1º Bimestral - Colégio Santa Rosa


1º Bimestral - Colégio Santa Rosa
Exercício para o site ‐2º ano – 1º bim. – Profa. Lourdes Friche OBJECTIVE QUESTION O texto abaixo servirá de base para as questões de 1 a 4. Information please... towards a world science information network By Yuri I. Litukhi The UNESCO Courier SCIENTISTS form an international community whose common bond, science itself, leads them to see beyond national boundaries 3 and sectarian attitudes. When a scientist makes a discovery, he wants to tell, not just his fellow countrymen, but the world. Similarly, when he seeks information, he wants to be provided with it as quickly as possible, 6 regardless of whether its source is inside or outside his own country. Today, no one scientist or engineer can hope to keep up to date with the avalanche of technical articles, books and abstracts which threaten to engulf even the most conscientious researcher. At the beginning of the 19th century, a solution to the increasing number of specialized reviews was found in the form of the abstract journal. But since then both abstract journals and periodicals have proliferated at an astounding rate so that each year the scientist and technical expert must confront some 50,000 scientific and technical journals, publishing almost two million articles written by some 750,000 authors in as many as 50 languages. This "information explosion" is both exciting and frustrating. On the one hand, scientists are eager to share in the knowledge and ideas of their colleagues. On the other, they have neither the time nor the resources to sift through a heap of publications to unearth those items which fall within their field of interest.And when the scientist does gain access to the material he wants, linguistic and other barriers often prevent him from putting it to good use. The resultant wastage and loss are staggering: for every thousand new ideas in science, only three or four are ever put to practical use. To reduce these information gaps and frustrations, an intergovernmental cooperative venture called UNISIST [United Nations International Scientific Information System] has been set up under Unesco auspices. It is designed to stimulate the creation of national and international information systems in the social, natural and exact sciences. Its beginnings go back to a January 1967 meeting between the International Council on Scientific Unions (ICSU) and Unesco at which it was decided to work towards a world scientific information system. Disponível em: <http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0007/000747/074786eo.pdf#45725> Acesso em: 23 jul. 2011. Imagem:<http://www.google.com.br/imgres?imgurl=http://www.asisinfo.net/file/image/glob
al.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.asisinfo.net/services/information‐technology/>. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2011. 1. De acordo com o texto, para o cientista é importante A) implementar grupos de pesquisa. B) questionar o uso da tecnologia na ciência. C) divulgar amplamente suas descobertas. D) estabelecer padrões éticos de investigação. 2. Segundo o texto, ao fazer uma busca, o cientista preocupa‐se com A) a precisão, particularmente de fontes vindas do exterior. B) a rapidez, independentemente do lugar onde os dados estejam. C) o dinamismo, principalmente em relação a informações do seu país. D) o rigor, especialmente de bases de pesquisa internacionais. 3. Em relação às publicações, cientistas ou engenheiros atualmente têm que lidar com A) a confiabilidade do material divulgado. B) a distribuição em ritmo acelerado. C) o longo tempo para a produção. D) o excesso de fontes disponíveis. 4. A expressão “information explosion” está relacionada ao fato de que: A) a socialização das descobertas motiva a criação de áreas de pesquisa. B) a competência linguística ameniza a dificuldade de acesso a publicações. C) a falta de tempo e de recursos impede o acesso ao conhecimento. D) a aplicabilidade dos resultados é limitada a determinados campos de interesse. Jim Davis 5. In the story above, Garfield a) is practicing kitty door smashing. b) wonders what to do after killing the mailman on the sidewalk. c) is testing his running skills around the house. d) believes Match 2 is considered federal offense. e) is afraid of being caught by the mailman. 6. Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
Texto adaptado para as questões de 6 a 9.
Facebook Tops 500 Million Users
Facebook, the social network created in the dormitories of Harvard six
years ago, said on Wednesday that it now had 500 million members.
The company has doubled in size from a year ago, pushing international
competitors aside. “This is an important milestone for all of you who have
helped spread Facebook around the world,” Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s
26-year-old chief executive, said in a company blog post.
Facebook’s dizzying rise has not been without stumbles. Most recently,
the company was the focus of intense scrutiny over changes to its site that
encouraged members to make more information about themselves accessible
to anyone on the Internet.
A recent survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index showed that
user satisfaction with Facebook stood at 64 on a 100-point scale, which placed
it in the bottom 5 percent of the companies covered in the index.
Facebook’s popularity has also spurred competition from the likes of
Google, which views the billions of links and hours spent on the site each
month as a threat to its business.
But if anything, the site’s steady growth in spite of its setbacks only
validates the company’s approach, said Ray Valdes, an analyst at the research
firm Gartner.
Facebook has been aggressive in pushing users “to the edge of their
comfort zone,” Mr. Valdes said. “But Facebook has proven that it can weather
those challenges and still grow.”
Mr. Valdes, who estimates that Facebook is adding 50 million new
members each month, attributed the company’s rapid ascension to its
continuous effort to change and improve the service.
“That keeps it bubbling away,” he said.
(The New York Times, July 21, 2010)
O título “Facebook Tops 500 Million Users”, significa que:
a. O Facebook quase alcançou 500 milhões de usuários.
b. O facebook alcançará em breve 500 milhões de usuários.
c. O Facebook já alcançou o número de 500 milhões de usuários.
d. O Facebook ultrapassará em breve os 500 milhões de usuários.
e. O Facebook ultrapassou a marca de 500 milhões de usuários seis anos atrás.
