília) • Total length: 937 km Estimated demand (AADT): 2014 (194,623), 2019 (222,779), 2024 (250,304). Criteria Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 11 Criteria: lowest tariff Connects two important economic centers in Brazil - Rio de Janeiro and Economic and Financial Belo Horizonte - to the fourth most Modeling populous city and the highest GDP Brasília. It is also the main route for CAPEX: US$ 3.5 billion the supply of coal to steel parks. Financing conditions: Term: 25 years (Grace period: 5 years) Rate: TJLP*+ 2% p.a. Maximum leverage: 70% BR-040 Environmental licensing: MG DF/GO/MG State-owned EPL will be in charge of obtaining both the Previous License Belo Horizonte (LP) and the Installation license (LI) of ES the widening works. 61% • Length to be widened: 715 km The project includes the widening, maintenance and operation of the highway. Other widening projects are also planned to happen, including the construction of 148 km of side roads. Brasília Luziânia BR-040 Sete Lagoas SP BR-381 RJ São Paulo Curitiba Juiz de Fora Rio de Janeiro Highways GO * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 58 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-116: from BA/MG border (Divisa Alegre) to MG/RJ (Além Paraíba) border Object Demand • Section: BR-116, RJ/MG border (Além Paraíba) to MG/BA border (Divisa Alegre) Estimated demand: under study • Total length: 816.7 km • Length to be widened: 815 km The project includes the widening, maintenance and operation of the highway, as well as the construction of side roads. Connects two important economic centers in Brazil - Rio de Janeiro and Salvador - accross the eastern parts of the State of Minas Gerais. BA Divisa Alegre BR-116 Teófilo Otoni Gov. Valadares MG ES Belo Horizonte Muriaé Além Paraíba SP São Paulo Rio de Janeiro RJ BR-116 MG Financing conditions: Term: 25 years (Grace period: 5 years) Rate: TJLP* + 2% p.a. Maximum leverage: 70% Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL will be in charge of obtaining both the Previous License (LP) and the Installation license (LI) of the widening works. Highways GO Economic and Financial Modeling CAPEX: US$ 1.6 billion TO Salvador Criteria Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 8 Criteria: lowest tariff * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Vitória Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 59 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-101: from BR-324 (Feira de Santana) to the BA-698 (Mucuri) junction Object Demand • Section: BR-101, junction of BA-698 (Mucuri) to junction of BR-324/BA • Total length: 772.3 km Estimated demand (AADT): under study Criteria Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 9 Criteria: lowest tariff MG BR-101 João Belo Monlevade Horizonte ES BR-262 SP Mucurí Vitória BR-381 São Paulo RJ Rio de Janeiro Highways Connects the southern coast of the state of Bahia to the states of Espírito Economic and Financial • Length to be widened: 551.3 km Santo and Rio de Janeiro. BR-101 is the (221.0 km, Growth Acceleration Program most important road connecting the Modeling (PAC) widening) Northeast to the Southeast and South CAPEX: US$ 1.6 billion The project includes the widening, regions along the coastal line where lives maintenance and operation of the a large share of the Brazilian population. Financing conditions: highway. Other widening projects are Important ports are also connected by also planned to happen, including the this road. Term: 25 years (Grace period: 5 years) construction of side roads. Rate: TJLP**+ 2% p.a. TO Maximum leverage: 70% Feira de Santana BA Environmental licensing: Salvador State-owned EPL will be in charge of BR-101 BA GO obtaining both the Previous License (LP) and the Installation license (LI) of BR-116 the widening works. * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 60 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-153: from Aliança do Tocantins (TO) to Anápolis (GO) (BR-060 junction) Object Demand Estimated demand (AADT): 2014 (87,815), 2019 (98,796), 2024 (113,003). • Section: BR-153, Anápolis (BR060/GO junction) to the TO-070 junction (Aliança do Tocantins). • Total length: 624.8 km Palmas TO MT Gurupi BA BR-153 Uruaçu GO BR-060 Anápolis BR-050 MG BR-262 SP * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Updated information available at BR-040 BR-153 MS Connects Palmas, Goiânia and the Economic and Financial southeast region of the country, crossing a Modeling major Brazilian agricultural pole. BR-153 is the main road to reach the city of Manaus CAPEX: US$ 2.4 billion from other regions, benefitting from the heavy traffic of Manaus Free Trade Zone, Financing conditions: which concentrates Brazilian electronic production, among other important Term: 25 years (Grace period: 5 years) industries. Rate: TJLP* + 2% p.a. Maximum leverage: 70% Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL will be in charge of obtaining both the Previous License (LP) and the Installation license (LI) of BR-153 GO/TO the widening works. Highways • Length to be widened: 589.2 km The project includes the widening, maintenance and operation of the highway. Other widening projects are also planned to happen, including the construction of 14 km of side roads. Criteria Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 9 Criteria: lowest tariff RJ Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 61 Ministry of Finance Highway Concession – BR-262: from the BR-381 junction (João Monlevade) to the BR-101 (ES) junction Object Demand • Section: BR-262, BR-381 junction (João Monlevade) to BR-101/ES junction. • Total length: 375.6 km Estimated demand: under study TO BA Salvador GO BR-262 ES/MG BR-116 MG Belo Horizonte BR-262 SP BR-101 Mucurí Governador Valadares João Monlevade ES Vitória BR-381 São Paulo RJ Rio de Janeiro Economic and Financial modeling CAPEX: US$ 0.74 billion Financing conditions: Term: 25 years (Grace period: 5 years) Rate: TJLP* + 2% p.a. Maximum leverage: 70% Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL will be in charge of obtaining both the Previous License (LP) and the Installation license (LI) of the widening works. Highways Minas Gerais (MG) state has the third largest population in Brazil. This road grants access to the ports • Length to be widened: 188.8 km of the Espirito Santo state, the (180.5 km, Growth Acceleration Program main gateway for MG’s exports (PAC) widening) and imports, constituting an alternative route for the flow of The project includes the widening, maintenance MG’s production. and operation of the highway. Other widening projects are also planned to happen, including the construction of side roads. Criteria Term: 30 years Number of toll plazas: 5 Criteria: lowest tariff ** TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 62 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Railways Ministry of Finance Railway Network Belém / V. Conde Santarém Manaus Itaqui Pecém Açailândia Pacific Link Estreito Eliseu Martins Porto Velho Barreiras Salvador Aratu Uruaçu