20 15 activities report - Fundo Brasil de Direitos Humanos
20 15 activities report - Fundo Brasil de Direitos Humanos
ACTIVITIES REPORT 20 15 Who we are Founders Abdias do Nascimento (1914-2011) Margarida Genevois Rose Marie Muraro (1930-2014) Dom Pedro Casaldáliga BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board of Trustees Jorge Eduardo Durão – president Gersem Luciano (Baniwa) – president Atila Roque – vice-president and head of projects Atila Roque Mafoane Odara – vice-president and head of training Bruno Torturra Marcos José Pereira da Silva – vice-president and head of finance Fundo Brasil de Direitos Humanos / Brazil Human Rights Fund Darci Frigo Denise Dora STAFF Address: Rua Santa Isabel, 137 – Conjunto 42 Jorge Eduardo Durão Ana Valéria Araújo – executive director São Paulo – SP – CEP 01221-010 Juana Kweitel Maíra Junqueira – deputy executive director and manager of Phone: + 55 11 3256-7852 Jurema Werneck relations with society www.fundodireitoshumanos.org.br Kenarik Boujikian facebook.com/fundobrasil Letícia Sabatella Gislene Aniceto – administrative and financial manager Mafoane Odara Taciana Gouveia – projects manager twitter.com/fundobrasil EDITORIAL BOARD AND STAFF Marcos José Pereira da Silva Susy Yoshimura Célia Elizabete F. da Luz – cleaning assistant Editor: Ana Valéria Araújo Veriano Terto Cristina Camargo – communication officer Editing staff: Ana Valéria Araújo, Débora Borges e Maíra Junqueira Débora Borges – communication officer Texts: Cristina Camargo Financial COMMITTEE Giovanna Gundim – partnership mobilization intern Photos: Acervo Fundo Brasil Karla Battistella – president Luiza Kaneko – administrative assistant Graphic Design: Brazz Design Fernanda Mioto – vice-president Maria Chiriano – projects advisor Gisela Sales Cordeiro Mayk Cardoso – financial analyst All material published in this report is under the Creative Commons license CC.BY.4.0 (https: // Marcelino dos Santos (substitute) Otávio Ramos – partnership mobilization officer creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) and it may be reproduced without prior permission of Marta Elizabete Vieira Santana (substitute) Thamara de Carvalho – partnership mobilization assistant the Brazil Human Rights Fund, provided citing the original source, including the author of the text Rui de Sá Rodrigues (substitute) Ully Carolina Barbosa Zizo – administrative assistant or photo if applicable. Derivative works must be licensed by CC.BY.4.0 INDEX OUR ACTIONS 7 Mission 8 Our Numbers 9 In defense of the human rights pact - Jorge Eduardo Durão 10 Looking to the future - Ana Valeria Araujo 12 Strategic Review 15 SOCIAL MOBILIZATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS55 56 Engaging INDIVIDUALS Say yes 56 Nota Fiscal Paulista (São Paulo State’s electronic invoice system) 58 Brazilian Day 60 SUPPORTING CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS17 Grants 18 62 PROMOTING SOCIAL JUSTICE PHILANTHROPY Calls for Proposals 19 International Independent Funds Network Meeting 62 Fighting Institutional Violence and Discrimination 22 Participation in international networks 63 Fighting Human Trafficking 33 Strategic Litigation 36 64 STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Musical notes 65 Special Funding Line - Criminal Justice 38 Communication, violence and human rights 68 Pre-trial detention in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo 38 Strengthening the role of networks and movements 70 Pre-trial detention in the Northeast of Brazil with an Musical Dialogues 72 emphasis on racial issues 40 Emergency Fund 42 74 BALANCE SHEET AND AUDIT CAPACITY TRAINNING 46 ACNOWLEDGEMENTS 78 MONITORING 48 OUR ACTIONS OUR NUMBERS UP TO 2015 R$ 12 million donated to human rights organizations 10 annual calls for proposals and 7 specific calls MISSION 6,926 Brazil Human Rights Fund’s mission is to promote proposals were received the respect for human rights in Brazil, building 281 innovative and sustainable mechanisms to channel resources to strengthen civil society supported projects and develop philanthropy for social justice. 19 131 8 capacity-training workshops were held visits to projects in the five regions of the country 23 thematic seminars, concerts and other events 14 campaigns 21 communication products 9 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund However, even in such a hard scenario, we We live in a time when supporting the move on with ever-greater inspiration to development of ideas and collective leadership continue fighting for rights and against is key. This is a transitional moment, a time violations. The persistence of our activists, to begin the structuring of a new cycle of many of them supported by Brazil Fund, dialogues between the generation that won fighting for human rights in all regions of the rights and continues fighting for them and the country is a major source of inspiration. generation that wants to preserve them and at the same time, seek new achievements. This year, Brazil Fund has reached the mark In defense of the human rights pact Brazil Human Rights Fund plays a key In 2015, a symbolic year regarding of R$12 million donated to human rights One of the greatest challenges is the setbacks in the human rights field, we organizations throughout the country, ongoing effort undertaken to make everyone can mention two striking examples of through ten calls for proposals that resulted feel as subjects of human rights realizing threats. One was the police repression of in support for about 300 projects. This that many of these rights are enshrined students who demonstrated against the innovative work seeks to win more citizens to in the 1988 Constitution, which means closure of public schools in São Paulo. help strengthen democracy in the country. that they have already been exposed to Another example was the barbaric killing of five young black men in Costa Barros, It is impossible to deny the sense of in the north region of Rio de Janeiro. frustration in a scenario where the role in winning new rights and defending 10 debates, reflections, claims, dialogue. They cannot simply be discarded. conservative wing moves forward finding Human rights are the subject of a major the legacy conquered in recent years. Arriving to the conclusion that the pact for new supporters in the streets and on political dispute today, It is essential that we This legacy is in danger due to a period human rights is threatened is inevitable. social networks. But while there is a strong unite to defend the Constitutional pact. of setbacks such as the one we are now The conservative agenda of the National conservative wave, the activism formed living. Presently, we are watching, in the Congress calls into question Brazil’s by people who do not accept the setbacks We must not allow the wheel of international scene, a combination of wild structural advances since the 1988 and mobilize against situations such as the history to turn backwards. capitalism and all its consequences with Constitution, a document that served as the attempts to reduce legal age, violence against authoritarianism, which is something, institutional framework of Brazilian society’s black youth, homophobia, attacks on public Jorge Eduardo Durão many people believed to be in the past. reorganization after the military dictatorship. education and machismo, gains strength. President of Brazil Human Rights Fund 11 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund The foundation had the opportunity to innovate, supporting projects of mid-size and large organizations for periods longer than one year. We will continue supporting initiatives that defend human rights through our annual call Looking to the future Another innovational aspect was the for proposals and other calls and different partnerships signed with universities, which forms of specific support. One of them aims supported human rights clinics and their of such actions is to confront the violence interaction with civil society organizations. affecting youth in our country. Another Some of the actions planned for 2016, when line of