Radon in Brazil: legislation, current situation and future actions
Radon in Brazil: legislation, current situation and future actions
Radon in Brazil: legislation, current situation and future actions Nivaldo Carlos da Silva Brazilian Commission for Nuclear Energy - CNEN Brazilian Commission for Nuclear Energy- CNEN DIFOR, Fortaleza CRCN-NE, Recife DICAE, Caetité DIPLAN, Brasilia CRCN-CO, Goiânia CDTN, Belo Horizonte LAPOC, Poços de Caldas IPEN, São Paulo CNEN CEO, IRD; IEN, DIANG (Angra dos Reis) , Rio de Janeiro Nuclear regulatory authority and research & development Brazilian Legislation related to Radon Brazilian Basic Standard for Radiation Protection (Norma CNEN NN 3.01/2011- Diretrizes Básicas de Proteção Radiológica): 1.2 Scope (CAMPO DE APLICAÇÃO) 1.2.4 The intervention situations to which this standard applies are (As situações de intervenção às quais esta Norma se aplica são:) b) Those resulting from chronic exposure situations that require remediation action to avoid or reduce them (aquelas decorrentes de situações de exposições crônicas que requeiram uma ação remediadora para reduzi-las ou evitá-las) 2.2 Related documents g) Levels of Intervention and Action for Chronic Exposure; (R-3.01/007: Níveis de Intervenção e de Ação para Exposição Crônica) 6. Requirements for intervention (Requisitos para intervenção) 6.4 Chronic exposure (Exposição crônica) 6.4.1 The remediation plan, ..., shall specify the remediation actions and the justified/optimised action levels, considering ... (Planos de ações remediadoras, ..., devem especificar as ações remediadoras e os níveis de ação justificados e otimizados, considerando... Levels of Intervention and Action for Chronic Exposure; (R-3.01/007: Níveis de Intervenção e de Ação para Exposição Crônica) 3.1 Chronic exposure situation: (situações de de exposições crônicas) b) Exposures arising from the natural radionuclides present in the soil at higher levels (exposições decorrentes da presença de radionuclides naturais presentes no solo em nível elevados). Brazilian Legislation related to Radon Levels of Intervention and Action for Chronic Exposure; (R-3.01/007: Níveis de Intervenção e de Ação para Exposição Crônica) 3.1 Chronic exposure situation: (situações de de exposições crônicas) b) Exposures arising from the natural radionuclides present in the soil at higher levels (exposições decorrentes da presença de radionuclides naturais presentes no solo em nível elevados). Brazilian Legislation related to Radon 3.2 Generic level recommended by CNEN 10 mSv/year Current Situation Radon Public Exposure in Brazil •There is a strong belief that radon is not a “national health problem” in Brazil due to its climate , but... Radon Public Exposure in Brazil • Brazilian Geology is very diverse, including some uranium deposits Radon Public Exposure in Brazil • Studies have found areas with quite high radon concentrations, e.g. Rio Grande do Norte • The way dwellings are used are changing (closed rooms with air conditioner) in addition to all of that… Radon Public Exposure in Brazil • It would be great to prove that radon is not a "national health problem" The idea of generating a Radon-map of Brazil has emerged recently Where we are??? • Surveys conducted by several research teams Future Actions IAEA Technical Cooperation Challenges for Brazilian radon mapping ¾ Number of samples Area ~8.5 M km2 Population ~ 200 million Dwellings ~ 50 million Sample 500,000?? 250,000?? 125,000?? In conclusion…. ¾ It is high time for assessment of exposition to radon in Brazil following international recommendations: WHO, ICRP and IAEA But before start… 9 It is highly advisable learning with the international experience 9 An finally plan a national survey Thank you for attention!!! [email protected]