Ilhéus Rondonópolis Maracaju Belo Horizonte Estrela d’Oeste Itaguaí Santos Cascavel Pacific Link Suape Paranaguá S F. Sul Itajaí / Navegantes Rio Grande Vitória Rio de Janeiro Awarded rail network PIL - Rail Network (11,000 km) – to be awarded PAC – Rail network New railways – Studies underway Structuring Waterways Railways Figueirópolis Lucas do Rio Verde Salgueiro Updated information available at Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 64 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: summary Estimated investment (US$ billion) Auction date Concession term Lucas do Rio Verde/MT – Campinorte/GO 883 km 2.7 Mar 2014* 35 years Açailândia/MA – Barcarena/PA 457 km 1.4 Not available 35 years Porto Nacional/TO – Estrela D’Oeste/SP 1,536 km - Not available 35 years Estrela D’Oeste/SP – Dourados/MS 659 km 1.8 Not available 35 years Maracaju/MS – Lapa/PR 989 km - Not available 35 years Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Vila Velha/ES 551 km - Not available 35 years Feira de Santana/BA – Ipojuca/PE 893 km - Not available 35 years Uruaçu/GO – Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ 1,706 km - Not available 35 years Mairinque/SP – Rio Grande/RS 1,667 km - Not available 35 years Belo Horizonte/MG – Salvador/BA 1,420 km - Not available 35 years Lapa/PR – Paranaguá/PR 150 km - Not available 35 years * Estimate São Paulo Beltway – southern section (SP) 58 km - Not available 35 years São Paulo Beltway – northern section (SP) 52 km - Not available 35 years Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance Railways Total extension Railway The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 65 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Lucas do Rio Verde (MT) to Campinorte (GO) Object Demand Section: Lucas do Rio Verde/ MT - Campinorte/GO Length: 883 km Concession characteristics Interconnects Brazil’s Midwest Region to the Build, operate and transfer North-South railway, ensuring the outflow from production centers through the main ports in Estimated CAPEX: US$ 2.7 billion Southeast and Northeast regions of Brazil. Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Lucas do Rio Verde/MTCampinorte/GO TO MT Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Lucas do Rio Verde BA Campinorte GO MG MS Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). ES Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Railways Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 66 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Açailândia (MA) to Bacarena/Vila do Conde (PA) Object Demand Section: Açailândia/MA Barcarena/Vila do Conde/PA Extension: 457 km Concession characteristics Interconnects the North-South Railway to Build, operate and transfer the port of Vila do Conde/PA, ensuring the outflow of the production of grains, minerals Estimated CAPEX: US$ 1.4 billion and oil through that port. Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Açailândia/MABarcarena/Vila do Conde/PA Belém Barcarena/ Vila do Conde PA Porto de Itaqui Açailândia MA Carajás TO Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Railways Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 67 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Porto Nacional (TO) - Estrela D’Oeste (SP) Object Demand Section: Porto Nacional/TO – Estrela D’Oeste/SP Concession characteristics Interconnects the North-South Railway with Build, operate and transfer the Midwest Integration Railway and with the awarded railways in Anapolis/GO and the Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: state of São Paulo. construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Extension: 1,536 km Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. Porto Nacional/TOEstrela do Oeste/SP Campinorte GO Ouro Verde de Goiás Anápolis Goiânia MG MS ES Estrela d’Oeste SP Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. RJ Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways BA MT Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Porto Nacional TO Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 68 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Estrela D’Oeste (SP) - Dourados (MS) Object Demand Section: Estrela D’Oeste/SP – Dourados/MS Extension: 659 km Concession characteristics Expands the North-South Railway in order to Build, operate and transfer reach important production centers of grains. Estimated CAPEX: US$ 1.8 billion Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. MT Estrela do Oeste/SPDourados/MS GO MG ES Estrela d’Oeste MS PanoramaSP Dourados PR RJ Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Railways Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 69 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Maracajú (MS) to Lapa (PR) Object Demand Section: Maracaju/MS – Lapa/PR Creates new logistic possibilities for the outflow of grains and other cargo from production centers through the Port of Paranaguá. Extension: 989 km Concession characteristics Build, operate and transfer Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. MS RJ Panorama São Paulo SP PR Cascavel Chapecó Campo Alto do Sul Porto de Itajaí Florianópolis Porto de Imbituba Porto de Laguna Porto Alegre Terminal Portuário de Guaíba Arraial do Cabo Porto de São Sebastião Porto de Santos Curitiba Eng. Bley Porto de Paranaguá Lapa Mafra SC RS Rio de Janeiro Maracajú/MS Lapa/PR Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways Maracaju Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance Porto de Pelotas Porto de Rio Grande 70 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Rio de Janeiro (RJ) to Vila Velha (ES) Object Demand Section: Rio de Janeiro/RJ Vila Velha/ES Extension: 551 km Integrates the port of Rio de Janeiro and its Terminals to the Ports of Vitória e Tubarão, creating new logistic possibilities for the cargo movement. Concession characteristics Build, operate and transfer Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. Terminal Portuário Marítimo de Ponta UBU Terminal Portuário de Açu RJ Campos dos Goytaguazes Barra do Piraí Terminal Portuário de Terminal Duque de Caixias Portuário de Macaé Nova Iguaçú Porto de Niterói Porto do Rio de Janeiro Praia Rio de Janeiro Formosa Porto de Tubarão Vila Velha Porto de Vitória Rio de Janeiro-RJ Vila Velha-ES Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways ES MG Vitória Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 71 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Feira de Santana (BA) to Ipojuca (PE) Object Demand Section: Feira de Santana/ BA – Ipojuca/PE Extension: 893 km Concession characteristics Modernizes the northeastern railway network, Build, operate and transfer linking the major ports to the regional major Rail infrastructure builder and markets. manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. Salgueiro BA PE SE AL Terminal Portuário de Atalaia Velha Aracajú Feira de Santana Porto de Aratu Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Porto de Recife Recife Porto de Suape Maceió Porto de