work is aimed at the expansion of we celebrate our 10th anniversary, will help We must not forget the already traditional activities in the criminal justice area for the Brazil Fund to design its future. One of them support we provide to smaller organizations Northeast region, highlighting the racial issue is the external evaluation of our strategy who find it difficult to access other and its relation with pre-trial detention. regarding the support to projects through sources of funds. This work remains A year of expansion, this is how we define the backbone of our operations. the year 2015. This means we could increase We will continue working hard in actions debate on the human rights scenario, an concerning strategic communication. Our goal initiative started in 2015 during one of our the range of support we offered in the In 2015, we donated R$ 2,173,003.56 to is to expand actions that give visibility to the discussions. This should grant us the basis human rights field through partnerships. human rights organizations. In all, 281 causes and actors whom we support and to for the realization of a strategic planning. projects were supported in nearly a decade. contribute to the construction of a culture of philanthropy in Brazil focused on social justice. In 2015, in addition to our main call for proposals, which supports small projects We also expanded the emergency support, across the country, we supported projects a demand that has grown in recent times. through specific calls and through a 12 calls for proposals. Another is a follow-up We thank each and every one who contributed to our work in 2015 as we move on, together, One of the challenges for next year is the celebrating our achievements, filled with achievement of good results in what regards courage and strength to overcome future challenges and pursue new achievements. special funding line on the issue of criminal The upcoming 10th anniversary of Brazil Fund the mobilization of resources coming from justice. It benefited projects selected in in 2016 inspired the celebration of all that individuals and bringing new support to the 2014 supporting organizations that work has been accomplished by the Fund, It also annual call for proposals and to specific Ana Valéria Araújo to defend human rights in provisional brought us to assess the progress we have calls for the coming years, considering the Executive Director of Brazil prisons in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. made so far and what is yet to be tested. long-term sustainability of the Fund. Human Rights Fund 13 2015 Activities Report Strategic Review In June, at the headquarters of Brazil Fund, respected activists from different generations and backgrounds participated in a discussion on the current situation of human rights and the role of the Fund in the context of social and political transformations. Members of the Board of Trustees, our staff and guests analysed the current situation, reflected upon the achievements of recent decades and on the threats to human rights. This discussion was the first step of to evaluate the work performed by Brazil Fund over its ten years of existence. This is a continuous process so that Brazil Fund can improve strategies and find the best strategies to develop its work. 15 SUPPORTING CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund GRANTS Grants 22 Specific Call “Fighting Human Trafficking 8 Special Line - Criminal Justice 6 Call for Proposals “Strategic Litigation, Advocacy and Communication for the Promotion, Protection and Defense of Human Rights”” 11 Emergency Support 6 Total 53 litigation, advocacy and communication for the promotion, protection and defense 18 Annual Call for Proposals “Fight Against Institutional Violence and Discrimination” In 2015, Brazil Fund selected 30 new projects of human rights” call and through the that were supported by two calls. Through “Criminal Justice” special line selected its annual call, the Fund continued to in 2014 were also supported. support small projects fighting institutional In addition, Brazil Fund supported six violence and discrimination and through small emergency projects. The Fund a specific call, a new funding line was has allocated a total of R$ 2,173,003.56 created to fight human trafficking. to organizations defending human Projects coming through the “Strategic rights in all regions of the country. 19 Brazil Human Rights Fund Annual Call for Proposals “Fight against institutional violence and discrimination” Specific Call “Fighting Human Trafficking Special Line - Criminal Justice Call for Proposals “Strategic litigation, advocacy and communication for the promotion, protection and defense of human rights” RR AM MA AM CE PA RN PB PI PE TO AC SE RO BA MT GO DF MG ES MS SP PR SC RS 20 RJ AL Brazil Human Rights Fund Annual Call for Proposals “Fight against institutional violence and discrimination” Monica Oliveira, SEPPIR Consultant and former Director of Programs (Department of Total: R$ 835,112.10 Affirmative Action Policies); Renato Sergio, Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Forum on Public Security; and Brazil Fund received 626 proposals, Rivane Arantes, a lawyer and expert in human from which 22 projects were selected. rights and a researcher at SOS Corpo. They were presented by human rights organizations from various regions of the The Fund selects projects that articulate country and subjected to a comprehensive the fight against institutional violence and transparent selection process. and discrimination on one or more of the following themes: right to just and 22 The 2015 Selection Committee was formed sustainable cities; right to freedom of by Beth Cardoso, Program Coordinator of expression, organization and demonstration; the Women and Agroecology Network of right to free sexual orientation and gender the Zona da Mata Alternative Technologies identity; right to land and territory; women’s Center; Itamar Silva, IBASE Director (Brazilian rights; right of children and adolescents; Institute of Social and Economic Analysis); environmental rights within megaprojects; Joênia Carvalho Wapichana, CIR Legal confronting racism; tackling human Advisor (Indigenous Council of Roraima); trafficking and forced labour; guarantee Leticia Tura, Fase Nacional Executive Director; to the rule of law and criminal justice. ANTI-NUCLEAR ARTICULATION - CEARÁ OBJECTIVE: Providing legal monitoring to the environmental licensing 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Fight against institutional violence and discrimination grantees of the Santa Quiteria Project and organization of a campaign to AITESAMPA (TEMBE INDIGENOUS ASSOCIATION OF SANTA MARIA DO PARÁ) inform the risks of uranium and phosphate exploration, OBJECTIVE: Strengthen ties between the Jeju and Areal communities and the Tembe ACTIONS: Workshops, data analysis, articulation with the Public Ministry and Public Indigenous people from the Alto Rio Guama area, aiming at land demarcation. Defender’s offices, articles in the form of comics, videos and other information material, ACTIONS: Meetings and workshops involving the communities. Trip to MAIN THEMES: Environmental rights within megaprojects. Brasilia to demand the demarcation of this indigenous land MAIN THEMES: Right to land and territory. QUILOMBOLA MAROBÁ ASSOCIATION OF TEIXEIRA - MINAS GERAIS OBJECTIVE: Addressing the arbitrariness and discrimination suffered by 24 AMOTRANS-PE (TRANSVESTITES AND TRANSEXUALS them through the advancement of land regularization and territory recovery, COORDINATION AND MOVEMENT OF PERNAMBUCO) ensuring access to universal rights and strengthening the organization. OBJECTIVE: Creation of the Transgender Statute, ACTIONS: Monitoring, mobilization, land demarcation, map preparation, ACTIONS: Organization of the II Pernambuco Journey, a seminar community work for land demarcation, monitoring of administrative proceedings, and the creation of the Trans people statute. bringing visibility to the cause, capacity trainings, projects development. MAIN THEMES: Right to free sexual orientation and gender identity. MAIN THEMES: Right to land and territory. ASSOCIATION OF BABAÇU COCONUT BREAKERS WOMEN COMMUNITY RADIO ASSOCIATION OF CAMPO VERDE - PARÁ OF SÃO LUIZ GONZAGA - MARANHÃO / AMTQC OBJECTIVE: Intensifying the process of training and awareness raising in the OBJECTIVE: Addressing the violence suffered by rural black women in the city. main coastal communities affected by the dam of São Luiz do Tapajós. ACTIONS: Mapping and identification of types and degree of violence, ACTIONS: Systematization of information, training workshops, lectures, seminars, organization fostering the creation of spaces for training and information. of work groups, attendance in public hearings with federal prosecutors and other organizations. MAIN THEMES: Women Rights. MAIN THEMES: Environmental rights within megaprojects. ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT BAMIDELÊ - WOMEN ORGANIZATION IN PARAÍBA AND THE AMAZON RIVERS - APREMARA - RONDÔNIA OBJECTIVE: Contributing to the political organization of black youth, OBJECTIVE: Ensure the organization process and providing the required reinforcing the actions addressing institutional racism. tools to the people affected by dams for the defense of their rights. ACTIONS: Awareness raising workshops, organization of meetings, ACTIONS: Articulation meetings, training activities, mobilization and denouncing. trainings, campaigning and state meetings. MAIN THEMES: Environmental rights within megaprojects. MAIN THEMES: Confronting racism. 25 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Fight against institutional violence and discrimination grantees CEABIR - IRONIDES ROCK AFRO BRAZILIAN STUDIES CENTER - RIO DE JANEIRO HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE OF PASSO FUNDO (CDHPF) - RIO GRANDE DO SUL OBJECTIVE: Inform and train priests and practitioners of religions of African origin OBJECTIVE: Empower leaders and grassroots organized on legal aspects related to free exercise and the right to freedom of belief. groups to fight for the right to urban land. ACTIONS: Meetings, preparation of communication materials, participation in the state meeting. ACTIONS: Resumption of the working group, popular education MAIN THEMES: Confronting racism. and report on occupied and empty places in the city. MAIN THEMES: Right to just and sustainable cities. CENTER FOR THE DEFENSE OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS 26 PADRE MARCOS PASSERINI - MARANHÃO AMAZON INDIGENOUS SCHOOL EDUCATION FORUM’s COMMITTEE OBJECTIVE: Collect data to demonstrate the increasing number of teenagers murdered OBJECTIVE: Address racism, prejudice and discrimination against indigenous in the capital and in the metropolitan area between July 2013 and December 2014. people through capacity trainings, mobilization, information and mitigation. ACTIONS: Data collection, systematization, publication of results, attendance ACTIONS: Preparation and dissemination of a guidebook, capacity trainings, creation of a in public hearings, and organization of meeting with state management. 1-800 number to report violations, dissemination of results, addressing violation reports. MAIN THEMES: Rights of children and adolescents. MAIN THEMES: Confronting racism. WOMEN CENTER OF VITÓRIA DE SANTO ANTÃO - MARANHÃO GUARANI YVYRUPA COMISSION - PARANÁ OBJECTIVE: Provide participants with the opportunity to build OBJECTIVE: Strengthen the Ava-Guarani communities of West of Paraná through the fight knowledge on tools to fight human rights violations. against impunity regarding public campaigns of hatred, violence and discrimination. ACTIONS: Production of questionnaires to be distributed in police stations, attendance in public ACTIONS: Identification of cases, legal research and documentation, systematization hearings, workshops, seminars, campaign evaluation meeting, meetings and mobilization visits. and preparation of products, monitoring of reports and denounces, communication. MAIN THEMES: Women’s Rights. MAIN THEMES: Right to land and territory. UMBANDA CENTER CABOCLO TUPY - SERGIPE QUILOMBOLA COMMUNITY OF MORRO FORTUNATO - SANTA CATARINA OBJECTIVE: Create a permanent network of legal professionals and advocates working OBJECTIVE: Facilitate capacity trainings in land rights as well as the access for the protection of sacred natural liturgical spaces for religions of African origin. to environmental justice and strengthen their political organization. ACTIONS: Capacity training workshops, legal advice, monitoring processes, seminar. ACTIONS: Meetings with government agencies, course/workshop, legal advising. MAIN THEMES: The right to just and sustainable cities. MAIN THEMES: Right to land and territory. 27 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund 28 Fight against institutional violence and discrimination grantees RJ YOUTH FORUM - RIO DE JANEIRO MOVEMENT FOR THE MOUNTAINS AND WATERS OF MINAS (MOVSAM) - MINAS GERAIS OBJECTIVE: Advocacy to address rights violations in the field of OBJECTIVE: Ensure water security in the Minas Gerais area through the realization public security with the use of an electronic app. of territorial campaign to defend water as an essential human right to life. ACTIONS: Mobilization, debates, workshops on the development ACTIONS: Leaders meeting, local meetings, exchange visits, mobilization, of the app, monitoring and evaluation. report filing, creation of social media and other content. MAIN THEMES: Guaranteeing the rule of law and criminal justice. MAIN THEMES: Environmental rights within megaprojects. IDEAS - Social Action Development Institute - Bahia COMMUNITIES AND MOVEMENTS NETWORK AGAINST VIOLENCE - RIO DE JANEIRO OBJECTIVE: Develop an urban network for popular resistance to provide the OBJECTIVE: Strengthen the role of families of those who were victims of institutional monitoring of communities and movements in land conflict situation. violence in the fight for justice and against State violence in slums. ACTIONS: Political and legal advising, networking meetings, publicity material, ACTIONS: Debates, psychological counselling, workshops, political capacity training, production of a website, meetings. collective elaboration of a calendar, family meetings. MAIN THEMES: Right to just and sustainable cities. MAIN THEMES: Guaranteeing the rule of law and criminal justice. Negra Institute of Ceará UNION OF DOMESTIC WORKERS OF ACRE OBJECTIVE: Get to know the reality and contribute to the training of women OBJECTIVE: Create groups of domestic workers and organize a union to foster deprived of liberty in the Auri Moura Costa Female Correctional Facility. the foundation of such groups and renovate the current leadership. ACTIONS: Data collection, meetings, visits and institutional contacts, capacity ACTIONS: Mapping places with no unions and non-unionized workers. training activities, organization and analysis of data publication. Contacting and organization of meetings with leaders, distribution of communication material. MAIN THEMES: Women’s Rights. MAIN THEMES: Women’s Rights. 29 Brazil Human Rights Fund STORY Genilda Maria Da Penha Ceabir Genilda in a monitoring meeting conducted by Brazil Fund in Rio de Janeiro The image broadcasted on TV showing desperate women talking about family members murdered during a massacre, inspired the activist Genilda Maria da Penha, of Ceabir (Ironides Rodrigues Afro Brazilian was so great that impelled this strong woman Studies Center). The impact of these scenes of joyful expression to fight. In the Engenhoca neighbourhood, in Niterói (RJ), the contact with victims of violations and discrimination “GET SOME WOOD STICKS AND TRY TO BREAK THEM ON YOUR KNEES. YOU CAN BREAK YOUR KNEES, BUT YOU WONT BREAK THE STICKS” motivated her to create the Ceabir, which is directed by black women. Genilda is an educator. Ceabir is supported by Brazil Fund to develop the project “Terreiro Legal: o povo de santo conhecendo e garantindo seus direitos”. She insists in reminding all that the “terreiros” are political spaces since before the abolition of slavery. “We are like wood sticks, get some wood sticks and try to break them on your knees. You can break your knees, but you wont break the sticks”, she explains. 