a way to connect - Central Baptist Oakville
a way to connect - Central Baptist Oakville
insıde central a way to connect Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo E d i t o r – E r r o l A n d e r s o n / G r a p h i c D e s i g n – B i l l G o o d b ra n d • October / Outubro 2013 — Volume 2 Issue 7 340 Rebecca Street, Oak ville, Ontario L6K 1K3 • 905.845.2942 • www.cbcoak ville.ca From the Editor ent the October issue It is a pleasure for Bill and me to pres our Youth and Children’s of Inside Central, and many thanks to her contributions and for her Pastor, Jacklyn Rondini Caveden for translations. sixtieth anniversary Our next issue will coincide with our celebrate that landmark. celebrations, and much is planned to issue. It is very much in Please see “Upcoming Events” in this and so I am sending a order to be nostalgic at this milestone milestones for the November request for contributions about past like contributions from our issue. In addition, I would especially teens and younger people. Hope you enjoy reading this issue!. Yours in Christ! Errol Anderson October 2013 Wednesday, October 16 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7:30-9:00 p.m. – Prayer Shawl Ministry 1 2 3 4 5 Sunday, October 20 10:00 a.m. – Induction Service for Pastorelect Jacklyn Rondini Caveden. Guest Preacher: Rev. João Garcia Sunday, October 27 10:00 a.m. – Guest Preacher: Layton Friesen, King’s Community Church, Oakville Sunday, November 3 10:00 a.m. – Guest Preacher - Rev. Pat Nowlan, Central Sun, Novmber 10 11:30 a.m. – Big Ideas - The Courtyard Saturday, November 16 7:00 p.m. – 60th Anniversary Celebration with light refreshments and entertainment Sunday, November 17 10:00 a.m. – Combined 60th Anniversary service with our former Pastor Rev. Richard Root. Wednesday, November 20 7:30 p.m. – Combined Missionary talk with Joyce Hancock speaking of “loaves and fishes”, “pain et poisson” Saturday, November 23 8:30 a.m. – Fall Clean up Sunday, November 24 10:00 a.m. – Church Budget meeting following the service. Sunday, December 1 7 pm. – Evening Combined Carol Service 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 To our visitors. Welcome to the joy of worship and the warmth of our congregation! If you are searching for a local church home, we invite you to make your home with us. If you are a newcomer, please include your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number on the Contact Cards. We’re glad you’re here! We encourage you to feel free to participate in any church activities you read about in this bulletin. If you have any questions, please speak with an usher. 27 28 29 30 For complete listing please visit www.cbcoakville.ca/calendar.html Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Gates of Inclusion On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there “ will be no night there. The glory and honour of the nations will be brought into it. ” - Revelation 21:25-26 In Revelation 21:25-25, John describes the new Jerusalem - the City of God - as a place where the gates of the city no longer need to be shut: A place where people can safely travel in and out of the city walls through open gates of inclusion. You see, gates exist as a means of moving us beyond protective walls that serve to either keep people in or else keep people out. While walls and bolted gates can serve to protect us from those we fear, they also isolate us from those we are called to serve in Jesus’ name. michel’s musings Open gates on the other hand exist to provide a path through the very walls and fences that make it difficult, if not impossible, for us to fulfil our mandate as disciples of Jesus Christ. Like the gates of the New Jerusalem, it is God’s desire that our church gates be perpetually opened - fostering an environment of inclusion and belonging. However, creating and sustaining an inclusive community where people can enter freely across generational, cultural, theological and linguistic barriers requires intentionality on our part. Sometimes, it can be as easy as opening a gate and inviting others to travel through it with us. At other times, it may require the breaking down of old walls that continue to divide us, and installing gates in their place. Look around. Do you see gates of inclusion where young and old, lost and saved, churched and unchurched men and women, English and Portuguese speakers can pass through and