Nothing Denied(Albright Sisters #3) by Jess Michaels


Nothing Denied(Albright Sisters #3) by Jess Michaels
Nothing Denied(Albright Sisters #3)
by Jess Michaels
** spoiler alert **
I'm sure everyone who reads this book will not love it as I did but this is exactly the type of book for me.
Not everyone will like the heroine, but for me that made this book very interesting. It was refreshing to have a
heroine who everyone disliked and the thing is, she knew it and knew why. The hero was able to see through all
that and because he could, she was different with him.
Beatrice was in her 7th season when her older sister decided to chaperone her younger sister for the season
leaving her alone with her mother. Knowing this Beatrice knew that if she did not find a husband soon that she
would never marry and end up stuck with her mom. She goes to a ball and tries her hardest to smile and be a nice
person. She then realizes she is too late, nobody wants to even be around her.
It was said that Garreth killed his wife. He also blames himself and has not been in society for some time now. He
feels badly because his grandmother wrote him a letter before she died begging him to remarry and have an heir
to carry one their line. He loved his grandmother very much so he finally decides it's time to go back to London to
find a bride.
When Garreth does this, everyone stays away from him. This is when Beatrice notice's him. She see's that people
are treating him just the way they treat her and decides that he should be her husband.
Soon afterwards Beatrice approaches Garreth while in the park and asks him to marry her. He tells her that they
would need to spend some time together to see if she would be able to handle his sexual needs. At the end of 2
weeks if they match he will marry her, if not he would set her up so that she could be on her own. After thinking it
over, she is willing to give it a try.
From there on out the book became VERY steamy. I loved reading how they brought the best of each other out.
From there on out the book became VERY steamy. I loved reading how they brought the best of each other out.
My gosh, I'm terrible at explaining books. I think I'll stop there and hope that you all decide to give this book a
shot.|Disappointing, anticlimactic, formulaic and really just same old (**sigh**), same old (**sigh sigh**) and that’s
just too bad because this is one top notch series. There isn’t one ounce of emotion in this story. The h/h are
unlikeable characters who never connect on any level apart from sex and even that isn’t engaging. I’m not a fan of
the dom/sub theme and sure there are no whips and chains and what have you for it to be a true BDSM novel, but
why the author felt the need even to add that psychological element of master/slave I don’t know. It’s almost as if
she had to fit into “the erotic historical box” that has to have these components while all too often skimping on
the story when that’s what she does best. It just gives the feel of “here we go again/seen it all before/when’s the
anal part coming” (**sigh sigh**).
The story itself is very thin. Beatrice Albright isn’t the most agreeable or friendly person in town and she’s been
shunned by everyone in the ton since her coming out around eight years ago because she has such a caustic
personality. Of course behind the shrew the author wants you to believe that there’s a misunderstood woman and
to some degree her bitchiness is a cover but she’s still a bitch, a pain in the ass, a witch with a chip on her shoulder
whatever you want to call it. I couldn’t believe that she liked to be dominated by Garreth and that’s what made her
truly shine. It was all such an uneven playing field given her personality that I couldn’t buy the love story. She gets
together with Garreth by proposing that two try to see if they’re compatible because everybody hates him too and
if they’re a go then they should get married. He agrees on the condition that she becomes his sex slave because
he’s a man of “unusual tastes and proclivities”. What he really is is an idiot. Right off the bat he’s that “I’m Mr Hot
Dominant Male. You can’t come until I say so or you’ll be punished” –eesh. I hate those stories. Where’s the trust
building? Where’s the getting to you know you part? It’s just bam in your face I’m the wannabe Marquis de Sade
and you’ll like it muahahaha --whatever :-/ Ok, he isn’t that extreme but he is annoying with his master/slave bit as
is she. I just don’t see how the reader can buy into it.
Now there may be readers who enjoy all that but there are still too many parts of the story itself that are missing
to like it as a whole I think. There’s no passion between the two. It’s like they meet, they agree to get down and
dirty, down and dirty turns out to be dom/sub–like (reader doing the ol’ eye roll because you can pretty much see
how the rest of the story is going to pan out), she likes it, he’s surprised, then the stupid caper happens and then
love and the sickly smelling barf epilogue. End of series.
I just wanted this book to finish which was really frustrating because Jess Michaels is a great writer who pens
excellent erotic historicals that give a nice dollop of emotional depth and sex. Well here she’s like everyone else.
Boring and unimaginatively blah.
There are appearances by some of the other characters from previous books, mostly Miranda and Ethan from
book 1 but nothing exciting there. The sudden caper felt like filler and lacking in subtlety as to why it’s there and
the reader knows exactly why the story veers that way too which gets the eye rolling in full swing --again. There
are many aspects of romance novels that tell the reader what’s going to happen because they’ve seen it X number
of times but it’s how the writer writes the scene that makes you like it, love it or just plain want to chuck the book
out the window. This was a “chuck the book” for all the reasons already listed.
