formulário de pedido de visto visa application form
formulário de pedido de visto visa application form
FORMULÁRIO DE PEDIDO DE VISTO VISA APPLICATION FORM REPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL MINISTÉRIO DAS RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES DADOS PESSOAIS / PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTOCOLO Nº 01 - NOME COMPLETO (FIRST/MIDDLE/FAMILY NAME) VISTO Nº 02 - NASCIDO EM (cidade/estado/país) PLACE OF BIRTH (city/state/country) 04 - NACIONALIDADE NATIONALITY 03 - DATA DE NASCIMENTO (dia/mês/ano) DATE OF BIRTH (day/month/year) 05 - SEXO SEX 06 - ESTADO CIVIL MARITAL STATUS ATTACH 3 X 4 cm 07 - DOCUMENTO DE VIAGEM PASSPORT OR TRAVEL DOCUMENT 08 - PAÍS EXPEDIDOR ISSUING COUNTRY 09 - EXPIRAÇÃO (dia/mês/ano) EXPIRATION DATE (d/m/y) PHOTO HERE 10 - NOME DOS PAIS /PARENT´S NAME do pai/father’s: _______________________________________________________________ da mãe/mother’s: _____________________________________________________________ 11 - ENDEREÇO RESIDENCIAL / HOME ADDRESS 12 - TELEFONE Nº TELEPHONE Nº 13 - PROFISSÃO PROFESSION 14 - ENDEREÇO PROFISSIONAL /BUSINESS ADDRESS 15 - TELEFONE Nº TELEPHONE Nº 16 - EMPREGADOR EMPLOYER FAVOR PREENCHER À MÁQUINA OU EM LETRA DE FORMA. RESPONDER AOS ITENS 1 A 26 (FRENTE E VERSO) E ASSINAR. OS FORMULÁRIOS INCOMPLETOS SERÃO DEVOLVIDOS. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. ANSWER ITEMS 1 THROUGH 26 (FRONT AND BACK) AND SIGN. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED. PARA USO OFICIAL / FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A - Consulta à SERE B - Autorização da SERE ____________Nº. _________ DConcessão Denegação Prorrogação H - Observações ______________ Nº._________ E - Entradas Uma Múltiplas _________________________ F - Prazo de Estada _________anos/dias G - Data ______/______/_____ dia mês ano I - Assinaturas Funcionário TOMO II – Capítulo 11 C - Tipo do Visto Modelo NSCJ 11.1.18 Chefia Versão 1.00 (02/06/2000) DADOS PESSOAIS / PERSONAL INFORMATION (CONT.) 17 - OBJETIVO DA VIAGEM AO BRASIL /PURPOSE OF VISIT TO BRAZIL (PLEASE CHECK AS APPROPRIATE) : VIAGEM ESTRITAMENTE DE NATUREZA TURÍSTICA (ATIVIDADES REMUNERADAS PROIBIDAS) MY VISIT WILL BE STRICTLY FOR TOURISM (NO PAID ACTIVITIES ARE ALLOWED). VIAGEM DE NEGÓCIOS I AM GOING TO BRAZIL ON BUSINESS. VIAGEM DE TRÂNSITO I AM IN TRANSIT. PARTICIPAÇÃO EM SEMINÁRIOS OU CONFERÊNCIAS I WILL PARTICIPATE IN SEMINARS OR CONFERENCES. PARTICIPAÇÃO EM PROGRAMAS CULTURAIS/CIENTÍFICOS I WILL TAKE PART IN A CULTURAL/SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM. DESEMPENHO DE ATIVIDADES DE PESQUISA I WILL DEVELOP RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. TRABALHO EM ATIVIDADES DE ASSISTÊNCIA SOCIAL I WILL ACCOMPANY A GROUP OF CHURCH VOLUNTEERS AND/OR TAKE PART IN COMMUNITY SOCIAL WORKS. PARTICIPAÇÃO EM ATIVIDADES ESPORTIVAS E/OU ARTÍSTICAS I INTEND TO PARTICIPATE SPORT AND/OR ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES. TRABALHO COMO CORRESPONDENTE JORNALÍSTICO I INTEND TO WORK AS A MEDIA CORRESPONDENT. TRABALHO COM CONTRATO NO BRASIL I INTEND TO HOLD A POSITION UNDER AN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT IN BRAZIL. TRABALHO COMO MISSIONÁRIO RELIGIOSO NO BRASIL I INTEND TO WORK AS A RELIGIOUS MISSIONARY ATIVIDADE EM ÁREAS HABITADAS POR POPULAÇÕES INDÍGENAS I INTEND TO VISIT AREAS INHABITED BY INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS. CURSOS ESCOLARES NO BRASIL I WILL ATTEND SCHOOL IN BRAZIL. VIAGEM EM MISSÃO OFICIAL I WILL TRAVEL IN AN OFFICIAL MISSION. ACOMPANHAMENTO DE PESSOAS EM MISSÃO OFICIAL I WILL ACCOMPANY MEMBERS OF AN OFFICIAL MISSION. SOLICITAÇÃO DE VISTO PERMANENTE I AM APPLYING FOR A PERMANENT VISA OUTROS (INDICAR) OTHER (EXPLAIN) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 18 - NOME E ENDEREÇO DA PESSOA, ENTIDADE OU EMPRESA DE CONTATO NO BRASIL NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON, INSTITUTION OR COMPANY WHERE YOU CAN BE CONTACTED IN BRAZIL 19 - ENDEREÇO NO BRASIL ADDRESS IN BRAZIL 20 - TELEFONE Nº TELEPHONE Nº 21 - LOCAL E DATA DE DESEMBARQUE PLACE AND DATE OF ARRIVAL 22 - DESTINO DESTINATION 24 - JÁ ESTEVE NO BRASIL? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN BRAZIL? 