List of publications Peer-reviewed papers in journals and books
List of publications Peer-reviewed papers in journals and books
List of publications Peer-reviewed papers in journals and books FokuhlG,HeinzeJ,PoschlodP inpress Myrmecochorybysmallants‐beneficialeffects throughelaiosomenutritionandseeddispersal.ActaOecol 1. TrettinJ,HaubnerM,BuschingerA,HeinzeJ 2011 Queendominanceand workerpolicingcontrolreproductioninathreatenedant.BMCEcology11:21 2. El‐ShehabyM,SalamaMS,BrunnerE,HeinzeJ 2011 Cuticularhydrocarbonsin twoparapatricspeciesofantsandtheirhybrid.IntegrZool6:259‐265 3. SchrempfA,CremerS,HeinzeJ 2011 Socialinfluenceonageandreproduction: reducedlifespanandfecundityinmulti‐queenantcolonies.JevolBiol24: 1455– 1461 4. GrunewaldTGP,HerbstSM,HeinzeJ,BurdachS 2011 Understandingtumor heterogeneityasfunctionalcompartments‐superorganismsrevisited.Jtranslat Med9:79 5. 6. 7. KellnerK,HeinzeJ 2011 Absenceofnepotismingeneticallyheterogeneous coloniesofaclonalant.Ethology117:556–564 Seal J, Kellner K, Heinze J (2011) Phylogeography of the parthenogenic ant, Platythyrea punctata: highly successful colonization of the West Indies by a poor disperser. J Biogeogr 38: 868–882 WurmY,WangJ,Riba‐GrognuzO,CoronaM,NygaardS,HuntBG,IngramKK, FalquetL,NipitwattanaphonM,GotzekD,DijkstraMB,OettlerK,ComtesseF, ShihC‐J,WuW‐J,YangC‐C,ThomasJ,BeaudoingE,PradervandS,FlegelV,Cook ED,FabbrettiR,StockingerH,LongL,FarmerieWG,OakeyJ,HarkinsT,Boomsma JJ,PamiloP,YiSV,HeinzeJ,GoodismanMAD,FarinelliL,HarshmanK,HuloN, CeruttiL,XenariosI,ShoemakerDW,KellerL 2011 Thegenomeofthefireant Solenopsisinvicta.ProcNatlAcadSciUSA108:5679‐5684 8. CremerS,SchrempfA,HeinzeJ 2011 Competitionandopportunityshapethe reproductivetacticsofmalesintheantCardiocondylaobscurior.PloSOne6: e17323 9. Suefuji M, Trindl A, Heinze J (2011) Characterization of 13 microsatellite markers for the threatened, slave-making ant Myrmoxenus ravouxi (Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Cons Genet Res 3: 229-231 10. Brunner E, Kroiss J, Trindl A, Heinze J (2011) Queen pheromones in Temnothorax ant species: queen control or honest signals? BMC Evol Biol 11: 55 11. Walter B, Brunner E, Heinze J (2011) Policing effectiveness depends on relatedness and group size. Am Nat 177: 368-376 12. Kellner K, Heinze J (2011) Mechanism of facultative parthenogenesis in the ant Platythyrea punctata. Evol Ecol 25: 77-89 13. Heinze J, Weber M (2011) Lethal sibling rivalry for nest inheritance among virgin ant queens. J Ethol 29: 197-201 14. Oettler J, Suefuji M, Heinze J (2010) The evolution of alternative reproductive tactics in male Cardiocondyla ants. Evolution 64: 3310–3317 15. Oppelt A, Humann FC, Fuessl M, Azevedo SV, Antonio DSM, Heinze J, Hartfelder K (2010) Suppression subtractive hybridization analysis reveals expression of conserved and novel genes in male accessory glands of the ant Leptothorax gredleri. BMC Evol Biol 20: 273 16. Ugelvig L, Kronauer D, Schrempf A, Heinze J, Cremer S (2010) Rapid anti-pathogen response in ant societies relies on high genetic diversity. Proc R Soc Lond B 277: 2821-2828 17. Heinze J, Schmidt CV, Nugroho H, Seifert B (2010) Wingless fighter males in the Wallacean ant Cardiocondyla nigrocerea (Insecta: Formicidae). Raffl Bull Zool 58: 323–328 18. Barth B, Kellner K, Heinze J (2010) The police are not the army: context-dependent aggressiveness in a clonal ant. Biol Lett 6: 329-332 19. Heinze J (2010) Conflict and conflict resolution in social insects. In: Kappeler P (ed) Animal behaviour: evolution and mechanisms. Springer, Heidelberg, 151-178 20. Kellner K, Barth B, Heinze J (2010) Colony fusion causes within-colony variation in a parthenogenetic ant. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 64:737–746 21. Heinze J, Walter B (2010) Moribund ants leave their nests to die in social isolation. Curr Biol 20: 249–252 22. Kellner K, Brunner E, Heinze J (2009) Policing and dominance behaviour in the parthenogenetic ant Platythyrea punctata. Anim Behav 78: 1427–1431 23. Frohschammer S, Heinze J (2009) A heritable component in sex ratio and caste determination in a Cardiocondyla ant. Front Zool 6: 27 24. Brunner E, Heinze J (2009) Worker dominance and policing in the ant Temnothorax unifasciatus. Insectes soc 56: 397-404 25. Schmid V, Kautz S, Trindl A, Heinze J (2009) PCR primers for polymorphic microsatellite loci in the ant species Pseudomyrmex gracilis (Formicidae: Pseudomyrmecinae). Mol Ecol Res 9: 1150-1152 26. Oppelt A, Heinze J (2009) Mating is associated with immediate changes of the hydrocarbon profile of Leptothorax gredleri ant queens. J Insect Physiol 55: 624-628 27. Heinze J, d’Ettorre P (2009) Honest and dishonest communication in social Hymenoptera. J exp Biol 212: 1775-1779 28. Kautz S, Schmid VS, Trindl A, Heinze J, Ballhorn DJ, Heil M (2009) Isolation and characterization of 22 microsatellite loci in the plant-ant Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus (Formicidae: Pseudomyrmecinae) and cross-testing for two congeneric species. Mol Ecol Res 9: 1016-1019 29. Oettler J, Heinze J (2009) Polymorphism of female reproductives in the tramp ant Technomyrmex vitiensis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae). Myrmecol News 12: 133-137 30. Van Zweden JS, Heinze J, Boomsma JJ, d’Ettorre P (2009) Ant queen egg-marking signals: matching deceptive laboratory simplicity with natural complexity. PLoS One 4:e4718 31. Heinze J, Foitzik S (2009) The evolution of queen numbers in ants: from one to many and back. In: Gadau J, Fewell J (eds) Organization of insect societies: from genome to sociocomplexity. Harvard