Maceió Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Feira de Santana/BA Ipojuca/PE Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways PB Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance Salvador Porto de Salvador 72 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Uruaçu (GO) to Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ) Object Demand Section: Uruaçu/GO - Corinto/ Creates new possibilities for the outflow of MG - Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ grains and minerals from production centers through the Southeast main ports. Extension: 1,706 km Concession characteristics Build, operate and transfer Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. Brumado BA Porto de Ilhéus Concessão: Uruaçu - Campos dos Goytacazes Anápolis GO MG Corinto Intendente Câmara ES Vitória Belo Horizonte Porto de Vitória Campos dos Goytacazes SP RJ Terminal Portuário de Açu Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways Uruaçu Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 73 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Mairinque (SP) to Rio Grande (RS) Object Demand Section: Mairinque/SP – Rio Grande/RS Creates new logistics possibilities for the flow of cargo between São Paulo and the South Region of Brazil, linking production and consumption centers. Extension: 1,667 km Concession characteristics Build, operate and transfer Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. MS RJ Panorama São Paulo Mairinque PR Cascavel Chapecó RS Rio de Janeiro Porto do Forno SP Eng. Bley Porto de Porto São Sebastião de Santos Porto de Paranaguá Mafra Porto de Campo Alto Itajaí do Sul Florianópolis SC Porto de Imbituba Porto de Laguna Porto Alegre Terminal Portuário de Guaíba Porto de Pelotas Porto de Rio Grande Mairinque/SP Rio Grande/RS Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways Maracaju Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance 74 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Belo Horizonte (MG) to Salvador (BA) Object Demand Section: Belo Horizonte/MG Salvador/BA Creates new possibilities for transport of general cargo between the southeast and northeast regions, refocusing on the use of railways to the development of the internal market. Extension: 1,420 km Concession characteristics Build, operate and transfer Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. Salvador Porto de Aratu Porto de Salvador Caetité GO Brumado Porto de Ilhéus Corinto MG Belo Horizonte SP Belo Horizonte/MG Salvador/BA Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways Candeias BA Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance ES RJ 75 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: Lapa (PR) to Paranaguá (PR) Object Demand Section: Lapa/PR – Paranaguá/PR Expands and modernizes rail access to the port of Paranaguá. Extension: 150 km Concession characteristics Build, operate and transfer Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, comunications systems and traffic control. Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. MS RJ Panorama São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Arraial do Cabo SP Cascavel Porto de PR Curitiba Porto de São Sebastião Santos Eng. Bley Porto de Lapa Paranaguá Mafra Chapecó Campo Alto do Sul SC RS Porto de Itajaí Florianópolis Porto de Imbituba Porto de Laguna Porto Alegre Terminal Portuário de Guaíba Concessão: Lapa - Paranaguá Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways Maracaju Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance Porto de Pelotas Porto de Rio Grande 76 Ministry of Finance Railway Concession: São Paulo rail beltway (“Ferroanel”) Object Demand Amador Marinque Bueno Eng Manoel Feio Ferroanel Norte (SP) Lapa Ipiranga Canguera Suzano Rio Grande da Serra Itaquaciara Pereque Evangelista de Souza Rate: Up to TJLP* + 2% p.a. Upfront payment of revenues due to operational capacity availability, in equivalent value of 15% of total referential CAPEX. Environmental licensing: State-owned EPL is responsible for obtaining the Previous License (LP) and will give support for obtaining the Installation Licence (LI) for the construction works. Railways Perus Financing Conditions Term: 30 years (Grace period: 5 years) Risk Mitigation: Demand Risk (Guaranteed purchase of 100% of railway operational capacity availability); Socioenvironmental and Expropriation Risks (Environmental and Expropriation costs and charges limited to values pre-established in concession contracts). Jundiaí SP Concession characteristics Allows cargo and passengers transportation Build, operate and transfer to Santos seaport without the need of sharing São Paulo Metropolitan Region railway system. Rail infrastructure builder and manager: Railway concession, including: construction, maintenance, signaling, North rail leg: 52 Km comunications systems and traffic control. South rail leg: 58 Km Concession Term: 35 years Construction to be completed up to the 5th year of the concession term. The North Ferroanel will surround the metropolitan region of São Paulo, connecting Santos to Jundiaí. It will increase the rail cargo capacity and alleviate the traffic in the city. Section: Jundiaí-Manuel Feio; Riberão Pires-Evangelista de Souza; access to Santos Seaport * TJLP - Long Term Interest Rate, currently 5% p.a. (Dec 2013) Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance Santos Porto de Santos 77 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Ports Ministry of Finance Major Brazilian Ports RR AP AM CE MA PA PI AC RO TO BA MT MS SP MG RJ PR SC RS Federal Dock Companies Ports delegated to State and Municipal management ES MACEIÓ Port SALVADOR Port ARATU Port ILHEUS Port BARRA DO RIACHO Port VITÓRIA Port FORNO Port NITERÓI Port RIO DE JANEIRO Port ITAGUAÍ Port ANGRA DOS REIS Port SÃO SEBASTIÃO Port SANTOS Port ANTONINA Port PARANAGUÁ Port SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL Port ITAJAÍ Port IMBITUBA Port LAGUNA Port ESTRELA Port CACHOEIRA DO SUL Port PORTO ALEGRE Port PELOTAS Port RIO GRANDE Port PORTO VELHO Port Ports DF GO RN PB PE AL SE MANAUS Port MACAPÁ Port SANTARÉM Port VILA DO CONDE Port BELÉM Port ITAQUI Port FORTALEZA Port AREIA BRANCA Port NATAL Port CABEDELO Port RECIFE Port SUAPE Port Source: National Logistics & Planning Company (EPL) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 80 Ministry of Finance Leases in Public Ports Block Block 1 – São Paulo and Pará ANALYSIS BY TCU PUBLIC HEARING Relevant Facts • Leasing of areas, infrastructure and public port facilities. • These are 29 areas (16 lots) at Santos, Outeiro, Santarém, Belém, Miramar and Vila do Conde ports. • Maximum lease term: 25 years, renewable once for a period not longer than originally contracted. • Estimated investment: US$ 1.5 billion. • TCU conditioned the approval of this block’s auction to the attendance of 19 changes in the bidding documents and contracts. • Lease area, infrastructure and public port facilities. • There are 18 areas (11 lots) at Paranaguá, Salvador, São Sebastião and Aratu ports. • Maximum lease term: 25 years, renewable