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167 cows diagnosed pregnant at 33 d was reconfirmed 40 d after initial TAI. Conception rate 33 d after initial TAI was 47% (n=695) and was greater (P<0.01) for cows receiving initial TAI after Presynch...

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Livestock and Poultry: Estrus Synchronization

Livestock and Poultry: Estrus Synchronization a replacement for GnRH in an ovulation-synchronization protocol before xed timed AI. M. G. Burns*1, B. S. Buttrey1, D. R. Eborn1, J. E. Larson2, B. J. Lovaas2, G. C. Lamb2, K. C. Olson1, and J. S....

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university of florida thesis or dissertation formatting template

university of florida thesis or dissertation formatting template between d 0 and 3 (CR72; n = 168). In experiment 2 cows received one of four treatments: Control (n = 103); 2) CR72 (n = 104); 3) similar to Control with addition of CR between d 0 and 2 (CR48A; n...

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