encounter one another? Do you see old walls of division which are in desperate need of being torn down and replaced with gates of inclusion? May we at Central strive to be a place where our gates remain open and people experience a sense of Belonging in Christ. Pastor Michel, Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ October 2013 — Page 2 Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo Portuguese Ministry Filhos de Abraão Children of Abraham ... E não comeceis a dizer a vós “ mesmos: Abraão é nosso pai; porque eu ... And do not begin to say to “ yourselves, ‘Abraham is our father: for I vos digo que até destas pedras Deus pode say unto you that out of these stones God dar filhos a Abraão. ” - Lucas 3:8 Os judeus pensavam, como muitos cristãos ainda hoje pensam, que o povo de Israel (aqueles que descendem fisicamente de Abraão) tinha uma especial vantagem diante de Deus em relação a qualquer outro povo. Julgavam que o fato de Deus ter escolhido Abraão para sucitar da sua descendência um povo santo, concedia à descendência de Abraão um tratamento especial. Este é um erro comum dos judeus e de muitos cristãos pelo mundo espalhados. Confundem a nação de Israel com o Israel espiritual de Deus. Uma é a realidade física, geográfica, política e militar. Outra, completamente diferente, é a realidade espiritual. O povo de Deus na terra é a Igreja, a comunidade dos regenerados pelo Espírito Santo, a congregação de todos os salvos, de todas as nações, povos, tribos, línguas e culturas. O Israel espiritual de Deus não é nacional, mas um povo que transcende toda e qualquer fronteira. O apóstolo Paulo ensina esta doutrina de forma cristalinamente clara em suas epístolas. A verdadeira circuncisão não é a da carne, mas a do coração, operada não pelo homem, mas pelo Espírito de Deus. Paulo ensina que os verdadeiros filhos de Abraão são aqueles que seguem o caminho da fé, como Abraão seguiu. Não tenho nenhum parentesco sanguínio com Abraão ou com qualquer dos seus descendentes diretos. No entanto, sou filho de Abraão porque creio como Abraão. Mais importante ainda: sou filho de Deus pela fé em Jesus. Por sua graça Deus me adotou como seu filho e me deu um novo nome. Aleluia. Rev. Dine Lota, Pastor, Portuguese Ministry can give children unto Abraham. ” - Lucas 3:8 The Jews thought, like many Christians today think that the people of Israel (those physically descended from Abraham) had a special advantage before God in relation to any other people. They thought that God chose Abraham for his descendants to be a holy people, the descendants of Abraham gave special treatment. This is a common mistake of the Jews and many Christians around the world. Confuse the nation of Israel to the spiritual Israel of God. One is the physical reality, geographical, political and military. Another, completely different, is the spiritual reality. The people of God on earth is the Church, the community of regenerated by the Holy Spirit, the congregation of all the saved of all nations, peoples, tribes, languages and cultures. The spiritual Israel of God is not a nation but a people that transcend any border. The apostle Paul teaches this doctrine so crystal clear in his epistles. The true circumcision is not the meat, but the heart, operated not by man but by God’s Spirit. Paul teaches that the true children of Abraham are those who follow the path of faith, like Abraham did. I have no blood relationship with Abraham or any of its direct descendants. However, I am the son of Abraham because I believe as Abraham. Most importantly I am a child of God by faith in Jesus. By his grace God adopted me as his son and gave me a new name. hallelujah Rev. Diné Lota, Pastor, Portuguese Ministry Outubro 2013 — Página 3 Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Back To Church Sunday Report September 15, 2013 – CBC Youth and Children engaged in an exciting ministry outreach. Station such as Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Cupcake decorating, Face Painting, Manicure and Kids Tunnel were set-up on site to serve our local church and friends of the community who joined us for this Back to Church Sunday. How exciting it was to see visitors we’d been praying for attending the event. Our youth and children ministries came together to serve one another. Specifically the youth were responsible for the stations serving the younger generation, thus building