once for a period not longer than originally contracted. • Public hearings regarding to minutes of bidding announcements and contract are completed, although the final report has not yet been released by the National Agency of Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ). Leases in Public Ports Block 2 – Paraná, Bahia and São Paulo Project Description The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Secretariat of Ports (SEP) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 81 Ministry of Finance Leases in Public Ports Blocks Block 3 STUDIES/ PROJECTS Block 4 STUDIES/ PROJECTS Project Description • There are 36 areas at the ports of Cabedelo, Fortaleza, Itaqui, Macapá, Recife and Suape. • There are 28 areas at the ports of Itaqui, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Itajaí, São Francisco do Sul, Rio Grande, Porto Alegre and Vitória. Leases in Public Ports Source: Secretariat of Ports (SEP) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 82 Ministry of Finance Private use terminals Terminals authorized by the Secretariat of Ports Locality Cargo type Cargo traffic Guarujá-SP US$ 7.4 million General Cargo 112,000 t/year Ilhéus-BA US$ 390.4 million Solid bulk 20 million t/year Ilhéus-BA US$ 1,053 million Solid bulk, General Cargo and Conteinerized 75 million t/year Niterói-RJ US$ 26.1 million General Cargo 7,000 t/year Porto Belo-SC US$ 0.8 million Passengers 80,000 passengers/year Santos-SP US$ 956.5 million Solid bulk 12.15 million t/year São João da Barra-RJ US$ 61.9 million General Cargo 44,000 t/year Total US$ 2,496 million The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Secretariat of Ports (SEP) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance Private use Terminals Investment 83 Ministry of Finance Private use terminals Terminals which autorizations are under final analysis by ANTAQ Locality Cargo type Cargo traffic Aracruz-ES US$ 217.4 million General Cargo 10,000 t/year Barbacena-PA US$ 22.8 million Solid bulk 1.2 million t/year Itaituba-PA US$ 22 million Solid bulk 3.5 million t/year Juruti-PA US$ 0.5 million General Cargo 113.2 million t/year Manaus-AM US$ 0.08 million General Cargo and Solid bulk 362 million t/year (considering General Cargo) Manaus-AM US$ 1.3 million General Cargo 102,000 t/year Manaus-AM US$ 4.3 million Liquid bulk 440.8 m³/year Porto Velho-RO US$ 0.9 million Solid bulk 480,000 t/year Total US$ 269.3 million The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Secretariat of Ports (SEP) and Ministry of Finance Produced by: Ministry of Finance Private use Terminals Investment 84 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Airports Ministry of Finance Major Brazilian airports Boa Vista Macapá Belém (Val de Cans) Santarém Manaus Parnaíba Tefé Belém (Júlio César) Altamira Tabatinga Marabá Carajás Rio Branco João Pessoa Campina Petrolina Grande Palmas Porto Velho Natal Juazeiro do Norte Imperatriz Cruzeiro do Sul Fortaleza Teresina Paulo Afonso New Concessions Guarulhos (São Paulo) Viracopos (São Paulo) Brasília (Distrito Federal) Galeão (Rio de Janeiro) Confins (Belo Horizonte) São Gonçalo do Amarante (Natal) Recife Maceió Aracajú Salvador Airports Brasília Cuiabá Ilhéus Montes Claros Goiânia Confins Corumbá Passengers per year 15,000,001 to 30,100,000 (3 airports) 5,000,001 to 15,000,000 (9 airports) Campo Grande Uberaba CampinasBH (Carlos Prates) Ponta Porã 100,001 to500,000 (19 airports) Up to 100,000 (13 airports) RJ (Galeão) RJ (Jacarepaguá) RJ Santos Dumont SJ dos Campos Guarulhos SP (Congonhas) Navegantes SP (Campos de Marte) Curitiba (Afonso Pena) Curitiba (baracher) Foz do Iguaçú Joinville Florianópolis Uruguaiana Criciúma Bagé Vitória Campos dos Goytacazes Macaé Londrina 1,000,001 to 5,000,000 (15 airports) 500,001 to 1,000,000 (7 airports) BH (Pampulha) Uberlândia Updadet Information available at Porto Alegre Pelotas Source: National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 86 Ministry of Finance Airport concessions: auctions completed since 2011 Estimated Investment (US$ billion) Auction Date Concession Term São Gonçalo do Amarante (Natal) 0.1 0.3 Aug 2011 25 years Guarulhos (GRU) 7.0 2.0 Feb 2012 20 years Viracopos (VCP) 1.7 3.8 Feb 2012 30 years Brasília (BSB) 2.0 1.2 Feb 2012 25 years Galeão (GIG) 8.3 1.9 Nov 2013 25 years Confins (CNF) 0.8 1.2 Nov 2013 30 years Total 19.9 10.3 The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Ministry of Finance and National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance Airports Grant / Signing bonus (US$ billion) Description 87 Ministry of Finance São Gonçalo do Amarante - Natal/RN - new airport São Gonçalo do Amarante (Natal) Winning proposal: : US$ 73.9 million Date: August 2011 Winner group: Consórcio Inframérica .8% 228 Corporación America 50% 50% Infravix Airports Lenght: 25 years Estimated investment: US$ 283 million Passenger flow (2014): 3 million Passenger flow (2030): 7.9 million The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 88 Ministry of Finance Guarulhos airport (GRU) - Guarulhos/SP Guarulhos (GRU) Winning proposal: US$ 7.04 billion Date: February 2012 Winner group: Invepar + ACSA 30% of National Passenger Flow .5% 373 10% ACSA 90% Invepar Airports Lenght: 20 years Estimated investment: US$ 2.04 billion Passenger flow (2011): 29.9 million Passenger flow (2031): 60 million Variable contribution (National Fund for Civil Aviation – FNAC): 10% of gross income The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Civil Aviation Secretariat (SAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 89 Ministry of Finance Viracopos airport (VCP) - Campinas/SP Viracopos (VCP) Winning proposal: US$ 1.66 billion Date: February 2012 Winner group: Consórcio Aeroportos Brasil 8% of National Passenger Flow .8% 159 10% 45% 45% Egis UTC Lenght: 30 years Estimated investment: US$ 3.78 billion Passenger flow (2011): 7.5 million Passenger flow (2041): 80 million Variable contribution (National Fund for Civil Aviation – FNAC): 5% of gross income Airports Triunfo The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Civil Aviation Secretariat (SAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 90 Ministry of Finance Brasília airport (BSB) - Brasília/DF Brasília (BSB) Winning proposal: US$ 1.96 billion Date: February 2012 Winner group: Consórcio Inframérica 15% of National Passenger Flow .4% 673 Corporación America 50% 50% Infravix Airports Lenght: 25 years Estimated investment: US$ 1.22 billion Passenger flow (2011): 15.3 million Passenger flow (2036): 41 million Variable contribution (National Fund for Civil Aviation – FNAC): 2% of gross income The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Civil Aviation Secretariat (SAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 91 Ministry of Finance Galeão airport (GIG) – Rio de Janeiro/RJ Galeão (GIG) Winning proposal: US$ 8.27 billion Date: November 2013 Winner group: Odebrecht + CHANGI (Cingapura) 18% of National Passenger Flow % 294 CHANGI 40% 60% Odebrecht Airports Lenght: 25 years Estimated investment: US$ 1.87 