Colégio Objetivo - Unidade Mairiporã
Colégio Objetivo - Unidade Mairiporã
Recuperação Paralela de Inglês – 3ª série EM – 4° Bimestre Teenage Pregnancy Teenage birth rates in the USA have declined steadily since 1991. While this is good news, teen birth rates in this country remain high, exceeding those in most developed countries. High teen birth rates are an important concern because teen mothers and their babies face increased risks to their health, and their opportunities to build a future are diminished. • Between 1991 and 2002, the teenage birth rate fell by 30 percent. Still, in 2002, about 4 teenage girls in 100 had a baby. • About 11 percent of all U.S. births in 2002 were to teens (age 15 to 19) and about 17 percent of teen mothers go on to have a second baby within three years after the birth of their first baby. • A teenage mother is at greater risk than women over age 20 for pregnancy complications such as pregnancyinduced anemia and high blood pressure. Teens that are under 15 years old also may be more than twice as likely to die of pregnancy complications as mothers ages 20 to 24. • Teen mothers are more than mothers over age 20 to give birth prematurely. In 2002, 9.6 percent of mothers age 15 to 19 years had a low birth weight baby (under 5.5 pounds), compared to 7.8 percent for mothers of all ages. Low birth weight babies may have organs that are not fully developed. This can lead to chronic lung problems, or bleeding in the brain, blindness and serious intestinal problems. Low birth weight babies are more than 20 times as likely to die in their first year of life as a normal weight babies. • Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school than girls who delay childbearing. With her education cut short, a teenage mother may lack job skills, making it hard for her to find and keep a job. A teenage mother may become financially dependent on her family or on welfare. acordo com o texto, que problemas de saúde podem acometer esses bebês? Por quê? 3. A gravidez prematura faz com que muitas adolescentes abandonem seus estudos. Quais são, segundo o texto, as possíveis consequências desse fato? 4. Os índices “ 30%” , “17%”, e “ 9,6” são m mencionados em diferentes passagens do texto. O que esses índices mostram, respectivamente? GRAMMAR 5. (M.2) Complete the following sentences with MANY – MUCH – FEW – LITTLE - VERY a) If there were as____women as there as men in the government , the situation would be ____better. b) How _____clothes did you wash ? c) My stepmother didn’t want ___because she wasn’t ___hungry. 6. (M1) Complete with the apropriate auxiliary verbs. a) Mr.Morales teaches Spanish at the University but his wife ______ ( don’t – doesn’t – didn’t) b) My hairdresser likes to wear cheap shoes ,_______? (does she – didn’t she – doesn’t she ) c) You and Luis have Portuguese lessons once a month , _____? ( do they – did you – don’t you – didn’t you ) d) His secretary wasn’t able to finish the letter . Neither ____they. ( did – were – was ) TEXT 1” Fast food or hard slog” Read the text and answer in Portuguese the questions The magnitude of our pay packet may be important , but so too is the purchasing power of your wages. One way to below. compare this is to consider the time at the office or factory that is required to earn enough to buy a standard item, such as a beef-burger. A recent report from UBS, a Swiss bank, 1. Segundo o texto, quais são os riscos de uma gravidez na has attempted to do precisely that. The bank has calculated how many minutes it takes a worker on the average net adolescência para saúde da mulher? wage, 73 of the world’s biggest cities, to pocket enough to 2. Entre os problemas gerados pela gravidez precoce , o buy a Big Mac at local McDonald restaurant. estudo registra o nascimento de bebês de baixo peso. De COLÉGIO OBJETIVO 1 On this measurement, fast-food junkies appear to the best d) the value of money considered the amount of goods it off in the homeland of McDonald’s: Chicagoans expend will buy. the least effort to obtain their calories , along with the residents of Tokyo and Toronto. In those cities it takes a mere 12 minutes at work to afford a Big Mac. By contrast, employees must toil for over two hours to earn enough for an equivalent burger in Mexico City, Jakarta or Nairobi. In the same time a lucky citizen of Chicago could afford to buy and eat ten burgers . Whether he would want to do so is an entirely different matter. Find in the text the “ SENTENCES “ with the words below and rewrite them in English. 7. (M.1) a) cidadão b) suficiente 8. (M.1) a) empregadosl b) ganhar 9. (M.1) a) terra natal b) menos Mark T(trae) or F( false) according to the text. 10. (M.1) a) Os viciados em comida rápida parecem ser mais pobres n aterra natal do MacDonald. ( ) b) Em Chicago, Tokio e Toronto um empregado precisa trabalhar cerca de 12 minutos para comprar um Big Mac. 11. (M.1) a) No México um empregado deve trabalhar arduamente, por mais de duas horas ,para ganhar o suficiente para comprar um hamburger . ( ) b) O estudo do Banco Suíço calculou nas 73 cidades mais importantes do mundo , quanto tempo um empregado leva para comprar Big Mac. ( ) 12. (M.2) Match expressions with their definitions . 1) wages 2) average 3) pay packet 4) purchasing power ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) a) usual or typical b) an envelope containing a person’s pay, c) salary COLÉGIO OBJETIVO 2
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