Univ Press, Cambridge, MA, 26-50 32. Frohschammer S, Heinze J (2009) Male fighting and “territoriality” within colonies of the ant Cardiocondyla venustula. Naturwissenschaften 96: 159-163 33. Brunner E, Kroiss J, Heinze J (2009) Chemical correlates of reproduction and worker policing in a myrmicine ant. J Insect Physiol 55: 19-26 34. Suefuji M, Cremer S, Oettler J, Heinze J (2008) Queen number influences the timing of the sexual production in colonies of Cardiocondyla ants. Biol Lett 4: 670-673 35. Cremer S, d’Ettorre P, Drijfhout FP, Sledge MF, Turillazzi S, Heinze J (2008) Imperfect chemical female mimicry in males of the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior. Naturwissenschaften 95: 1101-1105 36. Oppelt A, Spitzenpfeil N, Heinze J (2008) The significance of intercolonial variation of cuticular hydrocarbons for inbreeding avoidance in ant sexuals. Anim Behav 76: 1029-1034 37. Feldhaar H, Foitzik S, Heinze J (2008) Life-long commitment to the wrong partner: hybridization in ants. Phil Trans R Soc Lond B 363: 2891-2899 38. Heinze J (2008) The demise of the standard ant. Myrmecol News 11: 9-20 39. Heinze J (2008) Hierarchy length in orphaned colonies of the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Naturwissenschaften 95: 757-760 40. Schrempf A, Heinze J (2008) Mating with stressed males increases the fitness of ant queens. PLoS One 3: 2592 41. Krueger K, Heinze J (2008) Horse sense: social status of horses (Equus caballus) affects their likelihood of copying other horses’ behavior. Anim Cogn 11: 431-439 42. Heinze J, Schrempf A (2008) Aging and reproduction in social insects. Gerontology 54: 160-167 43. Oettler J, Schmitt T, Herzner G, Heinze J (2008) Chemical profiles of mated and virgin queens, egg-laying intermorphs and workers of the ant Crematogaster smithi. J Insect Physiol 54: 672-679 44. Korb J, Heinze J (2008) The ecology of social life: a synthesis. In: Korb J, Heinze J (eds) Ecology of social evolution Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp 245-259 45. Heinze J (2008) Social plasticity: ecology, genetics, and the structure of ant societies. In: Korb J, Heinze J (eds) Ecology of social evolution Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp 129150 46. Mercier J-L, Lenoir J-C, Eberhardt A, Frohschammer S, Williams C, Heinze J (2007) Hammering, mauling, and kissing: stereotyped courtship behavior in Cardiocondyla ants. Insectes soc 54: 403-411 47. Heinze J, Lautenschläger B, Buschinger A (2007) Female-biased sex ratios and unusually potent males in the social parasite Anergates atratulus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecol News 10: 1-5 48. Yamauchi K, Ishida Y, Hashim R, Heinze J (2007) Queen-queen competition and reproductive skew in a Cardiocondyla ant. Insectes soc 54: 268-274 49. Oppelt A, Heinze J (2007) Dynamics of sperm transfer in the ant Leptothorax gredleri. Naturwissenschaften 94: 781-786 50. Fokuhl G, Heinze J, Poschlod P (2007) Colony growth in Myrmica rubra with supplementation of myrmecochorous seeds. Ecol Res 22: 845-847 51. Schrempf A, Darrouzet E, Heinze J (2007) Mating success and potential male-worker conflict in a male-dimorphic ant. BMC Evol Biol 7:114 doi:101186/1471-2148-7-114 52. Stroeymeyt N, Brunner E, Heinze J (2007) “Selfish worker policing” controls reproduction in a Temnothorax ant. Behav Evol Sociobiol 61: 1449-1457 53. Foitzik S, Sturm H, Pusch K, D’Ettorre P, Heinze J (2007) Nestmate recognition, loss of variation in chemical recognition cues and depletion of genetic diversity in Temnothorax ants. Anim Behav 73: 999-1007 54. Kellner K, Trindl A, Heinze J, D’Ettorre P (2007) Polygyny and polyandry in small ant societies. Mol Ecol 16: 2363-2369 55. Schulz A, Heinze J, Pusch K (2007) Description of two new Temnothorax species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Italy. Zootaxa 1471: 1-14 56. Beibl J, Buschinger A, Foitzik S, Heinze J (2007) Phylogeny and phylogeography of the Mediterranean species of the parasitic ant genus Chalepoxenus and its Temnothorax hosts. Insectes soc 54: 189-199 57. Beibl J, D’Ettorre P, Heinze J (2007) Cuticular profiles and mating preference in a slave-making ant. Insectes soc 54: 174-182 58. van Zweden J, Fürst M, Heinze J, D’Ettorre P (2007) Specialization in policing behaviour among workers in the ant Pachycondyla inversa. Proc R Soc Lond B 274: 1421-1428 59. Brandt M, Fischer-Blass B, Heinze J, Foitzik S (2007) Population structure and the coevolution between social parasites and their hosts. Mol Ecol 16: 2063-2078 60. Du Y, Schrempf A, Heinze J (2007) Environmental determination of male morph in the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Eur J Entomol 104: 243-246 61. Schrempf A, Heinze J (2007) Back to one: consequences of derived monogyny in an ant with polygynous ancestors. J evol Biol 20: 792-799 62. Lenoir J-C, Schrempf A, Lenoir A, Heinze J, Mercier J-L (2007) Genetic structure and reproductive strategy of the ant Cardiocondyla elegans: strictly monogynous nests invaded by unrelated sexuals. Mol Ecol 16: 345-354 63. Pusch K, Meindl C, Heinze J (2006) Heterospecific colony fusion in two Temnothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) sibling ants. Myrmecol News 9: 43-46 64. Pusch K, Heinze J, Foitzik S (2006) The influence of hybridization on colony structure in the ant species Temnothorax nylanderi and T crassispinus. Insectes Soc 53: 439445 65. Yamauchi K, Ishida Y, Hashim R, Heinze J (2006) Queen-queen competition by precocious male production in multi-queen ant colonies. Curr Biol 16: 2424-2427 