30 2015 Activities Report Meeting for the selection process of those projects to be supported by the new initiative Fighting Human Trafficking and Forced Labour Total: R$ 349,709.00 The new funding line provided by Brazil Fund received 111 proposals under the “Fighting Human Trafficking” call. Eight projects were chosen after an extensive selection process and will receive the Fund’s support. The selection committee counted on the participation of three experts on the subject: Fabio Balestro Floriano of FriedrichEbert- Stiftung; Maria Madalena Ferreira Guilhon Macieira de Barros of Fundo Elas; and Maia Sprandel, an Anthropologist. The new funding line aims at groups that are fighting human trafficking, forced labour or sexual exploitation of women, children and adolescents. 33 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Fighting Human Trafficking and Forced Labour grantees PROSTITUTES ASSOCIATION OF MINAS GERAIS (APROSMIG) - MINAS GERAIS OBJECTIVE: Prevent and protect women against human trafficking, discuss sexual exploitation, strengthen the rights of sex workers. CRIA - TEENAGERS COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE CENTER - BAHIA ACTIONS: Preparation and distribution of a booklet, debates, OBJECTIVE: Mobilize and articulate the society of Bahia to address human trafficking, information dissemination, production of blogging content. abuse, commercial and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. ACTIONS: Capacity trainings, theatrical presentations and HOUSE OF THE WORKING WOMEN (CAMTRA) - RIO DE JANEIRO debates, mobilization actions in special dates. OBJECTIVE: Expand the “Vaza maladragem” campaign, share information on sexual exploitation, strengthen the networks and groups fighting human trafficking. GUARIBAS GROUP OF FREE SEXUAL ORIENTATION - GGLOS LGBT - PIAUÍ ACTIONS: Replication of newsletters and advertisement material, OBJECTIVE: Prevent human trafficking, provide leadership training, peer training; actions meant to disseminate information. lectures in schools and seminars to disseminate information. ACTIONS: Mobilization and promotion of the cause, leadership capacity PASTORAL CARE OF MIGRANTS AND SUPPORT CENTER (CAMI) - SAO PAULO trainings, seminars, distribution of educational materials, evaluation. OBJECTIVE: Promote knowledge and guarantee workers’ rights, fight forced labour and expand CAMI’s mobile centers. HUMAN MOBILITY PASTORAL - DIOCESE SANTA CRUZ DE CORUMBÀ - MATO GROSSO DO SUL ACTIONS: Expansion of the service regarding migratory regularization, strengthening OBJECTIVE: Host, monitor, inform, guide and empower of the work performed by social workers, support the development of a guidebook. migrants on the conditions of mobility in Brazil. ACTIONS: Training workshops, seminars, visits to schools, celebration event, visits CARMEN BASCARÁN CENTER FOR THE DEFENSE OF LIFE AND to the border and bus station, daily assistance at the organization’s office. HUMAN RIGHTS - CDVCH / CB - MARANHÃO 34 OBJECTIVE: Contribute to the fight against human trafficking and forced labour, increase BRAZILIAN AMAZON INDIGENOUS WOMEN GROUP - UMIAB - AMAZON social alert, increase participation and organization of vulnerable communities. OBJECTIVE: Face, reduce or eliminate the trafficking of indigenous women, ACTIONS: Preparation and dissemination of teaching materials, visits to produce information material and empower indigenous women. schools, associations, churches, trade unions, identification of community ACTIONS: Research, development and dissemination of information leaders, capacity training meetings, mobilization journeys. materials, training of agents, systematization and dissemination. 35 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund LITIGÂNCIA ESTRATÉGICA, ADVOCACY E COMUNICAÇÃO PARA PROMOÇÃO, PROTEÇÃO E DEFESA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS EDITAL 2014 grantees Tapeba de Caucaia Indigenous Communities Association (Ceará) Strategic Litigation Apresentação Association of Lawyers of Rural Workers in the State of Bahia - AATR-BA Alternative Agriculture Center of the North of Minas Gerais - CAA NM (Minas Gerais) Brazil Fund seeks to strengthen actions leading to social transformation which are Total: R$Brasil 1,058,677.70 O Fundo de Direitos Humanos, em parceria com a Fundação Ford, connected to emblematic cases regarding irá doar até R$ 800.000,00 (oitocentos milof society’s reais) rights paraand o interests, apoio a projetos the defense promovidos por litigation, organismos deState direitos which solution(clínicas could influence action, humanos, Through the Strategic advocacy universitários escritórios modelos, serviços deofassistência jurídica) the jurídica, review or implementation public and communication for thenúcleos promotion,de prática e/ou organizações dahuman sociedade que visem promoção, proteção ou defesa and theàimprovement of legislation. protection and defense of rights callcivil policies proposals, launched in partnership defordireitos fundamentais ou with à reparação de violações de direitos em benefício In this particular for proposals, minorias; povos Foundation, Brazilurbanas Fund supported deFordcomunidades de baixa renda; gruposcall vulneráveis; the difference has been the support to eleven projects promoting progresstradicionais. and indígenas e comunidades changes of great impact related to topics 36 Fundamental Rights Clinic of the State University of Rio de Janeiro's Law School Human Rights Clinic of the Joinville Region University - Univille (Santa Catarina) Lawyers Group for Human Rights - CADHu (São Paulo) Study, Extension and Research Group DiHuCi- Federal University of Piauí projects carried out by university agents Serão apoiadas ações de litígio estratégico, advocacy e comunicação que - human rights clinics, junior law offices such as State security, law and criminal conduzam à transformação social e queandestejam relacionadas a casos emblemáticos legal practice centers - in partnership justice, right to land and territory, right deto interesse da sociedade, atuação e responsabilização do Estado, witha civil society organizations that just and sustainable cities, sexualinfluenciem and a reproductive revisão ourights implementação deand políticas públicas, operate by meansoofaprimoramento strategic litigation da legislação and right of children à adolescents. luz dos direitos humanos e a aplicação deprovision remédios judiciais and the of legal advice to estruturais. The projects were selected Por meio desta iniciativa buscamos criar e fortalecer capacidades no âmbito das universidades, sociedade civil e comunidades considerando os valores democráticos da participação, não-discriminação, igualdade e solidariedade. in 2014 and support throughout 2015. Center for the Defense of Children and Adolescents Maria dos Anjos - CDCA-RO Peoples Legal Advisory Center of Ribeirão Preto - Najurp (São Paulo) Grupo de Estudo Pesquisa e Extensão DiHuCi- Universidade Federal do Piauí Núcleo de Assessoria Jurídica Popular de Ribeirão Preto – Najurp (São Paulo) communities and/or social movements. 