Bulletin 4 - Madeira International Bridge Open
Bulletin 4 - Madeira International Bridge Open
DAILY BULLETIN 4 Editors Pedro Nunes Rodrigo Martins Soares WELCOME TO MADEIRA 2013 16th International Bridge Festival Madeira Funchal, November 4-10, 2013 The Portuguese win! The Portuguese Juliano Barbosa and Antonio Campos Palma are the winners of this year’s Pairs’ Tournament. They “only” made 60.93% on yesterday’s session but it was enough to get them first place with 61.44% average. The German pair Helmut Häusler and Michael Gromöller was 0.28% short. They ended up second, after havig a 56.37% session. Sylvie and Franz Terraneo didn’t do so well yesterday. The Austrians made 49.21% and it was only enough for third overall. The Austrian pair Antonio C Palma and Juliano Barbosa Hubert Obermayer and Sascha Wernle won yesterday’s session winth 66.38%. The Portuguese Jorge Cruzeiro and Paulo Gonçalves Pereira were second, just 1.36% behind the Austrians. Third best on the session were the Portuguese islanders Nuno Paz and Carlos Luiz. They got 64.99% and it got them 6th place overall. This evening we start the Teams’ Tournament. Everybody is now preapared for it. As usual, we’ll be online on BBO, so, table A1 will be kibitzed by thousands. Good thing they’re so quiet… Pedro Nunes ENTRY FEES TEAMS 300 €/Team (up to 6 players) 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA Final Results Pairs Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 % 61.44 61.16 60.82 59.18 58.86 58.42 58.03 57.48 57.43 56.97 56.94 56.78 56.43 56.32 55.99 55.87 55.79 55.66 55.30 55.26 55.25 55.23 55.19 54.96 54.92 54.86 54.83 54.71 54.65 54.59 54.58 54.28 54.20 54.20 54.11 54.01 53.93 53.89 53.81 53.81 53.70 53.55 53.45 53.43 52.84 52.75 73 87 107 7 64 10 93 141 94 127 181 147 21 54 113 171 74 53 104 84 81 172 27 152 167 187 67 191 194 47 71 105 103 111 190 110 121 184 4 174 162 164 101 193 109 133 Pair Juliano Barbosa - António Campos Palma Helmut Häusler - Michael Gromöller Franz Terraneo - Sylvie Terraneo Rodrigo Martins Soares - Miguel Teixeira Christian Schlicker - Claus Günther Carlos Luiz - Nuno Paz Hans Metselaar - Ronald Brantsma António Bernardo Ferreira - Rui Pinto Manuel Oliveira - Rui Silva Santos Bjorn Sture Valen - Erik Dahl Arno Lindermann - Nicholas Bausback Nedju Buchlev - Sebastian Reim Georg Kriftner - Robert Franzel Hans Kreuning - Marcel Winkel Arild Armot - Bjorn Fjeldstad Knuut Kiste - Tomas Ruth Betina Artmer - Josef Simon Jorge Cruzeiro - Paulo G Pereira Gregers Bjarnarson - Henrik Frydenlund Helmi Gromöller - Wilhelm Gromöller Willem Gosschalk - Willem van Eijck Edeltraud Gregoritsch - Johann Zeugner Olav Ellestad - Peter Eide Aarne Rummel - Peeter Lond Diana Damianova - Victor Aronov Hans Vergoed - Yael Topiol Dennis Bilde - Mads Eyde Odd A Mollersen - Pal Haveseth Jorunn Feness - Kjell Otto Kopstad Maija Romanovska - Viktoria Gromova Dick Pathnan - Lucy Pathan Janine van Ipenburg - Toine van Hoof Gisli Thorarinsson - Thordur Sigurdsson Jos Winkelman - Wiweca Jongeneel Hubert Obermayer - Sascha Wernle Bernd Saurer - Doris Fischer Birkir Jon Jonsson - Kristjan Snorrason Jessica Piafsky - Peter Bertheau Connie Goldberg - Kauko Koistinen Pedro Madeira - Paulo Courteilles Sarmento Bruno Neves - Luís M Silva Ivan Nanev - Rosen Gunev Gisli Steingrimsson - Halldor Svanbergsson Benedikt Wiemeyer - Claus Daehr David Franklin - Gerry Stanford Jovi Smederevac - Peter Steiner Ses % 60.93 56.37 49.21 62.56 57.57 64.99 59.92 60.81 50.68 61.01 51.34 64.69 64.31 57.69 60.76 53.93 49.99 65.02 60.48 57.07 55.21 