66. Ohkawara K, Nakayama M, Satoh A, Trindl A, Heinze J (2006) Clonal reproduction and genetic caste differences in a queen-polymorphic ant, Vollenhovia emeryi. Biol Lett 2: 359-363 67. Heinze J (2006) Life in a nutshell – social evolution in Leptothorax ants. In: (Kipyatkov VE, ed) Life cycles in social insects, St Petersburg, St Petersburg University Press, pp 49-61 68. Brandt M, Heinze J, Foitzik S (2006) Convergent evolution of the Dufour's gland secretion as a propaganda substance in the slavemaking ant genera Protomognathus and Harpagoxenus. Insectes Soc 53: 291-299 69. Schrempf A, Aron S, Heinze J (2006) Sex determination and inbreeding depression in an ant with regular sib-mating. Heredity 97: 75-80 70. Pusch K, Seifert B, Foitzik S, Heinze J (2006) Distribution and genetic divergence of two parapatric sibling ant species in Central Europe. Biol J Linn Soc 88: 223-234 71. Schrempf A, Heinze J (2006) Proximate mechanisms of male morph determination in the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior. Evol Dev 8: 266-272 72. D'Ettorre P, Tofilski A, Heinze J, Ratnieks FLW (2006) Non-transferable signal on ant queen eggs prevents policing evasion by cue scrambling. Naturwissenschaften 93: 136-140 73. Fischer-Blass B, Heinze J, Foitzik S (2006) Microsatellite analysis reveals strong, but differential impact of a social parasite on its two host species. Mol Ecol 15: 863-872 74. Heinze J, Cremer S, Eckl N, Schrempf A (2006) Stealthy invaders: the biology of Cardiocondyla tramp ants. Insectes Soc 53: 1-7 75. D’Ettorre P, Kellner K, Delabie JHC, Heinze J (2005) Number of queens in founding associations of the ponerine ant Pachycondyla villosa. Insectes Soc 52: 327-332 76. Brunner E, Trindl A, Falk KH, Heinze J, D’Ettorre P (2005) Reproductive conflict in social insects: male reproduction by workers in a slave-making ant. Evolution 59: 2480-2482 77. D’Ettorre P, Heinze J (2005) Individual recognition in ant queens. Curr Biol 15: 21702174 78. Heinze J, Delabie JHC (2005) Population structure of the male-polymorphic ant Cardiocondyla obscurior. Stud Neotrop Fauna Environm 40: 187-190 79. Hora RR, Doums C, Poteaux C, Fénéron R, Valenzuela J, Heinze J, Fresneau D (2005) Small queens in the ant Ectatomma tuberculatum: a new case of social parasitism. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 59: 285-292 80. Heinze J, Trindl A, Seifert B, Yamauchi K (2005) Evolution of male morphology in the ant genus Cardiocondyla. Mol Phyl Evol 37: 278-288 81. Lenoir J-C, Schrempf A, Lenoir A, Heinze J, Mercier J-L (2005) Five polymorphic microsatellite markers for the study of Cardiocondyla elegans (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae). Mol Ecol Notes 5: 565-566 82. Beibl J, Stuart RJ, Heinze J, Foitzik S (2005) Six origins of slavery in formicoxenine ants. Insectes soc 52: 291-297 83. Yamauchi K, Asano Y, Lautenschläger B, Trindl A, Heinze J (2005) A new type of male dimorphism with ergatoid and short-winged males in Cardiocondyla cf kagutsuchi. Insectes soc 52: 274-281 84. Hartmann A, D’Ettorre P, Jones GR, Heinze J (2005) Fertility signaling – the proximate mechanism of worker policing in a clonal ant. Naturwissenschaften 92: 282-286 85. Hartmann A, Wantia J, Heinze J (2005) Facultative sexual reproduction in the parthenogenetic ant Platythyrea punctata. Insectes soc 52: 155-162 86. Rüger M, Heinze J, Foitzik S (2005) Polymorphic microsatellite loci in the ponerine ant, Hypoponera opacior (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Mol Ecol Notes 5: 236-238 87. De Menten L, Cremer S, Heinze J, Aron S (2005) Primary sex ratio adjustment by ant queens in response to local mate competition. Anim Behav 69: 1031- 1035 88. Brandt M, Heinze J, Schmitt T, Foitzik S (2005) A chemical level in the coevolutionary arms race between an ant social parasite and its hosts. J evol Biol 187: 578-588 89. Brandt M, Foitzik S, Fischer-Blass B, Heinze J (2005) The coevolutionary dynamics of obligate ant social parasite systems – between prudence and antagonism. Biol Rev 80: 251-267 90. Schrempf A, Reber C, Tinaut A, Heinze J (2005) Inbreeding and local mate competition in the ant Cardiocondyla batesii. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 57: 502-510 91. Schrempf A, Heinze J, Cremer S (2005) Sexual cooperation: mating increases longevity in ant queens. Curr Biol 15: 267-270 92. Boomsma JJ, Baer BC, Heinze J (2005) The evolution of male traits in social insects. Annu Rev Entomol 50: 395-420 93. Heinze J (2004) Reproductive conflict in insect societies. Adv Stud Behav 34: 1-57 94. D'Ettorre P, Brunner E, Wenseleers T, Heinze J (2004) Knowing your enemies: seasonal dynamics of host-social parasite recognition. Naturwissenschaften 91: 594597 95. Strätz M, Heinze J (2004) Colony structure and sex allocation ratios in the ant Temnothorax crassispinus. Insectes Soc 51: 372-377 96. Trindl A, Heinze J, D'Ettorre P (2004) Isolation and characterization of five microsatellite loci in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla inversa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Mol Ecol Notes 4: 583-585 97. Heinze J, Böttcher A, Cremer S (2004) Production of winged and wingless males in the ant, Cardiocondyla minutior Insectes Soc 51: 275-278 98. D'Ettorre P, Heinze J, Ratnieks FLW (2004) Worker policing by egg-eating in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla inversa. Proc R Soc Lond B 271: 1427-1434 99. Korb J, Heinze J (2004) Multilevel selection and social evolution of insect societies. Naturwissenschaften 91: 291-304 100. D'Ettorre P, Heinze J, Schulz C, Francke W, Ayasse M (2004) Does she smell like a queen? Chemoreception of a cuticular hydrocarbon signal in the ant Pachycondyla inversa. J exp Biol 207: 1085-1091 101. Oberstadt B, Heinze J (2003) Mating biology and population structure of the ant, Leptothorax gredleri. Insectes soc 50: 340-345 102. Heinze J, Oberstadt B (2003) Costs and benefits of subordinate queens in colonies of the ant, Leptothorax gredleri. Naturwissenschaften 90: 513-516 103. Hartmann A, Wantia J, Torres JA, Heinze J (2003) Worker policing without genetic conflicts in a clonal ant. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100: 12836-12840 104. Hartmann A, Heinze J (2003) Lay eggs, live longer: division of labor and life span in a clonal ant species. Evolution 57: 2424-2429 105. Fuchs A, Heinze J, Reber-Funk C, Korb J (2003) Isolation and characterisation of six microsatellite loci in the drywood termite Cryptotermes secundus (Kalotermitidae). Mol Ecol Notes 3: 355-357 106. Gobin B, Heinze J, Strätz M, Roces F (2003) The energetic cost of reproductive conflicts in the ant Pachycondyla obscuricornis. J Insect Physiol 49: 747-752 107. Foitzik S, Strätz M, Heinze J (2003) Ecology, life history and resource allocation in the ant, Leptothorax nylanderi. J evol Biol 16: 670-680 108. Heinze J, Foitzik S, Fischer B, Wanke T, Kipyatkov VE (2003) The significance of latitudinal variation in body size in a holarctic ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Ecography 26: 349-355 109. Rüppell O, Strätz M, Beier B, Heinze J (2003) Mitochondrial markers in the ant Leptothorax rugatulus reveal the population genetic consequences of female philopatry at different hierarchical levels. Mol Ecol 12: 795-801 110. Foitzik S, Fischer B, Heinze J (2003) Arms-races between social parasites and their hosts: Geographic patterns of manipulation and resistance. Behav Ecol 14: 80-88 111. Anderson C, Cremer S, Heinze J (2003) Live and let die: why fighter males of the ant Cardiocondyla kill each other but tolerate their winged rivals. Behav Ecol 14: 54-62 112. Cremer S, Heinze J (2003) Stress grows wings: Environmental induction of winged dispersal males in Cardiocondyla ants. Curr Biol 13: 219-223 113. Kołodziejczyk M, Heinze J, Radwan J (2002) Enzyme polymorphisms in Rhizoglyphus robini and R echinopus and their application in paternity analysis. Exp Appl Acarol 26: 161-168 114. Cremer S, Sledge M, Heinze J (2002) Male ants disguised by the queens’ bouquet. Nature 419: 897 115. Kolmer K, Hölldobler B, Heinze J (2002) Colony and population structure in Pachycondyla cf inversa, a ponerine ant with primary polygyny. Ethol Ecol Evol 14: 157-164 116. Cremer S, Lautenschläger B, Heinze J (2002) A transitional stage between the ergatoid and winged male morph in the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior. Insectes soc 49: 221-228 117. Strätz M, Strehl CP, Heinze J (2002) Behavior of usurping queens in colonies of the ant species Leptothorax nylanderi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomol Gener 26: 7384 118. Rüppell O, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (2002) Sex ratio variation in a facultatively polygynous ant with size-dimorphic queens. Ethol Ecol Evol 14: 53-67 119. Heinze J, Schrempf A, Seifert B, Tinaut A (2002) Queen morphology and dispersal tactics in the ant, Cardiocondyla batesii. Insectes soc 49: 129-132 120. Heinze J, Stengl B, Sledge MF (2002) Worker rank, reproductive status and cuticular hydrocarbon signature in the ant, Pachycondyla cf inversa. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 52: 59-65 121. Foitzik S, Heinze J, Oberstadt B, Herbers JM (2002) Mate guarding and alternative reproductive tactics in the ant Hypoponera opacior. Anim Behav 63: 597-604 122. Tentschert J, Bestmann HJ, Heinze J (2002) Cuticular compounds of workers and queens in two Leptothorax ant species – a comparison of results obtained by solvent extraction, solid sampling, and SPME. Chemoecology 12: 15-21 123. Rüppell O, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (2002) Intracolonial patterns of reproduction in the queen-size dimorphic ant Leptothorax rugatulus. Behav Ecol 13: 239-247 124. Lucas C, Fresneau D, Kolmer K, Heinze J, Delabie JHC, Pho DB (2002) A multidisciplinary approach to discriminating different taxa in the species complex Pachycondyla villosa (Formicidae). Biol J Linn Soc 75: 249-259 125. Cremer S, Heinze J (2002) Adaptive production of fighter males: queens of the ant Cardiocondyla adjust the sex ratio under local mate competition. Proc R Soc Lond B 269: 417-422 126. Rüppell O, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (2001) Complex determination of queen body size in the queen size dimorphic ant Leptothorax rugatulus (Formicidae: Hymenoptera). Heredity 87: 33-40 127. Foitzik S, Heinze J (2001) Microgeographic genetic structure and intraspecific parasitism in the ant Leptothorax nylanderi. Ecol Entomol 26: 449-456 128. Heinze J, Hartmann A, Rüppell O (2001) Sex allocation ratios in the facultatively polygynous ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 50: 270-274 129. Rüppell O, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (2001) Alternative reproductive tactics in the queen size dimorphic ant Leptothorax rugatulus (Emery) and population genetic consequences. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 50: 189-197 130. Heinze J, Trunzer B, Hölldobler B, Delabie JHC (2001) Reproductive skew and queen relatedness in an ant with primary polygyny Insectes soc 48: 149-153 131. Buschinger A, Heinze J (2001) Stenamma debile (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): Productivity and sex allocation across three years Insectes soc 48: 110-117 132. Tentschert J, Kolmer K, Hölldobler B, Bestmann H-J, Delabie JHC, Heinze J (2001) Chemical profiles, division of labor and social status in Pachycondyla queens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Naturwissenschaften 88: 175-178 133. D’Ettorre P, Heinze J (2001) Sociobiology of slave-making ants Acta Ethol 2: 67-82 134. Rüppell O, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (2001) Genetic and social structure of the queensize dimorphic ant Leptothorax cf andrei Ecol Entomol 26: 76-82 135. Heinze J, Strätz M, Pedersen JS, Haberl M (2000) Microsatellite analysis suggests occasional worker reproduction in the monogynous ant Crematogaster smithi Insectes soc 47: 299-301 136. Heinze J, Keller L (2000) Alternative reproductive strategies: a queen perspective in ants Trends Ecol Evol 15: 508-512 137. Fersch R, Buschinger A, Heinze J (2000) Queen polymorphism in the Australian ant Monomorium sp10 Insectes soc 47: 280-284 138. Kolmer K, Heinze J (2000) Rank orders and division of labour among unrelated cofounding ant queens Proc R Soc Lond B 267: 1729-1734 139. Tentschert J, Bestmann H-J, Hölldobler B, Heinze J (2000) 2,3-Dimethyl-5-(2methylpropyl)pyrazine, a trail pheromone component of Eutetramorium mocquerysi Emery (1899) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Naturwissenschaften 87: 377-380 140. Foitzik S, Heinze J (2000) Intraspecific parasitism and split sex ratios in a monogynous and monandrous ant Behav Ecol Sociobiol 47: 424-431 141. Trunzer B, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1999) Social status and reproductive success in queenless ant colonies Behaviour 136: 1093-1105 142. Schilder K, Heinze J, Gross R, Hölldobler B (1999) Microsatellites reveal clonal structure of populations of the thelytokous ant Platythyrea punctata (F Smith) (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) Mol Ecol 8: 1497-1507 143. Heinze J, Oberstadt B (1999) Worker age, size and social status in queenless colonies of the ant Leptothorax gredleri Anim Behav 58: 751-759 144. Foitzik S, Heinze J (1999) Non-random size differences between sympatric Leptothorax ants Entomol Gener 24: 65-74 145. Heinze J, Hölldobler B, Alpert G (1999) Reproductive conflict and division of labor in Eutetramorium mocquerysi, a myrmicine ant without morphologically distinct female reproductives Ethology 105: 701-717 146. Schilder K, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1999) Colony structure and reproduction in the thelytokous parthenogenetic ant Platythyrea punctata (F Smith) (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) Insectes Soc 46: 150-158 147. Heinze J (1999) Male polymorphism in the ant Cardiocondyla minutior (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Entomol Gener 23: 251-258 148. Ortius D, Heinze J (1999) Fertility signaling in queens of a North American ant Behav Ecol Sociobiol 45: 151-159 149. Heinze J, Foitzik S, Oberstadt B, Rüppell O, Hölldobler B (1999) A female caste specialized for the production of unfertilized eggs in the ant Crematogaster smithi Naturwissenschaften 86: 93-95 150. Rüppell O, Heinze J (1999) Alternative reproductive tactics in females: the case of size polymorphism in winged ant queens Insectes soc 46: 6-17 151. Heinze J, Oberstadt B, Tentschert J, Hölldobler B, Bestmann HJ (1998) Colony specificity of Dufour gland secretions in a functionally monogynous ant Chemoecology 8: 169-174 152. Heinze J (1998) Social and genetic structure of the ant Leptothorax risii Forel, 1892 from Gran Canaria (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Misc Zool 21: 49-52 153. Gadau J, Gertsch P, Heinze J, Pamilo P, Hölldobler B (1998) Oligogyny by unrelated queens in the carpenter ant, Camponotus ligniperdus Behav Ecol Sociobiol 44: 23-33 154. Trunzer B, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1998) Cooperative colony founding and experimental primary polygyny in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla villosa Insectes Soc 45: 267-276 155. Foitzik S, Heinze J (1998) Nestsite limitation and colony take over in the ant, Leptothorax nylanderi Behav Ecol 9: 367-375 156. Heinze J (1998) Intercastes, intermorphs, and ergatoid queens: who is who in ant reproduction? Insectes Soc 45: 113-124 157. Heinze J, Rüppell O, Foitzik S, Buschinger A (1998) First records of Leptothorax rugatulus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with cysticercoids of tapeworms (Cestoda: Dilepididae) from the southwestern United States Florida Entomol 81: 122-125 158. Heinze J, Hölldobler B, Yamauchi K (1998) Male competition in Cardiocondyla ants Behav Ecol Sociobiol 42: 239-246 159. Heinze J, Foitzik S, Kipyatkov VE, Lopatina EB (1998) Latitudinal variation in cold hardiness and body size in the boreal ant Leptothorax acervorum Entomol Gener 22: 305-312 160. Rüppell O, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1998) Size-dimorphism in the queens of the North American ant Leptothorax rugatulus (Emery) Insectes Soc 45: 67-77 161. Radchenko A, Heinze J (1997) A redescription of the ant Leptothorax oceanicus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Vestn Zool 44: 78-81 162. Heinze J, Puchinger W, Hölldobler B (1997) Worker reproduction and social hierarchies in Leptothorax ants Anim Behav 54: 849-864 163. Liebig J, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1997) Aggression and trophallaxis in the ponerine ant Ponera coarctata: implications for the