37 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund SPECIAL LINE CRIMINAL JUSTICE Pre-trial detention in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo Total: R$ 2,005,159.18 grantees A partnership between Brazil Fund and OAK Foundation enabled the support offered to six projects aimed at fighting human rights In 2015, Brazil Fund followed the violations of people imprisoned under development of their activities and provisional arrest. The partnership supported provided the expected funding. Institute in the Defense of the Right to Defense - IDDD (São Paulo) mid-sized and large projects for periods 38 Institute of Human Rights Defenders - DDH (Rio de Janeiro) longer than a year, and focused on the cities The special line aimed to strengthen of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. A special organizations working in the field of funding line with different characteristics criminal justice to implement and from those found in the other two calls transform public policy. The work was created. The initiatives were chosen in performed by these organizations included 2014 through a call conveyed via letter of documentation and monitoring activities, invitation, after going through the analysis of campaigns, advocacy, litigation, technical a committee formed by independent experts. assistance and applied research. Institute of Religious Studies - Iser (Rio de Janeiro) Terra, Trabalho e Cidadania Institute - ITTC (São Paulo) Criminal Justice (Rio de Janeiro) Catholic Prison Pastoral/ Support and Monitoring Association - ASAAC (São Paulo) 39 Brazil Human Rights Fund Confronting provisional arrest in the Northeast of Brazil with an emphasis on racial issues Brazil Fund has partnered Open Society Foundation also in the field of Criminal Justice. The issue of provisional arrest is a major In this case, the goal is to support initiatives violation of human rights in Brazil, with the that address the human rights violations in racial dimension making it even worse. provisional detention regimes, with a specific look at racism, focusing on the northeaster Studies performed from the 1980s region of Brazil. Through a special call on show that harsher penalties are conveyed via invitation letter, five organizations applied to black people when compared presented projects that were reviewed and to the white population in Brazil. approved by experts on the subject. The resources will be disbursed from 2016 on. They revealed that inequality in the legal rules and procedures is one of the criminal As part of the process, these organizations justice characteristics in the country. invited by Brazil Fund participated at the end of last year of the Projects Meeting which According to InfoPen-June 2014 data National training addressed the dynamics of violence Survey of Prisons Information Ministry of production processes and dynamics, their Justice), two out of three prisoners in Brazil determinations and articulations with the racial are black. The percentage of black people in dimension and the implications in Criminal the prison system is 67%, In relation to the Justice. The need to expand communication population in general, the proportion is 51%. for the defense and promotion of human rights was also the subject of discussions. The grantee organizations are: the Reference Center for Human Rights (CRDH), Rio 40 Brazil Fund’s support to organizations working Grande do Norte; Legal Advisory Office for in the northeast region of Brazil will allow Popular Organizations (Gajop), Pernambuco; for cooperation with groups that develop IDEAS Social Action Development Institute work on pre-trial detentions, specifically - Bahia; Inegra Negra Institute of Ceará; to those in the southeast of the country. and Human Rights Society of Maranhão. 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund emergency fund The demand for emergency assistance has grown in recent years and led Brazil Fund to support some initiatives in 2015. grantees MAES DE MAIO OBJECTIVE: Collaborating with educational activities and the literary production of the “10 years of the May 2006 crimes: remember so that it doesn’t happen again” The intention is to ensure the right to memory, truth, justice and reparation. Total: R$ 41,600.00 ARTICULATION OF ORGANIZATIONS OF BLACK BRAZILIAN WOMEN - AMNB OBJECTIVE: Support the organization’s participation in the March of Black FRIDA KAHLO Women against Racism, Violence and Good Living, in Brasilia. OBJECTIVE: Assist in the transportation of books and purchase of tickets of the authors of the book “Juventudes Negras do Brasil - trajetórias TONICO BENITES e lutas” at the Third National Youth Conference, in Brasilia. OBJECTIVE: Collaborate with the organization of an emergency Aty Guasu (assembly) in the Nanderu Marangatu indigenous land, called due to the REAJA OU SERÁ MORTO, REAJA OU SERÁ MORTA (REACT OR BE KILLED) genocidal attack on indigenous communities in Dourados (MS). OBJECTIVE: Provide financial support to Hamilton Borges dos Santos’s trip to Brasilia to testify 42 to an open CPI (parliamentary committee of inquiry), where the causes, consequences, social FREE FEMINIST UNIVERSITY and economic costs of violence, death and disappearance of black and poor young people OBJECTIVE: Facilitate the participation of five women human rights in Brazil will be investigated, Hamilton is the national coordinator of the Reaja campaign. defenders in an action to discuss a bill at the Congress. 43 2015 Activities Report STORY Francisco Kelwin Apremara Francisco Kelwin mobilizes riverine communities affected by floods Kelwin is a young activist in Rondonia and his family was trapped in their house during by Brazil Fund through the annual call for a historic flood of the Madeira river and his proposals in 2015. In an articulate fashion, side-branches in 2014, in Guajará-Mirim. he helps mobilize coastal communities Together with his mother and two sisters, affected by the floods and to train new human he faced the total lack of food and drinking rights defenders. The construction of power water. After that, Kelwin moved to Porto plants on the Madeira River is marked by Velho, where he studied anthropology at the human rights violations, including the lack Federal University of Rondônia and acts as of information from the builders consortia an activist for Apremara (Association for the regarding the number of families affected by Preservation of the Environment and the the works and by the floods. Despite being so Amazon Rivers), an organization supported young, Kelwin already has its own story to tell. 45 Brazil Human Rights Fund CAPACITY TRAINNING Project convenings 46 During the “Fighting human trafficking” workshop, held for two days in São Paulo, the participating groups discussed issues regarding the broad “umbrella” under Strengthening civil society through education which the subject is placed. In other and training activities is part of Brazil Fund’s words, issues such as forced labour, strategic mission. Over its almost ten years migration-related problems, violence, of operations, the Fund has conducted exploitation of children and adolescents, 19 training workshops for human rights the lack of access to public spaces and defenders throughout the country. policies, and prejudice were discussed. In 2015, fighting human trafficking and the The “Projects Meeting 2015” involved violence associated with racial prejudice were debates on the dynamics and processes the main themes discussed at the meetings of violence production, their causes and with representatives of the supported projects. connections with the racial dimension The need to strengthen and expand the and their implications in criminal justice, communication capacity of civil society actors as well as the role of communication to was also the subject of these workshops. the defend and promote human rights. Brazil Human Rights Fund 26 visits to projects in the five regions of the country. The foundation visited 26 projects in 2015, reaching 131 visited groups since the start Monitoring of the in loco monitoring activities. In the 2015 monitoring visits, the project The Fund provides technical and strategic coordinator was accompanied by the assistance during monitoring visits to communication adviser during most of supported organizations. It is also an the visits. This enabled the creation of opportunity to get close to the local situation guidelines for the local press and the and to elaborate a rapid assessment of generation of informative content. the work performed and of those people 48 performing it. In addition, the projects receive The visits were carried out in the northeast, ongoing monitoring from Brazil Fund’s staff. north, east and south regions of Brazil. Sharing their story 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Sharing their story Monitoring GP Trans in September 2015, in Teresina, Piauí Visit in Piauí holds debates with transsexuals and transvestites Series of discussions and exchanges with activists in Rio de Janeiro