58.21 61.34 61.86 56.90 57.12 56.48 61.31 58.02 64.09 61.61 60.95 48.33 55.11 66.38 61.86 52.70 51.64 58.70 58.31 56.04 37.52 45.52 53.08 50.42 47.78 Ses Rank 15 33 76 7 25 3 19 16 66 13 61 4 5 24 17 47 70 2 18 28 40 22 11 8 30 27 32 12 23 6 10 14 82 42 1 9 55 60 20 21 35 132 98 53 69 84 2 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 52.73 52.71 52.70 52.62 52.53 52.53 52.48 52.13 51.94 51.84 51.68 51.67 51.57 51.52 51.41 51.32 51.13 51.00 50.99 50.97 50.88 50.63 50.53 50.43 50.34 50.27 50.14 49.99 49.89 49.48 49.41 49.38 49.17 49.05 48.93 48.68 48.66 48.60 48.53 48.53 48.46 48.46 47.77 47.71 47.65 47.59 47.54 47.51 1 161 173 46 32 143 48 68 146 170 5 12 30 13 50 41 148 72 33 29 150 23 144 88 65 66 31 124 189 24 49 182 149 14 44 168 34 132 166 153 186 91 145 130 131 3 85 165 Andreas Babsch - Renate Hansen Jasche Garre - Matthias Schüller Georgia Ray - Steve Ray Bodil Nyheim Oigarden - Virginia Chediak Egil Hansen - Harald Norby Carlos Gonçalves - Manuel Coelho Gonçalves Jaan Linnamagi - Paul Leis Frits Gootjes - Tineke Poland Rasmus Nielsen - Tyge Fogh Alfried Bocker - Gabi Schneider Ella Kramer - Hans Sprenkeling Dimitri Markaris - Ralf Schlotmann Peter Bode - Yasmin Basegmez Paulo Pessanha - Paulo Pinto Kai Jorstad - Ronny Jorstad Brian Skjonnemann - Ib Christian Bank Henning - Stig Farholt Andrei Kavalenka - Natalya Koscheeva Roennaug Asla - Svein Markussen Luís A Correia - Frederico Teixeira Mark Thieke - Renee Verdegaal Gunnar Thordarsson - Ragnheidor K Nielsen Jan de Winter - Jan Tesselaar Jörg Heichholzer - S Molnar Gerwin Middelkoop - Pim Vermeulen Haldis Guttormsen - Marita Roberg Alek Tsimakhovich - Larysa Kuzniatsova Gabriel Gislason - Kristinn Krisinsson Olli Puurtinen - Osmo Parviainen Gary Gottlieb - Peter Fredin Bernhard Molnar - M Pendl José A Fernandes - Virgilio Mota Erich Liduin - Herman Schoenmacker Han Begas - Lucia Grosmann José Macedo - João Machado Luc de Puydt - Maurice Bonne Mette Sand - Sonja Bech Gaby Fuchs - Martin Nielsen M Linsen - P Linsen Christina Klemmensen - Lone Kiaer Peter Zelnik - Roswitha Hörnlein Stellingwerff - Wiersema Beppie Bredenoort - Geert Jan Rosebeek Julius Sigurjonsson - Runar Einarsson Doug Rotchell - Patricia Cummins Olav A Molberg - José Pereira Sousa Angeline van Houwelingen - Peter Versteegh Johanna Muller - Maria Braat 53.19 50.57 50.99 53.42 54.12 49.00 53.90 56.57 51.10 54.47 55.20 55.27 44.57 56.95 51.92 53.57 52.90 51.74 53.50 45.34 54.02 42.85 46.49 50.67 49.71 55.41 56.10 44.88 51.31 52.21 45.95 52.63 47.41 48.85 42.08 42.80 44.41 49.97 48.01 49.70 47.29 55.89 43.51 51.10 41.64 49.96 57.31 47.16 52 68 65 51 45 77 48 31 64 44 41 39 105 29 58 49 54 59 50 99 46 113 91 67 73 38 34 104 62 57 95 56 86 79 119 114 107 71 83 74 87 36 109 63 120 72 26 89 3 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 47.49 47.41 47.08 47.03 46.95 46.74 46.73 46.57 46.52 46.49 46.37 46.26 46.14 45.97 45.95 45.71 45.63 45.54 45.50 45.38 45.36 45.28 45.25 44.62 44.60 44.39 44.08 43.94 43.82 43.63 43.30 43.27 43.22 43.18 43.11 42.31 41.56 41.43 41.16 41.00 40.96 40.32 39.47 39.24 36.83 36.59 43 129 89 61 126 163 125 128 6 62 188 11 26 114 86 45 63 169 9 52 2 192 90 69 25 123 134 154 92 185 106 142 28 22 122 8 112 82 70 102 83 151 51 183 42 108 Anna Ivarsdottir - Gudrun Oskarsdottir Karen de Leeuw - Rebecca de Bruyn Dominique Custers - Cees Mul Svein Runar Eiriksson - Throstur Ingmarsson George Schipper - Gerard Limmen Erik Ragnhildrod - Paul Lind Andersen Connie van der Ven - Marjan Smit Christina Altmann - Gitte Hecht-Johansen Robert Snapper - António O Valente Miguel T Ascenção - Ricardo Fernandes Maria Peters - Sybille Schultebraucks Maria Schlicker - Siegfried Völkel Franka van Tuil - Ineke den Hoed Magnus Hammar - Mona Bergström Dragomir Jovanovic - Gerlinde Sifkovits Harjet Quijs - Reggie Schouten Erla Sigurjonsdottir - Maria H Bender Pia Cremer - Ria Bartelomij Harpa Fold Ingolfsdottir - Helga Bergmann Anne-Lill Hellemann - Rolf Tolle José Maria Gouveia - Pedro Morgado Annette Frydenlund Rosthoj - Lisbeth Grove Annikki Schoolmann - Uwe Schoolmann Alison Browne - Ting To Dorine Rijkers - Margot Schoenmacker David Ludviksson - Emma Axelsdottir Alexis Logothetis - Danièle Simon Robert Muddine - Shirley Shugess Amit Chaudhuri - Eva Engström Annemieke Poort - Mike Reuser Ellen Vigmostad - Hans Robert Schwenke José M Freitas - José A Pereira Aage Paulsen - Helge Homelien Anthony de Freitas - John Freitas Bruno Abreu - Luís D Sampaio Inger Lene Rosholt - Mary Anne Berg Gonda de Boer - Mary Guillot Eduardo Fernandes - Joaquim Trindade Norberto Fernandes - Rui Moniz Helder Fernandes - Manuel Arruda Gudny Gudjonsdottir - Olof Thorsteinsdottir Alistair Markham - Isobel Markham Isabel McKenzie - Ron McKenzie Ana Cabral - Gualter Dâmaso Arie Gulden - Pedro Nunes Fátima Menezes - Nuno S Menezes 45.09 45.02 48.80 38.28 48.95 49.39 42.41 40.38 47.66 43.74 46.06 46.06 42.28 44.47 54.90 38.43 43.50 42.16 44.99 40.54 46.26 41.03 42.21 40.95 45.18 37.88 55.88 34.97 48.83 43.47 34.62 36.57 45.58 36.62 47.25 42.89 41.07 46.99 45.76 35.98 41.21 41.28 31.63 30.88 30.62 38.99 101 102 81 130 78 75 115 127 85 108 94 93 116 106 43 129 110 118 103 126 92 124 117 125 100 131 37 136 80 111 137 134 97 133 88 112 123 90 96 135 122 121 138 139 140 128 4 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA The Evil Influence By David Bird Austria’s Sylvie and Franz Terraneo had achieved the near impossible by finishing 1st of 140 in each of the first two sessions of the Open Pairs. They were leading the field with a fabulous 67.36%, leaving me in no doubt which table I should watch in the final session. I did not have long to wait for the first ‘big firework’. Board 14 East Deals None Vul ♠3 ♥A742 ♦ K 10 7 6 2 ♣J87 ♠ A 10 7 N ♥9 W E ♦AJ S ♣ K Q 10 9 5 4 2 ♠KQ85 ♥Q8653 ♦Q9 ♣A6 ♠J9642 ♥ K J 10 ♦8543 ♣3 West Eyde 2♣ 3NT 4NT 6♣ North F.Terraneo 2♦ pass pass all pass East South 1♥ pass pass pass pass 3♦ 4♦ 5♦ Bilde S.Terraneo There was general amusement among the players as South considered further action over 4NT. ‘If you bid again, this time I will double,’ said Mads Eyde playfully. Sylvie Terraneo did bid 5♦ - a good decision on the face of it, since 5♦ doubled would cost only 300 against a vulnerable game. ‘Well, I will think about a double at least,’ said Eyde, studying his cards again. The bear in the cage had been poked once too often. Eyde reached for the 6♣ card! This was a great bid. Even if the slam turned out to be only 50% it would be a better prospect than accepting an inadequate penalty. Franz Terraneo avoided the diamond lead, which would have surrendered the slam immediately. After a start of ace and another heart, declarer was eventually able to ruff out the ♥K, establishing the ♥Q for a diamond discard. That was -920 for a score of 19 / 109. 