jose mauro pereira junqueira fazenda marimbondo


jose mauro pereira junqueira fazenda marimbondo
Characteristics of the coffee lot: Characteristics of the farm:
Processing type: Pulped Natural
Variety: Yellow Bourbon
Quantity of bags: 12 Bags
Average elevation of the areas
where the coffee was harvested:
about 971 m (3186 ft)
Location: Soledade de Minas
Region: Mantiqueira de Minas
Total area: 172 Hectares (425
Area planted with coffee: 27
hectares (67 acres)
Lowest elevation: 621 m (2037 ft)
Highest elevation: 977 m (3205 ft)
Telephone: 33341346
[email protected]
History of the farm
The farm was 1/3 acquired by inheritance from his parents, Francisco Junqueira and Maria José
Pereira Junqueira. The other 2/3 was bought at the time that coffee had commercial value to
cover expenses and enough left over for investment.
Coffee processing system
The coffee was picked by hand and with our own machinery. Pulped and dried on a cement
patio, raked by hand.
Concern about quality
Concern about quality is an objective pursued throughout the entire process: choice of seedling,
variety of coffee, choice of place where it was planted, fertilization, harvest, washing,
preparation of the bean (pulping and drying).