GP Trans - Transsexual and Transvestites Group of Piauí was visited in 2015, when it organized a discussion in which seven According to Joseane Borges, one of GP people told their stories and talked about Trans coordinators, Brazil Fund’s support has the importance of their activism. enabled, for instance, their participation in activities and meeting in various parts of Piaui. The GP Trans was supported by the Fund 50 In Rio, the monitoring included the exchange of experiences regarding violence The Communities and Movements Network slums. It receives support from Brazil Fund Against Violence, Rio de Janeiro, was created through a project called “Confronting of Brazil through the project “Trans Forma The group was created in 2009 and, in a because of the Borel slaughter in 2003 State violence by victims’ families: solidarity, Ação” selected in 2014 call for proposals, that decade, many partnerships were formed when four young men were murdered by political mobilization and human rights” of sought to guarantee the rights of transvestites and many were the achievements in the military police. The organization works to the 2015 call for proposals. The Network and transsexuals through the organization of search for equity. GP Trans had already provide support to the families of victims was visited in October 2015. The monitoring awareness raising actions among the various been supported by 2012 and today it and strengthen the struggle for justice included reports and the exchange of servers in public administration sectors. is a reference for the LGBT cause. and against institutional violence in the experiences among participants. 51 Visited grantees Cedeca-CE - Strategic Litigation call for proposals Acesso - Citizenship and Human Rights (RS) - Strategic Litigation call for proposals Center for the Defense of Children and Adolescents of Ceará Maria dos Anjos – Roraima/RO- Strategic Litigation call for proposals 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Center for the Defense of Children and Adolescents of Ceará - Anti-nuclear Articulation of Ceará – AACE - 2015 call for proposals Committee for the Demilitarization of Police and Politics Amazon Indigenous School Education Forum’s Commitee (Am) – 2015 call for proposals of Ceará (CE) – 2014 call for proposals Rural Community Association of Imbituba - ACORDI (SC) - 2013 call for proposals Lawyers Group of Human Rights – CADHU – São Paulo/SP Friends and Family of imprisoned people’s association – AMPARAR (SP) Fundamental Rights Clinic of the State University of Rio de Janeiro's Law School Quilombola Community of Morro Fortunato, Garopaba-SC - 2015 Call for Proposals Forum of Urban Reform of Rio Grande do Sul - Sports Megaevents and Human Rights call for proposals People's Committee for the World Cup in Fortaleza (CE) - Sports Mega-events and Human Rights Study and Research Group of the University of Piauí (DiHuCi) - Strategic Litigation Call for Proposals Catholic Prison Pastoral/ Support and Monitoring Association - ASAAC (São Paulo) – OAK Transsexuals and Transvestites Group of Piauí- GPTRANS (PI) - 2014 call for Proposals Association for the preservation of the environment and the amazon rivers - APREMARA - RONDÔNIA Ironides Rodrigues Afro Brazilian Study Center (RJ) - 2014/2015 call for proposals Council of Associations and Cooperatives of the Middle and Lower Network of Communities and Movement against Violence (RJ) - 2015 call for Proposals Madeira River - CONACOBAM (RO) - 2013 call for proposals Brazilian Amazon indigenous women group – UMIAB Amazon RJ Youth Forum - 2014/2015 Call for Proposals Union of Indigenous Women of the Brazilian Amazon - UMIAB Tapeba de Caucaia Indigenous Communities Association (Ceará) (AM) - Fighting Human Trafficking Call for Proposals - Acita (CE) - Strategic Litigation call for proposals Human Rights Clinic of the Joinville Region University - Univille House of Working Women (CAMTRA) - RIO DE JANEIRO 52 (Santa Catarina) - Strategic Litigation call for proposals 53 SOCIAL MOBILIZATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS CAUSE Engaging people and institutions in the defense of human rights is one of the greatest challenges of Brazil Fund. Fostering society’s mobilization is the second major work theme for the Fund. This is why communication is a fundamental tool to gather new actors for the defense of social causes. Communication is carried out through simple messages, through the stories of organizations we support and campaigns to increase the participation of society in the fight for human rights. 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund engaging individuals Say yes In 2015, we launched the “Say YES to Human Rights in Brazil” campaign. Our work seeks to sensitize people, for the human rights causes and get them engaged with an ongoing support to the Fund’s activities through donations. The first phase of the campaign with the participation of actresses Leticia Sabatella (counselor of Brazil Fund) and Jessica Ellen and actor Vinicius Romão. They recorded their participation in videos that were released in the first half of 2015. Brazil Fund arrived at the of 2015 with 129 donors. 56 57 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Nota Fiscal Paulista program Brazil Fund continued to mobilize the support of shop owners through the Nota Fiscal Paulista Program (a program that allows for a rebate of part of the ICMS tax collected on goods and services by the state government). It also conducted several awareness campaigns, counting on the support of Vult Cosmetics for the delivery of products as a way to thank the shop owners for donating their tax receipts to the program. The campaigns were conducted on special dates: Mother’s Day in May, when O Fundo Brasil apoia grupos que combatem essas e outras formas de violação de direitos humanos. Seu engajamento amplia a luta pelo respeito aos direitos de todos e todas. Obrigado. we address the importance of fighting violence against women; International Day Against Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Women and Children, in September; and International Human Rights Day, in 11 3256-7852 December, Cards were delivered with information on each of these themes. www.fundodireitoshumanos.org.br www.facebook.com/fundobrasil | twitter.com/fundobrasil Since 2009, São Paulo consumers can donate their tax receipts for non-profit organizations registered at the Comas (Municipal Council of Social Assistance). Thus, part of the VAT tax, which is charged at the moment of purchase is reversed to social causes. 58 Brazil Fund’s staff delivers products to partners in the Nota Fiscal Paulista program 59 Brazil Human Rights Fund Brazilian Day The participation in the BR Day 2015, an event 60 produced by Globo Television Network in New The campaign featured a video, a website York, was one of Brazil Fund’s strategy to bring and a digital payment tool, as well as it visibility, mobilize people and raise funds encompassed the structure for the event’s to the human rights cause. In partnership day, Together with ELAS, Brazil Fund set up with ELAS - Social Investment Fund, and a booth and with the help of 50 volunteers, with the support of Ford Foundation, the it worked to mobilize part of the event’s “Brazil without Violence” campaign was audience, which was formed, mostly, by developed between July and September. Brazilians living in the United States. 