billion Passenger flow (2012): 17.5 million Passenger flow (2038): 60.4 million Variable contribution (National Fund for Civil Aviation – FNAC): 5% of gross income The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Civil Aviation Secretariat (SAC) and National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 92 Ministry of Finance Confins airport (CNF) – Belo Horizonte/MG Confins (CNF) Winning proposal: US$ 0.79 billion Date: November 2013 Winner group: CCR + Munich/Zurich 25% 10% of National Passenger Flow 66% Munich/Zurich Airport CCR Lenght: 30 years Estimated investment: US$ 1.17 billion Passenger flow (2012): 10.4 million Passenger flow (2043): 43.3 million Variable contribution (National Fund for Civil Aviation – FNAC): 5% of gross income Airports 75% The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Civil Aviation Secretariat (SAC) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 93 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Oil and Gas Ministry of Finance Oil and gas: summary Description 1st Bidding Round (Pre-Salt) 1.1 2.5 Not Available May 2013 8 + 27 years 0.1 0.2 Not Available Nov 2013 8 + 27 years The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 6.5 0.3 78.7 Oct 2013 35 years Source: Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Produced by: Ministry of Finance Oil and Gas 11th Bidding Round 61,258.71 km² ( 120 blocks in 7 basins) 12th Bidding Round 47,427.6 km² (72 blocks in 5 basins): Focus on Natural Gas Estimated Estimated Grant / Investment Investment Concession Signing bonus in exploration in production Auction Date Term (US$ billion) (US$ billion) (US$ billion) 96 Ministry of Finance 11th Bidding Round (May 2013): Results • 120 granted blocks from 289 offered at the auction • US$ 1.1 billion in signature bonus • Estimated exploration investment: US$ 2.5 billion • Auction bids showed high commitment with local content • 30 companies bought blocks at the bidding round - 18 companies from 11 different countries Oil and Gas The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 97 Ministry of Finance 11th Bidding Round (May 2013): Results Amazonas River Mouth Potiguar Onshore Basin Pará-Maranhão Barreirinhas Ceará Potiguar Offshore Parnaíba Sergipe-Alagoas Basin Oil and Gas Pernambuco-Paraíba Tucano and Recôncavo Basins Sedimentary Basin Granted Blocks Offered but not sold Offshore Pre-Salt Limit Espírito Santo Onshore/Offshore Brasília Source: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 98 Ministry of Finance 11th Bidding Round (May 2013): Results Sedimentary basin Sergipe-Alagoas onshore Foz do Amazonas Pernambuco-Paraíba Potiguar offshore Potiguar onshore Barreirinhas Pará-Maranhão Parnaíba TOTAL Granted Blocks Area Km2 AL AP PB PE BA ES ES BA CE CE RN RN MA MA PA PI MA 11 11 12 1 3 19 6 6 15 5 3 1 12 16 1 1 7 1 120 321 9,009 477 1,776 3,419 4,328 179 443 3,130 2,303 767 363 8,844 769 769 21,366 2,996 61,259 Oil and Gas Tucano Sul Espírito Santo offshore Espírito Santo onshore Recôncavo Ceará State Source: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 99 Ministry of Finance 1st Round of production sharing – Pre-Salt layer (October 2013): Results Contract Term: 35 years Field name: Libra • 1,548 km2 • Deep water of Santos Basin • Well with tested oil discovery • Estimate of 42 billion barrels of oil in situ, indicating recovery of 8 to 12 billion barrels Signature Bonus: R$ 15 billion (~US$ 6.5 billion) Winning percentage of profit oil for the government: 41.65% Oil and Gas Estimated Investment: US$ 79.0 billion (exploration and production) Judgement criteria: Percentage of profit oil for the Government (minimum of 40% in average over the contract period) Local Content • 37% at Exploratory Phase • From 55% to 65% at Production Development Phase The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 100 Ministry of Finance Brazil Pre-Salt layer – Bidding under production sharing regime RJ 270 km Oil and Gas 187 km 166 km Libra Field 8 to 12 bi boe • At the Pre-Salt evaluated areas, expected recoverable volumes could reach twice the actual proved reserves Source: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 101 Ministry of Finance 12th Bidding Round (November 2013): Results Concession of areas under rules and terms established by Law 9,478/1997 Focus on natural gas – conventional and unconventional resources Granted Blocks: 72 (from 240 offered at the auction) • 47,428 km² • 5 Sedimentary Basins Oil and Gas Signature Bonus: US$ 0.1 billion Estimated Investment: US$ 217 million The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 102 Ministry of Finance 12th Bidding Round (November 2013): Results Amazonas River Mouth Tacutu Alagoas Pará-Maranhão Barreirinhas Solimões Parnaíba Acre Madre de Dios Sergipe Potigar Amazonas Rio do Peixe Pernambuco-Paraíba Alto Tapajós Sergipe-Alagoas Bananal Acre Oil and Gas Camamu-Almada Parecis Tucano Sul São Francisco Pantanal Recôncavo Espírito Santo Paraná Campos Santos Oil and Gas in Brazil Sedimentary Basins Granted Blocks Source: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 103 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Electricity Ministry of Finance Electricity Auctions: summary Estimated Investment (US$ billion) Auction Concession Term Generation (389 projects - 8 auctions) 12,894 MW 20.1 2011-2013 20 to 30 years Transmission (11 auctions) 19,390 Km 7.2* 2011-2013 30 years Generation 27,575 MW 44.5 2014-2017 20 to 30 years Transmission 19,658 Km 9.1* 2014-2017 30 years The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 * Includes estimated investment in transmission line and substations Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry o Finance Electric Power Generation Capacity Description 106 Ministry of Finance Wind Power Plants auctioned since 2011 CE 46 wind farms 1,029.6 MW MA 9 wind farms 259.2 MW RN 61 wind farms 1,596.7 MW PI PE 32 wind farms 903.6 MW BA 98 wind farms 2,267.8 MW Electric Power Generation 18 wind farms 509.7 MW Capacity (MW) < 300 300 - 600 600 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 TOTAL 329 wind farms 7,897.7 MW RS 65 wind farms 1,331.1 MW 1,500 - 2,000 > 2,000 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) and Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCCE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 107 Ministry of Finance Thermal Power Plants auctioned since 2011 (Natural Gas and Biomass) MA PI 1 TPP 499.2 MW 1 TPP 150.0 MW BA 2 TPP 166.8 MW GO 2 TPP 100.0 MW MT MG 4 TPP 170.0 MW MS 9 TPP 426.8 MW TOTAL 29 TPP 2,492.8 MW RJ SP 8 TPP 420.0 MW 1 TPP 530.0 MW Natural Gas 250 - 500 Electric Power Generation 1 TPP 30.0 MW Capacity (MW) 500 Biomass < 30 30 - 100 100 - 250 250 - 500 500 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) and Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCCE) Produced by: Ministério da Fazenda 108 Ministry of Finance Hydro Power Plants and Small Hydro Plants auctioned since 2011 AP PA 2 HPP 292.4 MW PE 1 HPP 700.0 MW 1 HPP 5.0 MW RO GO 1 HPP 450.0 MW 5 HPP 119.6 MW MG MT 5 HPP 508.2 MW SC PR 