evolution of liquid food exchange in the Hymenoptera Ethology 103: 707-722 164. Foitzik S, Haberl M, Gadau J, Heinze J (1997) Mating frequency of Leptothorax nylanderi ant queens determined by microsatellite analysis Insectes Soc 44: 219-227 165. Heinze J, Elsishans C, Hölldobler B (1997) Sociogenetic consequences of budding in the ant, Leptothorax acervorum Naturwissenschaften 84: 249-250 166. Errard C, Fresneau D, Francoeur A, Heinze J, Lenoir A (1997) Social organization in the guest-ant Formicoxenus provancheri Ethology 103: 149-159 167. Heinze J, Trenkle S (1997) Male polymorphism and gynandromorphs in the ant Cardiocondyla emery Naturwissenschaften 84: 129-131 168. Heinze J, Stahl M, Hölldobler B (1996) Ecophysiology of hibernation in boreal Leptothorax ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae Écoscience 3: 429-435 169. Gadau J, Heinze J, Hölldobler B, Schmid M (1996) Population and colony structure of the carpenter ant, Camponotus floridanus Mol Ecol 5: 785-792 170. Tsuji K, Nakata K, Heinze J (1996) Ants, age and reproduction Naturwissenschaften 83: 577-578 171. Heinze J (1996) The reproductive potential of workers in slave-making ants Insectes Soc 43: 319-328 172. Heinze J, Foitzik S, Hippert A, Hölldobler B (1996) Apparent dear-enemy phenomenon and environment-based recognition cues in the ant Leptothorax nylanderi Ethology 102: 510-522 173. Heinze J (1996) Reproductive hierarchies among workers of the slave-making ant, Chalepoxenus muellerianus Ethology 102: 117-127 174. Heinze J, Trunzer B, Oliveira PS, Hölldobler B (1996) Regulation of reproduction in the ponerine ant, Pachycondyla villosa J Insect Behav 9: 441-450 175. Heinze J (1995) The origin of workerless social parasites in formicoxenine ants Psyche 102: 195-214 176. Heinze J, Cover SP, Hölldobler B (1995) Neither worker nor queen: an ant caste specialized on the production of male eggs Psyche 102: 173-185 177. Heinze J, Trunzer B, Lechner K, Ortius D (1995) A second host species of the inquiline ant Leptothorax wilsoni Psyche 102: 73-77 178. Liebig J, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1995) Queen size variation in the ponerine ant Ponera coarctata Psyche 102: 1-12 179. Heinze J, Tsuji K (1995) Ant reproductive strategies Res Popul Ecol 37: 135-149 180. Heinze J, Lipski N, Schlehmeyer K, Hölldobler B (1995) Colony structure and reproduction in the ant, Leptothorax acervorum Behav Ecol 6: 359-367 181. MacKay WP, Cover SP, Heinze J (1995) Range extensions for the ant Leptothorax pergandei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): a mesic forest species discovered in the Chihuahuan Desert Proc Entomol Soc Wash 97: 888 182. Heinze J (1995) Reproductive skew and relatedness in Leptothorax ants Proc R Soc Lond B 261: 375-379 183. Heinze J, Hölldobler B, Trenkle S (1995) Reproductive behavior of the ant Leptothorax (Dichothorax) pergandei Insectes Soc 42: 309-315 184. Ortius D, Heinze J (1995) Dynamics and consequences of hierarchy formation in the ant, Leptothorax sp A Ethology 99: 223-233 185. Heinze J, Lipski N, Hölldobler B, Bourke AFG (1995) Geographical variation in the genetical and social structure of the ant, Leptothorax acervorum Zoology 98: 127-135 186. Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1995) Thelytokous parthenogenesis and dominance hierarchies in the ponerine ant, Platythyrea punctata (F Smith) Naturwissenschaften 82: 40-41 187. Heinze J (1994) Genetic colony and population structure in the ant Leptothorax cf canadensis Can J Zool 72: 1477-1480 188. Heinze J, Hölldobler B, Peeters C (1994) Cooperation and conflict in ant societies Naturwissenschaften 81: 489-497 189. Bourke AFG, Heinze J (1994) The ecology of communal breeding: the case of multiply-queened leptothoracine ants Phil Trans R Soc Lond B 345: 359-372 190. Sanetra M, Heinze J, Buschinger A (1994) Enzyme polymorphism in the ant genus Tetramorium and its social parasites (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Biochem Syst Ecol 22: 753-759 191. Heinze J, Ortius D, Hölldobler B, Kaib M (1994) Intracolonial discrimination among heterospecific slaves of the ant, Harpagoxenus sublaevis Behav Ecol Sociobiol 35: 7583 192. Buschinger A, Schumann RD, Heinze J (1994) First records of the guest ant Formicoxenus quebecensis Francoeur from Western Canada (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Psyche 101: 53-57 193. Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1994) Ants in the cold Memorabilia Zool 48: 99-108 194. Heinze J, Gadau J, Hölldobler B, Nanda I, Schmid M, Scheller K (1994) Genetic variability in the ant Camponotus floridanus detected by multilocus DNA fingerprinting Naturwissenschaften 81: 34-36 195. Heinze J (1993) Life history strategies of subarctic ants Arctic 46: 354-358 196. Heinze J, Schulz A, Radchenko A (1993) Redescription of Leptothorax (sstr) scamni from Turkey and the Caucasus Psyche 100: 188-183 197. Buschinger A, Heinze J (1993) Doronomyrmex pocahontas: not a workerless parasite but still an enigmatic taxon (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Insectes Soc 40: 423-432 198. Heinze J (1993) Habitat structure, dispersal strategies and queen number in two boreal Leptothorax ants Oecologia 96: 32-39 199. Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1993) Queen polymorphism in an Australian weaver ant, Polyrhachis cf doddi Psyche 100: 83-92 200. Heinze J (1993) Queen-queen interactions in polygynous ants In: (Keller L, ed) Queen Number and Sociality in Insects, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 334-361 201. Heinze J, Gübitz T, Errard C, Lenoir A, Hölldobler B (1993) Reproductive competition and colony fragmentation in the guest ant Formicoxenus provancheri Experientia 49: 816-816 202. Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1993) Fighting for a harem of queens: physiology of reproduction in Cardiocondyla male ants Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 90: 8412-8414 203. Heinze J, Kauffmann S (1993) The socially parasitic ants of Turkey Zool Middle East 8: 31-35 204. Heinze J, Kauffmann S, Hülsen B (1993) Doronomyrmex pacis Kutter 1945, a socially parasitic ant new to Germany (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Spixiana 16: 171-172 205. Heinze J, Kühnholz S, Schilder K, Hölldobler B (1993) Behavior of ergatoid males in the ant, Cardiocondyla nuda Insectes Soc 40: 273-282 206. Kaib K, Heinze J, Ortius D (1993) Cuticular hydrocarbons in a slave-making ant and its hosts Naturwissenschaften 80: 281-285 207. Heinze J (1993) How to immobilize an ant Insectes Soc 40: 231-232 208. Heinze J, Hölldobler B, Cover SP (1992) Queen polymorphism in the North American harvester ant, Ephebomyrmex imberbiculus Insectes Soc 39: 267-273 209. Heinze J, Lipski N, Hölldobler B (1992) Reproductive competition in colonies of the ant Leptothorax gredleri Ethology 90: 265-278 210. Tinaut A, Heinze J (1992) Wing reduction in ant queens from arid habitats Naturwissenschaften 79: 84-85 211. Lipski N, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1992) Social organization of three European Leptothorax species (Hym: Formicidae) In: (Billen J, ed) Biology and Evolution of Social Insects, Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp 287-290 212. Heinze J (1992) Ecological correlates of functional monogyny and queen dominance in leptothoracine ants In: (Billen J, ed) Biology and Evolution of Social Insects, Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp 25-33 213. Buschinger A, Heinze J (1992) Polymorphism of female reproductives in ants In: (Billen J, ed) Biology and Evolution of Social Insects, Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp 11-23 214. Heinze J, Stuart RJ, Alloway TM, Buschinger A (1992) Host specificity in the slavemaking ant, Harpagoxenus canadensis MR Smith Can J Zool 70: 167-170 215. Heinze J, Ortius D (1991) Social organization of Leptothorax acervorum from Alaska (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Psyche 98: 227-240 216. Heinze J, Alloway TM (1991) Leptothorax paraxenus nsp, a workerless social parasite from North America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Psyche 98: 195-206 217. Heinze J (1991) Biochemical studies on the relationship between socially parasitic ants and their hosts Biochem Syst Ecol 19: 195-206 218. Heinze J, Lipski N (1990) Fighting and usurpation in colonies of the palaearctic ant Leptothorax gredleri Naturwissenschaften 77: 493-495 219. Heinze J, Smith TA (1990) Dominance and fertility in a functionally monogynous ant Behav Ecol Sociobiol 27: 1-10 220. Heinze J (1990) Dominance behavior among ant females Naturwissenschaften 77: 4143 221. Heinze J (1989) Leptothorax wilsoni nsp, a new parasitic ant from Eastern North America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Psyche 96: 49-61 222. Heinze J (1989) A biochemical approach toward the systematics of the Leptothorax “muscorum” group in North America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Biochem Syst Ecol 17: 595-601 223. Heinze J (1989) Alternative dispersal strategies in a North American ant Naturwissenschaften 76: 477-478 224. Heinze J, Buschinger A (1989) Queen polymorphism in Leptothorax spA: its genetic and ecological background (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Insectes Soc 36: 139-155 225. Buschinger A, Cagniant H, Ehrhardt W, Heinze J (1988) Chalepoxenus brunneus, a workerless “degenerate slave-maker” ant (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Psyche 95: 253263 226. Heinze J, Buschinger A (1988) Polygyny and functional monogyny in Leptothorax ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Psyche 95: 309-325 227. Heinze J (1988) The ant-tribe Leptothoracini in Turkey (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Zool Middle East 2: 86-88 228. Buschinger A, Heinze J (1988) Practical tube nests for transportation and mailing of live ant colonies Insectes Soc 35: 206-208 229. Heinze J, Buschinger A (1988) Electrophoretic variability of esterases in the ant tribe, Leptothoracini Biochem Syst Ecol 16: 217-221 230. Buschinger A, Heinze J, Jessen K, Douwes P, Winter U (1987) First European record of a queen ant carrying a mealybug during her mating flight Naturwissenschaften 74: 139-140 231. Heinze J (1987) Three species of social parasitic ants new to Turkey Insectes Soc 34: 65-68 232. Heinze J, Buschinger A (1987) Queen polymorphism in a non-parasitic Leptothorax species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Insectes Soc 34: 28-43 233. Heinze J (1986) A new find of Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille 1802) on the Azores (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Bocagiana 101: 1-3 Book chapters and non-reviewed papers 1. Heinze J, Ortius D (1993) Intracolonial conflicts in leptothoracine ants Proc Coll Social Insects 2: 17-24 2. Lipski N, Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1994) Untersuchungen zu Koloniestruktur und genetischem Verwandtschaftsgrad bei Leptothorax muscorum (Hym, Formicidae) Mitt dtsch Ges allg angew Entomol 9: 355-359 3. Heinze J (1995) The sociogenetic organization of colonies of Leptothorax ants Verh