Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Bose-Einstein Condensation : production, fundaments and modern aspects V.S.Bagnato ISFC/USP T > Tc T < Tc Lecture I T << Tc BEC - LABORATORY Edmir Jorge Pedro Cora Emanuel Rafael Freddy Rodrigo Mônica Kilvia G. Roati ( Italy ) V. Yukalov ( Russia) www.ifsc.usp.br cepof.ifsc.usp.br [email protected] [email protected] RESEARCH INNOVATION www.cepof.ifsc.usp.br SCIENCE DIFFUSION RESEARCH ATOMIC PLASMONIC BIOPHOTONICS BASIC - APPLIED Recife Araraquara Fortaleza Salvador Campinas Goiânia São Carlos Joinville Rio de Janeiro e Dourados Ribeirao Preto Brazilian Atomic Fountain Diode Laser Driver Optical Bench Control and Acquisition Vacuum Chamber Microwave Synthesizer 1D cold collisions Photonic Molecules Cancer diagnostic and treatment Photo-methabolic Experimental Photodynamic control effects Laser in dentistry Instrumentation DIFFUSION OF SCIENCE Painéis interativos Atinge anualmente cerca de 10.000 alunos, nas regiões de São Carlos e da Região Metrolopitana de São Paulo Profa. Dra. Wilma Barrionuevo Coordenadora do Projeto folder4 versao finalfev2008_figura.jpg Educando pela TV 17% dos assinantes da NET assistem o Canal 20 Aula de Física, com Prof. Bagnato Horário Programação 08:00 Conhecendo São Carlos 09:00 10:00 Na Trilha dos Cientistas – Santos Dumont Programa Nossa Gente 11:00 Nanotecnologia 12:00 Ciência Divertida: Graham Bell 17:00 Ciência ao Entardecer 18:00 Genoma e Células-Tronco 23:00 Aulas de Física: Eletricidade Marcel Firmino, Brás José Kleber Chicrala Muniz e Anderson Muniz Grupo de Óptica Grupo OPTO DMC OTICA ON LINE KONDOR TEC ARTEC CEMAPO EYETEC MM OPTICS APRAMED DL-Direct Light Testes do semáforo plano Testes da sinalização Testes do retrofit convencional e a LEDs Sistemas a base de LEDs para uso clínico terapêutico em lesões de pele em pacientes humanos e animais. Tecnologia transferida para MM Optics BEC Lectures: 1) The importance of BEC. Basic concepts for BEC 2) Interactions in BEC 3) How to make BEC? Thermodynamics 4) Coherent modes : equivalence with quantum optics 5) Superfluidity aspects: vortices, turbulence and more I - General considerations ENTANGLEMENT IN PHYSICS OPTICS ATOMIC PHYS. CONDENSED MATTER BEC LASERS MAGNETISM. FLUIDS LOW T PHYSICS STAT. PHYS. BEC exists at the confluence of many fields Thermodynamics : phase transition ( gas new state) Quantum Mechanics : coherent waves of matter Statistical Mechanics: more than one atom per phase space cell Field Theory: spontaneous breaking of symmetry Atomic physics: new demonstration of atomic behavior Nuclear physics: few body effects Superfluidity : vortex, etc….. Condense Matter : transitions, Mott isolator, etc.. Optics : new tools to manipulate atoms and more…. The state-of-art of quantum-degenerated bosonic systems Bose-Einstein CONDENSATE ULTRA-COLD MATTER Classical → Quantum CHANGE IN THE MACROSCOPIC BEHAVIOR “normal” light → “Laser” BEC De Broglie wavelength Phase space density 3 .n~D n-1/3 BEC D~1 300K, D~10-12 30uK, D~10-6 300nK, D~ 1 T ~0 , D~106 Cooling a confined sample in a non homogeneous potential of neutral atoms takes to BEC It is the only phase transition that Does not need interactions !!!!!!! ( conventional G=H-TS ) But interaction is the most interesting thing on it……….. INTERACTIONS HARMONIC OSCILLATOR Classification of the phase transition: Ehrenfest classification: Based on the thermodynamics “The phase transition is of nth order if at least one of the thermodynamic variables has discontinuity on the n-derivative with respect to temperature first order Ginzburg-Landau : presence or not of discontinuity on the order parameter Second order ( continuous variation of the order parameter )