1. Unscramble the words below EXAMPLE: SLTAEPR: STAPLER a
1. Unscramble the words below EXAMPLE: SLTAEPR: STAPLER a
1. Unscramble the words below EXAMPLE: SLTAEPR: STAPLER a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. GHRIHGHGLITE: _____________ OFDLRE IFEL: ______________ PNE: _____________ CDIPOLABR: ____________ CASLP PEVONELE: _________________ CARALUOLCT: _________________ LDQIIU APRPE: ________________ CRAHI: ________________ EARERS: ______________ SICSRSOS: _____________ KIN TSAPM: _______________ OMSUE: _________________ DAREWR GRAZONRIE: _________________ FIEL TARY: __________________ 2. Write the name of the objects: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ 3. Complete the conversation below: Andrew: Hi, I am Andrew. I am one of the Project managers from the US team. I will be staying here in São Paulo for the next two weeks. You: Welcome Andrew. ______________________know. Susan ____________________. You can _____________________. Andrew: Oh yeah. Thanks. I know Susan. She’s been great. I need to print some documents for my next meeting, can you help me with that? You: Sure. If you want to send them to my email, I can print them for you. In case ___________________________________ 2632. Andrew: Great. I will send you the files, but I will also set up the printer. I could really use some coffee. Is there a ______ _________ anywhere around this department? You: Sure. There is a small kitchen down the hall. You should find some coffee over there. Well, I am _____________ lunch. Would ______________________? Andrew: I am sorry I can’t. I have a call in 10 minutes, but thanks. Maybe tomorrow? You: Great! I am going to grab a bite to eat then, see you later. Andrew: Bye!