Dtsch Zool Ges 882: 77-85 4. Heinze J (1997) Male reproductive strategies in ants Proc Int Coll Soc Ins, 3-4: 179187 5. Heinze J, Hölldobler B (1997) Reproduktive Konflikte zwischen den Königinnen in Ameisenstaaten In: Verhaltensbiologie, 3 Auflage (Franck D, ed), pp 170-172, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 6. Rüppell O, Heinze J (1997) Polymorphismus der Königinnengröße bei der Amerikanischen Ameise Leptothorax rugatulus (Emery) Mitt dtsch Ges allg angew Ent 11: 153-156 7. Heinze J, Schmid-Hempel P (1999) Konflikte und Kooperation in Insekenstaaten Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Februar: A57-A59 8. Heinze J (1998) Evolutionsbiologische Bedeutung von Dominanzhierarchien Naturwiss Rundschau 51: 424-429 9. Heinze J (1999) Reproduktionskonflikte in Tiergruppen – Ameisen als Modellsystem der Soziobiologie Biologen heute 3, 1-5 10. Heinze J (1999) Ameisen Enzyklopädie Naturwissenschaft und Technik, 4 Ergänzungslieferung, ecomed-Verlag, Landsberg, pp 1-4 11. Heinze J (2000) Mit List und Tücke National Geographic Deutschland, Mai, pp 162165 12. Heinze J (2000) Testes degeneration and limited sperm supply in ant males with intranidal mating Mitt dtsch Ges allg angew Ent 12, 207-210 13. Kolmer K, Heinze J (2000) Comparison between two species in the Pachycondyla villosa complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Entomol Basil 22: 219-222 14. Heinze J (2001) Überleben des Mächtigeren? Dominanz und reproduktiver Erfolg bei Tieren Erlanger Forschungen A 96: 83-91 15. Heinze J (2001) Anarchie oder Despotismus Was beeinflusst die Struktur von Tiergruppen? Blick in die Wissenschaft 13: 28-32 16. Strätz M, Foitzik S, Heinze J (2002) First record of the ant Leptothorax crassispinus Karavaiev (1926) from Southern Germany Nachr Bl Bayer Ent 51: 26-29 17. Cremer S, Heinze J (2003) Zwischen Hochzeitsflug und Brudermord Reproduktive Taktiken bei Ameisenmännchen Blick in die Wissenschaft 15: 32-36 18. Schilder K, Hölldobler B, Heinze J (2004) Foraging biology of the seed-harvesting ant, Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) imberbiculus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Sociobiology 43: 367-375 19. Heinze J, Tautz D (2004) Introducing "Frontiers in Zoology" Front Zool 1:1 20. Heinze J, Tautz D (2005) Frontiers in Zoology speeds up Front Zool 2:6 21. Heinze J (2005) From the ants of the world – belated congratulations for EO Wilson’s 75th birthday Myrmecol Nachr 7: 103-104 22. Heinze J (2005) Von Genen und Memen – genetische und kulturelle Evolution In: (Hauska G, ed) Gene, Sprachen und ihre Evolution Universitätsverlag Regensburg, 17-29 23. Heinze J (2006) Konflikte und Konfliktlösung in Insektenstaaten In: Methoden der Verhaltensbiologie (Naguib M, ed), pp 153-156, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 24. Heinze J (2007) Immer Ärger mit der Verwandtschaft In: Freundschaft und Verwandtschaft Zur Unterscheidung und Verflechtung zweier Beziehungssysteme (Schmidt JFK, Guichard M, Schuster P, Trillmich F, eds), Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 207-220 25. Korb J, Heinze J (2007) Dissecting cooperation Behav Proc 76: 78-80 26. Heinze J (2008) Darwins Evolutionstheorie – “survival of the fittest”! In: Evolution 150 Jahre nach Darwin (Gebhardt W, ed), Universitätsverlag Regensburg, 105-116 27. Heinze J (2010) Zwischen Superorganismus und Polizeistaat: Konflikte und Konfliktlösung in den Staaten sozialer Insekten. Biologie in unserer Zeit 40: 84-91 28. Abbot P, Abe J, Alcock J, Alizon S, Alpedrinha JAC, Andersson M, Andre JB, van Baalen M, Balloux F, Balshine S, Barton N, Beukeboom LW, Biernaskie JM, BildeT, Borgia G, Breed M, Brown S, Bshary R, Buckling A, Burley NT, Burton-Chellew MN, Cant MA, Chapuisat M, Charnov EL, Clutton-Brock T, Cockburn A, Cole BJ, Colegrave N, Cosmides L, Couzin ID, Coyne JA, Creel S, Crespi B, Curry RL, Dall SRX, Day T, Dickinson JL, Dugatkin LA, El Mouden C, Emlen ST, Evans J, Ferriere R, Field J, Foitzik S, Foster K, Foster WA, Fox C, Gadau J, Gandon S, Gardner A, Gardner MG, Getty T, Goodisman MAD, Grafen A, Grosberg R, Grozinger CM, Gouyon PH, Gwynne D, Harvey P, Hatchwell NJ, Heinze J, Helantera H, Helms KR, Hill K, Jiricny N, Johnstone RA, Kacelnik A, Kiers ET, Kokko H, Komdeur J, Korb J, Kronauer D, Kümmerli R, Lehmann L, Linksvayer TA, Lion S, Lyon B. Marshall JAR, McElreath R, Michalakis Y, Michod RE, Mock D, Monnin T, Montgomerie R, Moore AJ, Mueller UG, Noë R, Okasha S, Pamilo P, Parker GA, Pen I, Pedersen JS, Pfennig D, Queller DC, Rankin DJ, Reece SE, Reeve HK, Reuter M, Roberts G, Robson SKA, Roze D, Rousset F, Rueppell O, Sachs J, Santorelli L, Schmid-Hempel P, Schwarz MP, Scott-Phillips T, Sherman PW, Shuker DM, Smith J, Spagna JC, Suarez A, Sundström L, Taborsky M, Taylor P, Thompson G, Tooby J, Tsutsui ND, Tsuji K, Turillazzi S, Úbeda F, Vargo EL, Voelkl B, Wenseleers T, West SA, WestEberhard MJ, Westneat DF, Wiernasz DC, Wild G, Wrangham R, Young AJ, Zeh DW, Zeh JA, Zink A (2011) Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature. Book reviews Heinze J (1994) Das Sozialleben der Ameisen (Dumpert K) Naturwissenschaften 81: 514-515 Heinze J (1996) Social Evolution in ants (Bourke AFG, Franks NR) Nature 380: 682 Heinze J (1996) Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology (Bulmer M) Entomol Gener 20: 239 Heinze J (1999) Ants at work: how an insect society is organized (Gordon G) Nature 401: 856-857 Heinze J (2000) Das Darwin-Komplott – Aufstieg und Fall eines pseudowissenschaftlichen Weltbildes (Eichelbeck R) Naturwissenschaften 87: 197-198