Brazil, May 14-16


Brazil, May 14-16
Brazil, May 14-16
Rio de Janeiro
Wednesday, 14 May
Thursday, 15 May
Friday, 16 May
8:30 Registration
Tutorial 1: The Games For Heath
Finland Experience
Invited Lecture - Nuno Sousa
Invited Lecture - Thiago Rivero
10:00 Tutorial 2: MoCap For Blender
Session 3 - Signal Processing &
Robotic instruments for surgery
Session 6 - Game Design and
Tutorial 3: Brain Computer
Tutorial 4: Gesture Recognition
With 3D Sensors
Opening Session
Invited Lecture - Igor Mayer
15:00 Session 1 - Rehabilitation I
10:50 Coffee Break
11:10 Coffee Break
Session 4 - Public Health
12:50 Lunch
14:30 Session 5 - Rehabilitation II
11:10 Poster Session
16:00 Social Event
11:50 Session 7 - eHealth
13:30 Closing Session
Best Paper Award
Wrap-up + Announcement of
SEGAH 2015
16:20 Coffee Break
16:40 Session 2 - Applications
19:00 Banquet
UFF - Entrance 1
Rua Passo da Pátria, 156 - São Domingos,
UFF - Entrance 2
Avenida General Milton Tavares de Souza,
380 - Gragoatá, Niterói
UFF - Entrance 3
Rua Edmundo March, 195 - Boa Viagem,
Jambeiro Restaurante e Pizzaria
Rua Presidente Domiciano, 131 – Ingá,
NAB - Venue of Segah 2014
Campus da Praia Vermelha, Niterói
Hotel Cantareira
Rua General Osório, 62 - Gragoatá, Niterói
Hotel H Niterói
Rua Doutor Paulo Alves, 14 - Ingá, Niterói
Bus Stop - Line 47
Rua Passo da Pátria - São Domingos, Niterói
Taxi Stand
Rua Presidente Domiciano, 72 - Ingá, Niterói
Ccr Barcas Estação Praça Araribóia
Praça Araribóia, 6 - Centro, Niterói
Rua Quinze de Novembro, 8 - Centro,
Niterói Contemporary Art Museum
Mirante da Boa Viagem, s/nº - Boa Viagem,
Computer Science Institute
Campus da Praia Vermelha, Niterói
Engineering School Building
Campus da Praia Vermelha, Niterói
Plaza Shopping
Session 1: Rehabilitation I
15:00 “Minha Saúde” a Healthcare Social Network for Patients with Cardiovascular
Diseases and Recommendation Systems
Edhelmira Lima Medina, Orlando Loques and Claudio Tinoco Mesquita
15:20 Serious Games for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Ankle Movements using a
Robotic Platform
Ana Carolina Barbosa Faria Gonçalves, Wilian Miranda Dos Santos, Leonardo José Consoni
and Adriano Siqueira
15:40 Shoulder Flexion Rehabilitation in Patients with Monoparesia Using an Exergame
Javier Bedoya Castaño, Juan David Hoyos Escobar, Jhon Edison Muñoz Cardona and José
Fernando Lopez Herrera
16:00 Automatic Assessment of upper Limb Function During Play of the Action Video Game,
Circus Challenge: Validity and Sensitivity to Change
Javier Serradilla, Jian Shi, Yafeng Cheng, Graham Morgan, Charlotte Lambden and Janet
Session 2: Applications
16:40 ComFiM: A Game for Multitouch Devices to Encourage Communication between
People with Autism
Paula Ceccon and Alberto Barbosa Raposo
17:00 Make Your Garden Grow: Designing a Physical Activity Estimation Imrovement Game
Ashish Amresh and Leigh Small
17:20 Development of a Complete Game Based System for Physical Therapy with Kinect
Rômulo Menezes, Pâmella Batista, Arthur Ramos and Alvaro Medeiros
17:40 Jecripe: a Serious Game Project for People With Special Needs in Different Computer
Science Areas
