© 2006, Global Shark Accident File. All rights reserved. This report
CASE: GSAF 2006.08.22.b DATE: Tuesday August 22, 2006 LOCATION: Pina, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil NAME: Tatiano Silva de Melo DESCRIPTION: He was a 17-year-old male. NARRATIVE: No details. When the boy’s body was found on the beach, it had been bitten by sharks. It is possible that cause of death was drowning. SOURCE: JC (See next page for original text and translation) © 2006, Global Shark Accident File. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File. Google Translation Broken body is found in Pina. It may be the 51st victim Published on 24.08.2006 JC OnLine For almost a month, JC OnLine addressed the impact of shark attacks in Pernambuco, they did, in the last 14 years, 50 victims - between swimmers and surfers - leaving a balance of 19 dead and 31 mutilated. On Thursday (24) at the end of the series of reports, the news of a body found on wrecked Pina Beach, Recife, two days before, may indicate the increasing number of fatalities. The Institute of Legal Medicine (IML) did not rule out shark attack hypothesis, but the official report will only be released in 10 days. The body of Tatiano Silva de Melo, 17 years, was found on Tuesday (22), around 10:30 am, by Brasilia Stubborn fishermen. The corpse was in a stretch near the reefs, known for Trapiche. The teenager was found with the disfigured face and destroyed part of the chest. The IML needed the help of Tavares Cutters Identification Institute to identify the victim. Even with the end of the series of reports, the special Shark - Pernambuco Siege will still be available at JC OnLine, with updated information in real time on any subject related to animal attacks in the state. The result of the IML's report, for example, will be informed on the site once it is released by the body. It is also in the air space of interactivity with the Internet, where everyone is invited to leave their opinion and contribute to the discussion of a solution to the problem. (J.) ……………………….. Original Text Corpo destroçado é achado no Pina. Pode ser a 51ª vítima Publicado em 24.08.2006 Do JC OnLine Durante quase um mês, o JC OnLine abordou as repercussões dos ataques de tubarões em Pernambuco, que fizeram, nos últimos 14 anos, 50 vítimas - entre banhistas e surfistas -, deixando um saldo de 19 mortos e 31 mutilados. Nesta quinta (24), ao final da série de reportagens, a notícia de um corpo encontrado destroçado na Praia do Pina, no Recife, dois dias antes, pode indicar o aumento do número de vítimas fatais. O Instituto de Medicina Legal (IML) não descartou a hipótese de ataque de tubarão, mas o laudo oficial só será divulgado em 10 dias. O corpo de Tatiano Silva de Melo, 17 anos, foi encontrado nessa terça-feira (22), por volta das 10h30, por pescadores de Brasília Teimosa. O cadáver estava em um trecho próximo aos arrecifes, conhecido por Trapiche. O adolescente foi achado com o rosto desfigurado e parte do tórax destroçado. O IML precisou da ajuda do Instituto de Identificação Tavares Buril para identificar a vítima. Mesmo com o fim da série de reportagens, o especial Tubarão - Pernambuco em Alerta vai © 2006, Global Shark Accident File. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
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