Curriculum Vitae: Cesar Augusto Cavalheiro Marcondes
Curriculum Vitae: Cesar Augusto Cavalheiro Marcondes
Curriculum Vitae: Cesar Augusto Cavalheiro Marcondes (Last updated: April 4, 2014) EDUCATION Ph.D in Computer Science. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 2008 M.S in Computer Science. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil 2002 B.S in Computer Science. State University of Londrina (UEL), Brazil 1997 FULL-TIME ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil Assistant Professor 2008 – current PART-TIME ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Computer Science Department - UCLA Graduate Research Fall 2007 Winter 2008 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Teaching Assistant 2002-2003 NON-ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Google Summer of Code (GSoC), Google Developer Internet2 Measurement Project, Summer 2005 Developer OpenCognitive AI Project, Summer 2008 Solaris Kernel Group, Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) Research Intern Summer 2006 JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS 1. Analysis of TCP live experiments on a real GEO satellite testbed. CAINI, C ; FIRRINCIELI, R ; LACAMERA, D ; DECOLA, T ; MARCHESE, M ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; SANADIDI, M ; GERLA, M. Performance Evaluation Journal. Volume 66, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 287–300. JCR: 0.841. 2. Implementação de Ambiente Heterogêneo de Telefonia IP. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; RODRIGUES, PAULO H. A.; COSTA, J. C. P.; NAUMANN, C. ; RIBEIRO, B.F. NewsGeneration Journal. Rio de Janeiro, v.5, p.10-25, 2003. (in Portuguese). 3. Balanceamento da Carga de um Fluxo em Múltiplos Caminhos Usando Conceito de Redes Par-a-Par. ASSUMPÇÃO, J.H.B.; ROTHENBERG, C.E., SALVADOR M.R., MARCONDES, C.A.C. T.I.S. Journal. ISSN 2316-2872. v.2, n. 2, p. 79-88, may 2013. (in Portuguese) CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP PUBLICATIONS 1. Applying Machine Learning to Reduce Overhead in DTN Vehicular Networks. Lourdes Patricia Portugal-Poma, CESAR MARCONDES, Hermes Senger, Luciana Arantes. In Proceedings of XXXII Brazilian Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Symposium (SBRC). 2014, Florianópolis,Brazil. 2. A Model for Estimating Energy Consumption based on Resources Utilization. Hermes Senger ; Venezian L. ; Bignatto Jr., P. ; Monteiro C. ; Mueller D. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C., In Proceedings: 18o. IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2013, Split, Croácia. 3. Balanceamento da Carga de um Fluxo em Multiplos Caminhos Usando Conceito de Redes Par-a-Par. Assumpção J. ; Marcos R. Salvador ; Rothenberg, C.E.; MARCONDES, C. A. C. In Proceedings Wp2p+ 2013: Workshop de Redes P2P, Dinâmicas, Sociais e Orientadas a Conteúdo, 2013, Brasilia, Brazil. (in Portuguese) 4. Predição de Consumo Energético com Base em Variáveis de Sistemas Operacionais. Venezian L. ; Hermes Senger ; Monteiro C. ; Mueller D. ; Bignatto Jr., P.; MARCONDES, C. A. C. In Proceedings WCGA 2013: Workshop de Computação em Clouds e Aplicações, 2013, Brasilia – DF, Brazil. (in Portuguese) 5. CastFlow: Clean-Slate Multicast Approach using In-Advance Path Processing in Programmable Networks. SANTOS, T.P.C. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; TEIXEIRA, C.A.C. ; GODOY, A.P. ; VIEL, C.C. In Proceedings: IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2012), 2012, Cappadocia, Turkey. 6. Influence of a metropolitan map in mobility and transmission capacity of a human-based DTN. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; GUARDIA, H. C. ; POMA, L. ; ALMEIDA, R. A. P. ; Moschetto, D. ; Freitas, D. . In Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2012), 2012, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. 7. An Architecture for Secure and Disruption Tolerant Communication. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; GUARDIA, H. C. ; Moschetto, D. ; ALMEIDA, R. A. P. ; MARTINS, J.V. In Proceedings: I Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems, 2011, São Carlos, SP, Brazil. 8. A context-aware communication link for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Função, D.L.; Vanni, R.M.P.; Moreira E.S.; MARCONDES, C.A.C. In Proceedings: The Sixth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2010), 2010, Barcelona, Spain. 