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Promoting social justice philanthropy Participation in international networks Brazil’s Fund participation in conferences outside the country is part of the work to promote social justice philanthropy. As a member of international networks supporting projects related to human rights, the Fund attracts more visibility to the Brazilian situation and for the work that is being done. International Independent Funds Network Meeting Presentation of the article on the event published on the newspaper O Globo Ana Valeria Araujo, Executive Director of Brazil Fund, is a member of the steering committee of the International Human Rights Funder Group (IHRFG), a human 62 Brazilian philanthropy, the new action rights funders network based in the models regarding social justice and the United States. In 2015, she also joined the progress and setbacks of human rights management team of the Working Group on in the country and around the world were Brazil Fund, which integrates the Funds Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace, a discussed at the “1st International Meeting Network, collaborated with the organization group of people and organizations working of the Independent Funds Network for Social of the event. The Independent Funds mainly with issues that affect the South. Justice”, held in July, in Rio de Janeiro. Network for Social Justice brings together six funds and three community foundations In 2015, the Fund participated in a conference The event gathered funds, foundations and that work at the root of the problems, held by IHRFG in New York, Brazil Fund activists from different countries to discuss from the perspective of advocacy as well was also present in the strategic meeting the strengthening of philanthropy strategies as of the empowerment of stakeholders, of the Working Group on Philanthropy for social justice in Brazil and Latin America. whose rights need to be respected. for Social Justice and Peace in Berlin. 63 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Strategic Communication Communication is critical for Brazil Fund in order to provide visibility to the organizations defending human rights and, consequently, to strengthen its own role. Musical notes The strategy is to involve more people in the the Youth Orchestra of Heliopolis. defense of human rights contributing to the creation of a focused philanthropic culture In 2015, the reference to Brazil Fund on On their own, musical notes are meaningless. aimed at social justice in our country. websites, newspapers, Radio and TV This also happens with human rights. We all The initiative was part of a project called programs increased significantly. need to be respected in order to progress “Strengthening the role of networks to a more just and democratic society. and coalitions to promote human rights When developing products and 64 with the participation of musicians from in Brazil,” sponsored by Petrobras. communication campaigns, we seek to expand This increase was also registered in social the engagement of society and participate networks, largely due to the results achieved This was the concept announced by Brazil in the social transformation of the country. by the campaign “Say YES to Human Rights”. Fund in the 2015 video “Musical Notes”, Click here! 65 182% Canal: Fundo Brasil de Direitos Impresso Tipo de Clipping: Humanos Veículo: Correio Braziliense Publicação: 04/03/2015 Seção: Opinião Página: 11 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Mentions in media outlets 20 anos da Conferência Mundial da ONU sobre a Mulher 2014 2015 124 350 Followers on Facebook 2014 864% 3,6 mil BATE-PAPO E-MAIL BUSCA 2015 UOL HOST PAGSEGURO CURSOS ONLINE PUBLICIDADE Logout 34,6 mil Assine a Folha Atendimento Versão Impressa Opinião QUARTAFEIRA, 10 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2016 Política Mundo Economia Cotidiano Esporte 17:15 Cultura Últimas notícias Livraria: Livro sobre resgate maríti F5 33ºC Classificados SÃO PAULO Buscar... buscar PUBLICIDADE opinião PUBLICIDADE Followers on Twitter 95,7% JUREMA WERNECK penal 03/07/2015 2014 2015 RECEBA NOSSA NEWSLETTER Digite seu email... 02h00 Compartilhar 256 siga a folha Não à redução da maioridade 589 O que está por trás do ressurgimento do projeto para redução da maioridade penal no Congresso Nacional? Um olhar imediato aponta o fortalecimento da participação da bancada conservadora na política, nos partidos e no Congresso Nacional. O cinismo está em apesar deles saberem que a maioria esmagadora dos crimes são cometidos por adultos –traficantes, policiais, jagunços e que tais– investem contra o elo mais fraco, os meninos e jovens, a maioria negros, perdidos, confusos e sem acesso aos seus diretos básicos. É momento de resistir! É preciso denunciar o racismo, os preconceitos e os interesses escusos embutidos na retomada da PEC 171/1993 (Proposta de Emenda à Constituição), que tramita no Congresso Nacional e propõe a redução da maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos. 33 57,5% No Brasil, quem comete infrações a partir dos 12 anos já é julgado e submetido a medidas socioeducativas que podem chegar à privação de liberdade. Na vida real, sabemos que em muitos casos meninas e meninos são encarcerados e largados a sua própria sorte, submetidos a maus tratos, sem escola, sem saúde, sem atenção. É um modelo cheio de falhas, injustiças, marcado pelo racismo institucional que está presente também nas políticas que deveriam proteger e cuidar, assim como no sistema prisional para adultos. É isso que precisa ser revisto e mudar com urgência. Crianças e adolescentes devem ser cuidados, educados, valorizados, acolhidos. Seus erros devem ser corrigidos, mas de modo a ajudar a cada um deles a crescer da melhor forma possível, a buscar viver plenamente sua humanidade. As mães, famílias e as comunidades de onde vêm devem ser também cuidadas e fortalecidas, de modo a poderem apoiar adequadamente seus meninos e suas meninas. A proposta de redução da maioridade é uma afronta à Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança, instrumento de direitos humanos mais aceito na história universal, assinado por 193 países, inclusive o Brasil. É uma afronta às conquistas sociais e de direitos, que tantos lutamos para conseguir. 2015 66 52 PUBLICIDADE PUBLICIDADE Foi um golpe contra a democracia a manobra articulada pelo presidente da Câmara, Eduardo Cunha (PMDBRJ), para colocar em votação uma segunda proposta de redução da maioridade 24 horas após o primeiro texto ser rejeitado. Um golpe para fazer demagogia. Um golpe contra a sensatez. Estes crimes são cometidos usando armas fabricadas no Brasil e entregues nas mãos dos assassinos sem qualquer controle. E muitos destes criminosos estão vinculados aos interesses dos financiadores das campanhas eleitorais daqueles que estão defendendo propostas deste tipo. Coincidência? 2014 enviar PUBLICIDADE Tratase de um conservadorismo cínico, oportunista e inconsequente, pois seus objetivos parecem ser, além de mostrar força no Congresso e na mídia contra os interesses progressistas, fingir uma preocupação com as altas taxas de violência interpessoal no país. 501 News published on the site Mais opções A sociedade tem, nas últimas décadas, reafirmado seu desejo e compromisso com a justiça social, mas o Congresso parece que não entende, não ouve. Certamente, esta parte do Congresso não me representa! Queremos que o Congresso ouça a voz da sociedade; que ouça a voz dos que sempre foram perseguidos e injustiçados e seguiram lutando por uma vida melhor. Queremos que o Congresso tome medidas para proteger e valorizar PUBLICIDADE envie sua notícia Fotos Vídeos Deus Não É Relatos Grande Com humor, EM OPINIÃO + LIDAS 1 + COMENTADAS + ENVIADAS jornalista opina sobre ÚLTIMAS Editorial: Atraso na educação como a religião envenena tudo De R$ 44,90 Por R$ 39,90 2 3 4 5 Willian Fernandes, Marcos Fuchs e Valdir João Silveira: Um risco à dignidade humana Comprar Pedaladas nas creches COMPARTILHE ESTE LINK PUBLICIDADE Carlos Zarattini: Uber é concorrência ilegal e predatória Compartilhar 589 Paulo Nassar: A importância da comunicação nas organizações + livraria 'Flores, Votos e Balas' destaca relevância do movimento abolicionista 'O número de políticos que têm uma liderança real é irrelevante', escreve juiz Bestseller sugere que dinheiro seja administrado em seis contas O Fim do Brasil Felipe Miranda De: R$ 30,00 Por: R$ 25,90 Comprar 67 Brazil Human Rights Fund Brazil Fund president Jorge Durão at the opening of the seminar “Communication, violence and human rights” Violence and communication were the themes discussed at the seminar “Communication, violence and human rights”, organized by Brazil Fund in April The seminar also featured the exhibition of 2015 at FGV Law SP (Getulio Vargas the documentary “Defensorxs”, produced Foundation’s Law School in São Paulo). within the campaign “Somos todos defensorxs” developed by the Intervozes 68 Communicators and activists discussed the Group, Global Justice, Dhesca Platform current situation and alternatives to face the and the National Human Rights Movement, conservative wave experienced in the country. with the support of Brazil Fund. 