5 HPP 184.3 MW 1 HPP 18.0 MW TOTAL 31 HPP 2,503.6 MW Capacity (MW) Electric Power Generation 6 HPP 165.0 MW < 20 20 - 65 65 - 160 160 - 320 RS 320 - 550 4 HPP 61.1 MW 550 - 700 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) and Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCCE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 109 Ministry of Finance Hydropower Expansion: auctions from 2014 to 2017 Hydro Power Plant 2014 2016 2017 Paraíba do Sul/ RJ Tapajós/ PA Paranaíba/ MG-GO Tibagi/ PR Piquiri/ PR Piquiri/ PR Chopim/PR Piquiri/ PR Piquiri/ PR Arinos/ MT Ji-Paraná/RO Tapajós/PA Uruguai/SC-RS Branco/ RR Palmas/ TO Aripuanã/ AM Total 145 6,133 74 109 96 87 63 139 140 192 350 2,338 725 708 70 796 Total Capacity (MW) Estimated Investment (US$ billion) Total estimated investment in HPP to be contracted US$ 19.2 billion 6,461 8.8 525 1.4 3,605 6.0 1,574 3.0 12,165 19.2 Electric Power Generation 2015 Itaocara S. Luíz Tapajós Davinópolis Telêmaco Borba Foz Piquiri Ercilândia Paranhos Apertados Comissário Castanheira Tabajara Jatobá Itapiranga Bem Querer Arraias Prainha River/State Capacity (MW) The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 110 Ministry of Finance The development of wind power in Brazil Operating and contracted capacity 12,000 11,252 10,862 11,196 10,000 8,000 6,027 6,000 4,000 * Estimates * * 17 20 * 16 20 15 20 14 * The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 20 * 13 20 12 20 11 10 20 09 20 927 604 20 08 398 20 07 248 20 06 237 20 20 05 0 29 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance Electric Power Generation 2,000 2,202 1,425 1,882 To be contracted in 2014-2017 auctions Capacity (MW) Investment (US$ billion) 7,200 13.0 111 Ministry of Finance The development of bioelectricity in Brazil Operating and contracted capacity – Bagasse Biomass 12,000 10,000 9,339 8,000 7,421 10,844 10,114 10,494 11,334 8,069 6,159 6,000 4,000 3,023 4,640 * Estimates The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 * * 17 20 * 16 20 * 15 20 14 20 * 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 20 05 0 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced By: Ministry of Finance Electric Power Generation 2,000 1,755 2,584 3,910 To be contracted in 2014 - 2017 auctions Capacity (MW) Investment (US$ billion) 3,480 3.2 112 Ministry of Finance Other energy sources to be contracted in 2014 - 2017 auctions Small hydropower plants Capacity (MW) Investment (US$ billion) 1,130 3.3 Solar energy Capacity (MW) Investment (US$ billion) 2,000 4.3 Capacity (MW) Investment (US$ billion) 1,600 1.4 The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance Electric Power Generation Natural gas* or mineral coal thermal power plant *Additional expansions depend on the effective exploration of unconventional gas 113 Ministry of Finance Power to be contracted in the auctions from 2014 to 2017 (consolidated data) Capacity (MW) Investment (US$ billion) Hydro 12,165 19.2 Others Renewable Sources (Wind, Biomass, Small Hydro and Solar) 13,810 23.9 Natural Gas and Mineral Coal 1,600 1.4 27,575 44.5 Sources Total The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance Electric Power Generation 114 Ministry of Finance Projects to be Auctioned in 2014-2017: Transmission lines Associated Projects Expansion of the Interconnection N/SE Transmission Lines TL Xingu – Terminal Minas CC (Bipole 1) PA/SP 800 2,140 MT/GO MT MT 500 500 500 348 350 300 RN/CE 500 235 PA/RJ 800 2,575 SP MA SP/RJ MG/SP MA PA PA PA PA TO 440 500 500 500 230 230 500 230 500 500 52 107 340 660 95 64 59 79 116 30 7,550 km Electric Power Transmission TL Paranatinga - Ribeirãozinho C3 Teles Pires Power Plant TL Cláudia - Paranatinga C3 TL Paranaíta - Cláudia C3 Northeast Wind TL Açu - Quixadá Power Plant Expansion of the interconnection N/SE TL Xingu – N. Iguaçu CC ( Bipole 2) TL Fernão Dias - Cabreuva TL Miranda II - São Luis II C3 TL Fernão Dias - Nova Iguaçu TL Estreito - Fernão Dias CD To meet TL Ribeiro Gonçalves - Balsas C2 the electricity TL Marituba - Castanhal demand growth TL Vila do Conde - Marituba TL Integradora Sossego - Xinguara TL Paraupebas - Int. Sossego CD TL Miracema - Lajeado C2 Subtotal 1 State Voltage (kV) Length (Km) Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 115 Ministry of Finance Projects to be Auctioned in 2014-2017: Transmission lines (continuation) Associated Projects Transmission Lines PA PA PA PA PA MG MG MS PR MT TO GO BA RN RN RN 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 500 500 500 230 63 185 195 130 137 135 61 85 50 275 120 88 280 131 64 68 2,067 km Electric Power Transmission TL Xingu - Altamira C1 TL Altamira - Transamazônica C2 TL Transamazônica - Tapajós C1 TL Oriximiná - Juruti CD Integration of isolated systems TL Juruti - Parintins CD TL Janaúba 3 - Irapé TL Araçuai 2 - Irapé C2 TL Paraíso 2 - Chapadão C2 To meet the electricity TL Foz do Chopim - Realeza demand growth TL Paranatinga - Canarana TL Lajeado - Palmas CD TL Trindade - Firminópolis TL Morro do Chapéu II - Sapeaçu TL Açu III - João Câmara III Northeast Wind Power Plant TL João Câmara III - Ceará Mirim II C2 TL João Câmara II - Ceará Mirim II C2 Subtotal 2 To meet the electricity demand growth State Voltage (kV) Length (Km) Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 116 Ministry of Finance Projects to be Auctioned in 2014-2017: Transmission lines (continuation) Associated Projects Projects State Voltage (kV) Length (Km) TL 2th SECC (TL B. J. Lapa/Ibicoara) - Igaporã III BA 500 80 To meet the electricity demand growth TL Linhares 2 - São Mateus 2 ES 230 108 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 235 36 52 152 168 120 80 78 60 126 240 105 35 116 1,791 km South Wind Power Plants Amapá HPP flows To meet the electricity demand Northeast Wind Power Plant Subtotal 3 TL Povo Novo - Guaíba 3 C2 TL Nova Santa Rita - Guaíba 3 C2 TL Santa Vitória - Marmeieiro C2 TL Marmeieiro - Povo Novo C2 TL Guaíba - Capivari do Sul TL Guaíba 3 - Gravataí TL Capivari do Sul - Gravataí TL Osório 3 - Gravataí 2 (new) TL Capivari do Sul - Viamão 3 (new) TL Livramento 3 - Alegrete 2 (new) TL Livramento 3 - Santa Maria (new) TL Jurupari - Laranjal do Jari C3 (new) TL Baixo Iguaçu - Realeza (new) TL Santa Rita - C. Grande C1 RS Electric Power Transmission Northeast Wind Power Plants Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 117 Ministry of Finance Projects to be Auctioned in 2014-2017: Transmission lines (continuation) Associated Projects To meet the electricity demand Subtotal 4 TOTAL TL Viana 2 - João Neiva 2 TL Mesquita - João Neiva 2 TL Pirapora 2 - Presidente Juscelino C1 TL Presidente Jucelino - Itabira SECC TL Neves 1 - Barreiro em Betim 6 TL Betim 6 Sarzedo (new) - compact TL TL Sete Lagoas 4 - Betim 6 TL Sete Lagoas 4 Presidente Juscelino C1 and C2 TL Itabirito 2 - Barro Branco TL Barreiras II - Gentio do Ouro TL Gentio do Ouro - Ourolândia TL Ourolândia - Morro do Chapéu TL Gentio do Ouro - Brotas de Macaúbas SECC TL Irecê - S. Bonim em Ourolândia State Voltage (kV) Length (Km) ES ES MG MG MG MG MG 345 500 500 500 