André Brandão, Leandro A. F. Fernandes, Esteban Clua, Didier Stricker and Daniela Trevisan
Session 3: Signal Processing & Robotic
instruments for surgery
Wireless and Wearable EEG Acquisition Platform for Ambulatory Monitoring
Francisco Pinho, José Correia, Nuno Sousa, João Cerqueira and Nuno Dias
10:10 Hand-Held Robotic Device for Laparoscopic Surgery and Training
Ricardo Pereira, António H.J. Moreira, Mariana Leite, Pedro L. Rodrigues, Sandro Queirós,
Nuno Rodrigues, Pedro Leão and João L. Vilaça
10:30 A lightweight method for detecting sleep-related activities based on load sensing
Wagner O. De Morais and Nicholas Wickström
Session 4: Public Health Education
11:10 PlantasMED: A mobile application to promote the rational use of medicinal plants
in Brazil’s countryside based on participatory HCI design and popular education for
Susane Batista de Souza, Marina Maria Austregésilo Saraiva Da Silva, Ruth Pereira
Rodrigues, Maria Eduarda Bragança Malta, Cristine Martins Gomes de Gusmão and
Wellington Pinheiro Dos Santos
11:30 Development of a Serious Game for children with hemophilia
Roberta Matsunaga and Marcos Borges
11:50 “Playing with Health”: Game Design Methodology for Public Health Education
Cynthia Dias, Camila Furlanetti, José Victor Luiz and Guilherme Xavier
12:10 Ilera-Aiye: A virtual world for the development of serious games for health education
and promotion in the Northeastern Brazilian countryside
Cecilia Cordeiro Da Silva, Bárbara Gabrielle Marques de Alcântara, Julio Cesar Da Silva
Olimpio, Cristine Martins Gomes de Gusmão, Abel Guilhermino Da Silva Filho and Wellington
Pinheiro Dos Santos
12:30 Nutrition at Play: Technology promoting alimentary behavior modification
Ana Beatriz Bahia, Angelia Berndt, Greice Bordignon and Emilio Takase
Session 5: Rehabilitation II
14:30 Rehabnect - Infusing the Shoulder Abduction Rehabilitation Exercise with Ludic
Anders Hartzen and Simon Leander Mikkelsen
14:50 Real-time hand tracking for rehabilitation and character animation
António H.J. Moreira, Sandro Queirós, Pedro L. Rodrigues, José Fonseca, Nuno F. Rodrigues
and João L. Vilaça
15:10 The Mobile RehApp™: an AR-based mobile game for ankle sprain rehabilitation
Jaime Garcia and Karla Felix Navarro
15:30 Serious Games for Stroke Rehabilitation Employing Immersive User Interfaces in 3D
Virtual Environment
Emmanouela Vogiatzaki and Artur Krukowski
Session 6: Game Design and Development
The effect of different difficulty adaptation strategies on enjoyment and performance
in a serious game for memory training
Aniket Nagle, Domen Novak, Peter Wolf and Robert Riener
10:10 The economical effectiveness of Serious Games in the Healthcare environment Application and evaluation of the Comparative Transformation Model (CTM)
Martin R. Wolf and Laura L. Lenz
Session 7: eHealth
11:50 unCUT: Bridging the Gap from Paper Diary Cards Towards Mobile Electronic
Monitoring Solutions in Borderline and Self-Injury
Nadja Lederer, Thomas Grechenig and René Baranyi
12:10 Envisioning secure and usable access control for patients
Ana Ferreira, Gabriele Lenzini, Cátia Santos-Pereira, Alexandre B. Augusto and Manuel E.