So this was a dud read for me. 2.5 stars because unfortunately I've seen this kind of cookie cutter/connect the dots
read too many times before and coming from Jess Michaels just makes it even worse.
|Uma sociedade regida por rumores e estatutos sociais decide que chegou o momento de atormentar um pouco
mais o casal de desconhecidos que, persistentemente, tenta encontrar uma forma de voltar a fazer parte de todo
e qualquer evento social digno de referência. Mas com uma promessa por cumprir e um desejo incontrolável por
independência, escolher um parceiro suficientemente forte e célere e que, ao mesmo tempo, esteja disposto a
enfrentar as adversidades da paixão que o acompanha, não será nada fácil...
‹‹Força do Desejo›› trata-se de um romance extremamente quente e vibrante, que conta a história de como o
destino consegue, por vezes, actuar de forma inesperada. Juntando duas personalidades aparentemente díspares
mas que, no seu íntimo, partilham uma paixão avassaladora e inquebrável, este enredo prima pela consistência e
voluptuosidade da escrita e pela franqueza e emoções que a própria narrativa desperta no leitor. Como um
destino consegue, por vezes, actuar de forma inesperada. Juntando duas personalidades aparentemente díspares
mas que, no seu íntimo, partilham uma paixão avassaladora e inquebrável, este enredo prima pela consistência e
voluptuosidade da escrita e pela franqueza e emoções que a própria narrativa desperta no leitor. Como um
constante jogo de poder e controlo, de afirmação e submissão, Jess Michaels cria um leque espectacular de
personagens bem construídas e carismáticas que embelezam uma trama que tanto tem de simples, como de
dominador. Um livro diferente, com uma mensagem subliminar forte e que, mesmo por vezes camuflada por
entre as linhas, nem por isso se impede de ser ouvida.
Opinião completa, em:
|** spoiler alert **
Nothing Denied - 3 1/2 stars
We saw glimpses of Beatrice's spoiled and whining personality in the first two Albright sister's stories, so it was no
surprise that it was very difficult to like her very much when it came to her own story. She is a real b*tch who has
ruined herself with the ton with her rude and haughty manners. Enter the Marquis of Highcroft, Gareth Berenger,
whose own reputation is in shatters and is completely shunned by the ton also. Both are desperate to make a
match and since no one else will consider either of them they strike a bargain of their own to see if they can be a
suitable match for each other! The first half of the book was difficult because of Beatrice's continuous whining and
I wanted to toss the book and move onto to something else, but it got much better about midway in and I did
end up enjoying the book so I'm glad I stuck with it. Though it wasn't my favorite in the series, overall it was a very
good read.
According to Jess Michael's March 2010 newsletter, this is the final chapter of the Albright Sisters as well as the
final Jess Michaels book. While it is disappointing that there will be no more, I really enjoyed the series and want
to thank Ms. Michaels for bringing them to us and wish her well in all her future endeavors. Jess you will be
Força e Desejo tal como a categoria em que é classificado…é muito sensual! Aliás bastante erótico e a escrita da
autora preenche o livro com detalhes nas páginas tornando-as uma leitura afrodisíaca que faz com que as almas
dos leitores tenham um súbito “afrontamento”!
Nunca tinha lido nada da escritora e gostei de o fazer. É um livro bastante bom para se ter à mesa de cabeceira e
ler antes do deitar e ter uns bons sonhos :), porém no início fiz o erro de o ler no comboio e digamos que foi uma
viagem “spicy”!
A personagem feminina principal, Beatrice, é uma encalhada que se vê “obrigada” a recorrer ao único homem que
pode casar com ela nada mais, nada menos do que Gareth que tem a reputação arruinada por um rumor (ou
não!) que o persegue.
Gareth é um homem com um gosto especial por mulheres e para a época muito moderno em termos de gosto
sexual. Gosta de submeter as mulheres para satisfazerem as suas fantasias sexuais.
Por um lado achei curioso que estas duas personagens antes de casar tenham feito um acordo para ver se eram
sexualmente compatíveis…já que a castidade na altura era intocável antes do casamento foi muito arriscado para
a personagem feminina e inédito nos livros que já li semelhantes.
O que não gosto muito nestes livros, mas isto deve-se ao meu feminismo literário (:P!) é o facto de a mulher que
era independente tornar-se submissa. Porém temos de ver que a personagem masculina não é completamente
egocêntrica e apesar de a relação partir de algo físico quer aproximar-se de Beatrice e conseguir uma relação
completa com esta. E mesmo em termos sexuais Gareth nunca quis fazer nada que apenas lhe desse prazer mas
que propiciasse prazer a ambos.
E antes que vos estrague o prazer de lerem este livro ao entrar em território de spoilers, termino só com a
revelação de que é:
- Uma leitura soft mas “caliente”- Para quem quer ter bons sonhos :D!
E por isso classifico o livro em 3.5!