345 345 345 80 240 322 193 21 22 43 MG 345 194 MG BA BA BA BA BA 345 500 500 500 230 230 54 288 167 110 131 48 1,913 km 13,321 km Electric Power Transmission Northeast Wind Power Plant Projects Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 118 Ministry of Finance TL Projects to be contracted in the auctions from 2014 to 2017 (consolidated data) Auctions 2014 - 2017 Total Length (Km) Defined TL 13,321 Estimated TL 6,337 19,658 US$ 9.1 billion The exchange rate considered is US$ 1 = R$ 2.30 Source: Energy Research Company (EPE) Produced by: Ministry of Finance Electric Power Transmission Estimated investment in Transmission Line and substations 119 Brazil’s economic outlook and infrastructure investment opportunities Appendix Ministry of Finance Main Types of Business Organizations in Brazil Main Types of Business Organizations in Brazil Limited Liability Company (LLC) Joint-Stock Company (Business Corporation) • Law No. 10,406/2002 – Brazilian Civil Code • Law No. 6,404/1976, supplemented by Law No. 10,303/2001. (from Article 1,052 to Article 1,087). Applicable Legislation • Normative Ruling No. 100, of April 19, 2006, issued by the National Trade Registry Department (DNRC), establishing the Manual on Registry Acts of Sociedade Anônima. • Business company formed by individuals or capital. • Business corporation formed by either public or private capital (either publicly- or closely-held companies). • For-profit. Legal Name • Corporate Name: name of one or more of company’s partners + “Limitada” or “Ltda.”; or • Denomination: corporate object + “Limitada” or “Ltda.” • For-profit. • Denomination: fictitious business name or shareholders´ civil name + company’s core business + “Sociedade Anônima” or “Companhia” or “S.A.” or “Cia.” (the latter cannot be placed at the end of corporate denomination). • Law No. 12,441/2011, which amends provisions in the Brazilian Civil Code, introducing item VI to Article 44 and Article 980-A to Book II, Special Part. Additionally, it also amends the sole paragraph of Article 1,033. • Normative Ruling No. 117, of November 22, 2011, issued by the National Trade Registry Department (DNRC), establishing the Manual on Registry Acts of Empresa Individual de Responsabilidade Limitada. Appendix Classification • Normative Ruling No. 98, of December 23, 2003, issued by the National Trade Registry Department (DNRC), establishing the Manual on Registry Acts of Sociedade Limitada. Eireli (Individual Company Of Limited Liability) • Individual company. • For-profit. • Corporate Name: holder´s name + “Eireli”; or • Denomination: corporate object + “Eireli”. Source: Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 122 Ministry of Finance Main Types of Business Organizations in Brazil Partners Composition • Two or more partners. • Individuals or legal entities (of Brazilian or foreign origin1). • At least two shareholders for closely-held companies and three for publicly-held ones. • Individuals or legal entities (of Brazilian or foreign origin). • Articles of association/Bylaw. • Articles of incorporation/Bylaw. • Registry and filing at the competent Board • Registry and filing at the competent Board of Trade of Trade (Junta Comercial). (Junta Comercial). Corporate Capital • Divided into shares. • No minimum capital is required, but shareholders must • Divided in quotas. integrate at least 10% of the issuance price of the shares subscribed in cash. • No minimum corporate capital is legally • The bylaws will establish: required. - the number of shares; and • An increase of the corporate capital is - whether the shares will have nominal value or not. admitted as soon as all the subscribed • The corporate capital may be increased in the quotas are paid. Preferential rights are following cases: granted to keep the original share of the - issuance of shares provisioned in the bylaws; existing partners in the corporate capital. - conversion of debentures and participation certificates into shares; • The corporate capital may be subject to - deliberation of the Annual General Meeting regarding reduction in the following cases: capitalization of profits or reserves or issuance of new (i) occurrence of losses; or (ii) corporate capital is excessive pursuant to shares. the company’s corporate object. • The corporate capital may be reduced in the case of loss or excessive capital pursuant to the company´s corporate object. * Once the individual opts for an Eireli, he/she can run only one company under that modality. • Incorporation document (private instrument). • Registry and filing at the competent Trade Board (Junta Comercial). • Given that the company relies on a sole holder, it is not required that the corporate capital is divided into quotas. • The minimum corporate capital may not be less than one hundred times the sum of the highest minimum salary applied in Brazil on the date of filing for registration. Appendix Articles of Association / Incorporation • Only one holder – a one-man undertaking*. • Individual2 (of Brazilian or foreign origin). • Once it is immediately paid in, the corporate capital may be increased at any time. • The corporate capital may suffer a reduction, respected the minimum value required by law. Source: Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 123 Ministry of Finance Main Types of Business Organizations in Brazil Paying In Partners Liability • The articles of association shall establish the time limit for payment. • The bylaws shall establish the time limit for payment. • Any assets shall be used for paying in, provided that they are susceptible to cash assessments. • Any assets shall be used for paying in, provided that they are subject to expert assessment. • Any assets shall be used for paying in, provided that they are susceptible to cash assessments. • No liability: share subscribed and paid. • Limited to the capital that has been paid in. • Limited to the shares shareholders subscribed and have not yet paid for. • Unlimited: in case the corporate capital has not yet been paid in, unobserving the required minimum value. • Limited to the capital that has been paid in. • In case the corporate capital has not been fully paid in, the partners shall be deemed unlimitedly and jointly liable. • Control defined by the number of quotas. Control and Management • Control exercised by the sole holder. Appendix • Control defined by shareholders with voting rights. The controlling shareholder • Resolutions are taken during meetings (up owns a major portion of the voting capital. to 10 partners) or general meetings (more • In compliance with company’s bylaws, than 10 partners). corporate management will be performed • The company may be managed by a non- by the Board of Directors and the Executive partner, should that be provisioned in the Office, or solely by the Executive Office. articles of association. • The chair of the Executive Office, whether • A foreigner may be appointed to be shareholder or not, must reside in Brazil4. the manager provided that he/she has permanent visa and is not otherwise • The