9. A Low Cost Positioning and Visualization System using Smartphones for Emergency Ambulance Service. Bellini, A.; Cirilo, C.E.; Ferraz, F.R.T.; Duque, J.L.; Annibal, L.P.; Araujo, J.G.; Durelli R.S.; MARCONDES, C.A.C. In Proceedings: 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care (SEHC 2010), 2010, Cape Town, South Africa. 10. Framework Ciente de Contexto para Visualização de Interfaces de Realidade Aumentada. Oliveira, A.C.; Moreira, J.; Araujo, R.B.; MARCONDES, C.A.C. In Proceedings: XII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR 2010), 2010, Natal, Brazil. (in Portuguese) 11. Privacidade de Localização em Serviços Móveis: Anonimidade-k baseada em Triângulo Pontualizado. Vieira, R.D.; Martinello M.; MARCONDES, C.A.C. In Proceedings: Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ubíqua e Pervasiva (SBCUP 2009), 2009, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil. (in Portuguese) 12. Improving QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks through Adaptable Mobile Agents. Spadoni, I.M.B.; Araujo, R.B.; MARCONDES, C.A.C. Infocom 2009 Student Workshop (poster), 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 13. PathCrawler: Automatic Harvesting Web Infra-Structure. MARCONDES, C.A.C.; Martinello M.; Santos R.O.; Gerla M.; Sanadidi M. In Proceedings: 20th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 08), 2008, Salvador, Brazil. v.1. p.339-346. 14. Conservative Slow Start: Controlling Losses in Very High Speed Networks. MARCONDES, C.A.C.; Cavendish D.; Kumazoe, K.; Gerla M.; OIE, Y. In Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2008), 2008, Beijing, China, v. 1. p.5798-5803. 15. Combining TCP Westwood and Adaptive Reno: A Scalable and Safe Congestion Control Proposal. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Shimonishi H. ; Sanadidi M. ; Gerla M. In Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), 2008, Beijing, China, v.1. p.5569-5575. 16. Towards a Common TCP Evauation Suite. MARCONDES, C.A.C.; Andrew, L.; Floyd, S.; Lawrence D.; Guillier, R.; Gang, W.; Eggert, L. ; Ha, S. ; Rhee, I.. In Proceedings: Sixth International Workshop on Protocols for FAST Long-Distance Networks (PFLDNET 2008), 2008, Manchester, UK. 17. Assessing TCP Protocols Variants and File Size Impact on Aggregate Internet Traffic Statistics. MARCONDES, C.A.C.; Cavendish D.; Gerla M.; MacIntyre, S.; Behnoodi, G. In Proceedings: Sixth International Workshop on Protocols for FAST Long-Distance Networks (PFLDNET 2008), 2008, Manchester, UK. 18. JoinUs!: Management of Mobile Social Networks for Pervasive Collaboration. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Santos R. O. ; Martinello M. ; FABRIS, F. In Proceedings: Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 2008), 2008, Vitória, Brazil. 19. A Cross-Comparison of Advanced TCP Protocols in High Speed and Satellite Environments. MARCONDES, C.A.C.; MATTHEWS, J.; CHEN, R.; Gerla M.; Sanadidi M. In Proceedings: 4th Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Conference (ASMS2008), 2008, Bologna, Italy, v.1. p. 173-178. 20. Shareable Bandwidth Estimation on Satellite Links. Palazzi C.; Pau G.; MARCONDES, C.A.C.; Gerla M. In Proceedings: 4th Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems Conference (ASMS2008), 2008, Bologna, Italy. 21. Regenerating TCP Dynamics From Traces Path Characteristics. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Martinello M. ; Palazzi C. ; Gerla M. ; Sanadidi M.; Torres M. In Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, 2007, Miami. TRIDENTCOM 2007,p. 1-8. 22. Exploring Embedded Path Capacity Estimation in TCP Receiver. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Martinello M. ; Gerla M. ; Sanadidi M. ; Schwartz R. . In Proceedings: Fifth IEEE/IFIP Workshop on End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services, 2007, Munich, Germany. E2EMON 2007, 2007. p. 1-8. 23. Inline Path Characteristic Estimation to Improve TCP Performance in High Bandwidth-Delay Networks. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Gerla M. ; Sanadidi M. ; Shimonishi H. ; Hama T. ; Murase T. . In Proceedings: 4th International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long- Distance Networks (PFLDNET 2006), 2006, Nara, Japan. 24. TCP in Mixed Internet and Geo-Satellite Environments: Experiences and Results. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Gerla M. ; Sanadidi M. ; Firrincieli R. ; Beering D.R. ; Romaniak G. In Proceedings: 2nd International IEEE/Create-Net Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, 2006, Barcelona, Spain. TRIDENTCOM 2006. v. 1. p. 535-541. 