5 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA An initial run of unlucky boards was continued when Haldis Guttormsen and Marita Roberg arrived for Boards 15 and 16, bidding neatly to the par contracts of 7♥ and 5♣ for scores of 20,3 / 107,7 and 40 / 88. Apparently my presence as a kibitzer was to blame for this unwelcome change of fortune. I declined to leave the table and was rewarded with a string of exciting boards. An inventive redouble caused problems for the opponents on this deal: Board 3 South Deals EW Vul ♠3 ♥AKQ7 ♦AQ732 ♣K72 ♠Q86 ♥ J 10 6 3 2 ♦ 10 6 5 ♣J5 N W E S ♠AJ5 ♥94 ♦KJ4 ♣Q9864 ♠ K 10 9 7 4 2 ♥85 ♦98 ♣ A 10 3 West L.Pathan dbl 3♦ North F.Terraneo rdbl (!) pass East South 3♣ 3NT 2♠ pass all pass D.Pathan S.Terraneo What action should East take at his first turn: 2NT, 3NT, pass for the moment, 3♣? If you play Lebensohl responses to a double of a weak-two, do they apply after a redouble? It’s a rare auction, probably never discussed, and Dick Pathan decided to bid 3♣. Unfortunately for NS, Lucy Pathan had enough to bid again and the par contract was reached. South led the ♠10 to partner’s ♠Q and declarer won with the ace immediately. Eight red-suit winners followed and South discarded three spades and one club. When Dick Pathan played a club towards the queen, the safe (South) hand won. She cashed the ♠K but then had to give the last two tricks to dummy’s ♣K-7. That was -660 for 28 / 100. As the cards lie, South does better to discard four spades, keeping all her clubs. -630 would still score only 52 / 76 because several EW pairs attempted a slam. 6 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA Two rounds later more bad luck arrived: Board 8 ♠ A 10 9 8 ♥6 ♦AKQJ962 ♣5 West Deals None Vul ♠7642 ♥AJ954 ♦ 10 7 5 ♣6 ♠Q3 ♥K82 ♦8 ♣ A J 10 8 6 4 3 N W E S ♠KJ5 ♥ Q 10 7 3 ♦43 ♣KQ92 West North East South pass pass all pass 1♣ 3♦ 3♣ pass pass 3NT Browne F.Terraneo To S.Terraneo North opened with a strong 1♣ and Alison Browne led her singleton ♣6 against the eventual contract of 3NT. Ting To won with the ♣A and switched to the ♥2. Declarer played low, West winning with the ♥9. A heart to the king and a further heart through the ♥Q-10 put the game two down. NS had done nothing wrong but picked up only 15 / 113 on the board. At dinner last night, Michael Gromȍller told me how this board had cost him and his partner first place in the event. Helmut Hǟusler opened 2♥ on the West cards (showing a two-suiter). After an auction of 2♥ - 3♦ - 3♥ - 3NT, West led a low heart to the king and the ♥8 was returned to the 10 and jack. At IMPs now it would be automatic to take the only chance of beating the game – a club switch to the ace for a further heart play. This was against the odds, on the bidding, so Hǟusler made the expert matchpoint play of cashing the ♥A. He then switched to a club, declarer scoring +400 for 67 / 61. This was enough to deny the German pair a repeat victory (they won the event last year). After one of the worst runs of bad luck that I have witnessed, the Terraneos ended with a 49.21% session and slipped to third place. I know they blame me for it and that’s a pity. I have no supernatural powers, believe me. If I did, I would be playing in the event instead of kibitzing! 7 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA Expensive discard By Marcel Winkel Board 4 West Deals Both Vul ♠Q53 ♥ 10 2 ♦ K 10 8 7 6 5 ♣52 ♠AJ962 ♥Q93 ♦94 ♣A86 ♠87 ♥K7654 W E ♦QJ3 S ♣KJ4 N ♠ K 10 4 ♥AJ8 ♦A2 ♣ Q 10 9 7 3 West opened 1♠ and East responded with a natural 1NT. Although South had no support for all unbid suits, he decided to double for takeout. North bid his diamonds, and East showed his maximum with 2NT. South chose a club to lead instead of developing the diamonds quickly. With spades dividing 3-3 and the ten well placed, East could make heaps of tricks now. After the double however, East