Swimming CASE: GSAF 1980.03.28 DATE: Friday March 28, 1980


Swimming CASE: GSAF 1980.03.28 DATE: Friday March 28, 1980
DESCRIPTION: A student who swam daily at
Copacabana Beach.
MOON PHASE: Full Moon, March 31, 1980
TIME: Afternoon
NARRATIVE: When J.M. felt the shark bite hisr right leg, instinctively he looked in the
water, saw the shark and used his left leg to kick the fish in the head until it let go. As the
shark circled, the swimmer shouted for help. The shark bit the swimmer a second time, then
rescuers in a motor boat pulled the swimmer from the water.
TREATMENT: Lifesavers provided first aid and the swimmer was admitted to Hospital
Miguel Couto where his injures were treated
INJURY: The swimmer’s right thigh was bitten, but the injury was not serious.
SPECIES: The incident involved a two-metre shark, possibly a mako shark.
NOTE: There was a fatal shark attack on a swimmer at Copacabana beach in 1940 in
which the man bled to death. Two hours later the shark was seen, its dorsal fin cutting
through the water for more than an hour.
SOURCE: Marcelo Szpilman
© Global Shark Accident File, 2004. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
Bruno Barby
ACTIVITY: Swimming
CASE: GSAF 1980.03.28
DATE: Friday March 28, 1980
LOCATION: The incident took place in the South
Atlantic Ocean at Copacabana Beach, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
No tarde do dia 28 de March, na Praia de Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro (RI), o estudante J.M.
como fazia todos os dias, nadava a 200 metres para for da praia quando foi atacedo por um
shark. Sentiu uma dentada na perna direita e, Instintivamente, olhou para dentro da aqua. Viu um
shark de cerca de dois mentros e chutou sua cabeca com a outra perna. O shark o soltou e
passou a nadir em circulos a sua volta. JM ficou bolando e gritou por Socorro.O shark investiu
mais uma vez sobre o estudante e mordeu-lhe a cosa direita. Logo depois, uma lancha do
Salvamar chegou e o retirou da agua. Os dois salva-vidas que o coxa direeita. Logo depois, uma
lancha do salvaram ainda viram o shark, com o dorso escuro e a barriaga branca, afastar-se do
J.M. deu entrada no Hospital Miguel Couto, onde constatou-se tartar-se de feridas
faceocontusas—semelhantes a perfuracoes acompanhadas de contuses—nao muito graves. O
estudante levou apenoas seis pontos. Pelo tipe de ferimento o pessoal do Salvamar especulou
tratar – se de um shark mako e foreneceu de que so sabiam de um caso anterior de ataque de
shark a swimmer na praia Copacabana. Ocorrido na decade de 1940, em que um homen teve
parte de perne estracalhada e morreu devido a hemorragia. Duas horas depois, um shark, com as
mesmas caracteristicas, foi visto na Praia do Leblon. A nadadeira dorsal aparecia bem visivael na
superficial do agua e logos depos desparaecia. Suas evolucoes foram acompanhadas por varios
banhistas durante mais de meta hora. Alguns peixes estracalhados apareram na praia, jogados
na areia pele mare.
Google translation:
In the afternoon of 28 March, on Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro (RI), JM student as he did
every day, swam 200 meters to the beach when he was attacked by a shark. He felt a bite on his
right leg and, instinctively looked into the water. Saw a shark about two metres and kicked his
head with the other leg. The shark let go and went on to nadir in circles around him. JM was
plotting and shouted Socorro. O shark invested once again on the student and bit off his right
cosa. Then a Salvamar the boat arrived and removed the water. The two lifeguards that direeita
thigh. Soon after, a boat's saved yet seen the shark, with dark back and white barriaga, move
away from the site.
JM was received at the Miguel Couto Hospital, where it was found tartar is faceocontusas-like
wounds piercings accompanied by bruises-not very serious. The student took apenoas six points.
The injury tipe Salvamar the staff speculated treat—If a mako shark and foreneceu that so knew
from a previous case of the swimmer shark attack on Copacabana beach. Occurred in the decade
of 1940, in which a part of man had shattered stud and died due to bleeding. Two hours later, a
shark, with the same characteristics, has been seen on Leblon Beach. The dorsal fin appeared
well visivael the surface of the water and logos Exeter desparaecia. His developments were
accompanied by several swimmers for more than hour goal. Some shattered apareram fish on the
beach, played in the sand skin mare.
© Global Shark Accident File, 2004. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.

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