25. Advanced TCP Evaluation Testbed on Mixed Wired Internet and Satellite Environments. Firrincieli R. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Gerla M. ; Sanadidi M. ; Caini C. . In: First ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and CHaracterization (WiNTECH 2006), 2006, Los Angeles. ACM MobiCom 2006. p. 105-106 (poster). 26. TCP Probe: A TCP with built-in Path Capacity Estimation. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Gerla M. ; Persson A. ; Sanadidi M. ; Chen L. ; Lao L. In Proceedings: 8th IEEE Global Internet Symposium, Miami. IEEE Infocom 2005. 27. TCP Westwood Experiments over Large Bandwidth Delay Product Networks. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Gerla M. ; Persson A. ; Sanadidi M. . In: First Workshop on Provisioning & Transport for Hybrid Networks (PATHNets), 2004, San Jose. IEEE BroadNets 2004. 28. A SIP/H.323 Signaling Gateway Implementation for IP Telephony. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; RIBEIRO, B. F. ; RODRIGUES, Paulo Henrique de Aguiar. In: LANOMS 2001 In Proceedings: 2nd Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS), 2001, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Network Function Virtualization: Perspectivas, Realidades e Desafios. Raphael Vicente Rosa, Marcos Antonio de Siqueira, Christian Esteve Rothenberg, Emerson Barea and Cesar Augusto Cavalheiro Marcondes. Livro texto dos minicursos / XXXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos. Florianópolis: Editora da SBC, 2014. (in portuguese) 2. Estado da Arte de Sistemas de Controle e Monitoramento de Infraestruturas para Experimentação de Redes de Comunicação. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Martins, J. ; Monteiro, J.A.S. ; Cardoso, K. V. ; Abelém, A. J. G. ; Nascimento, V. ; Machado, I. ; Carvalho, T.C.M.B. ; Miers, C.C. ; Marcos R. Salvador ; Rothenberg, C.E. Livro texto dos minicursos / XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos. Porto Alegre: Editora da SBC, 2012. (in portuguese) 3. Redes Sociais Móveis no Sensoriamento Participativo do Ambiente Urbano. MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; Martinello M. ; GUARDIA, H. C. Mini-cursos do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e Web. 2008. (in portuguese) US PATENTS 1. USPTO #8,467,390 (Method and system for network stack tuning), issued 18 jun. 2013 2. USPTO #8,149,826 (Method and system for profiling and learning application networking behavior), issued 19 jun. 2008 3. USPTO #8,102,852 (Method and system for time-stamping data packets from a network), issued 24 jan. 2012 4. USPTO #8,000,239 (Method and system for bandwidth allocation using router feedback), issued 16 aug. 2011 5. USPTO #7,936,784 (Method and system for offloaded transport layer protocol switching), issued 3 may 2011 6. USPTO #7,801,046 (Method and system for bandwidth control on a network interface card), issued 21 sep. 2010 7. USPTO #7,701,856 (Method and system for bi-level congestion control for multipath transport), issued 20 apr. 2010 8. USPTO #7,672,240 (Method and system for using Bayesian network inference for selection of transport protocol algorithm), issued 2 mar. 2010 THESIS 1. Inline Path Estimators to Improve Congestion Control and Applications: Algorithms and Measurements. Cesar Augusto Cavalheiro Marcondes. Ph.D. Thesis. UCLA. March 2008. Advisor: Mario Gerla. FUNDED RESEARCH 1. CAPES STIC-AMSUD - 2013 - 2014. RESPOND: Reputation and Energy aware Search for suPOrting Natural Disasters. Grant for Collaboration between South America and France. Brazilian coordinator, $10k euros/year, 2012-2013. 2. CNPq / FP7 ICT. 2011 – 2014. Brazil and Europe Future Internet Experimentation - FIBRE Project. Task Leader T2.4 and T2.5 of Working Package 2. Budget: $1M euros/30 months, 2011-2013. 3. FAPESP RTI ANSP 2013 - UFSCarNet to ANSP Infrastructure Project. Coordinator. Budget: Orçamento: $300K dollars/year, 2013. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Regular Reviewer IEEE Communications Magazine Regular Reviewer Computer Networks Journal Regular Reviewer Journal of Communications and Networks Regular Reviewer Wireless Personal Communications Regular Reviewer IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials TPC Chair Brazilian Critical Embedded Systems Conference TPC Member Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) Member ACM Member Among several others