25 - EM CASO AFIRMATIVO, QUANDO/LOCAL/DURAÇÃO DA ÚLTIMA ESTADA IF YES, WHEN/PLACE /LENGTH OF LAST STAY SIM (YES) 23 - PERÍODO DA ESTADA LENGTH OF INTENDED STAY NÃO (NO) TERMO DE RESPONSABILIDADE / FORMAL STATEMENT 26 - DECLARO SEREM VERDADEIRAS E COMPLETAS AS INFORMAÇÕES CONTIDAS NO PRESENTE DOCUMENTO. I DECLARE THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. NOME /NAME TOMO II – Capítulo 11 DATA /DATE Modelo NSCJ 11.1.18 ASSINATURA /SIGNATURE Versão 1.00 (02/06/2000) TOURIST VISA Who is eligible? ¾ Tourists in general (sightseeing, pleasure trip, etc.); ¾ Participants in sport competitions or artistic contests, conferences or seminars, whenever they are not being paid for such activities (daily allowances and accommodation expenses coverage excepted). Requirements: a passport valid for a minimum of six months from the date of intended arrival in Brazil (with at least one blank page available); one Visa Application Form, filled out, dated and signed by the applicant (parents must sign for minors under 18 years old); one recent 2”x 2” passport-photo, front view, white background. Snapshots or computer pictures are not accepted; a copy of a round-trip ticket or a booked itinerary showing travel to and from Brazil, confirming purchase of the ticket and passenger’s name, itinerary, flight number and arrival/departure dates; a copy of the US Alien Resident Card for foreign residents and/or a valid visa or document to return from Brazil to the US or to another country; for minors under 18 years of age, the original birth certificate and a copy. Copies presented without the original must be notarized. Minors also need a letter of consent, signed by both parents, and legalized by a notary public; International certificate of vaccination against polio for children between ages of three months and six years. If the child cannot be inoculated, a notarized letter from the child’s physician. the Consulate may request additional information/documentation as deemed necessary in the case of participants in sport competitions or artistic contests, conferences, or seminars, affidavit from the organizing institution in Brazil, with specific information on the activity to be performed, location and duration, stating that the participant will not receive payment and that no tickets will be sold for the event. A notary public in Brazil must legalize the letter. Consular fees visa fees vary according to nationality: US$ 30.00- Mexico and South Korea; US$ 35.00- Australia; US$ 40.00- Canada and Nigeria; US$ 50.00- Japan and Russia; US$ 20.00- all other countries; US passport holders are exempt from the visa fee, but must pay a processing fee of US$100.00 in reciprocity for an identical fee paid by Brazilian citizens who apply for a Visa to the US. An additional absent fee of US$10.00 will be charged for any application not submitted in person by the applicant. No personal or company checks are accepted, only cash (exact change), money order, cashier’s check or certified check, made out to the Consulate General of Brazil. Note that: TOMO II – Capítulo 11 Modelo NSCJ 11.1.18 Versão 1.00 (02/06/2000) The Consulate General of Brazil in Los Angeles does not process same day visas. It usually takes from 2 to 5 working days; The Tourist Visa is good for multiple entries for the duration of the visa, and it must be used within 90 days from the date that it was issued; All tourist visa holders, regardless of nationality or the length of time that the Visa is given for may only stay in Brazil for up to 90 days. The Federal Police may extend the Visa, yet it may not exceed 180 days per year under any circumstances; The validity of the visa begins on the date of the first entry in Brazil; The Visa can be processed through the mail if the applicant lives within the Consulate’s jurisdiction. A selfaddressed-stamped envelope must be submitted with the application, with the applicant’s name as sender and recipient. The Consulate only accepts United States Postal Service. The turn around time for mailed visa applications is approximately 2 to 3 weeks in high tourist season (November to February); Attention: The Consulate will not be held responsible for the loss or delay of mailed documents. check vaccination for information about yellow fever and anti-polio shots; The legalization of documents issued in the United States must be done by a Notary Public within the jurisdiction of the Consulate. If the Notary Public is not registered at the Consulate, a Specimen of the Notary Public’s signature and stamps must be brought by applicant to the Consulate. Alternatively, the applicant may verify the Notary's signature at the County Clerk. TOMO II – Capítulo 11 Modelo NSCJ 11.1.18 Versão 1.00 (02/06/2000)
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