members of the Board of Directors may prevented from occupying management reside abroad, provided that they appoint a positions3. Brazilian-resident representative. • Statement, in the incorporation document, that the corporate capital has been fully paid in. • An Eireli may be managed by its owner or by a non-owner, as indicated on the incorporation document. • A foreigner may be appointed to be the manager, provided that he/ she has a permanent visa and is not otherwise prevented from occupying management positions5. Source: Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX) Produced by: Ministry of Finance 124 Ministry of Finance Main Types of Business Organizations in Brazil Termination/ Dissolution • The dissolution occurs in the following cases: (i) at the end of its term; (ii) unanimous resolution of all quota holders; (iii) resolution of quota holders representing an absolute majority, in companies with an undetermined term of duration; (iv) insufficient plurality of quota holders; (v) expiration of company´s license to operate; (vi) court decision; and (vii) bankruptcy (Article 1,033; Article 1,034; and Article 1,087 of the Brazilian Civil Code). Appendix • Judicial or extrajudicial liquidation shall take place after the company is terminated. The remaining assets shall be distributed to the quota holders proportionally to their respective quotas. • The dissolution comes into effect either by court decision or by the ruling of competent administrative authorities. Incorporation, merger and spin-off are forms of dissolution. • Compliance with Sociedade Limitada’s rules, wherever applicable. • Judicial or extrajudicial liquidation shall take place after the company is terminated. The remaining assets shall be distributed to the shareholders proportionally to their respective shares. 1 Foreign shareholding in business activities in Brazil is limited to the constitutional restrictions and constraints that discipline foreign shareholding in Brazilian companies. Normative Ruling No. 76/1998, issued by the National Trade Registry Department (DNRC), disciplines the filing of acts of commercial companies or cooperatives with foreign shareholders that are resident and domiciled in Brazil; individuals, of Brazilian or foreign origin, resident and domiciled abroad; and legal entities headquartered abroad. Its annex brings a list with business activities that are either restricted or forbidden to foreign shareholding. 2 As understood by the National Trade Registry Department (DNRC). 3 For further information see the Annex of Normative Ruling No. 76/1998, issued by the DNRC (only in Portuguese). 4 Individuals of foreign origin are entitled to exercise managing positions provided that they have a permanent visa. Individuals of foreign origin are entitled to be members of a company’s Audit Board if they reside in Brazil. 5 For further information see the Annex of Normative Ruling No. 76/1998, issued by the DNRC (only in Portuguese). • Credits: This document was prepared by the Legal Unit of Apex-Brasil in February, 2012. Staff: Silvia Menicucci (Legal Coordinator), Patricia Gonçalves dos Santos (Legal Supervisor) and Camila Paschoal (Attorney). English version: Simonny V. Soares. • The information disclosed in this document may be freely reproduced, provided the source is acknowledged. • This document does not replace legal advice from an attorney. 125 Ministry of Finance Useful links Ministry of Finance language=en Planning and Logistics Company (EPL) National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC) Energy Research company (EPE) National Agency for Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) National Agency for Road Transport (ANTT) National Agency of Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ) Appendix Portal Brasil Produced by: Ministry of Finance 126 Ministry of Finance Useful links Special Secretariat of Ports Civil Aviation Secretariat Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX) Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) Banco do Brasil National Network for Investments Information (RENAI) CAIXA Appendix Ministry of Mines and Energy Produced by: Ministry of Finance 127 Ministry of Finance Glossary - Institutions Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires CAGED General Registry of the Employed and Unemployed MDIC Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade ANAC National Agency for Civil Aviation CCEE Electric Energy Trading Chamber MME Ministry of Mines and Energy Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association CMN National Monetary Council RAIS Annual Social Information Relation National Electricity Agency CVM Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil RENAI National Network for Investments Information Brazilian Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufactures EPE Energy Research Company SAC Civil Aviation Secretariat National Agency for Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels EPL Brazilian Logistics & Planning Company SEP Secretariat of Ports ANTAQ National Agency of Waterway Transportation FAO Food and Agriculture Organization STN Brazilian National Treasury Secretariat ANTT National Agency for Road Transport IBGE Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics TCU Federal Court of Auditors APEX Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency IMF International Monetary Fund São Paulo Stock Exchange and the Brazilian Mercantile & Futures Exchange IPEA Institute for Applied Economic Research Brazilian Development Bank MAPA Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply ANBIMA ANEEL ANFAVEA ANP BM&FBOVESPA BNDES UNCTAD Glossary ABCR United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 128 Ministry of Finance Glossary - Terms PNAD National Survey by Household Sample/IBGE Annual Average Daily Traffic HPP Hydro Power Plant CRI Certificate of Real Estate Receivables ICMS Merchandise Circulation and Services Tax PSI Investment Maintenance Program DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio IOF Financial Operation Tax RAP Allowed Annual Revenue EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization IPI Tax over Industrial Products SPC Specific Purpose Company EIRELE Individual Company Of Limited Liability IPCA Broad National Consumer Price Index / IBGE TJLP Brazil Long Term Interest Rate FDI Foreign Direct Investment LLC Limited Liability Company TPP Thermal Power Plan FIC Fund of Funds MP Legal Act SELIC Special System for Settlement and Custody FIDC Credit Rights Investment Funds PAC Growth Acceleration Program FIP Share Investment Fund PPA Pluri-Annual Plan GDP Gross Domestic Product PIS/COFINS Glossary AADT Social Contributions 129 Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance B R A Z I L I A N G O V E R N M E N T Art Visual Project and Final Art: Viviane Barros Cover: Alline Luz, André Nóbrega, Daniel Gizo and Viviane Barros Layout Development: Alline Luz, André Nóbrega, Letícia Lopes and Viviane Barros Design Trainee: Bárbara Vonne and Marco Miranda 130