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund Quilombolas Quilombolas Strengthening the role of networks and movements The final product of this process was a “Strengthening the role of networks and print magazine with content providing an coalitions to promote human rights in overview of the current political scenario Brazil,” is a project carried out by Brazil and addressing the importance of capacity Fund and sponsored by Petrobras, aimed training and communication for human rights. at developing communication strategies to expand the action scope of groups Click here for Portuguese version! defending human rights in the country. 70 71 Brazil Human Rights Fund It counted on the participation of a children’s choir called Coração Jolie, formed by refugee Musical Dialogues children, which is part of the “Eu Conheço Meus Direitos” (I Know My Rights) project, held in partnership with the University of The show “Caravana Tonteria”, starring Fine Arts of São Paulo and the support actress and singer Leticia Sabatella, marked of the UN refugee agency (UNHCR). the launch of two calls for proposals 72 in 2016. Since 2009 Brazil Fund holds The Regional Director of SESC-São Paulo, an event called “Musical Dialogues on Danilo Miranda, welcomed the audience Human Rights” to celebrate the launching and emphasized the organization’s of its annual call for proposals, and in commitment to social causes. Then, Brazil 2015 the Fund partnered with SESC- Fund CEO, Jorge Eduardo Durão, spoke São Paulo to hold this presentation. about the recent threats to human rights. BALANCE SHEETS ON DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 AND 2014 (IN REAIS) ASSETS CURRENT Free Assets Restricted Resources Cash and Cash Equivalents Financial Investments Other Credits Prepaid Expenses Total of the Current Assets NON-CURRENT ASSETS Non-current assets Financial Investments FIXED ASSETS Properties in Operation (-) Depreciations Net Fixed Assets Total of Non-Current Assets INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ON DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 AND 2014 – IN REAIS 2015 2,425,771.12 101,265.30 2,527,036.42 1,997,124.31 11,496.81 710.86 4,536,368.40 8,124,611.19 2,502,708.30 107,556.36 2,610,264.66 2,087,864.52 2,742.13 333.56 4,701,204.87 7,806,140.17 12,712,440.88 12,549,243.06 2015 2014 90,648.89 44,471.21 1,382.13 136,502.23 72,773.65 34,524.80 34,863.11 142,161.56 2,067,622.46 101,998.74 40,000.00 2,209,621.20 2,346,123.43 2,260,384.65 104,956.36 125,000.00 2,490,341.01 2,632,502.57 Equity Equity Fund - Donation Accumulated Surplus Deficit/Surplus for the Year Adjustment from Previous Years Total of Share capital 10,000.00 6,076,500.00 3,830,240.49 449,576.96 10,366,317.45 10,000.00 6,076,500.00 2,743,918.58 880,911.58 205,410.33 9,916,740.49 TOTAL OF LIABILITIES 12,712,440.88 12,549,243.06 SOCIAL PROJECTS IN PROGRESS Linked Donations Restricted Donations - Funds Network Other Social Projects Total of Current Liabilities NET EQUITY 74 Cooperation Agencies 2,843,910.77 2,947,946.49 National Income: Donations from Public Companies Donations from Private Companies Donations from Individuals WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS 717,948.21 1,650,00.00 1,417,286.32 285,000.00 18,753.03 - 104,528.78 170,827.77 3,075.10 14,162.87 1,542.18 8,737.83 342,594.61 4,951.23 337,643.38 372,376.79 372,376.79 (4,862,692.89) (392,547.90) (1,347,079.47) (2,660,802.26) (236,195.29) (214,918.27) (11,149.70) (5,458,458.04) (220,837.14) (622,324.81) (2,953,684.38) (1,469,175.17) (184,458.89) (7,977.65) Surplus (Deficit) of Social Operations (652,719.52) (254,740.66) FINANCIAL RESULT, NET Financial Income NTNB Variation ( - ) Financial Expenses 1,444,891.09 1,131,359.43 341,284.12 (27,752.46) 1,508,029.03 776,949.06 754,211.04 (23,131.07) FREE LEGAL AID Tickets Donations - Network Projects (342,594.61) (4,951.23) (372,376.79) - Voluntary Services (337,643.38) (372,376.79) SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 449,576.96 880,911.58 WITH RESTRICTIONS International Income: Judicial Donation - Nota Fiscal Paulista (Invoices issued in the State of São Paulo) Credits from Nota Fiscal Paulista (Invoices issued in the State of São Paulo) 73,476.70 (31,578.68) 41,898.02 7,848,038.19 LIABILITIES CURRENT Payroll and Social Charges Tax Obligations/Contributions Other Accounts Payable 2014 4,831,340.59 2014 94,189.67 (42,728.38) 51,461.29 8,176,072.48 TOTAL ASSETS 2015 3,867,378.76 OPERATING INCOME Donation from International Legal Entity Individual Donations FREE LEGAL AID Tickets Donations - Network Projects Voluntary services OPERATING EXPENSES Institutional Management and Development Social Mobilization for the Promotion of the Human Rights Cause Support to the Organizations Formation and Strengthening of Networks Operating Costs Depreciation 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund balance sheet and audit 75 76 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund balance sheet and audit 77 MEDIA SUPPORT Sergio Haddad Ellus Farm Os Quindins 1 (Aspicuelta) ENDOWMENT Abril Advertising Award Vera Masagão Handbook Pop Up Pachamama Ford Foundation / Editora Abril Mr. Cat Shopping Mooca PollyMaggoo INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND PROJECTS TVT - Workers TV VOLUNTEERS Planet Girls 1+1 Suzana Izuno Ford Foundation PARTICIPATION IN Fábio Campos Neves Santa Lolla Amazônia Vital OAK TRAINING ACTIVITIES Nicolas Dutra Rocha Uncle K. Arezzo INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND OTHER EVENTS Yachtsman Ellus Bread for the World - PPM Andrés Thompson Partners in the Zatta My Shoes PROJECTS SUPPORT Atila Roque Nota Fiscal Paulista Shopping Eldorado Shopping Pátio Higienópolis Kellogg Foundation Darci Frigo program Di Pollini Farm Lucia Seabra Domingos Armani Vult Cosmética Empório Naka Lucy in the Sky Maria Alice Setúbal Flávia Oliveira Ellus Mr. Cat Petrobras - Petróleo Brasileiro SA Gersem Baniwa Anhangabaú Mr. Cat Pop Up Porticus Latin America Jacira Melo Hering NYX Shopping Pátio Paulista EVENTS SUPPORT Jacqueline Pitanguy Ibirapuera Rery Ellus Comfort Hotel Dowtown Jean Tible Bolo ao forno Santa Lolla Mr. Cat FGV Law SP (Getulio Vargas Foundation’s Jorge Eduardo Durão Loja Empório Naka Shopping Jardim Anália Franco Prego Law School in São Paulo), Juana Kweitel Itaim Animale Uncle K. Globo TV / Social Responsibility Board (Beatriz Azevedo) Junior Perim Jardim Sul - Franquia Birello Shopping Villa Lobos SESC-SP - Commerce Social Service of Sao Paulo Keka Marzagão SP Market Capodarte Animale In Kind donors Kenarik Boujikian República Dipollini Arezzo Alessandra Vilas Boas (Doctors Without Borders) Laura Capriglione Casarão Ellus Dunnes Brazz Design (Rogério Escobar) Mafoane Odara Fabiana Modas Fascar Ellus Jessica Ellen Marcos José Pereira Sweet Point Handbook Lepostiche Jorge Serafim Yoshida Mônica Oliveira Rua Barão de Itapetininga Loungerie Mr. Cat Leticia Sabatella Oscar Vilhena Cria Moda Morph Uncle K. Maildes Ferreira de Holanda (Casa da Criança Pedro Ekman Hering Mr. Cat Yachtsman Zenaide de Souza Lima Association) Rafael Vilela Pour Les Petis Munny Tatuapé Otavio Valle Raul Santiago Trintee Osklen Teatro Fernando Torres Pragma Asset Management (Aloisio Camargo Renato Rovai Rua Maria Antonia Phillip Monica Vila Madalena and Diego de Carvalho Martins) Ricardo Henriques Hering Pour Les Petis Bel Paoliello Finally, we would like to thank Tarso Strategy and Communication Rivane Arantes Shopping Bourbon Trintee Fábrica Brinquedos everyone who contributed Vinicius Romao Sérgio Leitão Animale Shopping JK Iguatemi Farm to Brazil Fund. 2015 Activities Report Brazil Human Rights Fund 78 ACNOWLEDGEMENTS 79