De acordo com informações do texto, é correto afirmar:
a. Facebook foi criado por um grupo de membros antigos da Universidade de
b. Considera o Google sua única ameaça.
c. Se tornou uma empresa muito lucrativa.
d. É considerado o melhor site na esfera social da internete.
e. Tem crescido meteoricamente.
A importante marca dita por Mark Zuckerberg refere a:
a. A satisfação dos usuários com o Facebook.
b. A surpreendente rentabilidade da empresa.
c. O número de usuários.
d. A qualidade da equipe que tem ajudado a espalhar o Facebook ao redor do
e. O resultado de pesquisa recente feita por um instituto que mede a satisfação dos
clientes americanos.
De acordo com o texto, o constant crescimento do Facebook se deve a :
a. Aos seus 500 milhões de membros.
b. A fraquesa dos concorrentes internacionais.
c. Ao seu director executivo de 26 anos.
Ao fato de seus usuários estarem cem por cento satisfeitos.
A sua política continua de desenvolvimento.
9. (UFRS) While the danger does not seem to dampen anyone's partying spirit, violence is much feared and the threat is much discussed among the locals. – The use of 'S is the same in ANYONE'S PARTYING SPIRIT and in: a. Everyone's invited for Carnival in Rio. b. The American's luggage was checked carefully. c. My friend Jeremy's arrived. d. Nobody's pleased with the situation. e. The Mexican tourist's coming tomorrow. 10. (JFS) Leia o fragmento a seguir: "When you look at the architecture in Chile you see buildings that have damage, but not the complete pancaking that you've got in Haiti," said Cameron Sinclair, executive director of Architecture for Humanity, a 10‐year‐old nonprofit that has helped people in 36 countries rebuild after disasters._______________ received 400 requests for help the day after the Haiti quake but he said it had yet to receive a single request for help for Chile. – O espaço em branco deve ser preenchido por qual das seguintes opções? a. Sinclair San Francisco’s based organization b. Sinclair's San Francisco‐based organization c. Sinclair's San Francisco’s based organization d. San Francisco‐based organization by Sinclair e. San Francisco’s based organization by Sinclair 11. (UNESP) Indique a alternativa que expresse o mesmo significado de“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". a. Imitation is the best form of provocation. b. Imitation is a true form of irritation. c. Imitation is a real form of harassment. d. Imitation is the most accurate form of exasperation. e. Imitation is the most genuine form of adulation. 12. In the sentence "Everyone lies", the present tense is being used to express a fact that will never change in time (historical present). In which of the alternatives below is the present tense being used to express a similar idea? a. It is hot and sunny today. b. Water freezes at 0° Celsius. c. My plane leaves at 5pm tomorrow. d. My cousin studies Computer Science. e. Joe is late for work today. 13. ( ENEN) Steve Jobs: A Life Remembered (1955‐2011) Readersdigest.ca takes a look back at Steve Jobs, and his contribution to our digital world. CEO. Tech‐Guru. Artist. There are few corporate figures as famous and well‐regarded as former‐Apple CEO Steve Jobs. His list of achievements is staggering, and his contribution to modern technology, digital media, and indeed the world as a whole, cannot be downplayed. With his passing on October 5, 2011, readersdigest.ca looks back at some of his greatest achievements and pays our respects to a digital pioneer who helped pave the way for a generation of technology, and possibilities, few could have imagined. Disponível em: <www.readersdigest.ca>. Acesso em: 25 fev. 2012. Informações sobre pessoas famosas são recorrentes na mídia, divulgadas de forma impressa ou virtualmente. Em relação a Steve Jobs, esse texto propõe a. expor as maiores conquistas da sua empresa. b. descrever suas criações na área da tecnologia. c. enaltecer sua contribuição para o mundo digital. d. lamentar sua ausência na criação de novas tecnologias. e. discutir o impacto de seu trabalho para a geração digital. SUBJECTIVE QUESTION LEIA O TEXTO ABAIXO E RESPONDA AS QUESTÕES 1, 2, 3 e 4 .
This playful satire is the third novel by Brazilian singer and composer Buarque. The plot revolves
around Jose Costa, a Brazilian writer who ends up in Budapest, where he becomes absorbed by the
Hungarian language. As he scans a Hungarian grammar book, he meets a woman named Krista,
who offers to teach him the language and later becomes his lover. Although its plot is fanciful,
Buarque’s novel raises serious questions about recreating one's life in a foreign language as exotic
as Hungarian, said to be the only one on earth respected by the devil.
Recommended for readers of imaginative fiction and the linguistically curious -- Jack Shreve.
(Adaptado de
http://www.hclib.org/pub/bookspace/discuss/?bib=1055640&Tab=Reviews. Acessado em
1) Para o autor da resenha acima, o romance Budapeste, apesar de ser uma sátira divertida,
levanta questões
sérias. Sobre o que seriam essas questões?
2) Como a língua húngara é qualificada por Jack Shreve e o que, segundo esse autor, costumam
dizer sobre essa língua?
3) A quem é recomendado este livro?
4) Qual as outras profissões do autor do livro?