was not expecting the spade suit to behave this friendly. Declarer took the first trick with the Jack of clubs and led a heart to dummy’s Queen. On the way back he ducked the second round of hearts to the Jack. South persisted with a second round of clubs for the Ace in dummy. A third round of hearts was won by South’s Ace. South cleared the clubs and East took his two tricks in hearts. South meanwhile calculated that East could not have the spade Queen for his bidding and threw his King away on the first possibility. On the fifth heart South threw his small spade. East now led a spade and, seeing the ten appear, inserted the Jack from dummy. This was not a very good idea since NS now had a spade, two hearts, two diamonds and two clubs for down two and the magnificent score of over 95%. Needless to say that South wouldn’t have discarded his spade King when he held KQ10x. By discarding the King, he created an image in East’s mind that he should not believe. Luckily for NS, East did. 8 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA Bidding the Grand By Rodrigo Martins Soares The last pairs’ session had a grand slam on the EW cards. I am talking about, of course, of board 15. Board 15 ♠97543 ♥Q4 ♦5 ♣ Q 10 9 7 3 South Deals N-S Vul ♠— ♥AKJ875 ♦ Q 10 9 2 ♣A85 ♠AKQ62 ♥ 10 9 6 3 ♦AJ ♣K6 N W E S ♠ J 10 8 ♥2 ♦K87643 ♣J42 West North Peter Steiner East South Jovi Smederevac Pass 1 ♥ Pass 2 NT1 Pass 3 ♠2 Pass 4 ♣3 Pass 4 ♥ 4 Pass 4 NT Pass 5 Pass 5 ♦ 6 Pass 7 6 ♥ Pass 7 ♥ Pass Pass Pass 5 ♣ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Game forcing, 4+♥ shortage Cue-bid Roman Key Card Blackwood 0 or 3 Key cards Asking for the trump Queen Queen of trumps with no outside King After West had shown 3 key-cards and the trump Queen (Peter lied but he knew he had at least 10 trumps between both hands so he would only loose a trick if trumps were 3-0 with North) East could count at least 12 tricks – 5 hearts, 3 spades, 2 clubs, 1 club ruff and the ♦A. But the 13th trick could come from a lot of places: the 5th spade, a possible 6th heart with declarer, a possible second club ruff, a possible ♣Q, or even, if all else failed, a possible diamond finesse. So 7♥ looked like a good bet. Nice bidding! 9 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA Of the 63 pairs that played the board, 19 managed to get to the great spot of 7♥ getting 107,7 mp (20,3 for the opponents). 6♥ would have been slightly under average (46,7/81,3) and not bidding any slam a terrible score. The top score for EW was 7NT bid and made by Dennis Bilde and Mads Eyde! NS had a top when their opponents not only did not manage to bid a slam, but also failed to make 13 tricks in hearts, making only eleven! I guess their bidding was OK – not much point going down. If you are wondering how you can make 7NT on the deal, it’s on a double squeeze. Say you cash two spades, the ♦A and run the hearts you end up in this position: Board 15 South Deals N-S Vul ♠97 ♥ ♦ ♣ Q 10 9 ♠— ♥ 5 ♦Q ♣A85 ♠Q6 ♥ W E ♦ J S ♣K6 N ♠ ♥ ♦K8 ♣J42 Now when you lead your last heart North has to let go of a club and South a diamond. You pitch a spade from dummy, cross to the ♣K and play the ♠Q squeezing South in clubs and diamonds. Wrong ending by Toine van Hoof In yesterday´s bulletin I made a mistake in the last diagram. This was the hand: North Deals Both Vul ♠KQ7653 ♥J92 ♦K6 ♣A7 ♠2 ♥ 10 8 7 3 ♦9542 ♣ 10 8 5 3 N W E S ♠ 10 9 8 4 ♥AK4 ♦ 10 8 3 ♣QJ6 ♠AJ ♥Q65 ♦AQJ7 ♣K942 10 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA West played 4♠ and North led a club. If