bridges. They did an awesome job. We thank Joshua Belzile and Nathan Bell who arrived early to set up the tables and provide support to our youth. We stand excited to see how this event will bring fruits throughout the year to our local church and ministries. Domingo de Volta A Igreja 15 de setembro, 2013 – Os Adolescentes e Crianças da nossa Igreja embarcaram num emocionante ministério de evangelismo e missão. Montamos estacões na frente da Igreja para servir nossas crianças e comunidade. As estacões foram as seguintes: Tenda de Pipoca, Algodão Doce, Decoração de Cupcake, Pintura Facial, Manicure e Tunel das Crianças. Tudo isso para servir a nossa Igreja local e os amigos ali convidados. Como foi emocionante ver os visitantes pelo qual estávamos orando. Os adolescentes foram responsáveis pelas estações para assim servirem a geração mais nova, especificamente o ministério infantil da EBD, com o objetivo de aumentar o relacionamento entre os dois ministério. Eles fizeram um excelente serviço ao Senhor. Agradecemos Joshua Belzile e Nathan Bell, que chegaram cedo para montar as mesas e prestar apoio aos nossos adolescentes. Ficamos na expectativa em como este evento irá trazer frutos ao longo do ano para o ministério local da nossa Igreja Central. Jacklyn Caveden, Youth and Children’s Ministry Seniors Ministry Seniors Group Lunch-in September 19, 2013 – Seniors Group Lunch-in such a delightful event. What a privilege it was to sit with such Godly and wise individuals. I praise the Lord for Godly man and woman who go before us leaving us an example to follow. The meal prepared by Deolinda Pereira was delicious. Following that, there were songs of worship and encouragement filling the church ambience with praise and thanksgiving. Thank you, Lord for the opportunity to sit in on such an event as this. Dia 19 de Setembro de 2013 – Encontro da Terceira Idade. Que privilegio foi participar desse evento tao especial ao lado de pesssoas sabias e piedosas. Foi um tempo de comunhao ao redor da mesa muito especial. A nossa querida irma Deolinda Pereira preparou uma sopa deliciosa estilo portuguesa. Em seguida enquanto louvavam October 2013 — Page 4 ouviamos os louvores pelas salas da Igreja. Obrigada Senhor pela oportunidade de participar de um dia como esse. Um dia louvor e gratidao. Jacklyn Caveden, Youth and Children’s Ministry Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo Highlights from Board of Ministry and Outreach Errol Anderson agreed to be our Chair for the coming year. Board members will serve on the following teams: • Portuguese Language Ministry (PLM) Deolinda Periera, Paulo Rebelo with Pastor Dine; • Children and Youth Ministry: Kathy Geisler and Francisco Braz with Pastor Jacklyn; • English Language Ministry (ELM) Audrey Caldwell and James Fletcher with Pastor Michel. It was the Board’s decision to send $6,000 from Central Baptist’s 2012 surplus funds to Canadian Baptist Ministries; to be directed towards the relief efforts in Lebanon under the supervision of Global Field Staff, Rupen Das. Quoting from FALL MOSAIC 2013 “CBM’s partner, the LSESD, is working through a network of inter-denomination churches in Lebanon and inside Syria to provide food aid for close to 30,000 people, medicine and medical assistance, safe places for children through local church programs...” These funds were sent along with the prayers of Central Baptist Church. Looking into the future we have booked Camp Kwasind for Sept. 12-14, 2014 for a Central Baptist Church retreat. C Rev. Pat Nowlan, Board of Ministry and Outreach e ra nt l Bap ti SPECIAL PRAYERS “ Prayer List Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours Mark 11:24 ” Let us remember our brothers & sisters in our prayers especially: • Dorothy Barnard who is recovering in hospital. • June McBurney who is recovering from a fall. • Yvanice Goulart who is recovering from surgery • Jerry Roskaft who is back in hospital and is experiencing complications from his illness. • Kayla, a young friend of the Wilsons who will undergo Chemotherapy. Primary Source – The Gospel of Mark The First and Third Wednesda ys of each month - 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Led by Pastor Michel, this semi-m onthly evening English language Bible Study and Discus sion group is currently studying the Gospel of Mark. We meet in the Anderson Room at Central Sixtieth Anniversary Committee st Tickets for the Saturday, Nov 16th celebrations are now on sale. Ch urch Anniversary Tickets can be purchased after Sunday services outside the sanctuary. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children (12 and under) and children under 2 are free. There is a family maximum of $25. We are also looking for people to contribute to the entertainment portion of the evening. If you would like to participate, please see Winnie Spencer to sign up. Hope to see you all there! Blessings, Marcy Scott, Chair, 60th Anniversary Committee. Outubro 2013 — Página 5 Belonging, Believing, Becoming in Christ Our weekly meetings are filled with Bible Studies followed by small group discussions and fellowship time. It is a joy to see the youth coming together and building bridges with one another and with those who join in from the community. It is encouraging to see the youth working out their gifts and talents. On a particular Wednesday one youth brought the Bible Study. On another occasion two other youth (one from the English Language Ministry and another from the Portuguese language ministry) lead together the one-on-one Bible study groups. We are growing together as a Church and ministry. October 27-29 the youth are engaging in a spiritual retreat at Scott Mission camp. Twenty-two youth are registered and will embark on a life-changing weekend. We are excited for what the Lord is doing and will do in the lives of each and every one of these. Jacklyn Caveden, Youth and Children’s Ministry Encontro dos Adolescentes Nossas reuniões semanais sao com estudos bíblicos seguidos por pequenos grupos e tempo de comunhão e adoração. Que alegria ver o grupo crescendo junto em Cristo e desenvolvendo seus talentos. Em uma determinada Quarta-Feira uma de nossos adolescentes dirigiu o Estudo Bíblico e em outra ocasião, duas outras adolescentes dirigiram o Estudo Bíblico em grupos (Uma do Ministério de Lingua Portuguesa e outra do Ministério de Lingua Inglesa). Estamos crescendo juntos como Igreja e corpo de Cristo. Nos dia 27-29 de Setembro estaremos no retiro espiritual na Missão Scott em Caledon. Vinte e dois jovens estão registrados e vão embarcar em um final de semana de crescimento espiritual e mudança de vida. Estamos animados para o que o Senhor está fazendo e vai fazer na vida de cada um destes. Jacklyn Caveden, Youth and Children’s Ministry Choir Practices Proposed Thursday night practices: October 10 & 24 November 14, 21, 28 September 2013 — Page 6 Pertencer, Crer, Tornar-se em Cristo Finance Update Revenues, Eight Months ended August 2013 Actual General Offerings Other Income – Rentals Total Revenue $186,955 $ 33,416 $220,371 BudgetBetter/(Worse) $211,400 $ 22,000 $233,400 ($24,455) $ 11,416 ($13,029) Let us try to pick up the relatively significant shortfall over the next couple of months. Anniversary Fundraiser Almost there! We need less than $2,000 to achieve the objective. Keep up the great work. We are almost ready to commence the major project of the fundraiser - our Foyer/vestibule upgrading. Congratulations!!! Dwight Nowlan, Chair, Board of Finance From our Treasurer Coming Soon! Starting in January 2014, we will be launching a Pre-Authorized Offering Program (POP) for donations to the Church, made possible through FaithLife Financial. For anyone who chooses to enroll, offerings will be made by a monthly pre-authorized debit from your bank account. Regular withdrawals will aid you in your own budgeting and eliminate the need for cash or cheques on Sunday mornings. All information is completely confidential, and all contributions will continue to be eligible for charitable tax receipts from the Church. You can subscribe or unsubscribe, adjust your monthly amount, or change banking information at any time. Enrollment forms will be available at our Annual Budget Meeting on Sunday, November 24th. If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like an enrollment form, or if you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Suzanne Houser, Treasurer. Suzanne Houser, Treasurer. And Finally… Thank you to all who have contributed to this issue. We would love to have more participation, especially from the Portuguese congregation. Do let the church office know if you have any items, family news, ministry interests etc. Also, if you would like to receive this Newsletter by e-mail, please also let the church office know. Outubro 2013 — Página 7