12:30 Robotic Platform for Telerehabilitation Studies based on Unity Game Engine
Felipe Augusto Pires, Wilian Miranda Dos Santos, Kleber de Oliveira Andrade, Glauco Caurin
and Adriano Siqueira
12:50 Video Games and Participation in Health: how online games can foster population’s
participation in public health policies
Marcelo de Vasconcellos and Inesita Soares de Araujo
13:10 Design of a serious game in training non-clinical skills for professionals in health
care area
Jing Guo, Nicolas Singer and Rémi Bastide
Poster Session
11:10 Designing a new protocol for EEG neurofeedback training in elders
Nuno Afonso and Nuno Dias
Dissociation between attention and motor control in a video game a training:
Prototype data
Thiago Rivero, João Vitor Guedes, Leonardo Marengo, Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz,
Ricardo Pietrobon, Joao Ricardo Vissoci and Orlando Francisco Amodeo Bueno
Rumination room: A serious game to deal with disturbing thoughts
Eva Oliveira, Miguel M. Gonçalves, Rui Caridade and Nuno Rodrigues
Analysis of movement acceleration of Down’s syndrome teenagers playing computer
Daniela Carrogi-Vianna, Paulo Batista Lopes, Jefferson Jesus Hengles Almeida, Marcos
Lomonaco Yazaki, Raquel Cymrot, Telma Dagmar Oberg and Silvana Maria Blascovi-Assis
Hugo Against Dengue: A serious game to educate people about Dengue fever
Thiago Porcino, Esteban Clua and Edilberto Strauss
Educational virtual game scenario generation for serious games
Olivier Janssens, Koen Samyn, Rik Van de Walle and Sofie Van Hoecke
Recovery and Coping Stress Supported by Serious Games
Renato Aquino Lopes, Alexantre Cardoso, Edgard Afonso Lamounier Júnior and Ederaldo
José Lopes
Instrumental analysis and behavioral of the body dominance during virtual tennis
Leonardo Grilo Gomes, Reginato Domingos Scremim, Miguel Antonio Sovierzoski and
Humberto Remigio Gamba
UrHealth: Adaptive assisted medical diagnosis system with mobile devices for
patient’s symptoms reporting
Cassio Scofield, Lorenzo Lodi, Tiago Martines, Guilherme Ribeiro and Lucia Filgueiras
Health Emergency Event Notification System, Towards to the Seamless Service
Julián Adrián Garibaldi Beltrán, María De Los Angeles Cosio León, Ana Isabel Grimaldo
Martinez and Juan Ivan Nieto Hipólito
Spatially Aware Mobile Interface for 3D Visualization and Interactive Surgery
Jerônimo Grandi, Anderson Maciel, Henrique Galvan Debarba and Dinamar Zanchet
Methodological steps to create a video game to rehabilitation ADHD Adolescents.
Thiago Rivero, Leonardo Marengo, João Vitor Guedes, João Ricardo Vissoci, Leandro
Fernandes Malloy-Diniz, Ricardo Pietrobon and Orlando Francisco Amodeo Bueno
Expert user validation of transplant management procedure simulations
Blanca Borro Escribano, Javier Torrente, Angel Del Blanco, Itziar Martinez Alpuente, Baltasar
Fernandez Manjon and Rafael Matesanz
The History of Exergames: Promotion of Exercise and Active Living through Body
Mateus Finco and Richard Maass
Evaluation between humans and affective NPC in digital gaming scenario
Rainier Sales, Daniel de Oliveira, Aline Paes, Esteban Clua, Maria Nunes and Luiz
A Proposal of e-Learning Self-instructional Course for Homecare
Júlio Menezes Jr., Cristine Gusmão, Rodrigo Lins and Josiane Machiavelli
10:30 Positive Relationship Between Duration of Action Video Game Play and Visuospatial
Executive Function in Children
Maha Al-Gabbani, Graham Morgan and Janet Eyre
A new approach for self adaptive video game for health. Experiences in the
Amblyopia’s treatment
Omar Correa Madrigal, Pedro Carlos Pérez Martinto and Alejandro Arias Días
10:50 Gaming to Master the Game:Game usability and game mechanics
Andreea Molnar and Patty Kostkova
Designing Games for Older Adults: An affordance based approach
Mahmoud Awad, Stuart Ferguson and Cathy Craig

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