South covers dummy´s Queen and returns a club both times he is in with his Aces, the following ending will be reached (now correct): ♠– ♥ 10 8 ♦95 ♣ 10 ♠6 ♥J92 ♦K ♣– ♠– ♥AK4 ♦ 10 8 ♣– N W E S ♠– ♥Q65 ♦QJ ♣– On the ♠6 declarer throws a heart from dummy and South is in a criss-cross squeeze. Thank you, Manuel Oliveira, for bringing this to our attention. Always support your partner by Toine van Hoof The best Dutch pair in this year´s tournament were Hans Metselaar and Ronald Brantsma, who ended in seventh place with an average score of 58%. When discussing their system in the plane to Madeira Brantsma convinced Metselaar to play support doubles throughout, i.e. in any possible situation. So this happened on board 16 of the final session: West Deals E-W Vul ♠7 ♥Q84 ♦2 ♣ A K Q 10 9 6 4 2 ♠Q953 ♥K95 ♦ A 10 5 3 ♣J5 N W E S ♠ A 10 8 2 ♥ A 10 7 6 3 ♦Q76 ♣3 ♠KJ64 ♥J2 ♦KJ984 ♣87 11 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA West North Metselaar East South Brantsma 1 ♣1 Pass 1 ♥ 2 ♦ Dbl2 3 ♦ 4 ♥ Pass Pass Pass 1. 2+ 2. 3 hearts Metselaar opened with a modest 1♣, promising two or more, and never bid his solid eight-card suit again. After a 1♥ response by his partner and 2♦ from his right-hand opponent, Metselaar decided to stick to his agreements and came up with a support double. Brantsma did not look further and jumped to 4♥. Against this awkward contract South led a small spade which gave Brantsma a chance. He took ♠Q with the ace and played two rounds of clubs, discarding a diamond. Another high club and a diamond discard followed. South ruffed with ♥2 and played a diamond to North´s ace who continued diamonds. Brantsma ruffed in hand, cashed ♥A, ruffed a spade and played on clubs. North was helpless. If he ruffed low, East could overruff, ruff a spade with ♥Q and throw his last spade on the next club. And if he ruffed with ♥K one spade loser is discarded directly and the other is ruffed with ♥Q. North could have done better by continuing spades after winning ♦A. Declarer is forced to ruff in West and now can only make his contract by the double-dummy play of ♥Q. Making 4♥ was worth 100-28 for EW. The popular contract on this hand was 3NT by EW which was made 8 times (with one or three overtricks) and went down 23 times (often after a 3NT gambling from West and the obvious ♦A lead from North). Don’t forget to visit our site at www.bridgemadeira.com, where you may find all the information you need, including the Daily Bulletins. On the left QR code to access the main page. On the right QR code to access directly this bulletin. 12 16th International Bridge Festival MADEIRA Patrocinador Program 2013 Friday (08/11/2013) 09.30 20.45 21.00 Saturday (09/11/2013) 09.00 15.00 21.00 Sunday 15.00 (10/11/2013) 19.30 20.30 Half-day Tour(*) Closing time for Teams Tournament Entries Open Teams Tournament – 1st Session Free morning Open Teams Tournament – 2nd Session Open Teams Tournament – 3rd Session Open Teams Tournament – 4th Session Final Results Closing Dinner and Prize Giving (*) Dinner and Tour included in the Hotel package The tournament director will give you an envelope with your starting position. Write your team name on the envelope and then open it. Your whole team should sit down at the same table. Inside you will find a blue entry form that you should fill in carefully. Make sure we can read your names correctly (make sure to use capitals so that you don’t get upset later…) and also tell us if you have played the pairs Tournament or not. 13
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